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Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "weezer".
401 matches:
00freeipods00 - FREE iPods Conga
0h_s0_em0 - 0h_s0_em0
0rdinary_story - sing without a reason to ever fall in love again.
10questions - 10 Questions: A Music Game
150interests - Interested People
21stbc - 21stBC
2_hardcore_4_u - 2_hardcore_4_u
_bootylicious_ - .:*prove to us you're bootylicious*.:
_mikeyw - Mikey Welsh, dammit
_music - ♥ music
_redundant - x
_w_ - =w=
_whatascene - screaming pretty nothings
abbaisemo - AbbaIsEmo
abouttorock - The Original AC/DC LJ Community
albion_fic - twenty-four hour slashy people.
alyssafanclub - Alyssa's Very Own Fan Club
amronline - AMRonline
anarchybitch - The Glitter Slut
ancientfeelings - Shmee
andrewspixie - Aly
andtheyobey - Kinesis
anti_emo_image - Breaking the Emo Stereotype
anti_stephen - The I Hate Stephen M. Club
anti_you_league - ...fucking hate y-o-u
antilittlebangs - Little Bangs Support Terrorism!
armyofmekids - The Army of Me Kids
asong4everyone - Friends of Friendless
babysonspikes - BabysOnSpikes
bagism - Bagists
band_nerds - Band Nerds Unite!
bandphototrade - the reason to take your camera to shows
bandtees - Band Tee's
bbnml - Band Boys 'n' Music Lovers
bellsexuals - we <3 brian bell
bensweeklyband - Music Fans
berandom - Are you in?
bernardi - BERNARDI
bibliothekmusik - Substanz
biffyclyro - Biffy Clyro
bitch_inc - .bit.ter .c.ynical and .h.eart-broken
black_bandaids - Soaked.
bootlegs - bootlegs
boys_are_evil - My Sweet Prince, You Are The One
breaktradition - Break Tradition
breathe_right - Coulda been a better plan
bryccradio - BRYCC Radio
budgetwv - Budget Girls
capunk - California Punk
cat_power - cat_power
chinosworld - Camillo Wong Moreno
cholitas4life - ~*~*~CholitaS~*~*~
cigarettes_air - Randy Strohmeyer
coachella - Coachella Music Festival
cold_pizza - The EVERYTHING Community
cold_pudding - Music for the Masses
collegepunks - I Am A College Punk
comet_tavern - the comet
comfortinsound - Indie music
commonly_emo - Commonly Emo
countrypunk - punk ass mofo's up in herre
crazytown - "We live within the Friction of Life"
cty - nerds
cuffsandcults - Cuffs Cults and Culdesacs
cuomofamily - La familia Cuomo
cuomosexuals - Rivers Cuomosexuals
d0wnloadwh0re - d o w n l o a d w h o r e s
daburu_uisuki - Daburu Uisuki
dallas_crunks - dallas crunks
deadlittegirls - us
dealerkids - Dealerkids
decoreah - Decora
deiadrete - Elly Stanton
desirock - d e s i
detroitwhat - A Bunch of bad motherfucker
dinergeeks - Diner Geeks
dischord_breath - Cabron April
djodorks - the DJO Dorks and their super-dorky Friends
do_not_disturb - DND - Do Not Disturb
doce_da_faixa - DEAD HORSE
dont_cut - healing harmers
dorks_n_doofs - you just don't like us cuz we're better than you
dorks_r_us_2003 - Dorks 'R' Us
dorksrawesome - dorks everywhere
downloadable - d.o.w.l.o.a.d.a.b.l.e
downloadables - The Downloading Community
dramadorks - Drama Dorks
dream_a_reality - Dream A Reality
easyworld - Easyworld Fans
eclecticax - *EcLeCTiCaX*
elitistbitches - we. are. elitist. bitches.
emo101 - emo101
emo_eastpa_kids -
emo_girls - EMO GIRLS
emo_lyrics - emo lyrics
emo_sob_stories - emo_sob_stories
emo_update - The Peoples Information Service
emoagogo - Simply Lonely
emolyrics - Emo Lyrics
emomix - emo.mix.tapes
emopost - Emo Lyrics
emorawk - .the.spark.from.the.flame.
emoreviews - Catherine
emoriffic - Emo to the max
emorockers - Transmit Failure
emotaco - emo tacos anonymous
eosmithsurvivor - Edwin O. Smith High School Graduates Anonymous
euro_beat - Euro Beat
eversogood - The Official Ever So Good Community
everyone_is_sad - no one is ever happy
expectantmother - expectantmothers
explaintome - I don't understand!
f_a_t_l_y - Fans Against Teenies Like You
fagwads - a various grouping of sporadic entries
faint_of_hearts - Faint of Hearts
fake_docs - reclaiming the early nineties
fallingwowings - falling . without . wings
falsepride - False Pride
fanfictions -
fansofbeck - Beck Fans Unite!
fashionwhores - do you have room to talk?
fewpies - The Few
fish_porn - fish porn
fivepointstar - FivePointStar
followthestarx - friends of katzi's community.
freakcentralcom -
friends_of_p - matt sharp
frozen78 - musicforthepeople
gandy_uri - U70p14 L0V3 <3
gayindiekids - we are gay and indie
geek_luv - geek luv
geekclique - i'm not a loser, i just don't like you.
geekrocksocks - geekrocksocks
geekyboys - geek chic
get_free - The Vines
gideonyago - Gideon Yago
gig_pics - Gig Pics
glam_x_core - tiny y cara
glitterrimjob - GLITTER RIMBJOB!
goodsisterbad - x::shhh grrrls::x
gothictrance - Social Outcast's
guitar - Guitar fan
guitarstrap - Guitars
hallenbuce_love - : | The Hallenbuce Theory
halofriendlies - Love Sick
handgestures - Jameeshialise
happyemokids - Happy Emo Kids
hays_sucks - Community for people in Hays, KS.
heartdirectory - deal with my heart
hes_overrated - Guys are hot
heyyoukids - The FBR/Impossibles Community
hifikiller - American Hi-Fi Fans
hipsters - you wanna be hip & stylin, babe it's too damn late
hotlicks - Show me your licks
humanitysucks - Fuck Humanity
i_heart_vans - OFF THE WALL!
i_like_hotsauce - i_like_hotsauce
i_may_look_emo - we break skulls, kind of.
iceboxheines - Heine's In The Icebox
iconated - Iconated
iconsensual - Iconsensual
idontloveyou - heart is on the floor.
ihearthottness - The fellowship of the Hottness
iheartkellyp - iheartkellyp
ilickindiestars - we heart music
im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
imsoc - The IMSoc Diaspora
in_like_flynt - oh so tragically hip.
incomprehension - The *Jones* Community
independence - Independence
indie_lds - Appearances Can Be Decieving
indieboylove - We love indie boys, they love each other.
indiefucks - indiefuck
indiekids - Gimme Indie Rock
indierockmix - [[mixes]]
indiesceneco - the Colorado Indie Community
indietrade - !!
indievirgins - indie + virgin = super cool
indiexiankids - we heart God
inform_katie - The Organization to Keep Katie Better Informed
interruptedteen - Interrupted Teens
ixat - ixat = the awesomest band ever
jackosbourne_ - Jack Osbourne
jackworship - Jack's Faithful Worshippers
jcalendar - smile.empty.bottle
jerseyemo - jerseyEMO *
jimmyeatworld - jimmy eat world
jjj - Triple J
john_fest - john_fest
jrrevolution - ROCK POWER
juniorhigh - i thought you knew
karl_rock - The Karl
katkrazy - people who are crazy for cats
kenpeng - Ken Peng Fan Club
kerrang - Kerrang! Life Is Loud
kickassmusic - Kick Ass Music
killingteam - Killing Team
kissatlanta - *KISS* - Atlanta's biggest rock dance party
l33tcore - l 3 3 t c o r e
la_geeks - the great los angeles geek out
lamclub - LamChop
lasciviolent - :llusion
laser_quest - Laser Quest
lastplacechamps - lastplacechamps
le_fuzz - the fuzz
legalhotness - legalhotness
lesser_circle - A bunch of losers
loudmusicfreak - loUd MusIc FanATic
louiefans - Louie Stephens Fans
love_of_music - Music Appreciation
lovexohate - + [L]o.v e xO h/at.[e] .
lummer - lummer
lyric_vent - Lyric Vent
lyric_xchange - Lyric XChange
lyricalattack - LyricalGo0nies
lyricallyemo - Lyrically Emo
mable54 - We Actually Write Here
macaroonshindig - macaroonshindig
makinmehappy - Things That make us happy
massyruu - Massachusetts YRUU
mattwinfan - MattWinFan
md_indiekids - indie kids in MD
mearscore - Fans of Mears
media_monger - For media whores
michikids - Michigancore
midtownmemphis - i ♥ midtown of memphis
misanthr0pic - [ M i s a n t h r o p y ]
misfits_inc - misfits
mixcompetition - mix competition
mixtape_iou - we <3 mixtapes
mixtapery - //yet another mixtape community
moshonyourface - moshonyourface
mulligans - Mulligan's Stew
muppets - Fans Of The Muppets
music_debate - Debate don't playa hate
music_passion - [..`a passion for all things music`..]
musicmilitia - musicmilitia
musicobsession - Music Fanatics
musicwhores_ - that's the sound of music
must_be_rock - ::Must Be Rock::
my_song - Lyrics
neerneer - neerneer.!
nerdfeed - deefdren
nerdnoise - nerdnoise
newmusic_ - The New Music Community
nezumi_fans - We love Nezumi
nifty_music - nifty_music
non_sense - another jakmeg production
nonugly_ana - Thinspiration
not_emo_enough - Rejected Emo Kids
nottheonlyones - Kentucky Rejects
nowherekids - ♪ Smile Empty Soul ♪
nut_house - Sar's Pups
nyc_alternative - NYC's Alternative Hangout
ocean_avenue - There's a place on ocean avenue...
oh_so_emoh - i'
onthewall - Writen on the Bathroom Wall
overatedmag - overatedmag
pantlesssociety - The Pantless Society
paperdollcutout - the strange, caffeine-addicted, mostly left-handed
partyposse - vince ff and the party posse
peachyindiekids - Indie kids of Georgia!
pen_pals_inc - pen_pals_inc
pennsylvania_oi - Punk rock folks of PA
philomafia - looking into our i
pinkxcrew - PinkXCrew
pkbw - Puppy Kicking for a Better World
point_your_gun - BANG_BANG.. We've Got Perfect Aim
poll_fever - Poll Fever
poor_emo_kid - poor emo kid
popmusic - Popular music discussion..all genres
portland_gutter - A PDX punk community
powerpop - Powerpop Community
powerpoprules - Power Pop Rules!
ppiras - People Participating in Random Acts of Silliness
princess_lena - Lena is word.
projectathens - Project: Athens
punkrawkgrrls - Punk Rawk Grrls
punksdoitbest - punks do it BEST
queerdorks - Geeks R Us
queerthinktank - Queer Think Tank
quitsmokinghelp - Support from your fellow LJsters
random_times - random_times
randomdorkiness - We.Heart.Dorkiness
randomsnapshots - random snapshots
reading - Smelly People
realfreaks - : freaky :
reelbigstar - Greg
reggieloveseggs - Reggie Loves Eggs
reverend_radio - The "Reverend" Radio LiveJournal
rhcommunity - the thieves
rikastalkers - Rika's Stalking Neighbor
rimmed_glasses - geek
ripe_with_decay - Emo_geeks
river_styx - The River Styx
robot_jox - the Robot Jox
rockin_beats - Art and rock 'n roll
rocknmetal - ROCK/METAL
rockstarlovin - Im Obsessed With a RockStar...
rockstarphotos - Rockstar Photos
salmon - Salmon, The Band
sassyxcore_ - sassier than thou
savesthemoooo - Emo RENTHeads
screenplayery - Screenplayery
seattleindie - seattle indie
selection - select
selling_out - music is my boyfriend
sense_of_relief - sense of relief.
shastaroman - Stoopid
shrinerfans - The Scott Shriner Fans
shut_up_bitch - _what it is to burn
simply_addicted - Simply Addicted to Simple Plan
simplybroken - Yeah Yeah Yeah
skitch_band - We are Skitch
slashydreams - slash dreams
socal_indie - socal_indie
socalscene - SoCal Music Scene
socialpretender - Social Pretender
son_ambulance - son, ambulance fans
song_request - song request
songmeanings - Song Meanings
sosexxx - sosexxx
soulvacancy - All those disconcerned
soundsgood - Music Snobs
southern_punk - Punks of the South
spare - stupid kid
sporksgonepunk - Punk N Junk
spu - Seattle Pacific University
squeal - gwen is hot
starsinamoment - The Greatest Photography Yet
strokeslash - the name says it all
stupid_boys - boys are bad
summit_school - The Summit Babies
surfwax_america - only in dreams...
surfwaxamerica - =w=
sxmxscenesters - So Scene it Hurts
tattoo_me - tattoo_me
taylorlocke - Fans of Taylor Locke
team_cream - Sexy Black TNT Shoes
team_koosh - Team Koosh
teenagefannies - teenagefannies
templeofrock - Temple Of Rock
that_dog - that dog.
the_big_idea - The Special Goodness Community
the_blue_crayon - The Blue Crayon Brigade
the_front_row - the front row
the_kickovers - The Kickovers :)
the_lj_losers - the.livejournal.losers
the_mixx - Music and Reviews
the_p0sse - The Posse
the_rhvs - The Red Hot Valentines
the_weez - rebel weezer alliance
thecheerupkids - the CHEER up KIDS
theconspiracy - ~The Conspiracy~
thehss - The High Speed Scene
thelindsays - The Lindsays (spelled with an A and not with an E)
theriviera - Come and get me, sailors!
thesongsyousing - The Songs You Sing Say Nothing About My Life
thespecialppl - The Special People
thewakinghours - The Waking Hours Community
thewedge - Fans of MuchMusic's The Wedge
thinkoutloud - make more sounds
thisisnotemocom - [dot] com
thrifttrade - Trade Thrift Merch....
tightshirts - t i g h t s h i r t s
tomorrowshine - Feeder community
tooboshforyou - the Bosh club
toronto_punks - Toronto Punk related community.
trappedhere - Trapped Here...
tribe - brandon n sung-hyuns place
ugly_emos - ugly_emos
ukgigs - UK gigs
valinor - Valinor: A Valar community
valleyofsound - because I need both my hands to play my guitar
vortexzine - vortexzine
wakefieldrulz - WakefieldRulz
we_heart_jules - The Society for the Ethical Treatment of Julian
we_love_cassie - we love cassie
weezer_church - the weezer church.
weezer_o_matic - =w=
weezer_pirates - =w= pirates unite
weezerboardies - weezer board whores
weezerfication -
weezerfichappy - The Written Weezer
weezernerds - Weezer Nerd
weirdlikeus - if you're one of those kids who just dont fit in.
weloveerik - Erik Lovers
welovemelanie - Melanie's Fans
whatwasthatsong - What Was That Song?
woundeddingo - wounded dingo announcements
x_deftones_x - worship.&_play
xbeardxcorex - Beard CORE
xchris_wilsonx - Chris Wilson
xcutexcorex - too cute for school
xdarjeelingx - BxSxHxC
xthecolorofemox - i could paint the sky wiff you
youmightsay - The Lyric Journal Community
yourstarnot - does anyone else feel like me?
zebrahead_fans - i <3 zebrahead
ziggycomics - Ziggy
Interested users
The following users are interested in weezer. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
452 matches: