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Below is information about the "Ask The Kinksters" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:askthekinksters (1351495)  
Ask The Kinksters
Everything you never wanted to know but were forced to find out

Welcome Kinksters!

This forum is devoted to the open and honest exchange of information about kink, BDSM, fetishes, and all other "alternative" sexual practices. Whether you're a complete newbie looking for the general info, or an experienced member of the scene, your questions (and answers) are welcome. Ask whatever you like!

Please, no judgmental and offensive comments - flames will not be tolerated. If something squicks you, refrain from commenting.

I would like to keep this an open, all ages forum since I believe people of all ages can benefit from education and information. However, if LJ or the majority of the users ask me to restrict this to 18+ I will do so.

With this in mind, a few basic rules:

1. No pedophilia (we understand ageplay is a completely different thing, however, and ageplay questions are welcome - just make sure they are clearly identified as such)

2. No adult themed pictures, including your LJ icons - a bit of naughtiness is fine, but no hardcore please. Let's keep 'em PG 13, okay?

3. No personals. There are lots of other forums for picking up people.

4. No random memes. If you have a serious questionnaire/info page that borders on the meme-ish but has good information you'd like to share, that's okay, but please keep the majority of memes to your own LJ.

5. Community pimping is fine, providing a>you clearly identify the nature of your community in your initial post and b> your community is somehow related to kink.

Moderated by:

Memories:26 entries
Interests:67: 24/7, ageplay, anal play, anal sex, bdsm, bondage, bottom, bound, breathplay, collar, crops, cuffs, d/s, degradation, dominance, dominant, edge play, edge-play, edgeplay, exhibitionism, fetishes, floggers, humiliation, kink, kinky sex, knifeplay, latex, leather, leather daddy, leatherman, lifestyle, little girl, masochism, master, masturbation, obedience, paddles, pain, perversion, pleasure, poly, polyamory, polyamoury, power dynamics, power exchange, power play, punishment, rapeplay, riding crops, role-playing, ropes, s&m;, sadism, sadomasochism, safewords, servitude, slave, sm, spanking, submission, submissive, swinging, top, total power exchange, training, voyeurism, whips. [Modify yours]
Members:354: 505247, _courage, _deplorable_, _drrtygrrrl_, _yourfetish_, abitsubmissive, agiftfromwithin, aikoneko13, albertine, alruccabah, analice, analyzer, angrykeyboarder, anotheranon, apothsis, aristocatt, ask_angel, aurora_lamour, azureseethe, bastardize, belladona, bethieanne, betnybean, beyondbounds, bichika, biladee, billycorgan1979, biting_my_lips, blackmorning, blinkandmissit, blueskinnedevil, bluntdoctor, bookofe, boundtempest, boythatyouloved, breathetheair, brianinspace, buddychris, bunnypatch, butterflysneeze, caribou, carmenvitae, carus_erus, celia_, chameleongirl, chance2288, chandramoon, cherishedelf, chulasdaddy, cicyl, closetquestions, clovenpine, colegrey, confusionisex, coupletwist, coyote3502, crayonbeam, cruel_illusion, cruelly_kind, da_bwat, daddicade, daddiesgurl, damion_kane_, damp_silk, dekucat, destinee_soumis, devoidofthought, dhutch, dirtylittleslut, dirtyolman, disappearinjon, dolmena, dolphinmonkey, domdepot, domnation, domrandom, dougandchloe, dr_e, dragonbabylisa, drasca, drewmokun, drinkandbemerry, drivesouth, drrtyslut, dusk2dawn, ebee, edge_obsessive, ehrlichkeit, eirik, elance, elemental_fey, elgatocheshire, elisat, elonna, elyria, enahpollec, enthrallednsac, eraman, errantdesires, evilxjesus, eyeswallow, ezerick, fae_struck, faeriewench64, fairyoftheglen, faolan_dubgall, fatfemme, fire_ball24, flutemom, folksbluesfey, fortunes_desire, frekky, frost57565, fusselchen, fxfirestorm, galaxychild, gayrghts, gazelem, geekydom, gillyheartsyou, girlish_figure, girlsgarden, gitana, glowroper, gntledom48, goaticusmaximus, goddessmystic, golemkennels, goodghirl, goskullheadgo, grail76, graveyard_plume, gregsbear, habuchan, happyslave, hazelandadam, herfragility, herz_aus_stein, heteroclitic, hislittlekitten, imp_of_satan, impgrrl, indulgeurvice, inside_sam, intrepid_reason, irishlass5383, ishfirf, ivorydamsel, jadehorse, japseye_bel, jenn_sunshine, jessbezz, jessleigh, johnathan, jsj4degrees, jsub1, jusforkicks, just4gina, just_shoe_me, kaamilee, kaaron, kaios_reveal, karendammit, katgirl78, keohookalani, ketzl, kiarrith, kiik, kitschbitch, kittensmaster, kling_klang_bed, konfusionstar, lady_alien, lady_daryl, lady_seraphim, lapisrosae, leatherfish, lieslieslies, likeacannonball, lisajill, littlecali, littlecurvieme, littledoe, littlelark, littlone, lonelylollipops, lotuscat, ltaf, luckystray, luluofmichael, macthud, madambranwyn, masterskitten, meatpie, meerkatboy, mel_doll, melvinman, meridjet, metafruit, misslily, mistresssophia, mistressxenobia, molasses, mommabear, mormonheat, moviequeen2002, ms_raine, msaberration, mslorelei, my_disillusions, myeroticsin, myprivatelj, myscatterheart, naughty_nymph, naughtyangel75, nca, neiphele, nevertellanyone, newfoundbreath, nora0, not7teen, not_a_freak, obie, offtrack, ohbutyouwillpet, ohiocplplays, omellette, one_day_iris, opera142, outcastspice, outnproud, overxposed, pacem_, panama777, pasithea, piedinplastic, piggy_toy, piskie, pogeea, pokemyeye, possiblesecrets, pretty_pumpkin, prettyname, princesskaite, pshrew, psycheague, puppysub, purplepants, quean, ques_nova, quiet_ness, quietwillow, radion, rageincarna, rahvina, raisinbrawn, randomkitten, razorwire, reagent6, redsouffle, reive_d, renefrost, retrodoggy, revsweeney, riverbirch, riverheart, rogula, rqg, rubbersoul79, sadunreadissue, salaciousgarden, sanitoid, savoytruffle77, scarletjezebel, schnee, scienceiscool, scopo, secretstokeep, servitude, sewblue, sexableme, sexnazi, shatteredsubbie, sheastro, silentshout, simonette, simoriah_, simulcrum, sinnocentky, sinpar, skip_hunter, slovakianhell, slut_harly, small_axe, smoken_mirrors, smutrocket, snailshells, snuffyfur, souperjen24, spanksmakka, spoiled_beauty, ssymonee, st_anger11, starryjuliet, strangestgirl, strippedscrew, sturms_kimiko, subvalentine, sweet_delusion, sweetiepie25, sweetmsbehavin, ta2dmrm8, tabby676, tacit, tamanite, tarentel, tbrents, teamnoir, tentacularone, thaliasq, the_ranting_dom, theincendiary, theiving_artist, thetoy, tigg__prinny, tnatnt, tobeaslave, tonyawinter, twisto, twitch211, ulciscor, urbanexplorer, username_ha, vaheela, varushka, velvetpup, venalanatomica1, virtueandvice, vixstar, wachie, walkingbear, waterlily__, wax_wings, waxmyanus, wibbble, wickerfire, wildechilde, woshad, wyvernreborn, xbluemoonx, xergh, xlonelyredheadx, yummymommy, yvonne_b
Watched by:342: _deplorable_, _drrtygrrrl_, _yourfetish_, abitsubmissive, agiftfromwithin, aikoneko13, albertine, alruccabah, analice, analyzer, angrykeyboarder, anotheranon, apothsis, arewar, aristocatt, artistrendered, ask_angel, aurora_lamour, azureseethe, bastardize, bethieanne, betnybean, beyondbounds, bichika, biladee, billycorgan1979, biting_my_lips, blackinknyc, blackmorning, blinkandmissit, blueskinnedevil, bookofe, boundtempest, boythatyouloved, breathetheair, brianinspace, buddychris, bunnypatch, butterflysneeze, caribou, catgeek, celia_, chameleongirl, chance2288, chandramoon, chemicalsoldier, cherishedelf, chulasdaddy, closetquestions, clovenpine, cockso, confusionisex, coupletwist, coyote3502, crayonbeam, cruel_illusion, cruelly_kind, da_bwat, daddiesgurl, damion_kane_, damp_silk, dekucat, destinee_soumis, devoidofthought, dhutch, dirtylittleslut, disappearinjon, doktor_jess, dolphinmonkey, domdepot, domnation, domrandom, dougandchloe, dragonbabylisa, drasca, drewmokun, drinkandbemerry, drivesouth, drrtyslut, dusk2dawn, ebee, edge_obsessive, ehrlichkeit, eirik, elance, elemental_fey, elgatocheshire, elisat, elonna, elyria, enahpollec, enthrallednsac, entropizer, eraman, eriklone, errantdesires, escapade52, eyeswallow, ezerick, fae_struck, fairyoftheglen, faolan_dubgall, fatfemme, fire_ball24, flutemom, fortunes_desire, frekky, frost57565, fusselchen, fxfirestorm, galaxychild, gayrghts, geekydom, gillyheartsyou, girlish_figure, girlsgarden, gitana, glowroper, gntledom48, goaticusmaximus, goddessmystic, goodghirl, grail76, graveyard_plume, gregsbear, habuchan, happyslave, hauke, hazelandadam, herfragility, herz_aus_stein, hope_addict, i_maenad, indulgeurvice, inside_sam, irishlass5383, ishfirf, ivorydamsel, jadehorse, jademountain, japseye_bel, jenn_sunshine, jessbezz, jessleigh, joedecker, johnathan, jsj4degrees, jsub1, jusforkicks, just4gina, ...
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