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I'm starting to think we should cancel the Olympics. Not just the ones in Athens, all of them. Why? Cheating is so rampant in amateur sports it is getting ridiculous. US sprinter Calvin Harrison is just the latest moron to get caught. Now he faces a two year ban from competition for testing positive for the simulant modafinil. Furthermore, this is his second offense. Morons like him ruin sports for everyone else. For what? A stupid piece of metal.
The issue of steroid and drug abuse is nothing new to the Olympics. Remember when the East German women on the swim team looked like Arnold Swarzenegger? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
They sounded like Arnold too. No one can tell me that there was no steroid use involved with those women. However, they never seemed to get caught.
Anyone notice the female Chinese swimmers during the last couple of Olympics? Same thing applies.
Just shut the Olympics down. No one pays attention to them anyway. I know I won't go out of my way to tune in.
Posted by cryptomaniac at August 3, 2004 07:36 AM | TrackBack