About Matt

Myself in my best dressHowdy. My name is Matthew Mullenweg. According to Google I am the #1 most important Matt in the world, but really I’m just a kid born and raised in Houston, Texas. I write code, prose, and music. I’ve taken a few pictures too.


I am the founding developer of WordPress, the blogging software that runs much of this site and thousands of other sites around the world. The website says WordPress “a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform” but more importantly WordPress is a part of who I am. Like eating, breathing, music, I can’t not work on WordPress. The project touches a lot of people, something I’ve recently begun to appreciate. I consider myself very lucky to be able to work on something I love so much.


I am occasionally available for consulting through Mobius Limited. Get in touch if you have an interesting project you’d like to discuss.

Other Affiliations

Updated August 4, 2004.

Points now have their own page.

Times when I have posted during the last month