About this Journal
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Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 10:29 pm Stupid question
Current Mood: confused

It's late, and my design impaired brain can't seem to remember. How/where do you add text to the "About this Journal" area? I've done it but can't remember how. *chuckle*
Any help appreciated :)
About this Entry
Aug. 4th, 2004 @ 02:24 pm 2 problems
First. I really like the calendar, but I want it on the other side of the screen... without moving the rest of the layout of the page. Is this possible or not?

Second. Can I change the location of the mood/music info? and what about the links for commenting? Basically I want to switch the positioning of those two sets.

I'm so glad I found this community - all of your questions and comments have already helped me so much. Thanks in advance for any help you can give :)
About this Entry
Jul. 19th, 2004 @ 08:52 pm Bug Fix Notice for CatMoran's Unearthed v.1
Bug fix to CatMoran's Unearthed v.1 (Not to the standard Unearthed layout.)


If 'Show drop shadows' is set to none or 'Show drop shadows on user pics only' is set to true, comments nested several layers deep will overflow the right side of the comment box.


Modified functions dropshadow, dropshadow_open and dropshadow_close to always build the base table#dropshadow.


The comment box is as (sometimes excessively) wide as needed, to accommodate all comments.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems with the fix.
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Jul. 17th, 2004 @ 02:49 pm counters in unearthed
Does anyone know how I can add a counter to my journal? I'm a bit stumped as to where I can add any extra HTML code to Unearthed.

I tried looking in [info]howto, but the post in counters is dated 2001...
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Jul. 16th, 2004 @ 02:55 am Entry font sizes...
All right, I've gone through things here, I have tried several things I've found - but nothing seems to work (or I'm just dont the wrong thing).

I just want to change the font size that is in the actual journal entry boxes. I have very bad OCD, and the large font is literally making me ill.

I just don't understand what it is I'm doing wrong. Is there anyone that can tell me how to change it and talk to me like I am four?

I would *prefer* for the font to be 10px using Tahoma.

Thanks so much in advance! :)
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Jul. 11th, 2004 @ 11:40 pm (no subject)
Hi. I'm new to this community and just recently found the Unearthed layout. Really love it so far but have some tweaks I want to implement and have no idea where to begin. I guess I should begin by telling you the tweaks and begging help.

1. I'd like to be able to use the drop shadows against the background I've chosen. I'm not sure but I think transparency would be necessary.
2. I'd like to have the drop shadows around the user icons and also have my friends list colors show up on the friends page.
3. I'd like to implement semi transparency on the entry boxes, comment boxes ect ect... so that the background is lightly viewable through them but not sacrifice text and graphic viewing in the entires.
4. I'd like to decrease the font size slightly in the entry boxes if possible, and would like to drop the entry boxes a bit from the top box and slightly widen the space between entries if possible.

Big list I know and normally I would try to figure these things out for myself however I am S2 illiterate and don't even know how to add them to custom user layers yet. So any help would be greatly appreciated and credited to all who are willing to help.

Also any suggestions you have to improve the look would be lovely. Thanks in advance to those considering helping me out. I can be emailed at Barbarella
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Jul. 9th, 2004 @ 01:57 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: artistic

Love Unearthed! I decided I'm building an Icon Journal with it!

Now I am a bit peeved about the shadow not fitting the icon thing... but I'll get over it...

A couple of things I'm hoping you wonderful people can help me with...

One. I wanted to use tags in the little "Info" box at the top of the page and it wont let me :( not even bold! (though I actually wanted to link a couple of buttons...)... Any idea if I can get around this?

Two. Is there a way I can change the top banner texture for my own image? Don't get me wrong they are gorgeous but I wanted to have more of a themed kind of thing...

Will this thing be available at some point for S1? It would be neat to be able to play with some overrides...

I have a free account.

Thanks a million, looking forward to your feedback!
About this Entry
Jul. 6th, 2004 @ 05:40 pm Love "Unearthed", but dropshadows around icons aren't displaying right!

Great work on this style, [info]jproulx

However, in IE, the usericon/dropshadow doesn't display properly; I checked out the HTML that's generated and it seems like the table is malformed (specifically, the widths of the cells).  I made a post to the support board with more information (http://www.livejournal.com/support/see_request.bml?id=305024). 

Is there any way I can change this myself?  I'm on a free account.  If not, could it be changed? 

About this Entry
Jun. 27th, 2004 @ 05:26 pm Ok-
Add me to the rolls of people who are rapturous with joy over this theme. I really like it.

The only problem I had been having was the whole link color issue. In the box under "about this entry" the standard blue and purple were well ... hideous. I mean, ouch. The rest I liked just fine... the blue and purple were acceptable in the main entry boxes. So I wanted to change my link color.

I browsed around the past questions posted here and found this. I went back to my user layer, put in the code and voila! the skys parted, the heavens shone and manna fell at my feet. Except now, every single link was now black or white (depending upon whether it had been clicked or not).

Is there a way to only do it for the About box and leave the rest as they were? Inquiring minds are thirsting to know.

I may not know much about coding this stuff, but I can follow directions like nobody's business. And I can find my way around existing code.

Thank you,

About this Entry
Jun. 24th, 2004 @ 12:30 am a question...
Current Mood: curious
Current Music: Fruits Basket - Solitude

I posted this in an older entry, and since LJ's wonking out, I doubt anyone got an email on it.

Is it possible to add the default icon to the top bar, but still maintain the calendar? Ideally I'd like to split the Top Box into 4 boxes, 1 with text, 1 with my mini-webcam, 1 with Default Icon, and links to my user pics, and the calendar.


(I've been up FAR too long, off to bed with me.)
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Jun. 22nd, 2004 @ 01:33 pm code making...
Can somebody tell me how I create the kind of code that's in [info]tmcm's LJ?
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Jun. 22nd, 2004 @ 11:39 am Question
I'm trying to figure out why the user pictures don't show up on my friends page. They were working when I first set up the style, now they're not.

Any ideas anyone?
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Jun. 20th, 2004 @ 11:55 pm Some questions on the capability and proper use of User/Theme layers.
Current Mood: curious

I just have a small, general S2 question.

I was looking through the S2 documentation because I wanted to cleanly seperate the relevant items from my User Layer into the Theme Layer and noticed that according to it, the User Layer is supposed to be the last layer to tweak properties and evreything, and autogenerated by the S2 Graphical wizard.

Now, I know that last part about the wizard is right, but the rest completly confuses me because I've actually always thought of the Theme Layer as the outermost layer. It simply made sense to me because it's supposed to define and set properties mostly having to do with the appearance of ones journal based on the general definition of the word "theme", and I was rather mind boggled that the Graphical Wizards didn't create a theme layer instead of a User Layer that over-writes the one you've been using.

Also, because I know I've been overriding functions in my User Layer, I find it odd that the documentation suggests that isn't possible, (and the fact that I've been doing so for some time contributed to me thinking that it was the second to last layer.)

I guess I don't have my layers straight.... or is the documentation itself slightly faulty?
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Jun. 19th, 2004 @ 05:43 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: awake
Current Music: make up - gospel 2000

whats wrong with this? (im guessing i didnt close something properly.. or it needs to be broken into two separate parts. but ive never worked with this type of code before... say.... yesterday...*usually just css and html and javascript*) or maybe i need to do something else entirely. im just.. making it up as i go along. heh.
Read more... )
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Jun. 19th, 2004 @ 04:35 pm Hi and thanks!
Current Mood: accomplished

Hi there, I love this style! I wanted to thank you all for the help you've been while I was customizing my LJ. After reading through this community, I was able to fix everything I wanted done. I know you can't see it, because I have a friends-only journal, but I have an entry promoting this community to all my friends and giving you guys props for helping even technology-impaired me to work out the kinks. :) Thanks again! Keep up the good work!
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Jun. 19th, 2004 @ 04:01 am background_color property?
Current Mood: curious

I've took the time to try to work in a background into the Layout today, upon which I discovered that there isn't a cooresponding background_color property to define the CSS background-color property.

Is there any particular reason why it shouldn't be added? I'm currently using a body { background-color = "black";} in my Custom Head function to set the page background color.
About this Entry
Jun. 17th, 2004 @ 05:50 pm (no subject)
I've created a custom layout based on Unearthed.


Changes from the standard layout:
  • Subtitle set to 1x the size of the browser default font, and normal (instead of .8 and italic)
  • Free text can be set to display in either the introduction box or the header. Defaults to header.
  • Drop shadows can be set to display only on the user pictures and header, allowing for the normal display of a background image. Default displays drop shadows normally.
  • 'Friends Border' will display on the top, left or right of a friends entry, in that friend's background color. (As set on the Add Friend and Edit Friends pages.) Default is right. Can also be turned off.
  • The preferred and content fonts default to Arial. Because I can.
  • Show Top Box default set to None. Ditto.
  • Show Top Box 'all' and 'recent' settings corrected.
  • 'About This Entry' text has been removed.
  • On the Friends Page 'About This Entry' has been replaced with the friend/community icon and name. In the case of a community post, 'x posting in y' has been replaced with the poster's icon and name.

Changes also in, or about to be added to, the standard layout:
  • New option allows you to display the entry sidebar on the left or the right. Custom defaults to left, standard will default to right.
  • Title size is configurable. Custom defaults to 'small' -- 2x the browser's default font size, Standard defaults to 'medium' -- 3x.
  • 'Show user picture icons with each of your entries' removes icons from all pages except the friends page. (New standard causes this to remove icons from all pages including friends.)

ETA: a link to a reply page.
About this Entry
Jun. 17th, 2004 @ 01:57 am Loving it
Hi, new here and really to posting to communities, but I just love this style so much I had to say it.

Thank you so very much guys, it really rocks. It is everything I have been looking for and I am really enjoying the new look and feel of my journal. I am using the links feature for the first time and never really used it in any others before. I have tried on a few different styles since being an LJ member and never really found one that fit me right. This one certainly does it! I am so happy with livejournal!
About this Entry
Jun. 17th, 2004 @ 01:00 am I'm new here...
Current Mood: excited
Current Music: Taku Iwasaki - Track 10

but some of you *coughcough[info]kunzite1coughcough* know me from [info]component_help & [info]lj_style amongst other places.

anyway, simple question....is there anyway to add the texture to other parts of the journal? ie have a textured subject line?

Just wondering...

in other, more annoying issues...

My top box hates me.

With a passion.

Geez, I've tried setting the override in my user layer to all, to recent, to none....nothing gets it to apear on anypage but the Calendar page.

I'm using FireFox 0.8 on a WinXP system if it matters...

hrm, maybe I should load up IE...
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Jun. 15th, 2004 @ 01:31 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: curious

This style is excellent - I adore it.

There is just one thing I dont like... and that's the lack of "friend's colors" on the friends list view. Is there a way to override the menu color with the colors associated with the friend?

Any help would be appreciated.
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