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« Poetic License | Main | So Are You Getting Your $7,000 Worth? » February 03, 2003 Divine Obfuscation I cannot understand my God Does he love us does he love us? --Matthew Sweet, "Divine Intervention" I suppose it's only natural that people turn to faith in times of despair. But really, isn't this getting a little bit ridiculous? Let's turn the tables a bit. Why do some of us chuckle at the absurdity of this but think plausible just as absurd scenarios as this one? No, I don't think it's entirely fair or accurate to compare Islamic zealots (loopy, dangerous, usually murderous) with Christian zealots (wacky, downright loopy at times, but not usually savage or murderous). But honestly, sometimes the Christian right crowd begs for the comparison. I find it appropriate that NRO's Rod Dreher linked his comment on the Columbia coincidences to a piece by Peggy Noonan. This is the same woman, you might remember, who postulated on the op-ed page of the Wall Street Journal a few years ago that Elian Gonzalez was rescued at sea by miraculous dolphins sent by Jesus Christ himself (personally, I think they were summoned by Aquaman, at the behest of the Justice League, who dispatched Aquaman after catching Elian's adorable but imperiled mug on the league's giant "Trouble Alert" monitors). But then, why would God let Elian be sent back to Cuba -- a remnant of Reagan's Soviet-spawned evil empire -- particularly at the behest of she-devil Janet Reno? HE works in mysterious ways, I guess. Posted by Radley Balko on February 03, 2003 |
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Also, CNN reports: Perhaps God (AKA ONDCP) is also trying to warn us about hemp. Posted by: Joel Stewart on February 3, 2003 02:07 PM |
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