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Friday, June 8th, 2001
5:53 pm - happy? sad? tired? mad?
im not really sure wether to be happy or sad... it turns out my mom doesnt want to take us to see rehab tonight, so guess what? im not going..well.. there is a local coffee-shop-concert area in town and one of my friends' band is playing there tonight, so i am going to see them instead... which is a good thing because i get to see a long-lossed...well not really lossed friend from cedar shoals that i havent seen in years. that is a good thing, but it is bad that i am missing my cousin. owell.. i think he is coming up to athens ((or at least his family it)) next week anyways to stay at my house..--an angel

current mood: undecided

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2:07 pm - so long, im sorry, i never wanted to be so far away from you, but now im grown up and ive moved on..
rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab rehab
im going to their concert today.. that is my cousin.. they are pretty good for being rap-rock((which i dont really like)) but they are alright ;)i cant wait cause it is gonna be fun! it just rained so it will be all muddy and there are going to be a lot of people there! and like i LOVE concerts! and hopefully my buddy nichole and i will be able to get the hook up with some hottiez :) ;) yea! o well.. ill write more later when i get bak---an Angel

current mood: hot
current music: here goes nothing---punchline

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Thursday, June 7th, 2001
1:09 am - gone in 20 movies
uh.. yea.. i went to the mall today cause i needed something to do... also i need to walk and shiznitz cause otherwise I will just sit in front of the TV and eat, which is NOT good. Well, went to the mall, came home, went to the movie store to get movies, came home with like 6 movies. Just watched 2 of them so far, but i plan to watch most of them tonight. Watched the Ladies Man((very funny)) and gone in 60 seconds((omg..luv the cars in that movie))..well so now im just sitting on my ass, messing with the cpu and talking on AIM to my very few friends that are lazy and have nothing better to do.. well.. bye--An angel

current mood: weird

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Wednesday, June 6th, 2001
1:29 am - a day in the life of boring person
yo, yo, yo... today was a pretty neat day. I had a doctors appointment really early in the morning and only got a few hours of sleep, but that is alright... well i was planning to go to sleep after my appointment but my mom and i decided to go to IHOP for breakfast.. and with my luck, i can not sleep on a full stomach at all. so i just went through the rest of the day with only having had 3 or so hours of sleep the night before. Then i sat on my ass, watched TV and ate... Oh yea, did i mention that i realized today after going to the Dr's that no matter how much i eat, i dont gain any wieght? i have been a pig for the past few months and i havent gained ANY weight. :) and that rulez.. well. anyways.. i went to my buddy, nichole's house to swim cause she is part of a neighborhood pool community thingie and she is the only one actually signed up to use the pool, so it was just us. :) so nice :) well.. now im at my house, i have been on the net, just looking around and chatting to different people, getting to know people better... making plans for friday ((rehab concert)) Yay! i get to see my cousin play again! well i better get going.. gotta go fill up on some munchies!-----------An angel

current mood: content

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Monday, June 4th, 2001
11:13 am - bed head
just awoke from a deep sleep with dreams of candy and boys =] I got up, poured a glass of chocolate milk((my fav)) and sipped on it while watching MTV ((because i was waiting for my cousin to come on it)) well... i heard the very begining of his video/song, which is just my cousin singing :) i was happy cause i havent seen the video for it yet! well, i recorded it, turned off the TV and got on the internet. wow... that is probably going to be the highlight of my wonderful day. Sounds interesting, doesnt it? WEll, everyone watch MTV from about 10:00 to 11:30 am every weekday cause that is when my cousin's song seems to be played.. have fun... ((o yea.. he is in the group rehab)) ---i luv all of you--An angel

current mood: sleepy
current music: Rehab, it dont matter :)

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Friday, June 1st, 2001
10:05 am - super-pizzed
okay.. here is what happened::: I was suposed to go get my eyebrow pierced today with one of my best friend's nichole... well.. u know im too young to do it without a parent or guardian with me, so i was going to drag my mom along with... well she is all for piercings, but my dad doesnt like them... my mom called my dad when i was at school and talked to him about it.. he said a flat out: NO:: so i got pissed... my mom and i tried to call so many times... we wanted to clear it up with him so i could do it, but we didnt want to do it without his permission because we respect his decision... well, it turns out my dad was getting his co-worker to answer the phone and say that he isnt there so my dad didnt have to talk to me... how LOW IS THAT? urgh.. well.. i just found that out and im pissed.. if he isnt going to respect me and my opinion.. his opinion will not be respected from me either... I am getting my eybrow pierced on June 26th :) with or without his consent. I cant do it now because it turns out you have to wait 6 weeks before you can swim in a pool or the ocean and i just happen to be going to the ocean in 2 weeks.. so i can wait until then.. :) ------------An angel

current mood: pissed off

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8:19 am - FINALLY IM FREE!
Today was a long, gruesome day of tests and essays, but it is OVER and I am OUT! Well, not quite ALL the way out, but hey, it's summer! Today was my last day of school until next year, nice eh? I don't have to see all those conforming assholes until august. I hate them. Isn't school just a bore? I think so... It totally wore me out and what pissed me off the most, is that i couldn't get a ride home from school after finals, so i had to stay there the rest of the day and just fuck around with a few of my friends.. which was annoying cause i really didnt want to have to be there any longer than i needed to. Life sux, dont it? ha... i luv eddie and shea :) =]

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