Tuesday, August 24, 2004

pinions of buddy don: one-bit thankin 

i thank i dun sussed out how mr bushs brain wurks. everbidy has give the man hi praze on a counta how he dont do nuance. he purt much takes a stand on sumthin n then sticks with it no matter whut the evidents, lessn it cums frum pinion polls. then he takes the opposit stance n claims twuz his all along. he wuz agin the health care system proposed in texas, but when it passed without his signatchur, he bragged bout it lack twuz his own. we all know bout his other flip-flops: agin a homeland securty offus, then for it; agin the 9/11 commisshun, then for it; agin lettin condi testify, then for it; thays too minny to count, but ye git the idees.

twuz the same with the mccain-feingold bill, witch he opposed befor he wuz forced to sign it. now hes a'braggin bout it lack twuz his own idee. when they ast him wood he condemn the add by them swift boat liars, he couldnt doot. twooda been too nuanced a posisshun fer him to take. twooda meant havin to thank bout whuther ads that lie should be condemnd rite along with ads that dont lie.

las nite i had me a dream whar i wuz allowed to look inside the brain of mr bush. mayhap on a counta how i wurk with cumputers, the inside of his brain wuz lack a computer ceptn fer one thang: thay wuz only one-bit. thats rite, jes one-bit.

whenever i woke up frum that dream, twuz natcherul to thank twuz only a dream. shorely our presdent kin unnerstand moren jes eethur-or thankin, rite? shorely he dont thank ever nayshun is eethur for us or agin us? shorely he kin see thays at lease sum other possbilties? shorely he kin tell the bein for us the way britain is duz a hole lot more fer us than bein for us the way them saudis is. but ifn ye jes gut one-bit to thank with, thays only two possibull choices: fer/agin.

so whenever it cum to them swift boat liars n the ads they showed in three states but wuz able to trick the librul media into showin on the networks sos everbidy in the cuntry kin see it -- shorely he could tell the differnts twixt them that lies n them that dont? but no, he couldnt. eethur thays all ok or thay aint. they wuz useful in 2000 whenever they wuz leadin the charge on gittin thangs to go his way in florida, witch thatn went by the name of the Bush-Cheney 2000, Inc-Recount Fund, witch ye kin read bout it sum by follerin that lank to kevin drum's site. twuznt no problem havin em then. but the bit has dun flipped: now thar all bad.

magine ifn mr bush could git im jes one more bit: then he wood be able to see four possibilties in sted of jes the two. magin ifn he had a nuff bits sos he could evaluate evidents n change his own mind before karl rove switches the bit sos he kin start supportin the thangs he wuz jes agin? why ye mite git to whar ye had ye a president that could see bof good n evil in places lack pakistan n saudi arabia n france.

corse, ye caint hardly blame mr bush fer his one-bit thankin. that thar elecktoral collidge forces almos ever sangle state into a one-bit deecishun bout which presidentchul candidate gits all thar elecktoral votes.

n corse, thars the media with thar bof sides now habits, witch theys willin to reduce thar news makin computer to jes one-bit whar everthang aint no more cumplex than eethur-or.

posted by buddy don @ 8/24/2004 06:18:43 AM link

Monday, August 23, 2004

pinions of buddy don: bof sides now 

one of the wurst habits our press has gut into is how they wonta show bof sides of inny issue. twood be a good idee ifn they chose equals n put em agin each other, but taint equals. wurst eggzample is them swift boat veterans who lie bout kerry's record n claim they stand fer truth. they cum out with a lil ad showin in three states, but the so-called librul media puts it on nayshunwide sos ye kin see it everwhar ye go. aint them apples sweet?

so ye gut a organizayshun that (1) had a member of the bush re-selectkshun campain till he wuz smoked out a'claimin (2) that the nashunull recurd fer the past 35 years is rong n (3) tiz up to the person bein accused of lyin by folks with no real evidents to proov he aint lyin even tho (4) the claims of this swift boat vetruns group undermine ever medal ever won in viet nam but (5) they attack kerry fer betrayin viet nam era vets. taint no questcuh of whuther he wuz thar. tiz a questchun of some folks that cums along 35 years later with lies, but the press acks lack thar lies is wurth repeatin over n over agin on a counta whut? that thays folks dumb a nuff to bleeve such drivel? i reckun that mus be it.

innywho, tiz all the fashun to argue bout this. to doot, the press lack to ack lack them swift boat vetruns is jes lack moveon.org, witch ye wunder how that kin be since moveon.org is near four years old n gut its fundin frum loads of small donayshuns frum minny thousands of common folks while the swift boat vetruns only cum about on a counta sum rich bush supporters give em financin sos they kin attack kerry, even ifn they have to lie n go agin thar own record to doot.

ifn we wuz really gittin bof sides now, we wood be seein a comparison of kerrys war recurd n bushs war recurd. one of em disappeard fer four munths n caint find nobidy nowhar to proov he wuz still reportin fer duty. tuthern wuz in viet name fer four munths a'winnin medals n has his crew standin beside im n sevrul otherns as well. so witch duz the press thank is the issue?

taint no wunder why voters gits cynickull bout votin. even the truth aint sacred no more. ifn twuz, all them rite wing christchun types woodnt let sumbidy lie, even ifn twuz in thar behalf. they woodnt wont the support of liars. but they dont say nuthin n that lets ye know everthang ye need to know bout em.

aint nobidy that remembers jesus a'sayin by thar fruits ye shall know them? aint nobidy remembers how good dont cum frum evil ackshuns? aint nobidy remembers how tiz the devil thats the author of the lie? how kin ye do good usin the devils tools?

tiz clear from 3 john 1:11 -- "Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God."

posted by buddy don @ 8/23/2004 06:10:04 AM link

Sunday, August 22, 2004

pitchers of buddy don: a lil walk up in hoboken 

posted by buddy don @ 8/22/2004 11:56:42 PM link

Saturday, August 21, 2004

pitchers of buddy don: story of a grate day in pitchers 

twuz a beeyootiful mornin in man hattan:

i tuck the ferry over frum jersey, witch this is whut it looks lack when folks is gittin offn the ferry over in man hattan:

thays always plenty of folks everwhar:

ye kin see how everbidys a'totin n a'cartin n gittin reddy fer the day:

corse, ye gut yer securty everwhar ye turn:

after the long day at wurk, tiz nice to see this on yer horizon:

inside thay gut em lots of trayshurs, lack the lil bar . .

. . . n the large bar:

this heres my irish frien peruzin the sangle malt scotch menu:

this heres a lil closer view of that same menu, witch ifn ye click on it, ye kin see it bigger:

posted by buddy don @ 8/21/2004 09:42:24 AM link

Friday, August 20, 2004

evenin plans of buddy don: dinner n scotch at keens 

me n miz bd has been a'waitin fer tonite as ifn twere chrismus or sumthin. reason why? our irish frien dun invited us out to a dinner at keens chophouse, witch we aint a'goin thar fer the food! tiz the cumpny n the amazin sangle malt scotch menu. tiz such a dee-light! ye caint hardly ruin a weekend that starts with a grate seleckshun of sangle malts, witch we probly a'gone share tastes of each one we order, so twixt the three of us -- miz irish friend aint such a big fan of scotch on a counta how she luvs good wine better -- we orta git a chants to sample sumwhar twixt 9 n 12 differnt scotches.

ifn only we dint half to wurk furst! but wurk we have n plenty of it. we been as busy as a hill of army ants a'lookin fer sumthin to eat lately. fer instunts, we jes about to finish buildin over 200 of them blue blackberry devices that everbidy in bankin has gut to have, witch this bunch is all fer our analysts, witch they dint used to be able to order em but thangs changed whenever folks gut to lookin a lil closer at week after nex n the rnc n gut to figgern how they dont wonta be in town ifn they kin hep it. thangs has been intents of late!

meanwhile i finely gut a book name of red cavalry by isaac babel that i orderd a long time ago, witch eric over at straight white guy recommended it. i caint hardly wait to read it. eric's a purty good riter his ownself, witch i recommend ye read his own ritin bout a lil battle he witnessed.

speakin of books, i jes finished a cuple i wood recommend to ye. thays bof by frank mccourt, witch thays memoirs of his life. furstns a book name of angelas ashes, witch tiz bout his time in ireland, witch he wuz born in amurka but his folks moved back to limerick whar he wuz razed in such poverty tiz hard to magine. the second is called tiz n it tells bout how he cum to amurka n gut bad jobs but wurked his way up till he gut a degree n started teachin in publick hi skools.

corse i found the topick verr innerestin on a counta how i been riting a long novel name of life n pinions of buddy don, hillbilly, witch tiz based on sum of the thangs i seen n dun in life only taint all spozed to be pure facks but a novel that ye kin make of thangs ye seen. whenever yer ritin fickshun, ye half to member that the way thangs really happens dont make fer good stories, so thays thangs ye kin change to make em a lil better. i been aimin at truth ruther than non-fickshun. thays a differnts.

innywho, one of minny thangs that dun impressd me bout these two books is how he tells on his ownself, witch by that i mean he tells thangs that mos folks mite druther hide, such as how even tho it hurt him a lot how his daddy lef his mama n his bruthers with nuthin n went off to england durin worl war two but dint send no money back on a counta how he drunk it all -- witch tiz hard a nuff -- but then he splains how he follerd in his daddys footsteps n dun sumthin simlar, tho he never fergut to take keer of his lil gurl. but he add mitts to minny a time whar he shoulda gone home to his wife n child but stayed out all nite liftin the glass till he couldnt stand up to vomit. i add mire his honesty n wont to match it, even tho thangs i gut lef to rite wont make me look good no how no way. but thays truth in em.

sides that, i aint gut no room to talk bout how frank mccourt lacked to go out a'drankin on a counta how me n miz bd caint hardly wait fer the day to be over sos we kin gather at keens n try to pick witch sangle malts we wood lack to drank. corse, we dint git a'started drankin till we wuz in our fifties n so far, we aint drunk a nuff at inny one time to git drunk. lease not yet n i hope we kin keep it thataway.

as ye kin see frum the pitcher of our colleckshun of whisky, we aint gut much room to talk bout wastin spendin money on investin in fine scotches n whiskey!

posted by buddy don @ 8/20/2004 06:17:26 AM link
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