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Jewish students attacked at Auschwitz
By Jenny Hazan / Jerusalem Post
— Posted 8 hours ago —
While on a tour of the museum at the Auschwitz death camp in Poland on Sunday, a group of around 50 Jewish university students from Israel, the U.S. and Poland were verbally attacked by a three-member gang of French male tourists. |
Christopher Kanis: JEWISH STUDENTS ATTACKED AT AUSCHWITZ — Israel News : Jerusalem Post Internet Edition: [snipped quote] Well, not much of this is too surprising, really.
Emperor Darth Misha I: More Anti-Semitism From the *Spit!* french *Spit!* ...and they've really outdone themselves this time, according to this article kindly forwarded to us by LC & IB SotW.
Betsy Newmark: How disgusting. Frenchmen screamed anti-Semitic abuse at Israeli visitors at Auschwitz of all places.
McQ: Another reason to love the French — Meanwhile in Auchwitz: [snipped quote] In Auschwitz for goodness sake!? Auschwitz.
Pejman Yousefzadeh: "ANTI-SEMITISM SCARCELY EXISTS IN THE WEST" — You have to admit—today's despicable anti-Semites have a keen sense of...
Orrin Judd: BILE FROM THE VILE: Jewish students attacked at Auschwitz (JENNY HAZAN, 8/09/04, Jerusalem Post) "While on a tour of the...
Roger L. Simon,
Charles Johnson |
Kerry: Still Would Have Approved Force for Iraq
By Patricia Wilson / Reuters
— Posted 2 hours ago —
GRAND CANYON, Ariz. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry said on Monday he would have voted for the congressional resolution authorizing force against Iraq even if he had known then no weapons of mass destruction would be found. |
Christopher Kanis: KERRY: "I'D HAVE VOTED FOR WAR EVEN W/O WMDS" — I gotta admit I'm shocked that he said this.
Oliver Willis: In one of the stories Reynolds links, Kerry makes his same point he's made for months - again.
Glenn Reynolds: Probably no better than this even stronger statement: "GRAND CANYON, Ariz. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential nominee...
James Joyner: Kerry: Still Would Have Approved Force for Iraq — Reuters - Kerry: Still Would Have Approved Force for Iraq [snipped quote] Well, that clarifies things.
Francis Beckwith: Reuters: Kerry Would Have Given Prez Powers Even if He Knew There Were No WMDs [also found on Moteworthy.com] Writes...
Pejman Yousefzadeh: But John Kerry has undercut that claim: [snipped quote] Of course, Kerry's claims about diplomacy are...
Viet record ripples
By Mark Steyn / Washington Times
— Posted 16 hours ago —
Headline in the Melbourne Age of Australia. "Mars" it? Reminds me of the old war song — World War I, that is, for anyone who can remember any other wars but Vietnam — "If You Were the Only Girl In the World": With nothing to mar our joy ... " |
Clayton Cramer: It wasn't obvious to me, so I guess they can be forgiven for their error in judgment: [snipped quote] Bush could still...
Joe Gandelman: UPDATE: Donald Sensing and others point to a piece by the Washington Times' Mark Steyn which explains why Kerry's military record is considered fair game.
McQ: The Double Standard — Mark Steyn explains, for those on the left who don't get it, why John Kerry's war record is fair...
Glenn Reynolds: UPDATE: Mark Steyn has it right: "Look, I would rather talk about the war. The current one, I mean — not the one that ended three decades ago.
Roger L. Simon: Some are already doing it. Many of the accusations seem to center around Kerry's medals.
Donald Sensing: Whereas every time John Kerry waxes nostalgic about those fragrant memories of the Mekong Delta, he should be allowed to...
James Joyner,
Mitch Berg,
Betsy Newmark,
Greg Ransom |
Allies Not in Formation on Kerry's Troops Plan
— Posted 10 hours ago —
WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry has staked much of his campaign on a proposal he hopes will convince voters that he can extricate the United States from Iraq more quickly and at less cost than President Bush. |
Pejman Yousefzadeh: Unfortunately, I appear to have been proven right: [snipped quote] So how is Kerry going to resolve this problem?
Steve Bainbridge: Key Kerry Claim Countered — LA Times reports:Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry has staked much of his...
John Cole: Kerry is, to be blunt, lying: [quote] "I understand why John Kerry is making proposals of this kind, but there is a lack of...[end quote]
Betsy Newmark: The LA Times (!) looks at the abosolute emptiness of John Kerry's plan to bring in other countries to relieve us in Iraq.
Greyhawk: Anyone remember that table? Oh, and memo to Kerry campaign staff: phone the LA Times.
Tom Maguire: Props To Matt Yglesias — Matt told us then what the LA Times is telling us now - Europe is not interested in sending troops to Iraq so that we can send our troops home.
Orrin Judd,
Robert Garcia Tagorda |
Court Holds Reporter in Contempt in Leak Case
By Carol D. Leonnig / WaPo
— Posted 6 hours ago —
A reporter is being held in contempt of court and faces possible jail time, and another was earlier threatened by a federal judge with the same fate, after they refused to answer questions from a special prosecutor investigating whether administration officials illegally disclosed the name of a covert CIA officer last year. |
Orrin Judd: Court Holds Reporter in Contempt in Leak Case: Time Magazine's Cooper Threatened with Jail for Not Revealing Source...
Robert Cox: Russert Talks, Avoids Jail Time.
Atrios: If so — coward. [snipped quote] Of course, it goes without saying that once Russert became a part of an investigation of...
Robert Clayton Dean: This bluff has been called - the grand jury quite logically subpoenaed the testimony of two reporters who had fingered the White House for the leak.
Glenn Reynolds: THE PLAME WALL OF SILENCE CRUMBLES: [snipped quote] The opinion is here. (Via Baseball Crank.)
Bush campaign holds rally in Va.; Dems sense weakness
By Matthew Barakat / AP
— Posted 4 hours ago —
ANNANDALE, Va. — President Bush stumped for votes and touted tax cuts Monday in northern Virginia, drawing more than 600 supporters and a few dozen Democratic protesters who said his presence in traditionally Republican Virginia is a sign his campaign is in trouble. |
Jeralyn Merritt: Here's what he said: "Bush criticized Kerry's plan to eliminate the tax cuts for those making more than $200,000 a...
Oliver Willis: Your President — Bush endorses tax cheats, tax cuts for the Paris Hilton class: "Bush also said high taxes on the...
Taegan Goddard: President Bush, quoted by the AP, on the campaign trail.
Kos: But then, he follows up with yet another "gaffe": "Bush also said high taxes on the rich are a failed strategy because...
Tim Dunlop: Basic instinct — President Bush today explaining why we shouldn't bother taxing rich people: [snipped quote] It's a...
Ex-Joint Chiefs chairman suffers stroke
— Posted 6 hours ago —
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Retired Gen. John Shalikashvili, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and now an adviser to Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry, has been hospitalized in Washington state after a severe stroke, Pentagon officials said Monday. |
James Joyner: Shalikashvili Suffers Stroke — CNN - Ex-Joint Chiefs chairman suffers stroke [snipped quote] A shame. I hope the general recovers.
Michele Catalano: The Bush Cabal Strikes Again — Ex-Joint Chiefs chairman suffers stroke - Bush blamed. I'm not even surprised.
John Hawkins: Sadly, "(r)etired Gen. John Shalikashvili, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and now an adviser to Democratic...
Jeff Quinton: Shalikashvili Hospitalized AP [snipped quote] UPDATE: CNN reports he had a stroke (via Michele who points out that the lunatic fringe is already blaming Bush.)
Missing in action: Kerry's complete strategy for Iraq
USA Today
— Posted 10 hours ago —
It all sounds so good and plausible and logical. Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, so say his advisers, didn't dwell much on his plans for Iraq at last month's convention — a turn-away-and-you-miss-them 55 words or so in a 45-minute speech — for good reason. |
Pejman Yousefzadeh: UPDATE: See also this editorial, which raises more questions the Kerry campaign will likely refuse to answer.
Betsy Newmark: USA Today allows Kerry to write an editorial pretending to have a plan in Iraq and then they write an editorial saying how empty his plan is.
Steve Antler: Problem is, he won... More support for the Kerry=Nixon thesis.
Ed Driscoll: Double Whammy — Betsy Newmark writes, [snipped quote] On the other hand, this could explain Kerry's love of Nixonian Secret Plans.
John Cole: Tacitus makes a persuasive case, and Kerry to date has publicly offered little more than a Nixonian deal with the devil.
McQ: As an editorial in the same paper points out that appears Bush and Kerry, unsurprisingly, want the same things: "Both...
Reporter Held in Contempt Over C.I.A. Leak
By Adam Liptak / NYT
— Posted 3 hours ago —
A federal judge in Washington held a reporter for Time magazine in contempt today and ordered him jailed for refusing to name the government officials who disclosed the identity of a C.I.A. agent to him. The magazine was also held in contempt and ordered to pay a fine of $1,000 a day. |
Lambert @Corrente: Plame Affair: Why doesn't Bush just do the right thing?
Laura Rozen: Time's Matthew Cooper has been deemed in contempt of court, and been ordered jailed and Time fined [sentence pending his...
Jeffrey Dubner: The Valerie Plame case took a bizarre turn this afternoon, as the first punishment was meted out ... to Matthew Cooper of Time Magazine?
Kevin Drum: UPDATE: The New York Times has more here. Apparently Russert agreed to testify and it's only Cooper who was cited for contempt.
America Needs an Antidote to the Election's Partisan Venom
— Posted 10 hours ago —
The 2004 presidential election is generating a level of intensity both inspiring and frightening. Inspiring because it holds the promise of improving the anemic participation in elections. Almost all polls show that the share of voters closely following news about this campaign is up from 2000. |
Patterico: So it's no surprise that Brownstein would give Michael Moore's proven lies a pass, while declaring the Swift Boat Vets'...
Kevin Drum: UNFAIR FAIRNESS...In the LA Times today, Ron Brownstein writes about the polarized political environment of...
McQ: Heh ... nope. Instead you're going to get column's like Brownstein's and this one in USA Today.
Will Collier: Who Cares About The Rhetoric? What Are The Facts? Laughable Ron Brownstein navel-gazer in today's LA Times.
Plan is to bring troops home
By John Kerry / USA Today
— Posted 12 hours ago —
I know what our troops go through when they carry an M-16 in a dangerous place and can't tell friend from foe. I know what they go through when they are out on patrol at night and don't know what's coming around the next bend. |
Orrin Judd: Plan is to bring troops home (John Kerry, 8/08/04, USA Today) [snipped quote] So, if we can follow all that, Mr. Kerry...
James Joyner: John Kerry's Plan to Bring the Troops Home — John Kerry says the "Plan is to bring troops home" in his USA Today op-ed by that title.
McQ: Kerry's non-plan for Iraq — John Kerry presented his "grand plan" for Iraq in a USA Today op/ed piece.
Nuanced? Kerry's story just doesn't add up
By Mark Steyn / Telegraph
— NEW —
John Kerry is too strange to be president. I don't mean "strange" in the way of his predecessor. Al Gore, the first Android-American to run for president, was weird. But Kerry's strangeness is of an entirely different order. |
Betsy Newmark: Mark Steyn says that the true complexity in Kerry's personality is how he is so fixated on a war that, at the time, he opposed and testified against.
Glenn Reynolds: MORE: Even Kerry's own diary contradicts these claims: "Every living officer up his chain of command says Kerry was never ordered to Cambodia.
Bush-backers-only policy riles voters at RNC rallies
By Steve Larese / Boston Globe
— Posted 13 hours ago —
A Republican National Committee practice of having people sign a form endorsing President Bush or pledging to vote for him in November before being issued tickets for RNC-sponsored rallies is raising concern among voters. |
Jesse Taylor: Although, if you signed that loyalty oath, watch out - they may actually be legally entitled to your vote.
Bob @Unfogged: Intelligence — BoGlo: Republicans contend they foiled a plot by America Coming Together, a 527 organization that supports the Democratic Party, to disrupt the New Mexico rally.
Edward _: Voting Early (or "Hecklerphobia") What I want to know is, if President Bush loses the election in November, will he sit...
Michael Totten: Loyalty Oaths — This has to be one of the dumbest campaign strategies I've ever seen.
Barbara O'Brien: [quote][Steve Larese, "Bush-Backers-Only Policy Riles Voters at RNC Rallies," The Boston Globe, August 9, 2004] [end quote] This business...
Tourist Copters in New York City a Terror Target
— Posted 16 hours ago —
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 - Pakistan has given American officials what they regard as credible and specific information indicating that Al Qaeda has considered using tourist helicopters in terror attacks in New York City, domestic security officials said Sunday. |
Hugh Hewitt: And the Times has a story focused on the terrorism potential of tourist helicopters. It's gonna be a fun convention.
Cori Dauber: (And, really, how unhappy were you to find out that we're just now starting to think about formalizing procedures for...
Susan Madrak: All terror, all the time: [snipped quote] And of course the rest of the Middle East is embracing democracy, as per our leadership's brilliant plan.
Lambert @Corrente: The lead: "Pakistan has given American officials what they regard as credible and specific information indicating that...
Joe Gandelman: And the New York Times reminds us of that with this item: [snipped quote] In a nutshell: anything terorrists can use to murder or carry out murder is in play.
Anti-Kerry vets say 'lies' drove them to act
By Andrea Stone / USA Today
— Posted 7 hours ago —
They call themselves Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, but they are no ''band of brothers'' to John Kerry. Last week, the group launched a scathing 60-second TV ad accusing the Democratic nominee of lying about his Vietnam War record. |
Greg Ransom: Well, after John Kerry it's got to be hackademic Douglas Brinkley and his quickly sinking scholarly reputation.
Sam Rosenfeld: UPDATE: Our friends at Campaign Desk remind me that, in fact, of the 254 members of SBVT, one actually did serve under Kerry, according to this USA Today piece.
McQ: Where's Time? Or the NY Times, USA Today, LA Times, and Washington Post?
Arabs on the Verge of Democracy
By Danielle Pletka / NYT
— Posted 9 hours ago —
Washington — Early last month, John Kerry devoted 11 days to fleshing out his foreign policy priorities. Promoting democracy in the Middle East, he made clear, will not be high on his agenda. Sadly, Mr. Kerry's decision could not have come at a worse moment. |
Dale Franks: Arab Democracy — Danielle Pletka from the American Enterprise Institute opines in the New York Times that the Arab world is increasingly ready for democracy.
Matthew Yglesias: Meanwhile, don't miss Danielle Pletka, who heads up the three-ring national security circus at AEI, pondering whether...
Michael DeBow: On democracy's chances in the Middle East: AEI's Danielle Pletka has a very optimistic op-ed in the NY Times today.
Orrin Judd: THE ANTI-DEMOCRATIC DEMOCRAT: Arabs on the Verge of Democracy (DANIELLE PLETKA, 8/09/04, NY Times) [snipped quote] The...
Iraq Cleric Vows Fight to Death Vs. U.S.
By Abdul Hussein Al-Obeidi / AP
— Posted 11 hours ago —
NAJAF, Iraq - Militant cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose Shiite militia has been battling U.S. forces across Iraq , warned Monday that he would fight "until the last drop of my blood has been spilled," in his first appearance since the violence began. |
Steve Soto: Well, we are close to a tipping point in Iraq, as Muqtada al-Sadr had pledged today to fight to the death against US and...
Talking Dog: In the "somebody needs a hug" department, Muqtada al "Baby" Sadr has vowed to fight to the death in the ongoing battle...
McQ: Al Sadr's usual nonsense — Well I see Michael Moore's Iraqi brother, Muqtada al-Sadr is at it again.
Charles Johnson: Iraq Cleric Vows Fight to Death Vs. US.
The Democratic Party's anti-Semitism problem
By Edward Alexander / Seattle Times
— Posted 11 hours ago —
One of the most prominent figures at John Kerry's nominating convention was the Rev. Al Sharpton, who seemed almost as fixed a presence at Kerry's side the night of his acceptance speech as were the nominee's wife and vice presidential candidate John Edwards. |
Stefan Sharkansky: The Democratic Party's anti-Semitism problem — In today's Seattle Times, UW professor Edward Alexander bluntly recounts...
Charles Johnson: The Democratic Party's Antisemitism Problem — With highly visible spokespeople like Al Sharpton, Cynthia McKinney, and...
Ed Driscoll: Read the whole thing, and the article that Scott links to, which makes this important point: "Outside of the Islamic...
The Big Trunk: Professor Edward Alexander's column in today's Seattle Times is a good start: "The Democratic Party's anti-Semitism problem."
Did US blow cover on Al Qaeda mole?
By Tom Regan / Christian Science Monitor
— Posted 8 hours ago —
Reuters reported on Saturday that Pakistani intelligence officers said US officials blew the cover on an Al Qaeda mole last week, when the mole's identity was confirmed to The New York Times. The Times originally identified the source of their information as "senior American officials." |
Venkat @BeggingToDiffer: AL QUEDA DOUBLE AGENT OUTING — Tom Regan at Christian Science Monitor provides a useful roundup of the coverage relating to the possible outing of an Al Queda mole.
Barbara O'Brien: Shameless — Check out these web headlines, and don't skip the last one: Christian Science Monitor: "Did US Blow Cover on al Qaeda Mole?"
Norbizness: Audience Participation: Embryonic Analogy — Disclosing Identity of Al-Qaeda Double Agent : Appeasing Liberal War on...
Egyptian Government Papers: The American Intervention in Darfur is a Plot to Control the Sudanese Oil
— Posted 8 hours ago —
Several articles and reports recently published in Egypt allege that the American intervention in Darfur is nothing but a plot to control the oil in Sudan and help President Bush in the upcoming elections. The following are excerpts from the articles: |
Fred Lapides: Egyptian Government Papers: The American Intervention in Darfur is a Plot to Control the Sudanese Oil
KJL: MORE DARFUR BLAME THEORIES — Egypt says the U.S. is intervening so we can take Sudan's oil.
Steve Antler: Not at all about genocide... It's all about oil.
Police: Xbox Theft Spurred Fla. Slayings
By Mike Branom / AP
— Posted 13 hours ago —
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) - A dispute over clothes and a video game system between a young woman and a squatter in her grandparents' house apparently sparked the vicious beating and stabbing murders of six people whose bodies were found late last week in a blood-spattered home, police said. |
Clayton Cramer: Why Three Strikes Laws Make Sense — The murder of six people in a house in Florida was reputed to have been very, very...
Libertarian: I'll have a few comments later this morning . . . UPDATE: I managed to avoid the XBox killer while in Florida.
Joel Foreman: Why people believe in the Death Penalty: Police: Xbox Theft Spurred Fla. Slayings.
Jeff A. Taylor: Let's Play Alternate Headline — Police Fail to Prevent 6 Slayings in Florida sure sounds more informative and telling...
U.S. leak 'harms al Qaeda sting'
— Posted 12 hours ago —
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) — The effort by U.S. officials to justify raising the terror alert level last week may have shut down an important source of information that has already led to a series of al Qaeda arrests, Pakistani intelligence sources have said. |
Giblets: To prove what a great job Giblets is doing protecting you from dark unspeakable evil, Giblets announces that his latest...
Roger L. Simon: So when Sen. Charles Schumer said he was "troubled" by the decision to indentify putatitve Al Qaeda computer whiz...
Barbara O'Brien: CNN: "U.S. Leak 'Harms al Qaeda Sting'" "ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (CNN) — The effort by U.S. officials to justify raising...
Michele Catalano: "Bush administration officials used Sunday's talk shows to defend last week's heightened security alerts in three cities...
One Dead in 'Terrorist' Blasts in Istanbul
By Daren Butler / Reuters
— NEW —
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Simultaneous explosions rocked two hotels in tourist areas of Istanbul early on Tuesday, killing one person and injuring eight, in what the city's police chief said was an apparent terrorist attack. |
Charles Johnson: Hotels Bombed in Istanbul — One Dead in 'Terrorist' Blasts in Istanbul.
Jeff Quinton: Explosions Rock Hotels in Istanbul — Reuters [snipped quote] The Command Post has more details.
Franks says Kerry qualified for president
By Paul J. Richards / USA Today
— Posted 11 hours ago —
A year into retirement, Franks also said he has not decided whether to endorse President Bush for re-election. "I don't know yet. I'm leaning in that direction," he said on ABC's This Week. |
Steve Bainbridge: Generals Should be Seen and not Heard — Many folks in the blogosphere are impressed by retired General Tommy Franks'...
Taegan Goddard: Franks Still Undecided On Endorsement — Retired Gen. Tommy Franks, "producer of the early military successes in...
Steve Soto: Tommy Franks Still Hasn't Endorsed Bush — Don't you find it a little bit surprising that retired General Tommy Franks...
Keyes to a Fiasco
By Mike Murphy / Weekly Standard
— Posted 21 hours ago —
ILLINOIS REPUBLICANS, at one time a canny and crafty lot, have made a stupid error in hiring Alan Keyes to slap together what's left of the party's U.S. Senate nomination and go howling off into battle against Democrat Barack Obama. |
Jesse Taylor: It Is Axiomatic — Damn. The Weekly Standard straight up mollywhacks Alan Keyes' Senate run.
Joe Gandelman: Here's just part of the absolutely withering piece in The Weekly Standard by consultant Mark Murphy: "ILLINOIS...
ArchPundit: Small problem—Bill Kristol was his college roommate who and ran his first Senate campaign in Maryland and Jeanne Kirkpatrick was Keyes mentor—explaining much.
Charles Kuffner: Slogan. Ever (this year, anyway) Crazy Times Demand a Crazy Senator. If such a yard sign ever gets printed, I want one.
Josh Marshall: As Murphy puts it, "Keyes will be the perfect foil for Obama to campaign against, and the selection of Keyes will seem exactly the shoddy and cynical move that it is.