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User:ljmemes (850498)  
LJ Memes
Name:LiveJournal Memes
Website:LiveJournal Meme Tracker

[info]ljmemes is a place to post any interesting LiveJournal memes you've come across. Quizzes, surveys, whatever, if it's making the rounds, post it here.

A request: please don't post memes that have already been posted. If you want to post your own results to a quiz you found here, please comment on the original post.

Also, all MemeGen memes count as a single meme for the purposes of the above. So don't post any more or they'll be deleted. Take them to [info]memegen instead.

Interests:11: friday five, kitty loaf, links, meme, memes, personality tests, quiz results, quizzes, replication, surveys, which * are you?. [Modify yours]
Members:123: 2foryou, _____iloveyou, _hobbit_fancier, adameros, alienqueen, alienstranger, alissa23, alzaetia_jane, amandakiddy, amberinside, angiecat1224, anytimeforkelly, apoidea, ashleah0816, ashley_y, astrotre, atalantapendrag, banazir, beeooll, bishopza, bluekoala, bohemianbrandy, bridgetester, broken_starz, calenuialiel, carebeargurlie, carito, castlelady, casualties_gurl, celticwitch_00, chale, cheshcat, chris07628, claudiakitty, coldbluefire31, cutieprinzess05, daniellabella, deadkaisangel, degrassifan, descordia, devilchick6769, dixiecheese, drawkward, drymouth, electronicoffee, elizabeth_alt, emo_bitch, enelya, fiomai, frenchallyson, gigo89, ginny_t, glimmmer, glortw, goddessbeth, goddessoftime, hardtosay, hawaiian_gurl, hutta, i_am_ruined, i_dont_get_it, icedmoon, imperfect_tears, jason_bond_69, jerryman, jessleigh, jez_e_bel, kashmir1, keychain83, kingofthule, lomylia, lord_pwyll, lostintwilight, lostsatellite, lux_the_red_imp, lvx, mab8merlin, mamimi_samejima, melonhed316, melraad, meme_meme, mightydubkat, missandi, missfortune, mllebrande, mommyjenn, nightcharmm, no_antidote, nocturnal007, november_lux, panimu, phoenixrenegade, pixielust, pockawida, princesseeyore, pyro87, quill18, rainkittie, sapphirexfins, silverkiller, sinstress, skinx2xskin, squishyandy, surface10shun, suzyder_quizzie, sweetbabboo, tamborine, tangerine42, thellamaqueen, thevioletangel, tigg__prinny, tubaguy860, ukteddybare, unicorn_, user_notknown, valgaav_xellos, vespadarling, walkingbear, wiccachik, willow_the_wisp, xloser_childx, yagowe, zahhevan
Watched by:89: adameros, alienqueen, alissa23, alzaetia_jane, angharad, apoidea, ashleah0816, ashley_y, atalantapendrag, banazir, beckyo, beeooll, bishopza, bloobirdie, blow_saidjulian, bohemianbrandy, broken_starz, calenuialiel, carebeargurlie, carito, castlelady, casualties_gurl, chaoticfluffy, claudiakitty, coldbluefire31, deadkaisangel, dixiecheese, dr_meatus, drderanged, elizabeth_alt, enderandrew, enelya, faking_it, frenchallyson, gailg, ginny_t, glimmmer, goddessbeth, hawaiian_gurl, i_dream_in_pink, jason_bond_69, jez_e_bel, johannpublic, kashmir1, lostintwilight, lostsatellite, lyssa_79, mamimi_samejima, mariusderomanus, melraad, meme_meme, mightydubkat, missandi, mllebrande, mommyjenn, myconception, nairolie, nightcharmm, no_antidote, nocturnal007, november_lux, panimu, pennylanelisa, phoenixrenegade, pixielust, pockawida, rainkittie, sapphirexfins, scarletserpent, sinstress, skinx2xskin, surface10shun, suzyder_quizzie, sweetbabboo, tamborine, tangerine42, thellamaqueen, themuddyhare, tigg__prinny, toxicindustry, ukteddybare, unicorn_, valgaav_xellos, vespadarling, walkingbear, wasted_, willow_the_wisp, xtothebones, zahhevan
Account type:Free Account

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