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Below is information about the "IT Job Community" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:itjobs (877395)  
Name:IT Job Community
About:This is a community for LiveJournal users to post job leads, tips, and tricks in these "soft" economy times.

It shocked me that such a community didn't already exist, so I decided to create one. It's going to be largely unmoderated so play nice.

My hope if for a craigslist, with comments, that will show up in people's friend's lists. When posting a position please at a minimum include the following:
• Who to contact to apply or to get more information.
• Where the position is located.

Thanks and enjoy!
Interests:18: adobe, bsd, design, help., internet, it, jobs, macintosh, macromedia, microsoft, perl, php, sharing, sql, technology, unix, web, windows. [Modify yours]
Members:38: antares11, bridgetester, busychild424, cluebringer, errmakov, frogg609, g_martin_blank, geekspeed, genesysgroup, gerardp, gurudatt, henare, henman, jabber, jen_savage, kirkhfx, medraught, mirik, mysteron26, nguinn, nurvuslee, pimpedbug, prozackat, rakehell, ranger1, runagate_echo, rush2112, rwmidl, servermonkey, shs_bulldog, sicarii, snowboom, soulhakr, swestrup, the_metron, walkingbear, webtechwriter, xaemyl
Watched by:40: antares11, busychild424, cluebringer, errmakov, frogg609, g_martin_blank, geekspeed, genesysgroup, gerardp, henare, henman, jabber, jen_savage, kirkhfx, master_skiv, medraught, mirik, mysteron26, neophoenix, pimpedbug, protracted, prozackat, rakehell, runagate_echo, rush2112, rwmidl, seductivebubble, servermonkey, shs_bulldog, sicarii, snowboom, soulhakr, swestrup, syn_t_d, the_metron, walkingbear, webtechwriter, what4, xaemyl, zorty
Member of:1: job_hunting
Account type:Free Account

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