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Saint Paul

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Say what you must, do all you can, break all the fuckin' rules... [07 Mar 2004|04:37am]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | Berserk Soundtrack ]

I cannot believe this has happened. Losing a friend is always hard, as I've come to find. Yet, in every endeavor, I always see myself as having the most ground to stand in within the means of destroyed friendships. "Its mostly their fault. Sure, I played a hand in it, but not as much as they did." This time is no different. Perhaps through this piece, I can understand exactly what happened and how it affected me.

When I first met him, I knew of his existence for many years. We attended school together and were minor acquaintances. When high school became the setting, I had failed to notice he was gone, until Mark reintroduced us. Mark always held him in such high regard, and I did the same, as I trusted Mark's judgment. I saw him as one who could always keep his head leveled and refused to get angry at anything. He seemed invincible. Nothing could touch him. When I needed advice, I would always go to him; he was the wisest among us.

I tried to make his obsessions my own, in order to be more like this man who seemed untouchable. I did so until it became too unbearable to even comprehend. As far as I got into his interests, he seemed to be a million steps ahead of me. Yet he never showed much of an ego, unlike Mark. I felt comfortable with leaving his world.

I put up with all of his misgivings. The first time he betrayed me, I forgave him soon after the deed was done. When he lost his wheels, I picked him up, lifted him, and thought nothing of it, for I knew he would do the same for me. I put up with many of the annoying people he brought into my life. He held them close to himself, so I allowed these people to be around. With each new person, though, he seemed to change. His leveled head slowly began to tilt. He could no longer see things from all perspectives; he could only see them from him. Arguing between us grew heavier. But everything was still well between us.

It was on the night, however, when things would change forever. He placed his hands all over Crystal. His hand were on her legs, he was laying in her lap, he made for a very uncomfortable scene. He also told Crystal not to see Mark anymore. Perhaps I drew the line there because I approve of Mark and Crystal's relationship. They belong together. Even Mark couldn't stop them from being together, and Mark is one of the most stubborn men I know. He purposely tried to drive a wedge between two of his best friends. This is totally unlike him.

I'd like to place the blame on Jenny. But I cannot. This change had nothing to do with her. Though she was the root of some minor problems within our relationship, she was not the cause of this one. the one to blame. Nobody changed him; nobody sparked changes within him. He changed himself. The man I had once looked up to, both physically and figuratively, has now sunken to a low state. He's done this on his own. The Marcus I knew would never do anything of this caliber to people that he cared about.

I feel much like Gutsu at this point. Gutsu not only fought for Griffith, but he admired him; he longed to be equal to him. When Griffith was broken down, Gatsu cared for and looked out for him. Gutsu loved him. But then Griffith turned his back on him, and became a demon. He also betrayed the rest of his men, willingly sacrificing them for his own purposes.

I suppose I'll leave it here. Things have been said that can't be taken back. There's only one thing to do now: think about the events that transpired and try to come to understanding with what happened. The time for responses is done. We must walk our separate paths, and move on with our lives.

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I never want to walk alone... [01 Feb 2004|12:59am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Nobuo Uemstsu - "Cid's Theme" ]

Well, since I have nothing better to do, and I've got the time, look forward to another monthly entry of Saint Paul's Daily JournalĀ®!

Where to start...? My life in general then? As far as events go in my life, I have to say that I've had some good, some bad. On the good side of things, nothing that I have has fallen apart yet; I'm still in school and kicking ass, my car is still in one piece, and I'm still making good money at work. On the bad side, I'm still at the same shitty job, I keep getting injured at that same shitty job, and my arm is killing me from a tetanus shot I had the other day. And, I'm getting sick.

I'm also running our little game of D&D;, in case anybody cared and/or didn't know. Its funny though, not only do we get together and play the game, we also converse about current issues. There's also plenty of quoting from Family Guy and Futurama. Not to mention a lot of making fun of Mark. Ha! But last night, as we played, there was a lot of conversation that didn't relate to the game at all. make this short...I love my friends...except Jesse...who I only mildly like. Except when he heals my character in Final Fantasy XI. Then I love him. But I've said too much...

And speaking of Final Fantasy XI, I love that game! I'll spare the details of it, but my character is getting really strong, and really rich. Right now, he makes his residence in the city of Windhurst, on the Seraph server. As of now, he's a level 12 monk/ level 6 warrior. Sub-job rules! And more Final Fantasy news, I've discovered the Final Fantasy radio station on AOL. Prepare for more Final Fantasy crap!

My last topic of the day here would be the happenings at Shaun's house. After we attended the Royal Rumble, Schmitty showed us where Shaun, and we hung out there for a bit. He showed us some footage of the party he had the night before. Schmitty was drunk and acting like an idiot. That was pretty funny...but Shaun wants me to hang out with him. Schmitty's always talking about getting some girls up there, but I don't know. Funny, I care more about the prospect of getting a cheesteak up there than getting a drunk party girl crawling with STDs. Funny how that works, eh? Maybe one night, I'll go up there and get a cheesteak and watch a bunch of drunk people act stupid. Ha!

~fin...heh, I sounded French...huh huh.

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[28 Jan 2004|04:40pm]
[ music | Swingin' Utters - "Glad" ]

Check out the new pic...its awesome!

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[17 Jan 2004|03:49am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | ...silence... ]

Some conversations you have with others often inspire you to do great things, things that you never would have dreamed of doing. Other times, news can force you to take up in arms to fight for what you want and defend what you claim to be yours. Both of those things happened to me tonight. Rather than fume about the possible bad news (I'm short on details), I figure I'll just vent here.

On the way home from hanging out with my friends, me and Schmitty shared some of our Matt Quinn stories with Crystal, who seemed rather frightened by the ideas we came up with. After I dropped her off, me and Kevin then talked about several girls at work who we have the hots for. Schmitty just broke up with his girlfriend and needs to get laid bad. When we got to his house, we were talking about how Shaun would always be overly studdly for us to pick up any girls while we're with him. Kevin then said that if I ever wanted to do something, aside from our D&D; game, I should call him.

Now on to the news that may possibly set me into action. This newsbit is something I heard about someone who I've held very dear to me for a few years. Perhaps I cared more about her than I would ever admit to myself. She was one of the few reasons I got out of bed in the morning when we ere together, the only reason why I trudged through the day. She was the reason I was still "swinging my sword." Whenever I felt shameful or embarrassed around her, she would just brush it off. Did I love her? Its a possibility. She always told me that I shouldn't let her get away; if she were to break up with me, ask her why...then she would come to her senses. That night, when I called her on the phone, she broke up with me...and I never asked why.

Several times, I've tried to get back together with her. But someone has moved in. Though a friend to my allies in the "war," he has stepped on sacred ground. Though I defended his cause, I never admitted to liking what he's done in the past. And though I don't know the details of this "favor" she asked of him...maybe I am overreacting. But this just kills me inside. This curiosity is wrenching my insides. I must know...

Perhaps my dance with death was a sign. A sign that I should grab life by the horns. Get myself into shape, fix my imperfections and live for once. Life is nothing without taking chances. And without taking chances, there would be no life. One takes a chance everyday by just leaving the house. Maybe taking more risks would be better for me. But old habits die hard, and my shyness probably won't go away. In any case, I think I feel a bit better about the current non-situation. I call it that because I'm not even filled in on all the details.


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All the cracks, they lead right to me. [14 Jan 2004|02:19am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | The Secret Diaries of Desmon Phiefer ]

Simply stunning...ever since I bought the first volume of the Trigun manga, I've been searching for the second. Every time I went to the mall or any bookstore, I would always look for that second volume. Recently, I was distracted by the first volume of Hellsing, which I will read on my lovely train ride to school. But back to the Trigun...the second volume just came out last week. Amazing, I've been searching for it for months, yet it just came out. To quote Matt Quinn..."I'm funny, ain't I?"

Random thoughts...

...I drove up and back to Philly twice today, and I feel refreshed... is my sister's birthday...need to pick up a gift later...

...I saw Wayne yesterday in the mall. He's got a Tuesday evening class, in the main building. Maybe I'll run into him sometime...?

...only 11 days left until the Royal Rumble! HBK vs. Triple H will be simply stunning. Last man standing. Plus, it'll be my first wrestling event in years and my first ever pay-per-veiw.

Well, don't get used to me updating every day now. I'm struggling to pull myself back into a normal sleep schedule. I've been taking vitamins which have been giving me more energy. Perhaps its time to live a more healthy lifestyle...? Anyway, good news is that I only have to wake up at 5:45 am once a week. Every other day I have afternoon classes. For all of my AIPH friends, here's my schedule...

Tuesday: 8am-12pm...

Wednesday: 12:30pm-4:30pm...

Friday: 2:30pm-4:30pm...

Sucks about Tuesday, with the morning class then a night class. I took a lighter load this quarter and found out that it won't affect my leeching off of my parents' insurance!

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And to all could have been over in an instant... [12 Jan 2004|03:02am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Tiger Army - "Nocturnal" ]

As I sit here, wasting my time away starting at this damn box, I can't help but think about how scared I was today. Life has a funny way of playing with minute, you're in the midst of your daily routine, the next...well, let me explain.

I had just gotten off of work, and I was wondering what I should do. My friends and I planned to have a friendly gathering in Jesse's basement. However, Jesse was nowhere to be found, probably over Diane's all night, despite me telling him our plans. Marcus and Crystal had gone to see Mark, and we planned to have him come up here while we hung out. As I left work, I called Marcus to see if anything had fallen into place yet. They were still in Dover, and Jesse had still yet to have been located. After fuming for a bit, I started driving home.

I turned right onto Foulk, sped up and turned right at the light, cut through a neighborhood where an SUV cut me off, and ended up on Namman's Creek Road. I was still stuck behind the SUV, and both of us were speeding. However, he was way ahead of me, but started to slow down when he hit the hill. I kept my speed, and only stepped on the brake when I was right on his rear. Then, I hit the ice...

I slammed on the brakes. I started to swerve into oncoming traffic. Managing to spin the wheel to dogde another car and avoid a head-on collision, I flew off the road. Luckily, construction had taken care of any rubbish along the road. Narrowly avoiding a telephone pole, I ended up back on the road. A log kicked up in front of my front and spun onto the road. I was still in one heart raced. Staring death in the just blank out. Instincts take over, and you have no control over what the outcome is.

I can't help but wonder exactly how I managed to come out unharmed. Am I just that good of a driver that I can gain control of my car so easily? Is it all my car's doing, with all the ABS and high performance gadgets? Or was it something more supernatural?

My sister works with an agencey that has her spend a few hours at the home of two disabled kids and help their parents care for them. was two. Lowell Weaver died last week. He was my age, nineteen. He lived with complications of an enlarged heart his whole life. His muscles gave out on him towards the end of his life. Colleen always said that he wanted to meet me, as she told him stories about me; she told him about my goofiness, and how I always used to say "you'll be aight." I never got that chance to meet him...and I regret that.

The other night, Colleen told me that Lowell said that if something ever would happen to him, he would come back and haunt his family and friends, just for kicks. Knock things off the shelves and freak everyone out (perhaps that's how my Sean Connery action figure fell...?). Maybe it could have been him, watching over me as my tires skidded on that ice. For some reason, I can't rule out that he had some hand in it. I never met the guy, but he knew me, through Colleen's stories...

Well, to whomever it was that helped me, whether it was Lowell, God, my car, Sean Connery, or even me...thank you. After all the bad things that happened that made me wish my own death...I never meant them. There's no way that anything could be that bad that would want me to die. Life is indeed fragile...

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How do you sleep at night? How do you sleep at night? [24 Nov 2003|02:31am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros - "X-Ray Style" ]

How dare Mark and myself use our First Amendment rights to express our distaste for another person who has wronged us in the past. We have spat our hurtful words at another, and totally disregarded their feelings. Let's just forget about the pain that this person has caused us. And despite our hate for this person, we should learn to control our opinions which we have expressed, although it is a right given to the citizens of this country.

Yes, its true, we think we are very cool for kicking an angel while she is down. This girl has done absolutely nothing wrong to anyone, and is even a victim of unwanted assault, and we exploited that for our own personal reasons. O, for shame! Mark, we should punish ourselves for this unprovoked wrong we have committed!

In case you haven't noticed the sarcasm in this entry, notice it now. No matter what anyone says to us, and no matter how many people threaten to kick our asses or try to hurt us with their words, we are one hundred percent justified for the actions we are taking against Missy. If our words have hurt her feelings recently, its only fair, as only a few years ago, she didn't give a damn about what we felt. She couldn't care less about anything else but what she wanted. And she was totally wrong to think she could treat us like that and get away with it.

Before you blindly stand up for Missy, why not try getting the other side of the story first? You could ask us exactly what happened to us and why we hate Missy so much. As far as me and Mark are concerned, this is between us and Missy. She may desire to hide behind her friends and refuse to face the truth, but that won't stop the Neo New Testament. Missy, this won't end by running from it. If you want it to end, we can write up terms for your surrender and you can get on with your life. Just think about that...

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Well, the devil is nipping at your ears and this time its for real... [22 Nov 2003|11:38pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | The Slackers - "Have the Time" ]

Shh. Listen. Do you hear that? The silence. We are alone once more. There are many with the common enemy, however, Saint Mark and Saint Paul are the two lone warriors left who remain organized. The desolate battlefield reminds us of this. Mercenaries hired by the enemy attack us from all angles.

But be not afraid...

'He' is coming...

The Neo New Testament lives on!

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Another idiot comes on the box. [05 Nov 2003|12:19am]
From now on, my journal is going to be "friends only," due to the fact that I'm too scared to let people know the insults that I fling at them.

At the same time, however, I would like to say that if you don't like what's in my journal, then you don't have to read it.

But nobody's going to be reading anything in my journal because I'm making it "friends only."

And even if my journal wasn't "friends only," and you did not like what you read in my journal, then you shouldn't have read it in the first place.

So there...
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I had a dream I was a vilgiante's name is Paul, I'm a lesser-known character. [04 Oct 2003|02:48am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Rancid - "Side Kick" ]

Things seem very different now. I saw Mark the other day; it was the longest I'd seen him in ages. We picked up right where we left off though. We've grown apart these past few months. Even though Marcus, Jesse, and I poke fun at him during D&D; nights, we still love him like a brother. But now that Marcus is nearly mobile himself, I won't have to be the only one to drive on our little visits.

Things seem very different now. Talk of marriage has been floating around in our little group recently. Supposedly, Jesse and Diane are looking at that as an option right now. Mark and Crystal were talking about it too on our way back to Dover yesterday. Even when we ate dinner at Denny's the night before, they were talking about it. And this saddens me, because I am nowhere near accomplishing that. But at least there's always the comfort in knowing that Marcus's sexlife is almost as frustrating as mine.

Things seem very different now. Mark has informed me that a former associate of ours is following a dangerous path. Its always sad when someone who used to be so close is now living the life of excess, using people, and going against their codes. In this case, however, I feel worse about ever associating myself with them in the first place.

Things seem very familiar now. When Mark was in town, I took him to get my paycheck with me. There we encountered one Mike Phillips, who was wearing a ragged red sweater. Mark was disgusted with this 'Christmas sweater' and insulted him for it. Phillips probably felt really bad about it and told us that he just threw something on. Later, I ended up taking him to the mall so he could get a memory card for his MP3 player and we made him buy a Metallica hoodie. It fits him well.

Things seem very similar now. Rancid. What about Rancid? I've been hearing a lot about them lately, and surprisingly, not from me. Some say they've sold out. They appear on MTV a lot. They've made a deal with Warner. When they played the Warped Tour, I saw many fifteen-something pop girls wearing sandals waiting to see them. Who the fuck cares?! Rancid has been around for ten years. They're veterans of the scene. As far as I'm concerned, they can do whatever they want right now. They've earned it. Because they've poked their heads up from the underground before, and they went right back down. Right now, they're just planting the seeds in the heads of ten year old boys, like they did with me. And those teenie-boopers who like the song "Fall Back Down" may fill the concert halls when Rancid comes to town, but the hardcore diehards will be there to claim their rightful place at the show. Now, to all those small, little girls who think that because they like Linkin Park that they're 'punk rock," I say this: if you go to a Rancid show, stick to the back, and stay away from the circle pits; they will drag you in like whirlpools. Listen to their music. Love it. Enjoy it. But leave the concerts for the diehards.

Though things seem very different now, I suppose they could be worse. To steal from the 'Souls' way of thinking, this a bad dream that can only get better. Tomorrow is a new day, and it will bring changes.

"Harvest moon in a desert sky, making good time as we pass it by, where ever this road takes us..."

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"Play Shark Attack!" - Eriq Withacue [26 Sep 2003|05:17pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | The Bouncing Sousls - "Simple Man" ]

Its been quite some time since you heard form good ol' Saint Paul, eh? I've been very busy, what with school and everything. But my main reason for wirting here today is to talk about the Bouncing Souls show last week.

Quite a tale you're in store for. It turns out that one of my friends on BattleNet for Warcraft 3 is in a band called the Arsons, who play with the Bouncing Souls when they tour the east coast. Go figure. So Alex, that's his name, gets me and Eriq into the show for free. Kick ass. Alex turned out to be a pretty cool guy in person and his band wasn't half bad either. I talked to him for a bit during Strike Anywhere's set.

Me and Eriq figured that after Strike Anywhere played, we should try to get up front so we could work our way up by the time the Souls came on stage. Well, My Chemcial Romance was up next. They were alright. The lead singer reminded me of a skinny Jack Black. I liked his voice though. It was annoyingly shakey, which...somehow appealed to me. Oh well.

The Casualties came on next. I really wasn't a fan of them to begin with. Jorge ended up coming to the show late and didn't have time to spike his hair up. They started with the only Casualties song I knew, which was "Fight For Your Life." Most of their songs sounded the same, it kinda sucked. I suppose the Casualties are more about the energy put into the music instead of the skill and thought.

Eriq had managed to slip up front by the end of their set. He probably got there when Jorge started to crowd surf. But anyway, he pulled me over and I squeezed in on the rail. Before the Souls came on, some hot chick asked Eriq for his spot on the rail. The loser gave it up for her. But then we both took it upon overselves to protect her, despite her groupie-like persona.

The Souls were simply amazing. We were positioned right in front of Brian, who kept snapping pictures of the crowd. I was in most of them, I think. Then Greg, the lead singer, jumped down to the rail and held the mic to the crowd for everyone to sing. Sure, his schlong was in my face, but it was cool. Eriq kept yelling for them to play "Shark Attack," and I think they actually heard him. They didn't play it, but they laughed at the idea. After an excellent set, complete with two encores, Greg once again came down to the floor and gave high fives and hugs. I got a hug. That groupie girl, I think she said her name was Rhea, got a kiss. Greg said something to me, but I couldn't hear

After the show, me and Eriq went back to the Sunoco near his house where we ate hot dogs and drank sodas. I hung out with his Juggalo friends who weren't all that bad. I got to model off my new Bouncing Souls work shirt, which actually fits me (unlike that stupid Vans workshirt I got at Warped). But all in all, it was a pretty good night...and that show ranked up there with one of the best. East coast, fuck you!

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"Your clothes on at all times, Skinner, or my foot up your ass!" [25 Aug 2003|11:01pm]
[ mood | content ]

Ladies and is a glorious day. On this day, August 25th, is the day of the birth of the greatest man ever. His persona of pimpness is only matched by his smooth, suave style.

Please, on this day, let us honor the life of one...Sean Connery!

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[23 Aug 2003|05:11am]
[ mood | giddy ]

New picture. Its funny. Laugh, damn you!

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"And life leads me here..." [17 Aug 2003|01:54am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Rancid "Fall Back Down" ]

Life has gotten more tiresome as of late. My body and mind are so tired, and no matter how much I rest, I cannot feel well. School drains my mind. Work drains my body. And worries of both, as well as my semi-social life, drive me into madness. Stopping either major aspect of my life will slow down my progress, thus putting my dream on hold even longer. Forgetting about my friends and my other joys will send me further into insanity. So far, the only thing that has suffered is my rest.

Sleep is something I enjoy doing. While I sleep, nothing can hurt me or hassle me. And while I sleep, I have my most interesting of thoughts. These thoughts are nothing like ones that are conscious. My ideas and dreams know no limits, and this is something very enjoyable. The only downside is that many of these thoughts are lost on the journey between sleep and consciousness. And due to my present routine of work, school, school, school, work, work, nothing, work, I cannot get enough time in this dream world. This problem plagues me to no end.

The other night, I think I had a dream of Kara. Don't remember what it was about, but I know she was there. I recalled her smell. Perhaps I am just telling myself that I miss her. Or maybe not so much missing her, but maybe that I miss the comfort of having another to share the burden with.

I need a woman. This time its for real. I look at all the countless people, and I cannot understand why they just throw their loved ones away. I cannot understand why they make stupid decisions that cause their lovers to turn away from them. I can't understand why they would just let them go for no reason at all.

...I don't understand this 'love' issue.

If it were a school subject, I would have aced it by now. If it were a video game, I would have beaten it by now. If it a picture, it would be drawn. But its not any of those things. Its something else. What it is...I don't know.

I often like to think of myself as a humble man who has many answers. Many refuse to accept my logic, as they will have to abandon their own. But as far as this whole 'love' issue, and the aspect of relationships...I have no answer.

Maybe that is why I am alone.

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Can the virus kill the Grimace? [24 Jul 2003|03:18pm]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]

Score. I posted the first reveiw for Rancid's new album on I am the ultimate male!

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There's no reason for you to quit, just because we try harder. [17 Jul 2003|03:17pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Descendents - "Myage" ]

This week, I went back to school. Summer courses. Hot city streets. Constant computer crashes. Fun, fun, fun.

Out of all the teachers I have this quarter, there's only two of them I haven't had before. And I have both of them on Monday. My art history teacher is some French dude who speaks with a heavy accent. This should be fun, considering its a lecture class. The other teacher is some evil, old lady who never lets us out early. Great.

All the others, I've had before. But my Tuesday morning class was canceled. So I hung out with my old friend, Frank (I mean he's old and he's a friend, but not an old, he's 30 something). My next teacher, Mr. Nair gave us a few reasons why it might have been canceled, then made fun of some of the other teachers with us. It was funny.

Oh, on Wednesday, I have World Lit. 'Nuff said.

And today, I have work. Hopefully, none of those annoying 'customers' will come in and make me angry. Then after that, I'll probably hang out with Marcus and the rest of the crew...minus Mark, 'cause he's lazy. Heh, just kidding buddy.

And you know, people may write about me and my friends in their journals, about how much they never really liked us, or this or that, but you know, I talked to my friends, and come to find out that...this is a run-on sentence. But still, I don't need people trying to put me and my friends down by calling us names and what at least we know that we're all friends and that the things people say in their journals about us aren't true. We are who we are, and we don't have to try and please them.

Well, that's all...stayed tuned for next month's edition of Saint Paul's daily journal update.

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I've lost all the time that I've had in this world...I've spent it unwisely, unwisely you see. [27 Jun 2003|01:40am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | Dropkick Murphys - "World Full of Hate" ]

Not much new here...

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Heh heh... [13 Jun 2003|12:18am]
[ mood | giddy ]

That was quite possibly the most beautiful thing ever.

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Tell me why no one's listenin'... [06 Jun 2003|02:59am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Flogging Molly - "May the Lvinging Be Dead (In Our Wake)" ]

Quite inviting, eh? Its been some time since I last posted anything more than an idiotic quiz, no? Well, allow me to inform you of the things going on in the majestic world of Saint Paul.
...well, that about covers it.

Done laughing yet? Or should I give you more time? Well, when you're finished, read on.

I've been utterly sick this past week. Funny, I even called out of work two days. And they were both weekend days. My paycheck shall be small. But all money problems aside, allow me to tell you the magnitude of this sickness. My throat was swollen shut. I could not swallow my own saliva without experiencing extreme pain. This made eating very difficult, so I lived off of what soup I could choke down. My diet also consisted of cold medicine, which I also had to choke down. Painful headaches accompanied my affliction, as well as an occasional ear ache. I went to the doctor today, who prescribed some antibiotics to kill off the streptococcus bacteria dwelling inside my throat. I've been feeling better today, even before taking the medication. Perhaps these tablets will kill off the remaining scoundrels and I can return to a normal life.

Considering the magnitude of this illness, I haven't done much else this week. I have some work to do for my numerous classes, which I intend to complete this weekend. I will be happy when this quarter is over. Only two weeks until I attain "half freedom." This "half freedom" is a time when one of my obligations to society and/or myself has been suspended. In simpler terms, school is out for a short summer break. Three weeks of no school...however, there still is the other aspect of my life, work. But this means I will be able to spend more times with my friends.

And speaking of friends, could someone tell me what 'Aku Soku Zan' means? I swear, I laughed my ass off when I saw that assault. Heh heh.

With the summer months approaching, our little game of D&D; shall prosper. Kevin will be allowed to return to the game, as he will soon regain his driving capabilities. We might also ask Shaun to join as well. Playing D&D; once of twice a week might a good way to drag him away from his life of excess. Another prospect is to add Phillips to our party. If he learns to play with us, perhaps once he returns to school, he can take back a little knowledge to his D&D; group. I really enjoy D&D.; The game is a time to enjoy the company of friends and have fun. With all of us living in different areas, it is hard for us to see each other any other time. The game brings us together...and we missed out on it this week. Sadness...

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"I'm a person just like you, but I've got better things to do"...uh, yeah...I forget the rest. [30 May 2003|11:53am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | NOFX - "Straight-Edge" ]

You are 100% straight edge

How straight edge are you?
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I'm beginning to realize that I'm the only one left around here. All of my friends, aside from the ones in Delaware, of course, indulge in drugs and alcohol. Those who swore they never would, those who preached against it, and those who seemed too geeky to try it in the first place, all have given in to the temptation. I am a dying breed. Sadness...

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