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Below is user information for coley.. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:_justcrash (1890791) _justcrash
i blinked and you were gone
i was just trying to be alive
Interests:20: arab on radar, art, black dice, black eyes, blistex, circuits, crepes, deerhoof, design, diy, healthy lifestyle, lightning bolt, noise, photography, q and not u, screen printing, silkscreening, sonic youth, vanilla, white shoes. [Modify yours]
People67:0nlytheclouds, 10deep, __gewgaw, __julyjuly, __lavantgarde, __translation, _airbag, _edited, _gasoline, _justcrash, _propaganda, _reaganomics, _standard_lines, _whitesuit, _winston, a_n_tenna, absorbing, asyouslept, babaenita, berlinde, boatmusic, bulletsforhail, compulsory, couleur, cutspectacle, denouement, dialrforrevenge, disposablehalo, halfdeadeyes, her_corpse, horsee, hxtdxmn, itinerary, jolly, jpdisco, kakeeman, kel11, lally110, lepetitprince, lipstickscars, lscott, lyzabeeth, measurement, myhusbandrico, oblicua, onalakeofice, punishthegoat, quena, said_so, scatteredme, scholarship, senators, septemberdays, seripop, simulator, stormybrain, sunshine5487, takenfromyou, tatonnement, telephonic, the_wiretap, theprincesmiled, touchyou, tylerlittle, untouching, williamthethird, xcamx
Communities9:_visionaries, dontblameitonny, lomography, panorama, pictography, redlightsting, ride_the_skies, screenprinting, stencil_art
Friend of:126: 0nlytheclouds, 10deep, __gewgaw, __julyjuly, _analogue, _bathroomscene, _edited, _gasoline, _justcrash, _propaganda, _reptilicus, _winston, a_n_tenna, amatarumrei, and_droid, astralasanine, asyouslept, atomic_power, babaenita, bluetomorrow, bobtheevilhorse, brettburkeyo, bribes, chica_llamativa, chuggachirp, compulsory, couleur, coveredup, cutspectacle, dashsee, ddddance, deveraux, dialrforrevenge, disposablehalo, downfalllogic, dreams_wasted, eatmymedicine, efflj, facingrushhour, farfromyokohama, franglais, fuck_you_jew, gagcoughdie_, halfdeadeyes, hang_likeastar, heatherbrodsky, heisbeautiful, hello_smashing, her_corpse, horsee, humminabob, hxtdxmn, iamjacksanguish, iceboxheart, ilikeourface, itinerary, jenniferweather, jiggy_fly, jolly, julianeisgone, kakeeman, kaspa, kerrissteen, krazygluedheart, kumawaka, laceup, lally110, larryheartsu, lepetitprince, lisajeanne, lithe_supremacy, lscott, lyzabeeth, markymarkissex, measurement, mediocritykills, memories_faded, mstakenforstars, myhusbandrico, mysetofstars, noise_n_kisses, nothing_heroic, oblicua, ocse_love, oh_sandababy, onalakeofice, operativeword, paperbox, punishthegoat, punkrockstar18, quietdear, said_so, scatteredme, scholarship, scientista, seekingalife, senators, septemberdays, seripop, sharplycarved, shedoes_numbers, simulator, sky_and_cake, stillframed, stolenpicnic, strangepatterns, sunshine5487, tatonnement, the_empty_hours, the_wiretap, thedarkestlight, theevildreamer, theparadox, token_extra, torii, touchyou, twiztidpath, tylerlittle, undergrounddoll, untouching, we_are_rock, whocouldever, williamthethird, xdance_withme, xpainxlovex, zoanthropy
Member of:16: _deathfromabove, _qandnotu_, _visionaries, artsyfucks, diymarketplace, dontblameitonny, hc_merch, jr__nal, lomography, march_of_flames, panorama, redlightsting, ride_the_skies, screenprinting, stencil_art, t_shirt_surgery
Account type:Free Account

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