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Week of August 8, 2004

Policy Survey Teleconf on Tues., Aug. 17

What economic issues should the next president concentrate on? How should we
reduce the federal deficit? What direction should health-care reform take?
Join us to discuss these election issues and others. Register today.

Politics of the Pocketbook

"The Politics of the Pocketbook: National Elections and Their Impact on the Global Economy" is the theme of the 2004 Annual Meeting, to be held October 3-5 in Philadelphia. Find out more about the 2004 Annual Meeting here.

July/August NABE News

The July/August issue of NABE News is now online in the member's section.

July Business Economics is Online

The July issue of Business Economics is online, with articles by David Walker, Michael Rosenberg, Catherine Mann, Kristin Forbes, Harry Shuford, and Hugh Schwartz, as well as our regular BE features.

2004 Salary Calculator

NABE members can use the Salary Calculator, based on the results of the 2004 Salary Survey, to get a predicted range for your salary.

Industry Survey: This Economy is Strong

By almost any measure—output, employment , profit margins, capital spending —this economy is strong, according to NABE's July Industry Survey. The full report is in the members section, and a summary is available to the public.

Where IT's @: Technology and the Economy

This conference, cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the National Association for Business Economics Technology Roundtable, will explore the state of information technology as it relates to productivity, the economy, business operations, venture capital, education and more, September 10 in Dallas.

NABE Outlook: Strong GDP Growth, More Jobs, Higher Inflation and Interest Rates

The NABE Outlook panel raised its expectations of the pace of GDP growth and job creation. Members can read the full report here. A summary is available for the public.

May/June NABE News Online

This issue of NABE News looks at the newly-released Salary Survey, has an advanced look at the Annual Meeting, and more.

Economic Statistics…from Theory to Practice

Even if you couldn't attend the "Economic Statistics ...from Theory to Practice" seminar in Orlando, there's still plenty to learn at the seminar's session pages

Offshore Outsourcing

Listen to a replay of the 4/16 Technology and International Roundtables teleconference on offshore outsourcing, featuring Catherine Mann of the Institute for International Economics.

Economic Policy in Transition

The web pages from 2004 Washington Economic Policy Conference, will be continually updated as new material comes in.

Policy Survey: Job Growth, Deficits and Terrorism Remain Biggest Challenges; Free Trade Not a Problem

The major economic risk has now moved to job growth and the deficit rather than terrorism, according to the latest canvass of NABE members on policy issues.

Corporate Governance Roundtable

A proposed Corporate Governance Roundtable would serve as a forum in which economists could discuss the corporate governance issues and solutions they see as most important, and, if appropriate, start a dialogue with other organizations.

Federal Reserve Reading Room

We've re-opened the Federal Reserve Reading Room, highlighting and linking to speeches and articles from around the Federal Reserve system.

NABE Help Desk

Use the NABE Help Desk to ask questions and solicit advice from NABE members.

Annual Meeting Online

NABE's 45th Annual Meeting "Hard Lessons of the 'New Economy': Financial Market Structure, Corporate Conduct, Prospective Performance" was a success. We've already put many presentations and speeches online, and more will be coming in daily. Presentations online

9/11: Two Years Later

A special edition of NABE News looks back at the events we lived through

NABE Speakers Bureau

TheNABE Speakers Bureau is a listing of NABE members available for speaking engagements.


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National Association for Business Economics
1233 20th Street NW #505
Washington, DC 20036
Phone 202.463.6223 Fax 202.463.6239
© 2003-2004, NABE®

Macroeconomic Advisers

Upcoming Meetings:

Oct 3-5: Annual Meeting, Philadelphia

Sept 10: Where's IT@: Dallas Fed and Technology Roundtable

Oct 25-28: Skills Seminar Advanced Statistical Techniques for Economic Forecasting

Information for:



Wholesale Trade
FRB KC Manufacturing Survey


FOMC Announcement
Productivity and Costs, BLS


Mortgage Bankers Assoc. Applications
EIA Week in Petroleum
FRB Richmond Manuf. Survey


Money Supply
Retail Sales
Business Inventories
Import and Export Prices
FOMC Minutes


ECRI Weekly Leading Index
International Trade

For past week's releases, please see the Economic Calendar

To order What Price the Moral High Ground? Ethical Dilemnas in Competitive Environments, by Robert Frank or other economic or financial books,
visit the NABE Bookstore at


Order The Future of U.S. Capitalism, by Fredric Pryor at the NABE Bookstore at


Order The Quiet Revolution by Alan Blinder at the NABE Bookstore at