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User:jesus_quotes (1621721) jesus_quotes
Jesus Quotes!
Are you feeling this?
Location:Vatican City State (Holy See)

EVERYONE JOIN [info]jesus_quotes

"The power of Christ compels you"

If you are uber religious leave now!
This is all meant as one giant joke, if you take offence then you are truly a donkey.

How Did This get started?
Someone quoted ~jesus to me, and I thought that was the dumbest thing in the world, so I have been making fun of it for the past ::shrugs::
I kind of wonder whats going to happen when they find this community...Well if it was me I would think it was funny and laugh at my past...but then again I wouldn't of quoted jesus in the first place.

1) Never actually quote jesus
2) Don't talk about the fight club
3) Every quote should end in "~jesus"
4) Use the ~ right above the tab key
5) Never Ever Ever Capitalize "jesus"
6) Don't take offence
7) Don't piss me off
8) Never give the actual name of the person saying the quote
9) If it takes a really long story to set it up, it better be really funny
10) Don't use this comunity for your own personal gain

Violations of the rules will result in loss of posting access. (This will be decided on a case by case basis)

This community is open to join, but I have to give you posting access. This is because I don't want people joining and preaching to me about jesus, get a fucking life.

Terror Alert Level

give jesus more *BJs*

Get BJs of your own
Interests:42: afterlife, bustin a move, busty flying nuns, changing everything, cky, dancing jesus, dicklips, dogma, donkeys, doug ticker, dysentery, fuck you, gabe, good times, hell, jay and silent bob, jesus, jesus quotes, jokes, knowledge, kompressor, learning from the past, letters f and u, live freaky die freaky, meep, mike sutton, mike's crush, nothing at all, orange soda, platinum nuts, quotes, quoting my self, retardation, schism, serial mom, spank me f me, stupid icons, tom morello, truly knowing, wwjd, ~, ~jesus. [Modify yours]
Members:41: 23skidew, 5th_and_pontiac, annetangent, awalkingdream, bodango, child_labor, distortedlogic, domad, dopester, dragonstalon, electricsodapop, enemyofthestate, ever__so_sweet, exactly_oranges, gangsta_ho_bag, ibrokemyd, jendotcom, jesus_quote_man, ladixiemecroix, long_red_block, luvsinging, mina126, mrangryeyebrows, overreact, pheffelphinger, plastickali, possym, quickie, razorblade_girl, red_head_edd, secilerila, shine_so_bright, shining__eyes, spazmaqueen, straysubtleties, thegrtmandini, twinstar87, uselesstodream, vcaressmedownv, veracitysansver, wakeupandforget
Watched by:37: 23skidew, 5th_and_pontiac, annetangent, awalkingdream, bodango, borin_lauren, child_labor, domad, dopester, dragonstalon, electricsodapop, enemyofthestate, ever__so_sweet, exactly_oranges, gangsta_ho_bag, ibrokemyd, jesus_quote_man, lighthammer, long_red_block, luvsinging, mina126, mrangryeyebrows, pheffelphinger, plastickali, quickie, razorblade_girl, red_head_edd, secilerila, shine_so_bright, shining__eyes, spazmaqueen, straysubtleties, twinstar87, uselesstodream, vcaressmedownv, veracitysansver, wakeupandforget
Account type:Free Account

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