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56 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in eighteen visions. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
18visions - Travis
1split - crash|and|burn
2eyez - *-*GoDdEsS oF dEvIoUs ThOuGhTs*-*
2tacotuesday - Ecco
5yearwinter - 1, 2, fuck you!
_hexed_ - Jimmy
_imarobot - GAL
_infamousloser - f u c k
_revelation_ - ...these are the screams we swallow...
abbrtd - Abby
absentbreath - joseph beaulieu
across5aprils - Across Five Aprils
adeftfan - juan valdez
aerocore - destroyed november
afinemasquerade - A waste of paint
againifall - severe knife fight action
akasteve00 - Steven
alblotto - Some Kind Of Wonderful
alec_eiffel - . . .everything smells of you. . .
alex_hell - Watching paint dry...
all3open - all3open
all_washed_up - caitlyn hate
ally447 - Bang. Bang. You're dead
alsocool - No Ones Hoe
amandapanda118 - Amanda
amberfication - pretty when you're crying
americanwaste - Death is my Specialty
andysaloser - Andy
angstriddensoul - Your Favortie Temporary
anotherface - Andrew
arocksteadyvibe - HER MIDDLE NAME WAS BOOM!
at_zero - at_zero
athenadax - ::caitlin::
atrocity213 - J
avalanchefan386 - Stephan
babyobaby - beautiful x flaws
backseatrocker - forget the mob
badreputation - caitlin
ballbagdamnit - I burn chest hair....
bammerangcreep - secret society of celebrities
barbarianzombie - scott
bballperson - Mark
bigfatgorilla - Kristina
blackedge - xjamalx
blackmarket - NightLight
bleachedpunk - amber.
bloodspill - i need you like water in my lungs
bloody_halo - † [Shades Of Negativity] †
bluebaby01 - Breath No More
blueskysburn - Far From Now
bobbark927 - Brian
bobmcsit - Too Fast To Live Too Young To Die
borntorun - Jordan
boysetsfire - shaun
brackish - .:kill your face:.
braindamage - dwarf invasion
brandonx - Brandon Digitalis
bri0ni - l o s t x
brian_guglielmo - self made winter
broken - Someone's standing on my chest.
brokenhomegib - Brandon
brokenwinged - memoir of a failure
buckley - Matt
buriednglass - Puck and the Techno-color Dream coat
burntglitter - you don't need a doctor, you need a mortician
bustmychops - Rick Terror
c_dot - regrets are worthless
calculating_inf - Calculating Infinity
campo9999 - campo
candylandkhat - rockstar wannabe
canebisprincess - Shawna
captainspicy - Christopher
caraisugly - .. and i can taste the lead on my lips
caribear - Cari Rage
cary - cary
chancex - pRiyEsH
chaoticimpulse - i am john's wasted life
cherrybombshell - someday i'll say goodbye
cherryflavored - kat!e
chr15 - El Cielo
cinni - jessi michelle
collective_soul - as long as your mouth is shut
colormefatigued - Kelly
cometbyday - c is for incapable
comingapart - x Fuck Your Face x
containmearound - Matt
controlledchaos - vikki vacant
copperandstars - beyond hypothermia
corruptfaerie - Samantha
courtneycaitlin - captain planet
courtneyloves - courtneyloves
crandall_011 - chris
crustytrix - Miss Christy
crymsonflayme - Alive Or Just Breathing
crystal_geyser - +++++
cryxforxlove - break yer leg mmmeg
cutslikeglass - lisa
damnedinflames - Vash
dancingonstars9 - diana.bright.eyes
danhellspawn - dan_hellspawn
darivsa - This is beginning to get ugly, dear.
darkthrone - XninjaXmasterX
darkxsidexska - phil spanish
daysdawning - +Not.Enough+
deadbestfriends - Empty is nothing, and nothing is you.
deadbrowneyes - if love existed we wouldn't be so easy to ruin
deadgrrl - "The Book About the Basic Flaw"
deadrosefrmu2me - *~*Jess*~*
death_blooms220 - Evan
defiant - .every dream and every road leads to nowhere.
deftonedkay - + - x.suicide-x-notes.x - +
deftones1717 - Kev
destrukt - ^*V*^
dimebolt - Dan Sanders
dirteecrayon - Dirteecrayon
diseasedangel - Invisibility isn't always a good thing
diskarded - Ambulance chaser
dizzydevil789 - kiss my fuck
dontisuck - my blood runs cold.
dontleavemedry - Roger
dopeloserkid - destroyer of senses
drewisabum - Drew
drunkenmunky - My name is ...MILK... and I am... an alcoholic...
ducksgokwack - Bethany!!
dysthymia71 - Sophia
earlymrningfire - [the sweetness and the light]
eatglassanddie - he will not die.
eatmyballs - Jaded Senseless
eff_you - Jess ♥
ein_da_mofo - The Most Miserable of Men
element138 - brian
eleri_fairy - And she'll eat your existance:
ellielikewhoa - ★xHardcorexLikexRhodexIslandx★
emmaxlee - Emily
emogirlliss - she had warm summer eyes
emosxrevenge - Die young stay beautiful
emoxgirl51 - Xthis heart never diesX
endofsanity - Converging Seperation
ervin - Ervin
etnies3214 - neil
exnoctemnacimur - Winters Dying In Flames
factory81vixen - Baby, I'm a Living Ghost
fadeintome - consider yourself dead...
fag - simon
fairylettuce - - .lipgloss. and .letdown. -
fakesuicide - [ fight_me ]
fakeyellowstar - the city plan is already made up.
fallchild1373 - Rawd
fallingstarx88 -
fallingxapart - cJay
fallsdowntoyou - :::oh no, disaster.:::
farfrom - ♥ Living in this dream called Reality ♥
fatalist13 - not bad....for a white boy
firestorm - the greatest lovers were murderers first
foryoumydear - $$K-Money$$
freefa11 - - Accept Apparent Foolishness -
frmatumntoashes - Eric
fuck_drugs - Ashleigh
fuckapologies - christopher
fuckthisworld - Red
gammaray - John
gangrel_83 - No Tengo Mi Alma
geek_rocker - City of Autumn stars
geeshi - Matt
generator - Jen
godforbid - uselessly conniving since 1982
gogan - -x-jenni-x-
gogetaids - ryan
goldineternity - the queen of cups
goodnightbadguy - 性の爆弾
gothinpink - hazel
greatestfall - Matt
grizwald - Barri
growslikeivy - we want the airwaves back
guitars621 - a n g y l
hairwithbangs - caleb
hanaisonfire - The person who's crying
happygopher - Destroyer of Ego's...
hatecore - ChrisHate
heartstrusorrow - your nightmare, or angel
hereticprincess - Keety
hiddensorrow - jerk
higgy - Billy
hitman2110 - Peter
hollyhox158 - Stepha
holywood - joker
hoofbyte - Ian
hurlyman - Rad Tad
husker_du - Special K
hussy187 - Strangers.Liars.Friends.
hxc4life - Just to feel your touch isnt worth the cost
hypnoticsound - lauren
ice_baby_11 - Jessica
ignorethewords - were my Favorite..
ilikemosh - HACK THE GIBSON
ill_panacea - Ken
imaboy - shawn
imabyrd069 - Kristin
imamess - I'm A Mess
imjustin - dancing through sunday
impalesatan - Kristina Anne Irwin
incorporeal - she's on fire ; and not in a good way
incubusgrlm - Audrey
indieliza - It marks the spot, you know
industrykiller - ^l-_XxTJxX_-l^
ineeda - Lady
infidelity - wayfaring stranger
inwardbend - backfromthedead
ispyemo - ispyemo
j3r - grind your soul
jackhammerrape - I hack the heads off little girls
jak_deth - ~~~~thisdaysohallowed~~~~
jarry - Jarr
jasonfields - Jason Fields
jaymeiholden - . . jaymei morbid . .
jazzasian - davey
jendawg16 - The JENERATOR
jewskabass - Superfly!
jillthethrill - jill
jmdazed - chaos
johnnyxangel - zerg rush. its a trap!
josafeind - Hardcore Jo
joshuaauwater - Joshua
joycey - Joyce
jrod - Jarrod Gerardot
julatti - . : J u l i E : .
justify_my_gun - Romi..sorting the masses one caliber at the time
jzblstar - desperately seeking salvation
kaeti_havok - No One Dreams Anway...
katie_angelkins - *KATE*
kbpunk - gnc:keith james busch
killitallaway - Failing Grip
konstrix - xluisx
krisperry - Kris
kymby - Kay Bear
lampshade13 - the price of glory
lbccitylights - Mike
leftalone2night - Riot Crew
lessthanblink - Berit
loathetheundead - XToughGuyX
lolliriot - X CARLY X
lonelyfairy - .Kronicah.
lostdragon31 - Robyn
lostkix - ...losthope...
loveandleprosy - breaking the best of bones
lovebuzz13 - ♥Lauren ♥
lovehatelove - We burn like gods of the sun
lovenmurder - katrina
lovenot4gotten - Dead At 22
ltlshoebuddy - The Cutest Gravedigger
luciferluvzyou - f to the eezo
m1sledy0uth - Ian Curtis
magiklydelicous - Psycho with a Motive
mandationoadoll - ♥|S.M.B|♥
maniacmcgee - Matt
manicstarz - Ana
mariamariaa - Sad. Girls. Por. Vida.
mascara729 - Aubee
masochrist - justin uh.
matthewscharff - Water fountains
maybeismile - OneSidedLoveAffair
metalheadchris - riot kid
metalhed666 - Frank
mightycheech - The Broken
mikealles - Mike Alles
min0r - Chris
misfitgrrl - .. .k. ..
miss_chainsaw3 - i've got a dying urge to feel the way you do . . .
mistajon - Mista Jon
mixmakin - everything i touch falls to pieces
mixpixfrenzy - Erika
mk3 - mk
morphinexseason - The Girl Who Had No Face
mr_sleepy - A-Ron
mshadows - Manny
mudgirl - Motionless and White
munkysdredlocks - Guy Incognito
murderbynumbers - pretty with a pistol
my_agrimony - everything goes blank
mypirateparty - Anthony
myxlastserenade - my last serenade
nerveagent - paul
neverdieafi - Rachael Heathen
newfoundglory77 - Sierra
nid - [l][o][v][e]###[s][h][o][c][k]
no_one_makes_it - justin
no_star - Brittany
nodrugs4todd - Todd
nomorewishes - Chris
noskaforsteven - XstevencoreX
oh___dana - dana
oldirtyrivs - The booby mechanic
omallykid - ambulance Y
onwingsofangels - Peloquin the Bastardizer
operationjonny - A 44. Caliber Love Letter Straight From My Heart
orangeandyoohoo - Joelle
organxdonor - your arsonist
p0ny_1 - the Splinter Shard
pasdesilence -
pellek - Drown in my tears and your blood.
perko - cass
pheonixinflames - C.J. Hinkus
phoenix21 - Jordan Luff
pico - Pico
pierogyjim - james joseph
pincushion - X you cant kill me... im already dead X
pinkdaydreams - Too Bad Cowboy//
plastikmizzery -
plopplopplop - Megan
pointlessdreams - two fools in love we were ment to be
pookiefaery420 - Comfortable in my own skin
poop_loser - ember
prncss931 - ~SHANNON~
prologuetolove - Eric
psycobob - So Damn Metal, My Bones Are Made Of Steel
puddlezofpunk - dial: revenge
punkess - meg
punkknot - Bryan Friedman
pwingfabpoer - steven/esteban/steve/abbott/cigarette/mostly steve
rabidrat - Pass out of Existence
rachaelfallen - with open arms and broken elbows
rachelicious21 - we're too lost to lose hope...
rainingflames - lauren
rasbrykiwi - casie
rawkerkid - Your sins into me...Oh my beautiful one
rayofsuffering - Ray
raysofshadows - purity
razerblade - Pat
rebeccainthebox - b e c k y
redallover - thomas
reggiebiotch - Jena
restofmylife - inherit my shoes
ripewithdecay - Randy
risag - i wear my sunglasses at night
robosempire - theFrictionWeLive
roitpham - J. Lei
rottingxfocus - Mike Kim
rush68 - rush
rxqueen666 - as I leave will you be someone to say good-bye?</3
ryandarko - Ryan Murray
saddestday - erase me
sandytoes - The star that followed you to nothing
sarahangeleyes - angeleyes
scape_goat - Withered
scaredofmyself - amber
schizoperson - trawets enahs
schnurples22 - Charly
schwhitehouse - Steve
seethrustars - drinking class girl
self_infliction - Dean
sepulgish - The tag on your toe says I love you
serena933 - BREANNA
shatback - fuck liberals
shatterd_dreams - Heather
shattered_soul - Name: Example - John Smith
shatteredrain - Waiting for November....
shatteringtruth - c h r i s s i e
she_lays_gutted - Jessica
sheeplove - Phoenix in Flight
siamesexpistol - Siamese pistol
silenced_scream - love to hate, hate to me
silenceprevails - distance
silentium - Alex
singerinblue - Skylar Jaden
sirhatealot - contempt
sk8punk49 - Jedi Master Yoda
skapunker - Joe
slipknoticspice - Mister Fuck
slpnot4999 - I've nothing to give
snaggmouth - Josh Coker
snotbobby - days without you
spacecowboyno9 - She said I taste like cigarettes and untold lies
sparklexcore - ~*^+Lipstick Traces Staind On Faces+^*~
spazterstar - forget what you have thought
spiffylou - her middle name was boom
spookybluejello - not just boy's fun
spruceg0ose - Wade Wilson
spyders_fix - A Fallen Star
squeakyzao - .Lisa.
staggert - Staggert
staindkix - Rei
starliteyes - Take Her To The Music Store
starsfall4me - .g.i.r.l.s..n.o.t..g.r.e.y.
staryxnight - He Loves Me.....
stormyskyes - StormySkyes
stupidboy - 101010101010101101010101010011
suaavepete - intractable
sublimegreen - Maybe I'll Catch Fire
suffocateinabag - waiting on Michelangelo
sugahlaine - .:Laine:.
sugarcoated216 - J.C.
superichie - Insert "Emo" Phrase Here
surf_ninja - Little Sparkeé
sxerider - Gino
tabisgood - candyxcoatedxsuicide
taproot - pete
teargassucks - TearGasSucks
teflon - a line is crossed as i have been
thashowboy - Justin
the_horndog - Scott Dills
thejayman - Jason Barry
thekilleditdead - i'm knocking on your window, please let me in
themink - David
thepunkspunk - an iron willed fuck up
thesonofska - mike
theunused - ........dave.the.hrn.........
thisemptynight - a dream to smash apart
thisgrlispoison - Death Dealer
thisisyourlife - Vanity.
thispaininme - We are the most impassioned ugly people...
thoughtfuljoe - .pistol pointed to the sky.
thriftwhoreleah - ♥My name is Denver Max, please excuse the mask
ticket_stub - mirage | don't let me drown.
timecreepsby - Dylan
tinyriot - .sassy.pants.
toiletski - Toiletski
torchyourself - Ben
toxicxdejection - Mike
twilight_tango - short stories with tragic endings
twistedadidas - Christopher
twodayromance - the boy that was
typicaldream - I can't believe she fucked him...
ubabue - ~*Jenn*~
uglieducky - [ echOside ]
unityopiv2727 - Phildo
unlearn_embrace - fear is a cureable have the antidote
unseenemotion - unseenemotion
upsanddowns - ~*Starr*~
viciouswhore - my stereo has mono...
vivica - triXXXie
volcomstoned - Jenn
wannabepunkster - non-hipster in richmond
weezbs - fucking bitch nigger
wishingfortime - nathan.
wishuponastarx - you rock my fucking world.
wolfmoon98 - mike smith
wolfnsheepswool - bret
wretched_dollz - Snow Covered Dreams
x3263827x - stain glass sunday school charades
x8135x - 333
x_kitty_x - ___kitty
x_shaina_x - shaina
xantnyx - tony
xatlzachx - Sparky
xbaxterx - X Blood Upon Blood X
xcrackedfacadex - Porcelain Facade
xdeskx - rational gaze
xdrivexthrux - bitchez ain't nothin' but tricks &hoez.
xenthrallx - mo·dus op·er·an·di
xfall_childx - Rita
xfalse_hopes - You're not in this alone.
xfangirlx - xkristinx
xfightgenocidex - Silent Surrunder
xfuck_everyonex - andy hulst
xgozxcorex - goz
xheartbreakerx - they call her insatiable
xholyrollerx - Ryan A
xhxcx - XkandiX
xinflictchaosx - Jesse
xingoodhandsx - slouched discolored porcelain
xironmaidenx - goatXcore
xixamxamandax - (>*.*)> || mana || <(*.*<)
xjedix - Tonight, we dance...
xjoeydx - Joe
xkatherine - katherine
xkilleryouthx - Mai
xkillme_softlyx - *~*Megan Burnett*~*
xlongsincegonex - that one guy
xlovebloodredx - J to the D O Double Gizzle
xlustx - .[. c h r i s. t i n a.].
xmidnightxsunx - xcolor me blood redx
xmovieofusx - Brad
xnewkidx - in need of a noose
xnik24 - nik
xocnerdx - shaners
xpoisonedxdayx - E M M A
xprttyinpunkx - Marcie
xraiseyourfistx - coat hanger party!!!
xreadytodiex - JAKE THE SNAKE
xridthecancerx - In Death, We Dance
xsamiex - samantha
xsrecx - Brent
xsuzannex - Suzanne
xtonydanzax - unpronounced
xtornbrethlessx - guru fashion queen he says
xtrlcorex - john hicks
xuglyshoesx - XpissedsteveX
xwhatliesaheadx - Ex Factor
xwheelercorex - Wheeler
xwhitetrashx - my name is denver max and i eat heart attacks
xxblythexx - Blythe
xxsamichladyxx - One day at a Time....
xxstarryeyedxx - i should have known that you were a killer.
xxtoothbrushxx - Big Eddie
youhateme - DOCTOR DOOM
yourlipsbleed - your arms the blades
zackattack4ever - .g r a c e.
zephyra - zephyra
zerotolerance2u - Justin