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Below is user information for Alto Wolf. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:altowolf (105333) altowolf
Name:Alto Wolf
AOL IM:AIM status firerodent666 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:I'm Odd! What more do you want?

An actual Bio?


My life is too boring for that!

What's wrong with Petco?
Interests:83: angst, animation, art, artists, being me, bishounen, biting, blood, body peircing, chocolate, coloring pictures, cuddle buddies, cuddling, d&d;, demons, dragons, dreams, dungeons and dragons, eckvan, eep!, elves, erotica, evil, fantasy, fiction, food, friends, games, gunfighting, guns, hell rats, heterosexuality, humor, imaginary friends, imperfection, insane people, invader zim, ipkis eckvan, ketchup, kisses, knives, licking, lightning, lip gloss, lounging about, magic, making cute noises, man boobs, men, mockery, moonlight, mowhawks, music, my characters, night-time, nightmares, painting, photography, photoshop, psychology, punks, pyros, rain, rats, rodents, roleplaying, rpgs, singing, sith, slash, spikes, spongebob squarepants, squeeking, storms, swordfighting, swords, tattoos, tongues, weirdos, wind, wings, wolves, writing. [Modify yours]
People17:ahnassi, alarus, birdyjae, blessed_fire, booh666, byuuni, imnotsatan, kerosenecoyote, kevininatutu, laheie, lepetitemort, misguided_muses, pezz, phobe, pussinboots, robot, subreal_shards
Communities2:evil_in_action, thesubrealworld
Friend of:12: alarus, birdyjae, blessed_fire, booh666, byuuni, imnotsatan, kevininatutu, laheie, pezz, phobe, robot, subreal_shards
Member of:2: ratties, thesubrealworld
Account type:Free Account

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