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Diko Linnai

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Bunny gets 3 pats today Pat the bunny

YESSSSSSSSSSS [07 Dec 2004|03:27am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | DDR - bumble bee ]

I turn TWENTY - ONE today dears!!!!!!!!!!!

Off to Jamba Juice....as soon as it opens. Don't feel like it. Kinda weird when someone asks you that on your birthday. "So, do you FEEL (insert age here)??" ya never feel like a year older when it's your B day. wait a couple days and i'll get back to you.

Pat the bunny

arghhh [28 Nov 2004|03:02pm]
Well I didn't update for like a week, I mean, if you worked 8 hours a day and came home every night after 3 am, I don't think you'd wanna update either.

I'm saving up. Really saving up. I'll probably apply for training and get some xtra pay there, and then finally apply a second time for Lead. Then by then I'll have enough money to move out and actually have a life. Either way, I'll be on my own in exactly one year. Just also wanted to thank all my friends that actually stayed with me through all the different times, through bad times and everything else in between. My real friends understand and look past my down sides. My moodiness, and realizing the fact i'm not perfect and neither are they. And one of them I miss more than anything (Megu's one of them) won't be updating anymore because like me, she does not want to get involved w/ the stuff that gets started on LJ.

As for my LJ, i'm still deciding what to do w/ it. I'll keep it, i'm not going to block it or anything. I'm looking at stuff like furniture and appliances to save up and get for my place. So I've got the ball rolling, it's just a matter of time passing.

Pat the bunny

greetings from my bro [22 Nov 2004|01:43pm]
My brother called and wanted to know what I wanted from Mexico as a souviener from coming back from his honeymoon.

A sombrero? I'm not sure! I've never been to Mexico before and I'm not sure what they have. He suggested bracelets and ponchos and stuff, but I dont' know what else is authentically mexican that would be a sovie to bring back.


Pat the bunny

aww man [22 Nov 2004|01:15pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Keane - somewhere only we know ]

Why is the new Keane CD only seven bucks at Tower and Best Buy? I mean, that's a good thing, but it's really really good. They have nice, kick-back like music. The dj on KROQ said they were like 'coldplay' but I think they're better for using only a piano and drums in their songs.

I need to go shopping. I have a mental list of people I need to get gifts for. Now this is my 'non-xmas-january' presents to everyone that I've been giving the past couple of years. So I need to put money aside, and do it all at once. that's the only way and the easiest way. At least for me right now. It's gonna be the same two places this year because they're the only places I can get to; the mall and work. Lotsa cute things at work I want to get the ppl on my list.

I better go and actually write that list down on paper...

Bunny gets 1 pat today Pat the bunny

now, in some lighter news.... [20 Nov 2004|12:30pm]
[ mood | relieved ]

Well, I really didn't want to keep any negative energy going. it's so much lighter feeling now, like drinking a glass of water after drinking a coke.

No one is really good *or* evil. Just human.

But anyway, the sprint lady said, "You need to send in for a new cell!" bullcrap; i talked to a tech and they just needed to update my password.

Pretty nice phone rep lady. I bet they get so lonely sometimes. She said, "i'm gonna go through your pictures cuz i'm bored." She had a conversation with me even when i didn't need anymore cell services done through her. I don't think I'd ever want to sit and answer phones all day. Oh wait--I DID do that for years and years. *shudder* good pay though.

Pat the bunny

out of my best friend's mouth [20 Nov 2004|10:31am]
[info]megumiko said, "So much crap gets started on livejournal. That's why I don't post much anymore."

Well she's sorta right. I mean, not just mine, but like when i go to read my other friend's journals, (my inner friends not anyone i met *thru* lj) a lot of ppl, the one who posts, the ones who comment, everyone; say things that the others take the wrong way when a different point was meant. Mainly because you can't see or hear what the person is thinking. Just words on a screen. That's why when I meet ppl on lj, it goes from lj to AIM to "hey just call my cell." I always have ppl call me. because it's much too confusing to get a point or feeling or expression across.

Now that Sprint is being a jerk, once again, I have to get all my old info and transfer it to my new phone. and if the web persists to not work, i need to friggin send this new one in for another one.

Bunny gets 1 pat today Pat the bunny

by the way [20 Nov 2004|02:40am]
that's not fair, jen. i didn't say how i hated cats. they're of no use. my aunt's got cats and they wrecked the house. rabbits are of no use, but that's not kind to say what you did. you're thinking of wild rabbits, not domesticated house rabbits.

want to learn more? house rabbit society or rabbit.org. don't knock it till you try it.

and when you say comics are stupid, you have to think of Mike and Chris.

that is all.

Bunny gets 2 pats today Pat the bunny

for EVERYONE, jen, jay, chris, everyone. [20 Nov 2004|01:52am]
I had a talk today...with someone that I NEVER get advice from...

...my mom. I told her the situation, and she just let me know that I got myself into a mess. I really needed someone completely, someone who I'd never go to, to tell me what she thought.

She said, "You made yourself look cheap." Yes, look cheap. She told me that I haven't been myself lately. She actually asked me why. "It's not like you to....uh...jump between men?"

Now that's when I realized I did something terribly, terribly wrong. I've had a LOT of negative energy lately; my aunt mentally screwed me up the past couple of weeks, bashing my religion and my mother and me, embarrassed the crap out of me in public several times, and my grandmother said she was disappointed in me for not leaving my religion and not choosing the men in hawaii she had wanted to hook me up with.

My mother calls me a failure. I can't make her happy. I can't make anyone happy. I figure if I disappoint my mother than nothing is expected of me. I've fallen sort of loosely out of conduct. I don't get attention from anyone. I liked the attention I got from Rob. I was ignored by Chris.

I deeply cared for chris, I really really did. I cried and told him "I don't want to do anything to hurt you, I would never cheat on you. I want to straighten things out before something happens with Rob."

So I rightfully broke up with Chris, give him the reasons, and his last words were,"Don't worry. I won't let anyone talk bad about you. I understand how you feel. I'm sorry I didn't pay as much attention."

So I spend some nights sorting things out in my mind, realizing later as of now "what have I done?"

"what did i do to sound so bad?" the only one to blame is myself. what on earth am i thinking? I think this is the worst i've ever been. even megu told me, "well wouldn't you be hurting like jen if someone did that to your brother?"

But, well, chris is a sweet caring, selfless person. And i hope he gets someone just the same, even better. Just...not good for me.

It says in the bible to "Not become unevenly yoked." it is really hard for me to accept a man of no religion or can't live w/ me with my views. That was a big problem w/ chris. He loves the holidays evidently, I can't do them. I don't believe in them, that's my views. Rob is willing to study my religion and even progress. It would be so much easier if i was evenly yoked with someone who shared my religious views.

As for Jen and Jay, before I close for tonight, you both have to understand that I started getting lots of "hate mail" just out of the blue. That made me feel like crap. I have nothing in this life, I have absolutely no one, and nothing but a job a seriously ill father and ppl at work that constantly put me down as well as a disapproving mother. So when i got these emails and comments it made me sink LOW.

I never had anything against you. Not over chris, not over differences, nothing. I barely know you guys. I can say that I said some hurtful things. If you took them to be hurtful, I am sorry. They were in no way meant against either of you. I'm not upset at Chris. I hope he can grow up someday, though. And live for HIMSELF.

I just got a call tonight about something tragic and serious. I was shaking all the way home and twitching. I can't say what it is right now, but i won't sleep for a while.

So, I've been going through some crap lately. we all do. But the point is, I never wanted to hurt Chris. Break ups happen.

Chris is the sweet selfless person, in which that, if he gets hurt, if effects all those around him. Now that is a genuinely kind hearted person. He's just not ready yet. He isn't, guys. I am way too much to be ready. I wanted to move on while he toiled and read comics.

I wish the best for him, more than anything. Because It was always his kindness that attracts people.

Again, to Jay and Jen, I'm sorry; I have a lot of growing up to do. In fact, I've been going through some trauma-in-her-20s that I didn't think ppl in their 20s did.

You guys have life experience. I have none since i am so sheltered. I think that, I appreciate that you guys pointed this out to me. You pointed out the obvious to a girl who wasn't even looking.

Tho maybe you were hostile (based on emotion) just a bit, I realized that you know what, i made myself sound pretty damn bad. Anyone that's really close to me knows that i am not that sort of person.

So thanks....i think, yes. And i didn't know you had a g/f Jay, everyone told me you were gay and i guess they were joking or something. Beats me. If there were things said, you still responded to me tastefully, like a gentlemen.

And Jen, I know you're mature and you have all the experience of someone your age. It just took a while, gathering thoughts and comments, to realize that I made myself sound a bit heredonous. I'm sorry if anything i said lashed out at you, I just don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I still think that your'e a caring warm person.

I never meant to hurt anyone. I got caught in some moments, and I messed up not taking chris' feelings into consideration. I only hope i can be forgiven since i realize my badness now.

thanks so much again, to everyone. sometimes i need that proverbial slap in the face. to see things clearer, calm down, and go on.

Bunny gets 2 pats today Pat the bunny

[19 Nov 2004|02:28pm]
FOR [info]jaygazer :

I wasn't cheating on chris. that is none of your fucking business first of all. neither is what i say to jen. I didn't do anything for jen to say those things. I also don't understand how she went from--> agreeing w/ me about chris and actually *apoligizing* to me to -->lashing out on me out of nowhere. She brought it up and i was defending myself. why do you bother? what are you achieving by giving ME comments? they go right over.

You're not the most favorite out of the bunch either. I don't even know you and I've had ALL the guys tell me (when i was w/ chris) that they "Hate that fucking fag."

even talldan. he went on for the longest time in AIM going on and on why everyone hates you out of your group of friends. dan can't stand you, daniel can't stand you, i won't mention other names but they all said you were an ASS. I have heard the WORST shit about you from your own friends than anyone i've ever *not* known.
Even chris said, "Well, I tolerate the guy."

so who am i going to listen to? not you.

Pat the bunny

short trip [19 Nov 2004|10:10am]
OK i'm off to tower to find some henry mancini cds and then getting lunch and then kicking around till i go to work at 3:30. la la la dee daa....\

my hunny got in a bad accident this morning. so now both our cars kinda match w/ the whole crushed back right lights and hanging bumper. *sigh*

Pat the bunny

goin' ta tower [18 Nov 2004|05:37pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Prokofiev - aquarium ]

I'm already making a list for my after-holiday-gifts for everyone, I just don't want to keep gettting stuff from work as cute as they are.

huh? whadda hell is HiHi puffy?? Did I miss something? Also, does anyone know how to put an mp3 in the background of your myspace profile???

Random: I really miss the children's ventriloquist shows of the late 70s and 80s. I remember "Pinwheel," but no one else seems to remember it.

Bunny gets 1 pat today Pat the bunny

ooh ooh ooh! [18 Nov 2004|03:07am]
There's gonna be a NEW Pink Panther movie!

Though I'm not sure of what I think of Steve Martin playing the bumbling Clouseau.


Bunny gets 2 pats today Pat the bunny

[17 Nov 2004|11:40pm]
to [info]jmdryburgh

1. I took off all the mushy stuff about Chris a while ago.

2. I am SOOOO done with this, I'm not apt to go over it again.

3. You all wonder *why* again chris never kept a girlfriend???

4. My journal is MY journal and I will post whatever the hell I WANT in a "public forum." It isn't "Livejournal users can post ONLY when other ppl approve of content."

Don't like it? Deal.

Bunny gets 3 pats today Pat the bunny

happy thought sad thought blah thought [17 Nov 2004|03:52pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | ed edd and eddy ]

I saw "The Ring" for the 1st time a couple days ago. The japanese one. It scared the SH** out of me so I didn't sleep for the past like two days or whatnot. I'm never watching horror movies again. Ever.

It still irks me that there are people out there that are not freely forgiving. If one doesn't have the gumption to come forward and TELL you the problem that they have/or had with you, and just drop you as a friend, then there is something terribly socially unloving about them. The thing with me is, I give WAY too many chances to people. Because I know that circumstances can make them wonky at times. But to just give up on someone so easily, or because they felt they were rubbed the wrong way shouldn't ever be done to someone.

And I have nothing to hide. I don't ever often post only private or to friends only. I don't have a guilty conscience like that. Even if someone annonymus decides to flame me in my posts or whatever, I let them. At least they took the time to voice their opinion.

Also, the Cast Holiday party is coming up. Yay. I also might switch halls to be w/ my dear one. ^_^ Not to sure on many things. I don't think I'll be around the house much longer if things keep going the way they're going. I'll be gone all the time and not on LJ too much anymore soon.

Bunny gets 1 pat today Pat the bunny

WHEW [15 Nov 2004|06:17pm]
I'm much too tired to post much about my weekend.

All I gotta say is...that that is the LAST time I will ever have *that* much champagne....or even have it at all. Yuck city.

Beautiful wedding. Wasn't at the reception long tho. I'll post some piccies as soon as i get them.

Pat the bunny

*baddump baddump* [13 Nov 2004|01:22pm]
[ mood | content ]

Gosh it's not my wedding after all...

I just got my makeup done at the mall, and I think this is the worst thing ever because my mom got hers done too, and she bought most of the products they used on her.

I don't think I have ever known ANYONE in my life to spend $105.06 on *makeup*. I just wanted the nice brownish champagne gloss they used on me. the gloss alone was $22. Let's see...now about in one hour, I'm going to go get my hair styled, NOT cut or dyed due to lack of time, get something to eat really quick, come back home and get dressed, and then be at the wedding at 3:15. Hopefully fresh-as-a-daisy.

Then the reception is at 6:00pm, followed by hanging out w/ family members and then coming home around midnight and then maybe Rob coming by to see me in my dress and 'do and makeup. Oh he'll come alright to see it. ^_^

Bunny gets 1 pat today Pat the bunny

**chime from the Imperial butter commercial in the 80s** [11 Nov 2004|03:30pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Queen - it's a kind of magic ]

Da da da daaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK saturday is the wedding. and I ended up w/ a different dress. a much more different dress. I'ts all black and chiffon-y. I'll take pix don't worry.

What kinda bugs me is that my aunt calls me last week, and keeps hinting and eventually asking me to sign her daughter in to DL for her b-day and that i could get them all in even though there's 5 of them. It's supposed to be a suprise for her tommorrow, and they're suppose to be driving down to socal tonight. I went through hell taking the day on friday off, and I can only sign in 3 ppl at a time so i have to use my complimentary passes that i was *SAVING* since they don't expire till '06. I had all this planned for her.

Me: "So, you guys aren't gonna believe the fireworks show and the snow they're gonna have tommorrow night. It's amazing, and Shauna's gonna go nuts over it."

Auntie: "Um....how late are they again?" (i tell her around after 9-ish pm.)

Auntie: "Wow that's really really late at night for a friday. I was thinking maybe we'd go at eleven in the morning and leave at two or three in the afternoon. Geeze girl i'm done by three in the afternoon.

Ok so I stopped and got quiet. This is leading me to believe that she is simply....full of pig crap. I think that she's got something else planned. Who the hell goes to Disneyland all the way from nocal and leaves after being there for three and a half to four hours?

No. I'm not buying into that.

If I can get her to at least, AT LEAST leave the kids w/ me and Rob tommorrow for the rest of the day at DL then that's fine her and her hubby can go do whatever.

There's one thing I don't like and that's to be toyed w/ after I gave so much generosity. I actually had this planned since April. Now I feel bad and don't even know what to do.

Bunny gets 2 pats today Pat the bunny

coooooollld! [08 Nov 2004|10:46am]
[ mood | cold ]

ack i'm cold again. today we hunt for dresses for the mother of the groom. my head is all empty. and on friday....i'm goin' ta disneyland!!!!! (woo hoo.) with my aunt, the kids, my uncle, and rob.

fun fun fun....*yawn* So anything cool happen to anyone this weekend? even if you opened a jar of peanut butter?

Pat the bunny

plain and simple [07 Nov 2004|03:00am]
[ mood | cold ]

OK i'm really not feeling too well. I stayed out in the cold tonight at work cuz there was no room in the break room and i didn't have a coat. so i think i've got a cold now. *sigh* and the wedding is this weekend and i think i'm coming down w/ something worse than a cold.

i'm just gonna go lay down. and watch the rest of my new simpsons dvd.

Bunny gets 1 pat today Pat the bunny

don't know the song too well [05 Nov 2004|01:29pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | boy george - chameleon ]

"blah blah blah blah blah blah chameleon....you come and go..."

Does anyone know how to put a song/mp3/wav file on Myspace so that when you look at the profile it plays somethin' in the background? I KNOW it can be done, i've seen it.

This is the last stretch for my bro's wedding; so I haven't lost any weight either. I've got just one week. Any last minute ideas? I might be taking my aunt and the kids to the park next Friday too.

*sigh* another friday night at WORK....while everyone is out to play. ahhhh nuts.

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