Below is information about the "The Scientists of LJ!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | _scientists_ (1434143) |
![_scientists_]( |
Name: | The Scientists of LJ! |
About: | Welcome, all science professionals on LiveJournal! This community is for those who have made the decision to devote their careers to science.
Please feel free to share your workday with us... Both positive and negative aspects. Everyone has bad days at work, but this community is geared towards those who have a passion for science and love their careers.
Also feel free to discuss topics of interest.
Science students are also welcome to join to network and learn more about their chosen professions.
Have fun!
This community was created and is maintained by budgie_
Interests: | 148: analysis, analytical chemistry, astrobiology, astrochemistry, astrogeology, astronauts, astronomy, astrophysics, atoms, beakers, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biologist, biologists, biology, biophysics, biotech, biotechnology, botany, carbon, carbon dating, cell biology, centrifuges, chemical compounds, chemicals, chemist, chemistry, chemists, climatology, cosmology, crystallography, darwin, data, dna, earth sciences, ecology, einstein, electrochemistry, electromagnetics, electrons, elements, entomology, environmental biology, enzymes, epa, ether, ethnobotany, evolution, evolutionary biology, experiments, field work, flasks, food science, forensic science, forensics, forestry, fossils, fume hoods, gas chromotagraphy, gel electrophoresis, gene sequencing, genetics, genetics research, geochemistry, geology, geophysics, halogens, hplc, hypothesis, inorganic chemistry, intellectuals, isotopes, james clerk maxwell, kinetics, lab assistants, lab coats, lab rats, lab technicians, lab techs, lab work, laboratories, labs, life sciences, mad scientists, marine biology, mathematics, medicine, metallurgy, meterology, microbiology, microscopes, molecular biology, molecules, nanotechnology, nasa, neutrons, nobel prizes, nuclear physics, oceanography, organic chemistry, ornithology, paleontology, periodic table of elements, pfizer, ph, pharmaceuticals, pharmacology, phds, physical chemistry, physical sciences, physics, professors, proteins, protons, qualitative analysis, quality assurance, quantitative analysis, real science, research, research assistants, researchers, safety glasses, samples, science books, science geeks, science nerds, science students, scientific american, scientific discoveries, scientific journals, scientific method, scientific research, scientific theories, scientist, scientists, sop, string theory, subatomic particles, test tubes, the rainforest, theories, thermodynamics, titrations, virology, volcanology, white collar jobs, wildlife biology, zoology. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 494: 0demonturkey0, 56light56, _antihero, _molecular, _moth, _polar_opposite, abecedae, aberabic, acoventry, adqam, aeriths, agentk, aggieengineer, agloriousday, ahh_choo, ainominako_chan, alexmatt, alienmeg, alilangelic, allegoricduck, allogenes, allwars, aloha_moira, amandagorey, amazonmax, amdada, anarthric, aneikins, angel_bear_01, angel_one, angelofmusic13, angiecita, anjuutsu, annie_oakley, anthonym83, anykine, aphysicist, arafel, archmagus, arevsein, ariadne_, arianeira, armybratamch86, asimont, atomweaver, auroracita, babygotbass, babyuniverse, bacardi101, badfish11, bakuryuedge88, balmofgilead, bandcupid04, bandskank, bastardsword, beandelphiki, belle27, benfoldsmyhero, benjamin_1975, beruga, bigblue01, bird_of_prey, bittergem, bizarrohash, blackapriltears, blacknoise, blakdove, bleading_bagira, blut_und_tot, boojum_snark, budgie_, bug_girl75, bugelsea, bungo, bunster, calpain, canonical, carl_sagan, carolyndylou, carrisse, casina, cassanne, catsjournal, chaizzilla, chandhani, channel42, chapsticktheory, charcoalsky, cheesejunkie00, chemfanatic10, chemistrypower, chemrocks, chibidio, cinnamonnini, cispt2, coops, cosmic_muffin, cosmictofu, cowbert, crackmonkeyjr, crystaldreaming, d1101, dahitokiri, daigor0, dailytorment, dancingdruid, dancink, dangerzooey, danithesquirrel, daretofall, darkladymara, darkstar_reborn, darktextures, dartagnan76, dead_cat_, dean_stark, delta1700, dethlark, dianef8641, diggerboots, digital_alchemy, dizzysmells, djamel, djh, dlamming, doddlebot, dogs_n_rodents, doktorandin, doublehelix, dovehope, dr_bob, dr_kingsley, dr_nebula, drabmuh, dragoon3428, drdoppler, drsaddam, drsnortz, drusilla_, dudenurse, eastside_shorty, elephant_shell, elimisteve, elusivepaolo, elynor, emergent, enigmaboy, epiglottis, ereardon, eremitic_sol, espritdeterre, essjay, evilhomer, evultreefrog, ewrailnly, exoselfportrait, fejacobsen, feralnerd, fezabel, filthyrussian, finisira, fire_daemon, firelizardt, flamingomurder, fleaplus, fluorescence13, flutterheart, flycat_noisette, fongmanwu, forensic_chick, forestdesert, freedryk, french_hoorn, frootie_sama, fru, fuckthesystem01, funkyblues, g00dguy78, galacticdust, ganja_oxidizer, gapeezer, garfpooky, gemfyre, geneticus, genitalsmckool, glitz_ditz, gmonkey42, gobuildinhell, godniar, golddanboy, gottacook, greensparkle, grignard, grushanka, hags2k, halfasiansrule, happytechnogirl, happytim, happyzen, hebe, hellocaptain, hesperochiron, hexanol, hiviv_xliv_xlvi, homelessforever, hoopiest_frood, houseofmouse, human_dnase, huxedley, hypermnesia, hypersurfaces, i_type_naked, iamlazy, ibuycolombian, icolenay, ignis, immorethanme, infraredelf, internethipster, interwebmoniker, irascibility, ishtar127a, isthisbliss, itookboth, ixg0txgame, jampakd, jen_shumate, jessicakabbott, jette, jidimus, jjflash, jmcdnld13, johnlocke, jovianconsensus, joyceje, junni, jupitergarden, juuro, jymjones, kaisilverfire, kanishk, kat84, kay_brooke, kbk, kelloggs2066, kiinkawaii, kijjohnson, kindred_spiritz, kingprad, kitchenbee, kuchik, lady2beetle, lady_iphigeneia, ladydamia, lars_larsen, larsoni, laurabeth, lauradelatour, lazysun, lenkline, lex_kempo, lhooqtoo, lickis, lilswtpea, liquidankh, liquidchakra, littlearson, littlebirdhouse, livid_wind, lostboy_tootles, lostprophet, lotsota, lovedolly, luckyceres, lullaxbye, lunalil, luvian, magicpeak, magma4, major_beefcake, marcilyn, margurite, marmaladious, marynanabananas, mczip00, merry_mithril, meteorie, meyleeese, mikimoto2k, milgram, minus9, mizzykitty, mjhelol, modularparallel, mojobasket, montreality, moomingirl, mrhuther, msbeckylyn, msformaldehyde, mtemplar, munificence_inc, mustangsalle, mvdileo, my_soft_mistake, mysecretweapon, mysticete, nadyamorales, naebliser, nanonewsnet, nativedreams, naturalist_girl, naturalreason, nerds_with_guns, netbyrd, nikita999, nikkkitheunholy, nikolai521, nilsinelabore, niseyj, nn010385, nonexistent, normandy_shores, nycpauper, nygcdork, ocelotkitten, ocha_girl, odragon, offthespring, olethros_chaos, onlyinphotos, onye, outofthesky, pandoranoir, partyupgal4ever, passionresonata, peein_ian, penumbrafox, peptidoglycan, personlpoliticl, philmach, phlogiston_5, pianistry, pimptress_annie, pixels_of_light, planetgal471, plitzkin, plutonium_page, polka_dots, pontiuspartygrl, popefelix, precious_pirate, princessdaze, puttysan, queersolitude, question_marl, rarkrarkrark, rastuspants, ratelimiting, raunchy_autopsy, ravyn440, rawbnoxious, razzle, redrosemyheart, reginator, remintola, rexallia, rexar, rian219, richard_feynman, rivermonkey, robert_myname, rocktapper, rocza, romantic_cynic, rominaespi, rosielovesyou, roxymartini, runner_ashley, ruvhausen, ryansprivates, sam_ftm, sandman5252, sangxanta, sariah729, sassalicious, sauce_man, sc_q_jayce, scandoughluss, scarybaldguy, science_selocs, sciencebrad, sciencegeek151, sciencemichelle, scopmeister, senseisense, serendipite, seventh_trilogy, seventhsister, shakidira, shamebear, shisochou, shy_kat, shykittykat, silentounce, silversliver, silvervipergirl, simkat, skywalker4, slave_to_reason, sleeping_hare, smoke_au, snerks, snirtty, sochinbi, sorris0, sparkle_goth, sparkx, spenceraloysius, sphaelar, spiffy_username, spoonless, sporadic_blue, squarro, staje, straysparrow, suki7, sumbunall, sunjoy, sunney, sunstrand, superagent002, swimcoach, swos, syntheticpathos, tameron, tap164, tapka, tehreaper, tercia, thallium, thalweg, the_puffin, theamazing3d, themadprofessor, thep0stman, theshunter, thriftstorelife, tomfrom, tonymorel, toxicflutterby, trixie_wabbit, tully_monster, tuna_pokies, turdster, tuscanrose, tvn, tysaniceguy, tywysoges, tzihol, united_by_fate, universal_light, vanityoverdose, vella_hinda, vetenskap_pojke, vf_static, vghai, villiers, violentlymickey, violentvixen, walkingbear, waningrose, watchamacallit, weasel555, webofhorrors, whatageek, whycanticry, wikiberry, wondergecko, wpax00, write_handed, xanthine, xietzeming128, xwide_eyedx, xylo_nerd, yantri, ycantidie, yellow_rose77, yossefk, youngmozart, zaribanith, zepfoo, zivko, zxvasdf |
Watched by: | 423: 0demonturkey0, 14eyelet_ebm, 56light56, 5_years, _antihero, _molecular, _moth, abecedae, acoventry, adrinantbf, aeriths, agentk, agloriousday, ahh_choo, ainominako_chan, alienmeg, alilangelic, allegoricduck, allogenes, aloha_moira, alym0use, amandagorey, amazonmax, amdada, anarthric, angel_one, angiecita, anjuutsu, annie_oakley, anthonym83, anykine, arafel, archmagus, archosaurian, arealpollack, arevsein, armybratamch86, asimont, atomweaver, auroracita, babyuniverse, balmofgilead, bandskank, belinda_loh, belle27, benfoldsmyhero, benjamin_1975, beruga, bigblue01, bittergem, bizarrohash, blackapriltears, blacknoise, blakdove, blazepoet, bleading_bagira, blut_und_tot, budgie_, bugs_bambi, bungo, bunster, calpain, carl_sagan, carolyndylou, carrisse, casina, cassanne, catsjournal, chandhani, channel42, chapsticktheory, charcoalsky, cheezydork, chemfanatic10, chemistrypower, chemrocks, chibidio, chruid, cinnamonnini, cispt2, cloudrider, coops, cosmic_muffin, cosmictofu, cowbert, crafty_name, crystaldreaming, d1101, daigor0, dailytorment, dancink, dangerzooey, danithesquirrel, darastrixdragon, daretofall, darkstar_reborn, dartagnan76, dead_cat_, dean_stark, delta1700, dethlark, dianef8641, diggerboots, digital_alchemy, dizzysmells, djamel, djh, doddlebot, dogs_n_rodents, doktorandin, doublehelix, dovehope, dr_bob, dr_kingsley, dr_nebula, dragoon3428, drsaddam, dudenurse, eastside_shorty, ecogryff, elephant_shell, elimisteve, elusivepaolo, elynor, enigmaboy, ereardon, essjay, evilhomer, ewrailnly, exoselfportrait, fabulous20, fejacobsen, feralnerd, fezabel, fire_daemon, firelizardt, flamingomurder, fleaplus, fluorescence13, flutterheart, flycat_noisette, fongmanwu, forensic_chick, forestwalker, fractal_moonshi, french_hoorn, frootie_sama, fru, funkyblues, g00dguy78, ... |
Member of: | 6: astronomy, ecologists, lab_gripes, mad_scientist, microbiology, scijournal |
Account type: | Free Account |