Below is information about the "Polyamorous" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | polyamorous (556802) |
Name: | Polyamorous |
Website: | |
About: | This community is for the discussion of polyamory in all of its forms. Polyamory is the concept that you can be romantically interested in and involved with more than one person at the same time.
Polyamory is not cheating. Polyamory involves being honest with everyone you are involved with and sticking to the guidelines you define for your relationships. If you decide to have sex with someone without telling your current lover and without having permission to do so, you're just cheating and please just go elsewhere.
All forms of on-topic polite discussion is welcome. You don't need to be poly to participate. You don't even need to know what you are or to label yourself at all. You just need to be interested and civil.
You may contact the maintainer by emailing |
Interests: | 45: alternate lifestyles, alternative lovestyles, alternative marriage, alternative sexuality, communication, compersion, complicated date scheduling, complicated schedules, group marriage, group relationship, group sex, honesty, life, line marriage, living, love, love without boundaries, love without limits, loving more, non-monogamy, open relationships, openness, organization, parrots, poly, poly wanna cracker?, poly-fi, polyamorous, polyamory, polyandry, polyfidelity, polygamy, polygyny, primaries, quads, relationship styles, relationships, remembering too many anniversaries, secondaries, sharing, significant others, spice, tocotox, triads, vees. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 313: 100miles, 7patches, _karasu_, _zephyra_, abstrak_tokatl, aditi462, aethyrflux, akienm, akiko, aleeceh, alexus75, alien_sunset, althaea, amokk, amythyst, angelhead, angelic667, apollo2516, artus, arvi, ashadragon, atrion, audri92494, auryn29a, avaloid, azurelunatic, baronhumboldt, bastardize, bearblue, beautybivic, bipolyvagirl, blackgriot, blackmagic666, blackpaladin, blackpanther04, bleemoo, blopuppy, bluesidhe, boblee_27, bohemian_nomad, boycat, brandyeileen, brighn, brynndragon, butterflywing, buzz, bymygreencandle, calypsogirl, canthus13, capt_tourettes, captivespirit, catdeville, ceitnicangus, chaosdancer, chaosinrapture, chelona, cheshcat, comapink, crayolagrrl, crmb, crowborja, cshiley, cunninglinguis7, cynan_poly, d_rider, damion_kane_, dancingspirit, danodea, dark_goddess_, darthmaus, davidkevin, dawnd, dddragonlady, deadhero13, deadwinter, deafraven, dedoubt, deeptape, deleriumsmoon, delwyncole, derien, dhe, dlkereluk, dolmena, domdepot, dragongrl, dragonstar266, drkangel150, duck1123, dwarfstar21, dzuunmod, earthstone777, earthymamawitch, eastsierra, elgatocheshire, elsabet, eminnith, eoswildcat, eposia, ericsilverbear, erisreg, essbee80, faerie_myst, fennidh_ben, fireangel_999, floydcollins, fortryll, fraisefems, fraisejonquill, friskybunny, frogger_the_mad, frost57565, frothgar, funtimes12, g42, gardenofseow, gerardp, gothywench, goukipoo, greendreams, greeneyedpagan, grendelis, greyine, greyknight, grrlie, grumpycougar, gryphynshadow, gukumatz, halfsmilesbear, happymarried, heartshapedcunt, hedgee, hiroe, his_kajira, hislittlekitty, hotgothcouple, humandays, ingrownmeme, innostrantsa, irissong, james_p, jasonkelly, jaygrl, jeanoharlot, jen_e_side, jennafei, julianapostate, justdave516, kafkadreams, kalapia, kawaii_kate, kcsongwriter, kiarrith, kiwitayro, kuliraga, ladydreamtime, ladyteal, laochbran, lasirenadolce, laudre, leathermgoddess, leora, lethebasii, levidaddi, lilybleu, lisawolf, livingfire, lollerskates, lordandrei, lostangelumbra, lothie, luminita, lynne_laughs, mac_arthur_park, mactavish, magpiegeese, mamamaka, mandicat, manzanita, marchenland, marti35, marymactavish, matthardwick, maudlinmuse, midknight13, mishalove, mistress_aerin, mizlin, mladypain, mommypagan, moonlit_ember, mouser, msdelfishie, msmarlamae, naomi, neitherday, norcalsweetie, nunnehi, oakdragon, oaksong, oceanstone, okoshun, onegayfish, oneonthehill, opagmeiam, ottawaluc, owlslight, pandydandycandy, paquerette, paralysedforce, paraphasia, perpetualdawn, phoenixdaisy, pieman, pierceheart, poly_gee, polyamber, polybear, polybynature, polyfrog, polyhsv, popefelix, princess_joy, psycho_bob, quanyin81, ques_nova, raddy, radiofishlips, raisinbrawn, ravaenwolf, razan, retrodoggy, revsweeney, riversidepath, rjray, rtuxbury, ruine_, runeshower, sabrinanolacd, sarudesu, satisfiedmind04, sc0rched_by_ra, scrapitrans, sexy_knickers, shadow_prophesy, shadowoflife, shaktiqueen, sheerluc, shimmeringjemmy, showergrrl, sir_talon, sithjawa, slonik, smileypillsbury, soaring_phoenix, softmoss, solice, somejauntypolka, sophiaserpentia, sparklinsun, spinfrog, ssweetsin, starrmoonchyld, starwolf67, subgrl2004, suddenstorm, sweethell, sweetness2305, switchbit, tam_maat, teamnoir, teddybearsue, temujin9, terminalx, thaisa, thornedillusion, tigerknight, tleigh, torquemada, tousledelegance, trajikgypsy, troubleinc, true_noir, twang_cat, unsocialized1, ustmej, uvtert, vangie, veddma, venusub, vlagrom, volta, vraptorz, walkingbear, wanderingangel, wanderingpixie, waterlilly, webbitch, webnesto, webwatcher, who_is_she, whotheheckami, wildbill_boston, wildernesschild, wolfieboy, wolfprincess, wordweaverlynn, xriss, xxx_sullen_xxx, yesthattom, zonereyrie, zume, zyne |
Watched by: | 251: 100miles, 7patches, _karasu_, _zephyra_, abstrak_tokatl, aditi462, akiko, aleeceh, alien_sunset, althaea, amokk, amythyst, angelic667, apollo2516, arvi, ashadragon, atrion, audri92494, auryn29a, azurelunatic, baronhumboldt, bastardize, baybeliz, bearblue, beautybivic, blackgriot, blackmagic666, blackpaladin, blackpanther04, bluesidhe, boblee_27, bohemian_nomad, boycat, brandyeileen, brighn, brynndragon, butterflywing, buzz, calypsogirl, canthus13, captivespirit, ceitnicangus, chaos_cat, chaosinrapture, chelona, crmb, crowborja, cshiley, cynan_poly, d_rider, dancingspirit, danodea, dark_goddess_, dawnd, dddragonlady, deadhero13, deafraven, dedoubt, deeptape, deleriumsmoon, derien, dhe, divaprime, dlkereluk, domdepot, dragongrl, dragontdc, duck1123, dwarfstar21, dzuunmod, earthstone777, eastsierra, elgatocheshire, envoy, ericsilverbear, erisreg, essbee80, fireangel_999, fortryll, frazer, friskybunny, frogger_the_mad, frogshrink, frost57565, frothgar, gardenofseow, gerardp, greeneyedpagan, greyine, greyknight, grumpycougar, gryphynshadow, halfsmilesbear, happymarried, hedgee, hiroe, his_kajira, hislittlekitty, hotgothcouple, humandays, ingrownmeme, ink_ling, innostrantsa, irissong, jadedrog, jayphi77, jeanoharlot, jen_e_side, jennafei, joecaloric, justdave516, kafkadreams, kalapia, kcsongwriter, kiarrith, kinzokutaka, lady_equine, ladyaliana, ladydreamtime, ladyteal, laochbran, lasirenadolce, laudre, leathermgoddess, leifbrown, leora, lethebasii, lisatanesa, lisawolf, livingfire, lizardtongue, lordandrei, lostangelumbra, lothie, luminita, lynne_laughs, mac_arthur_park, magpiegeese, manzanita, marchenland, markuk, marti35, marymactavish, mast3r_of_d00m, mistress_aerin, mladypain, moonlit_ember, moonshadowdance, mouser, msmarlamae, ... |
Member of: | 2: compersion, polyfi |
Account type: | Free Account |