Building a Grassroots National Newspaper
In one year, the Dominion has grown from nothing into a publication with 17,000 readers per month and contributors reporting from around the world. On this foundation, we're building a grassroots national newspaper. Our goal: to raise $60,000 by the end of 2004 and establish local editions of the paper in four Canadian cities by late 2005. Learn more and donate »
$950 raised as of July 21

Daily Weblog
Timely links from around the web, original research and commentary.
Recent: Subway: Junk Food, Junk Economy Business as UsualIs a USA Economic Collapse Due in 2005?More good old Canadian hypocrisyMedia PoliticsKanehsatake and CharkaouiSudan, Politics of Assassination, and so on

Underreported News
A daily compilation of news missed by mainstream Canada.
Recent: US intensifies security at ports worldwideWal-Mart 'very disappointed' by certification of union at store in QuebecUS restricts access to nuclear industry info amid security frenzyDominican Students Expelled Following Protest Against PresidentDirect Action - Louder Than Words

Cover page, Issue #18
Newest issue: July
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Next issue: August 20
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International News

Venezuela petitions US to stop funding coup supporters
US "openly hostile" to elected President

European Commission President selected
Direct elections shunned in favour of political maneuvering... for the moment

Israel accused of using nerve gas against protestors
Eyewitness reports indicate injuries atypical of tear gas

UN advisor to Africa: stop paying back debt
Debts to rich countries have been paid back many times

Egyptian cabinet resignation
Mubarak consolidates power

US Forces Stretched Thin in Iraq
Government forces service extensions, contemplates draft
Canadian News

Parties are Irresponsible, Undemocratic: Democracy Watch
Democracy Watch has recently released its "Report Card on the Democratic Reform and Corporate Responsibility Election Platforms" of the five main political parties that were involved in the June federal election. Its main finding is that voter apathy, low voter...

Martin Calls for Cooperation on Free Trade, Military Interventions
PM Cites Haiti as model for US-Canadian cooperation at conference for billionaire media monopoly heads

Haitians Ask Canada: What Security?
Martin's claims to helping "security and prosperity" give rise to unanswered questions

Canada, Empire

Humanitarianism, peacekeeping, and other myths

an essay by Justin Podur

The United States is engaging in a bloody occupation in Iraq; it overthrew the democratically elected government in Haiti, enforced by the Marines; it sowed already devastated Afghanistan with cluster bombs and replaced the Taliban with warlords; it is engaging in ongoing efforts to oust Cuban and Venezuelan governments; it is supporting repression in Colombia; it is constantly threatening Iran, Syria, and North Korea; it offers unconditional support to Israel's bloody occupation of Palestine.

These actions are part of a very deliberate agenda to deny self-determination to the peoples of the world, keeping the world 'safe' for investors, corporations and militarists. This agenda undermines democracy on behalf of elites in the rich countries and their clients in the poor countries. more»

In a rare exception to the Dominion's de facto lack of opinion articles, Yves Engler argues that Haitians are risking their lives to fight an illegal regime that the Canadian government is propping up. more»

American Patriot from Guelph?


Every movement needs a theme song.

So I was told by that 1998 satire 'Wag the Dog', a movie I watched last week with increasingly mirthless laughter. Its "fake war" was too eerily true, and my position as a spectator too uncomfortably familiar. Then I got to speak with a Canadian who actually has written a theme song, and who is overturning his role as spectator to the American administration.

- by Jane Henderson -


Cruise Control?

cruise_fp.jpgWhat images spring to mind when you imagine a northern cruise vacation? Crystal clear water, teaming with sea life; humpback whales, porpoise and dolphin frolicking for your viewing pleasure; or perhaps just the vastness of a clean, wild ocean untouched by human pollution. These images contradict the current reality of the cruise industry. A single cruise ship discharges approximately 1.3 million litres of waste water per day, more than the port city of Haines, Alaska.

- by Yuill Herbert and Karen Gorecki -


From the Lower End of Ottawa’s Carrot Patch

The Ottawa edition of the Dominion, which is distributed by the poor and homeless, has been very well received by police, city officials, and the Sparks Street and Byward Market authorities, as well as by the media and the general public. more»

Raise the Rates: Demonstrators

On June 11, a crowd of approximately 50 welfare recipients, disability pensioners, homeless people, and concerned citizens from all walks of life (some in wheel chairs) gathered underneath the Terry Fox bridge in Ottawa for the "Raise the Rates" protest. more»
Readings and Opinions

Stan Goff in Counterpunch
"Progressive" Latin American Leaders Support the Coup in Haiti

Steven Gowans in CounterBias
US to North Korea: Trust Us

Arundhati Roy in The Indypendent
Interview concerning the Indian elections

Robert Jensen in ZNet
Fahrenheit 9/11 is a Stupid White Movie: What Michael Moore Misses About the Empire

Rahul Mahajan in Empire Notes
July Surprise

Leaked in Wonkette
30 memos from Fox News chief John Moody

Kate Randall and Barry Grey in
Media suppresses news of Bush’s moves to cancel US elections

George Monbiot in Z Magazine
The Age of Consent

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