
Sunday, August 15, 2004



I just created [info]sudden_curve, a syndicated account of Bob Wallace's blog.

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9:05AM - The Modern Antiquarian & Megalithic Portal feeds

Two comprehensive sites containing large volumes of collected information, folklore and images of ancient sites in the UK & Ireland, and elsewhere. They've been really useful when looking for something to visit near where I've planned to be. Users contribute additional information on a regular basis, and they provide RSS feeds of these.

The Modern Antiquarian covers ancient sites in the UK and Ireland. [info]modantiquarian contains the weblog (blog-type posts from users), [info]modantiq_latest has all the latest user information posts and images, and [info]modantiq_news covers the most recent news posts.

The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map covers Europe and the rest of the world, and is covered with [info]megalithic_news for the recent news posts, and [info]megalith_images for recently uploaded images.

I hope these will be of interest to some of you :)

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Saturday, August 14, 2004


11:40PM - Circling the Square

Circling the Square is

a righteous knee in the groin of disinformation, fingers of Truth gouging deeply into the bloodshot eyes of deception. We delve into the deepest, darkest corners of the media; skulk through hideous movie sequels; probe paranoid publications and saucer-nut screeds. More often than not, we find hideous secrets Man Was Not Meant To Know. And we bring them to you, in the comfort of your own home. Because even in these, the END TIMES, it's all about comfort.

And for even more comfort, now you can read their rantings via LJ at [info]circlingsquare.

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8:23PM - Wibbly

[info]wibbly_rss, the personal weblog of John V. Keogh, that I found via Google while looking for fish and chips shops in Walthamstow! He's been blogging for at least three years, has a great style, and is a geek :-)

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Thursday, August 12, 2004


11:41AM - My Syndications

Been a while since I posted this list:

[info]aboutfreebies - If you like Free Stuff, this is for you.
[info]ahn_olympics - Aggregate Olympics Feed - a necessity for the Olympics Junkie
[info]awfulplasticsur - See pictures of bad Celebrity Plastic Surgery
[info]bill_simmons - ESPN Sports guy and Red Sox Lover (poor guy)
[info]blog_of_death - Not as depressing as you think. Really interesting obits.
[info]dalythoughts - Cool political blog on the conservative side of the street; follows presidential polls
[info]electoralvote - Daily poll tracker, liberal side of the street
[info]hpana2 - Aggregate of Harry Potter news
[info]hunkoftheday - Cute guy of the day and you vote on the next picture!
[info]intersex_int - Intersex Initiative
[info]is_pisces - My daily Pisces fix
[info]kittenbreak - Kitten of the Day
[info]markevanier - Cool commentary about everything from politics to media
[info]medscapenews - Medical news
[info]nielsenhaydent - Science Fiction Editors and Big Named Fans
[info]obamablog - Blog of IL Senate Candidate Barack Obama (doesn't update as often as I'd like)
[info]pdx_communique - Everything you wanted to know about Portland and Oregon politics
[info]peterdavidblog2 - Peter David's news and views (mostly very liberal)
[info]pharyngula - Biology professor takes on Creationists and talks about Biology too
[info]pvp_comic - Funniest online comic around. I know these people well. :)
[info]romanticsf - Romantic SF release info/reviews
[info]sci_fi_wire - Sci-Fi's channel's SF/F/H news - good way to keep up with stuff
[info]sciam - Scientific American feed
[info]semagic_files - If you use Semagic as your LJ editor, you need this feed!
[info]sfi_org - Announcements list of some Organization I belong to.
[info]slagoon_comic - Another seriously funny comic
[info]slushgod - the slush reader for Fantasy and SF explains all
[info]stupidceleb - Dumb things celebrities do. Britney is there a lot.
[info]thelingualnerve - Aggregate of medical school and young doctor blogs
[info]varioussundry - Audie talks about everything and it's cool. He's a big fan of American Idol
[info]wilwheaton - Ex-TNG star and geek has a really cool blog.

Current mood: accomplished
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Friday, August 13, 2004


10:14PM - Craig's List Norfolk

I went ahead and made a Craig's List for Norfolk, VA.  [info]norfolk_crgslst    Craig's list is a well known classified listing site.  I personally just love the free section :D

If you aren't near Norfolk, see if there's a Craig's List section for your area ;)


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I just made an RSS feed on LJ from the thyroid website: [info]about_thyroid.

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Saturday, August 14, 2004


1:59AM - recent addtions

I've just added a feed for who provide free eBook texts in many popular PDA compatible formats (such as iSilo, Plucker, PDF, Palmreader, Doc and others).

The feed, [info]manybooks_new, lists the last 10 additions to the repository.

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Friday, August 13, 2004


10:53AM - Health and Fitness Feeds

I just created four feeds from the website:

[info]about_exercise - Exercise headlines
[info]about_stress - Stress Management headlines
[info]about_vegtarian - Vegetarian headlines
[info]about_walking - Walking headlines

Crossposted to [info]real_fitness and [info]dietingsupport

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I just started two Syndicated communities (well one and one I've had for a couple weeks now).

[info]snopes_dot_com is the RSS of, a site that confirms or debunks urban legends.

In a bit of self-promotion, I have my own photoblog that I'm using till LJ's photo hosting is up and at 'em.  That is [info]mobilenave if anyone wants to join :)

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Thursday, August 12, 2004



I started [info]agape_press, a syndicated feed of the Christian News Media Service - AgapePress.

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2:50PM - Free WiFi

[info]free_wifi has been created.
Free WiFi keeps track of all free WiFi sites around the country (US). The blog they have up allows people to know when they have updated their list and other WiFi news.

Current mood: content
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12:19AM - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a new RSS feed... I knew I had to make an account for it straight away!


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Wednesday, August 11, 2004


2:21PM - Daly Thoughts

Syndicated the political blog, Daly Thoughts (



Current mood: accomplished
Current music: heme - buckaroo banzai (end) *** QCD: [1 2:31:37] t
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[info]lies_dot_com - Syndicating , a blog about lies and exposing them. Mostly political, but some random stuff too.

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1:16PM - Summer Olympics syndication Feeds

With the Olympic Games right around the corner, I did some looking around for olympic news feeds. I also created a few that were not already on LJ.

[info]nyt_olympics - Newly Ceated New York Times Olympics news feed.
[info]rssyenraolympic - General Olympics News
[info]ahn_olympics - All Headline News Olympics news agregator.
[info]topix_solympics - Topix headline agregator-Summer Olympics News
[info]moreoverolympic - olympics news feed from
[info]rssbbcolympic04 - BBC Olympics News feed

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7:39AM - For North Carolinians . . .

I created [info]bowles2004blog, which is a feed of Senate candidate Erskine Bowles's website. Feel free to pass it along.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2004


11:38AM - Phoenix Feather

[info]phxfeather is the feed for Phoenix, the word- and photo-blog of Rachel Lea Fisher. The feed was created back in March, but the RSS didn't parse right at the time. Now Rachel's fixed her code, and the feed updates correctly.

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Monday, August 9, 2004


3:42PM - cbftw

[info]cbftw is the syndication of which is a weblog from an American Army machine gunner serving in Iraq. Raw first-person news from the front lines, written well.

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1:07PM - Security Mentor has moved

[info]security_mentor, which is now broken, has been replaced with [info]securitymentor2. (I don't know who made the feed; I didn't see an announcement here from that person, so here goes.) Security Mentor publishes computer-security-related advice for "normal people" -- things everyone should be doing that don't require a lot of specialized knowledge. Even those who've been using computers and the net for a while can learn things.

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