Celebrities, WalMart, and Chickens
We ignore scholars. We laugh at activists. We ridicule
intelligence. We elect ignorance. But celebrities, even those with no
discernable talent, we love. We may have dysfunctional families who rarely
communicate, but we have deeply moving personal relationships with
television and film personalities.
But it looks like celebrities are good for something after all.
Melissa Gilbert, now the president of the Screen Actors Guild, has sent letters
to Hollywood stars asking them to not shop at WalMart. WalMart's low prices,
she says, "come at tremendous cost". Agreed. There is a greater price we pay
with our tax dollars subsidizing workers
health care, the loss of independent retailers and
and the destruction of small town life.
A host of celebrities have come out in
support of PETA's
actions against KFC. These include Paul McCartney and Richard Pryor.
PETA is taking KFC to task for the needless torture of chickens.
Of course we need to kill chickens for food. But there are humane ways
of doing it for the same cost.
Funny how many people who are so very adamant about "respecting
life" don't extend this to all living creatures. It's hard to imagine
that the reshaped
candy tasting chicken from KFC was ever a live creature. |
It goes to that curious notion of man being different in kind from
animals. It's a convenient philosophy when you need to justify absolute disrespect
life and the integrity of the planet.
We've lost our connection to nature and the source of our food. In a machine
world we've lost respect for the animals we eat and the resources we consume.
The world is organic but we have created a simplistic, mechanistic view of
things that supports our automated industrial food production and blinds us
from our disconnect with nature.
The abstraction is tremendous. This video makes
it a bit more real, and may make you see your popcorn chicken in a different
Speaking of scholars, Cornel
West has
also come out in strong support for
PETA, connecting the abuse of chickens to "all injustices". I urge
other intellectuals to join Dr. West.
And finally, speaking of celebrities with no discernable talent, Justin Timberlake
has just completed his "I'm
Lovin' It" tour, hosted and titled by McDonald's. Junk music and junk
food do seem to complement one another.
Posted by Dean Terry at January 31, 2004 11:58 PM| TrackBack