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User:spicada (46377) Paid User spicada
Website:The Compost Heap
Memories:1 entry
Interests:149: abstraction, absurdity, ambiguity, anais nin, angry waves, ani difranco, anne sexton, art, art journals, artist books, audrey hepburn, awareness, beaches, beatniks, beauty, big cities, billie holiday, biodynamic, blues, books, brian froud, candles, carl jung, carnivorous plants, cats napping, change, chaos, charred buildings, children laughing, cicada song, clean air, clenched fists, coffee, creativity, dada, decay, discovery, dorothy parker, dreams, dumpster diving, energy, essential oils, faith, fire, frida kahlo, gargamel, gorey, grimms fairytales, growth, hearts, heights, herbs, hiking, hitchcock, hope, hurricanes, id, imagination, incense, insects, jade, janine antoni, jazz, john lee hooker, kafka, kierkegaard, kisses in rain, knowledge, lenore, libraries, listening, long sighs, loud music, lush gardens, meaning, miles davis, mountain springs, mountains, mozart's requiem, music, musty libraries, new york city, nick bantock, nightmare before christmas, nightmares, nina simone, noise, ocean views, ocean waves lapping toes, old buildings, open windows, orchids, organic, overgrown gardens, pain, painting, paper lanterns, passion, peace, peaches, photography, pi, plump tomatoes, poetry, poppies, portishead, puddles, rain, ralph steadman, red, red shoes, rich fabrics, ripe cucumbers, scars, screaming, sculpture, shape, skin, sleeping on beaches, space, spanish moss, spider plants, spiders, spirituality, stanley kubrick, stars, storms, subtext, sunburned shoulders, surrealism, sylvia plath, talking, tattoos, tea, texture, the metamorphosis, tim burton, travel, tree tops, treehouses, trust, ugliness, vincent price, void, wabi sabi, water, waterfalls, willow trees, words. [Modify yours]
People125:0bfuscate, a_n_i_c_c_a, abstraction, aggression, aisling, andala, angry_user, anonymousblack, azucena, behindthewall, ben_strawn, birdofparadox, blueingenue, bluesiren, boatmusic, boywithoutasoul, calico, caligineux, christine9600, circlek, contranym, crazedartist, creepigurl, daftpink, delphizyx, digitalgargoyle, dprescott, dwivian, eightysix, elfgirl, elttobretaw, ephemerae, eternalredneck, fifthconundrum, filoillogico, flametodance, forestdweller, foxglove, grinoliere, gunseller, halation, heathrow, hypnogun, incog_neeto, inflammatio, inky_alchemy, irana, jathomas, jenneology, jps, kasner, kittenspeaks, kittyglitter, kristine93, kurki15, ladykristina, lazlopanaflex, libidoergosum, lisabelle, lorigami, martinhesselius, mcsnee, mental_jukie, mephitis, meredithjean, midaugust, milosgirl, missbiscuit, moderngypsy, moonbird, muted_rain, myrch, n3m3sis42, naesa, narcolepticltd, neevel, normal, onceupon, peepslayer, pezagent, phillip_marlowe, photognome, pickmansraven, pistolstar, plantyhamchuk, pvt_brennan, redenigma, redwill, ripebastard, rivertumbled, robny, rorschack, sariane, scottopic, scottradke, scourge, seks, sentient99, sidceaser, sikboy, sirclick, skiadaimonos, sopretty, spicada, str8jackethappy, t_pot, tbrents, teabee, thegreyman, theinnocence, throwingstardna, tuliptoe, uglor, unexpurgated, unnerving, uvaspina, veloria, version2, vill, vodalus, wandergirl, wasabirabbit, whitemyrrh, wilhemina, zeppo
Communities9:23words, _connected_, brothersquay, entomology, fluidly, news, partyatvernards, uncooked, undwivian
Feeds2:officialgaiman, paul_melancon
Account type:Paid Account

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