August/September '04 Print Edition
The War on Fat
Scientific Sex Differences
John Perry Barlow 2.0
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Nick Gillespie
C.P. Freund
Jacob Sullum
Jesse Walker
Brian Doherty
Ronald Bailey
Julian Sanchez
Cathy Young
Jonathan Rauch

Mike Alissi
(203) 407-0114

Media Inquiries: Mike Alissi
(203) 407-0114

(310) 391-2245

Web Editor:
Tim Cavanaugh

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Hating Dick Cheney
The new national pastime is as puzzling and unsatisfying as watching baseball Nick Gillespie (8/12)

John Perry Barlow 2.0
The Thomas Jefferson of cyberspace reinvents his body—and his politics Interviewed by Brian Doherty (8/12)

Downloading Laws
The Induce Act could stifle tech innovation Hanah Metchis (8/11)

Can't Blame the Big Ape
Fay Wray, RIP Jesse Walker (8/10)

Freedom for Afghan, Iraq women? Cathy Young (8/10)

Vox the Rote
The return of protest music Julian Sanchez (8/9)

The War on Fat
Is the size of your butt the government's business? Jacob Sullum (8/9)

Big Mac Attack
Super Size Me asks the question: Is McDonald's unappealing—or irresistible? Jacob Sullum (8/9)

Grave Injustice
Federal laws about burial remains put politics before science Steven Vincent (8/6)

Saigon on the Tigris?
John Kerry's Vietnam experience may be disastrous in Iraq Michael Young (8/4)

Security and Securities
Post-9/11, financial security has a whole new meaning Jonathan Rauch (8/4)

When Ads Campaign
A beer company takes aim at a mayor Charles Paul Freund (8/2)

"If You Vote, Please Try Kerry"
John Kerry and George Bush's underwhelming sales pitches Nick Gillespie (7/30)

Comparing the Candidates
Reconditioning a classic Julian Sanchez (7/29)

Make Mine Malthus!
Overpopulation panic's eternal return Ronald Bailey (7/28)

Beyond Conventional Thinking
Life's rich pageant, outside the halls of state Brian Doherty (7/27)

Fight Amongst Yourselves
John Kerry and the case for federal gridlock (Free registration required) Brian Doherty (7/27)

An Echo, Not a Choice
John Kerry's faint appeal Nick Gillespie (7/26)

Less Direction, More Intelligence
Why we don't need an intelligence czar Julian Sanchez (7/26)

John Kerry's Monstrous Record on Civil Liberties
The Man from Beacon Hill's "New War" on the Constitution John Berlau (7/26)

Heavy Burden
The consequences of treating obesity as a disease Jacob Sullum (7/23)

The NEA's News from Nowhere
Not so long ago, the death of reading would have been celebrated Charles Paul Freund (7/22)

Energy Independence: The Ever-Receding Mirage
30 years of presidential futility and failure Ronald Bailey (7/21)

House of Cards
If the Saudis keel over, we'll always have Iraq Michael Young (7/21)

Berger Time
What goes on in the pants of a highly flappable official Tim Cavanaugh (7/20)

Redacted for Your Protection
America's unassailable intelligence effort Jeff A. Taylor (7/19)

The Value of Values
Looking for John Kerry's principles Jacob Sullum (7/16)

Lakers' ex-center joins the exodus of jobs from America Ted Balaker (7/16)

Discussing Disgust
On the folly of gross-out public policy. An interview with Martha Nussbaum Julian Sanchez (7/15)

A Glorious Sunset
On assault weapons and laws that fade away Brian Doherty (7/15)

Caveat Emptor
The best science money can buy Ronald Bailey (7/14)

Ten Reasons to Fire George W. Bush
And nine reasons why Kerry won't be much better Jesse Walker (7/13)

Judge Not
The scramble to make sense of Blakely Hanah Metchis (7/13)

Lights, Camera, Election
Where's the production value? Julian Sanchez (7/12)

Kennedy's Lesson For Kerry
It's not the economy, stupid. It's strength Jonathan Rauch (7/12)

Deconstructing Sentences
The Supreme Court opens a back door to judicial discretion Jacob Sullum (7/9)

John Edwards' Bursting Media Bubble
Will real press coverage help or hurt the VP candidate? Charles Paul Freund (7/7)

Harmless Groupies
Swap puts the Dip back in diplomacy Tim Cavanaugh (7/6)

Now what?
Thoughts on how the US can still succeed in Iraq Michael Young (7/2)

Moore Didn't Start the Fire
Why Fahrenheit 9/11 fails to ignite Brian Doherty (7/1)

Rights for All
Civil liberties with Rasul, Hamdi, and Padilla Nick Gillespie (6/30)

The Bush Dialogues
The president in Ireland Jesse Walker (6/29)

Bush's Edge
Wartime "hawks" always win Tim Cavanaugh (6/29)

Bad and Worse
Let's hold US to higher standards Cathy Young (6/29)

We Want... Information
A modest proposal for intelligence Julian Sanchez (6/28)

Cooperate, Or Else!
Complicating your right to remain silent Timothy Lynch (6/25)

What's In a Name?
Are there any more real cowboys in this land? Brian Doherty (6/24)

A Kick at Europe
How soccer stamps on the EU's goals Michael Young (6/24)

Bill Clinton, Doorman
A presidential fantasy of a life in uniform Charles Paul Freund (6/23)

The fight for medical control Hanah Metchis (6/23)

Hunting For the Truth
The war on Bill Clinton and the war on everything else Robert A. George (6/22)

The Putin Chill
The bad old days return for Russia's dissidents Cathy Young (6/22)

Mei Day
One little benefit of totalitarianism Jacob Sullum (6/18)

Polarized Moments
Dark Blue, Bright Red? Julian Sanchez (6/17)

The Closer
A president on the right side of history Cathy Young (6/15)

Bringing the War Back Home
Is it Waterloo for the forces of perpetual war for perpetual democracy? Brian Doherty (6/14)

The link between fat ad budgets and fat children Jacob Sullum (6/11)

Jellybeans and Jitters
A nervous capital's farewell to Reagan Charles Paul Freund (6/10)

Ron Ran
How Lebanon tarnishes Reagan's legacy Michael Young (6/9)

Cross Purposes
Secularism gone awry in battle over LA's seal Cathy Young (6/9)

Governing Wisely
Has Iraq's interim government got a chance? A Reason interview with veteran activist Chibli Mallat Tim Cavanaugh (6/8)

Watergate Blowback
The White House's ongoing battle against post-Nixon sunshine laws Matt Welch (8/12)

Daily Brickbat

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality (8/12)

The Transhumans Are Coming!
And they're promoting mito flushes, sousveillance, cyberglogging, and genetic virtue Ronald Bailey (8/11)

Election Fright
Al Qaeda's candidate... The trash police... Roll with the new... And more Reason Express (8/10)

American Slender
When did freedom become just another word for 10 pounds left to lose? Nick Gillespie (8/9)

Razing Objections
A court rediscovers property rights in the rubble of Poletown Jacob Sullum (8/6)

Friday Funnies

The Decisive Machine
How Henri Cartier-Bresson made both commerce and art from imagery Charles Paul Freund (8/5)

Under the Radar
Political correctness never died Cathy Young (8/5)

Is approaching immortality immoral? Ronald Bailey (8/4)

Do the Lynndie Hop
How to explain abuses at Abu Ghraib Nick Gillespie (8/3)

Targeted Alerts
Narrow focus... VAT of poison... Powell Play... And more Reason Express (8/3)

The Right To Be Opinionated
Teresa Heinz Kerry's unsolicited observations Cathy Young (8/3)

Bounce, Spin, Dip, Repeat
Doing the convention expectation side-step Jeff A. Taylor (8/2)

Live from Boston: Convention Coverage from Matt Welch and Tim Blair

Have You Really Got a Friend?
Jul 31, 03:31 AM

'What the American People Need to Hear'
Jul 30, 07:32 AM

Softballs for Gray
Jul 30, 06:17 AM


Crossballs Puzzle
Why don't the guests on Comedy Central's fake debate show get the joke? Jacob Sullum (7/30)

Jabbing JibJab
Copyright law vs. political satire Jesse Walker (7/29)

No Leadership In Sight
Uninspiring choices in 2004 Cathy Young (7/29)

Winner—And Still Heavyweight Champion
What if Bill Clinton is serious? Robert A. George (7/28)

Conventional Wisdom
Livid Lehrer... Friend or Foe?... Real Networks... And more Reason Express (7/27)

Trademarks Targeted
The battle over search engine keywords Hanah Metchis (7/23)

Uncle Sam: Home Maker
Taxed Shelter... Spam, Spam, Politics, and Spam... Iran? Iraq? Same Diff... And more Reason Express (7/20)

More About Moore
Mockumentarian's anti-US populism Cathy Young (7/20)

Wrong Song of the South
The dangerous fallacies of Confederate multiculturalism David T. Beito and Charles W. Nuckolls (7/19)

This Is Kerry On Drugs
Starve a peasant, feed a terrorist Mike Krause and Dave Kopel (7/15)

GOP's "Christian Nation"
New excuses for a bad idea Cathy Young (7/14)

Terror on the Ballot
Un-American activity... Pouncing on the Bounce... Very Important VoIP... And more Reason Express (7/13)

Republics of Fearlessness?
On conjugating liberalism in Syria and Lebanon. An interview with journalist and author Samir Kassir Michael Young (7/8)

Round Zero
Does a "good cause" justify demagoguery of 9/11? Cathy Young (7/8)

The Health Care They Want to Give You Is A Right
Why shouldn't more money buy you better health care? Ronald Bailey (7/7)

Veepstakes Winner
Smilin' John/Frownin' John... American Gitmo... From Black Hats to White Hats... And more Reason Express (7/7)

Enemy Guidelines
Tips for distinguishing between terrorists and innocent bystanders Jacob Sullum (7/2)

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to Pay Learn More

Dead End Kids
Last Hurrah or First Wave? F-Bombing the Club... Money for Anything... And more Reason Express (6/29)

Sites Unseen
The strange, half-free condition of Chinese Web surfers Jacob Sullum (6/25)

Kerry Tale Ending
A fantasy tax-plan to win the White House Jeff A. Taylor (6/21)

The Furniture Tax
Consumer loss... Up and Away... Carb Counting... And more Reason Express (6/22)

Time To Go Home
The Road to Democracy, via Damascus Michael Young (6/15)

Tortured Logic
Rough stuff brief... Hybrid hoopla... Divorced from reality... And more Reason Express (6/15)

In Iraq, Don't Cut and Run
Cut and don't run Jonathan Rauch (6/11)

Scaling the G8 Summit
Georgia greets the world with martial law Jeff A. Taylor (6/8)

Ronnie's World
The past is a foreign country... The Shining City... And more Reason Express (6/8)

Continuous news, views, and abuse by the Reason staff

This Space Reserved For James McGreevey Theories
Aug 12, 05:44 PM

State-Run Spelling
Aug 12, 05:20 PM

Cole Porter Says Mussolini is De-Lovely!
Aug 12, 04:21 PM



Breaking Issues
Who Am I Archive
Cartoon Archive

Reason Rocks!

The Search for the Historical Reagan
The last and greatest betrayal Jesse Walker (6/7)

Child Labor
Adoption is as easy as learning Chinese Jacob Sullum (6/4)

The Libertarian Party Stays the Course
Reports from a political convention full of both surprises and the status quo Brian Doherty (6/3)

A Dementor Short
Mugglewear Casual mars Harry hat trick David Kopel (6/4)

Anime Dreams
The strange but familiar world of a Japanese TV cartoon Anders Sandberg (6/3)

Laugh About It, Shout About It
To spoil or not to spoil in '04? Julian Sanchez (6/1)

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