The J-dawg and Amanda are here!!! Ha! Be jealous!!! This weekend will be one of the most interesting in terms of mischievous trouble to get into. Tonight, Johnny is coming up for which I believe a trip downtown is in order. Saturday is Twilight, Elise's Party and Corwyn's show. Which now that Annie moved her party to next weekend I can go to! Oh the partying, oh the madness! What a relief this will be before and then of cousrse after finals. I'm in the best of moods for some reason, though most of my voice is gone. The day is beautiful, my friends are beautiful and I'm beautiful! I hope everyone does well on their finals, if you have them, if you don't, fuck off. kiddin! As for music midtown, it looks as if I won't be attending this year, even though now the roster seems to be looking pretty bad ass, Hole is going to be there. Who knew? And Dragon-con, well, I'll discuss that as the date approaches.
Have an adequate day!
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want and I will answer it. Then, I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
It's official....I am a spanish prodigy! I know I did all that stressing about my spanish project, the one where I had to teach the class about psychology in spanish. And I know I broke the chair, and I forgot most of what I had memorized, but I look in my email and there was a note from my teacher addressing my grade for the mini-class I gave. Ninety-fucking-Three! That's right, 50% of my grade is a 93. Bow down bitches. bow down. Now that's one less thing to stress about. Moving, now that's a another issue, cause i don't know where we're going just yet.
As for the weekend. me for details.
Sum up your opinion or impression of me in one word, leave it as a comment in this posting, and then post this sentence in your own journal.
I'm stuck at the library this morning, writing a paper for an activity in the community I must spanish. Not to mention, i'm skipping my German class to do it. This past weekend was a blast, I went to Firehouse on Friday with Stephen, and then to Boneshakers, On Saturday, I saw the Passion of the Christ with Matt. Excellent movie, I emptied my tear-ducts. On Sunday, i went over corwyn's and me and kristi got chinese. Yum. This week I'm looking forward to doing nothing, not that I don't have anything to do, I just don't feel like doing it. OOOO, and I got my Bowie cd back from the Ryan. Yay!!! why didn't I bring it with me today?
In other news, Krisit's internet is not working, and that sux, be nice to her. Even if she bites the arm off that tries to hug her. :) I'm hoping that it's sooner than later, but I believe with the release of the upcoming new album, BleedThrough, NIN is going on tour! When, is the question I don't have an answer to. I plan on getting two tix, possibly 3, but if you're interested in going, now's the time to tell me. This means you, J-dawg!
Anywho, I think I should start this paper.
Have an adequate day
Being that it is my spring break I thought that I would be able to get alot accomplished, such as my 7 page spanish paper. Yet that is not the case. I almost want to go to work. It recently dawned on me that I will be moving again at the end of this year, which makes 5 moves in as many years. I feel like a nomad.
I must give mad props the hippie for reminding me about home movies. I laughed until I peed a little. okay maybe not. But it rawked. For the past couple of days we've been renting movies, and for some reason I had to pick out I Spit On Your Grave, which neither of us have seen. The first 20 minutes were horrible, but we decided to give it another chance, and found it to be slightly more tolerable towards the end. But this movie will still go on my "movies never to rent again" list. So far it's number 2 right behind Pink Flamingos. Don't you dare watch it Erica!
Tomorrow I look forward to another day of sleeping in and trying to work on my paper.
*There is such a thing as the perfect day. Mine would be to be sitting outside and it’s a warm day... the sky is completely blue with a few puffy white clouds... big ones....the sun... the magnificent sun is beaming down on me and I’m looking up into the rays with my eyes closed soaking in the heat.... I’ve brought my stereo and I’m sitting on a grassy hill... there’s maybe three or four trees around.... nothing is obscuring my vision of the sky though....playing on the stereo are long songs like “ Canon” and “ Pas de Deux” and some of my favorite songs, perhaps some Sigur Ros or Spiritualized... and then all of the sudden it starts to rain.... not hard... just strong, like big drops of water, but the winds not blowing and it‘s not a thick rain .... but the sky doesn’t darken and the sun doesn’t leave.... so there’s all these bright shining rain drops falling all around and over me....and the music continues to play and I continue to sit out there and at the same time I’m being drenched by sunlight and water and everything is perfect. I’ve longed for a day like this.... just thinking about it makes me smile.
I would like to thank all you beautiful kids who came to zie par-tay! Without you guys, I would fall to pieces, honestly. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, it's all for you babes, all for you. Many thanx again!!
Okay swear to my underwear, this is the absolute final date of the party. Feb 28th is the day. Party begins around nite or nite-ish. You, yes you, are invited. And you better damn well be there. There will be liquor, if you want to bring your own, that's always appreciated. As usual, tell you friends, spread the word, bring your mom. If you need directions or a reminder, call me, let me know. I want you there and if I don't see you there, I might hurt Kristi, and you don't want that, now do you? By the by, I was informed that this will be a leap-year party, so uh...bring your costumes?
so very tired is the evil....goddamn library. Anywho, the past weekend was filled with merriment as me, stephen, b and terra played endless board games. We bought trivial pursuit on friday, which in fact is very trivial, then we bought cranium congo on saturday. Not as fun as regular cranium, but still...what is? The Mad Dr. Penguin gave me a call on sunday much to my delight! I miss the penguin! And I got a b-day wish from luke which was nice. it has recently come the attention of my boss, Jesse, that i have not been evaluated for my staff position in 2 years! Who knew? I'm curious to know what it says, but of course i have to wait for angela to review it first. So i've been thinking, it's been a while since we had a par-tay. Just in case your're wondering, we might have one some time down the road. details later. holy fuck. my cd player is now definetely broken. I've had it for 2 years. I guess it's time for a new one. And i guess dropping it 4 times yesterday didn't help. Since i've been mad feigning sleep this week, my plans for this evening, logically, will be to drinking tonight. Haha, had you fooled! you fool.
In less happy news, Jude ate Jonathan's new phone. Cost= 200 bux. Bad dog, i waved my finger at him. But then he chewed on the remote. Cost= 8 bux. I was infuriated and he got a good spanking. I'm longer above sending him to obedience school. The little heathen. Anywho, I hope all you lovely kids are do smashingly. I miss most of you!
Have an adequate day
You are one of the few out there whose wings are
truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and
divine, you are one blessed with a certain
cosmic grace. You are unequalled in
peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of
Light your wings are massive and a soft white
or silver. Countless feathers grace them and
radiate the light within you for all the world
to see. You are a defender, protector, and
caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver
of the wrong, chances are you are taken
advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often.
But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in
everyone and so this mistreatment does not make
you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will
try to help misguided souls find themselves and
peace. However not all Angelics allow
themselves to be gotten the better of - the
Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting
for the sake of Justice and protection of those
less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever
change - the world needs more people like you.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla
'Complete Psycho' PLEASE VOTE!!!
What Type of Lunatic are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
This weekend was probably one of the best coming back to school weekends ever! Friday I got to hang out with Swathi and Nadia and Aiman which was a blast and a half. Then saturday, we had Cranium nite which was just excellent, thanx to all the kids who came! And sunday was a day of rest, and mexican apparently. And now here we are again on Monday.Bless those who are working today. For those of you who don't know, the shelving department is now open till 7 on MWF and who do you think is running that show?? Yup, you guessed it, me. I am, I'm the loser who's staying past 5 to shelve. Go on laugh, sneer if you must. Bastards. Anyway, I've been thinking it's high time I went ahead and actually paid for this lj thing, even though I don't use it as regularly as I used to. And for that I'm sorry, it's the school thing man, trying to learn german and spanish at the same time takes up all my energy. Well I'm off to class, Abnormal Psych! I'm excited to be there....
Have an adequate day
So another year has passed, Christmas was good this year, and horrible this year. Loved seeing friends and family, hated the huge fist fight i got into with my least favorite brother. Loved being home and not working, hated the anti-social funk i seemed to have been in. I know I didn't message anyone or call anyone, and for that I apologize. I wish everyone belated greetings and birthday wishes. Hope you holidays went better than mine. Although New Year's was pretty damn fun! Thanx little one!
16 shot later, i actually woke up without a hangover! My 21st was excellent, and shared with excellent people. I thank all of you kids who came out and those who called and wished me well. tomorrow i finally get to go home and see the folks and friends that i miss, after i get off of work that is, blah! And mad props goes to jonathan for giving me that string quartet tribute to NIN, that totally rox my sox! Congrats to the library brats and Swathi and Nadia on graduating, about damn time! Since everyone here is gone, I wish everyone a merry chrismas/yule and all that rot.
Dear Passive Aggressive Closet Case,
By the time you read this, I'll be maxing out your Visa. I'm sorry for doing this but, you left me no other choice. I know this might comes as a bit of a brain aneurysm to you - especially because you're such a materialistic self-absorbed bitch. But I'm sorry ?I just need hot sex with someone who isn't a human potato sack. I think you're totally keen, but I don't think we're right for each other. First of all, we're not compatible. You're a Republican, and I'm vastly superior to you. You like declawed rodentia colonics, you eat mayonnaise-based salads, and enjoy Aqua Velva, and I don't like one of these things. Your favorite movie is I Spit on Your Grave, and your favorite band is Jefferson Starship. Do you even know what my favorite movie or band is? I once asked you what color my eyes are and you said "Nuke me some fucking hash browns!". Anyway, I want to date an entire troupe of Chippendales. But you know what? I still want to be acquaintances. We can totally have hot sloppy booty calls . We had some good times, or so it looks on the videotape (even though I'm passed out) . But please, don't be bitter like last time. That means no spiteful genital tattoos. And look - I won't even make an issue out of the $37,229 you owe me, or the fact that you auctioned our love child. So take care of yourself - and choke on your own vomit.
Peace Out,
P.S. I faked every orgasm.
Dear John Letter Generator
meep! I thought that hell week was over, I see now I was sadly mistaken. This is the week of utter torment. Papers, quizzes, tests, low income, no heat, greedy male roommates, it's terrible. But on the serious tip, how many of you lovely kids will be in athens on the 22nd? Why you ask, well if you must know, that is the glorious day of my birth! And I'll be 21!!! So spread the good news. I'm undecided as to whether or not I'll be throwing a shindig at the ol' crib, but I'll definitely be tearing it up downtown. Hippie says that a b-day/after finals party would be awesome, a good time to relieve some of that post finals stress and celebrate the splendor that is I. But details later. I hope everyone had a fattening holiday, and good luck on finals. Most of you have been asking where I've been hiding, and if you didn't ask, Fuck you! Kidding. Well, I acquired another job at the library, which has kept me away and busy during any social revelry. So let it be known. Anywho, I miss everyone, and I hope you are all well.
Have an adequate day
Internet is good! Cable tv is good!! Except for the fact that now there's nothing on... This Friday will be the last show of Overnight Low, I URGE everyone to attend, because if we don't support "The Man", who will? It's at Allen's in Normaltown...yeah like that's a real place! I really have nothing to dwell on tonight, 'cept my own misfortunes but yeah, no need for that.... anywho, I miss all of you who I don't see on a regular basis, luv ya!
And who the hell put the bastketball poster in my room?
Have an adequate day
"Hey Big Ben, this is Rubber Duck and imma 'bout to lay the hammer down....
Does anyone else have the "convoy song" stuck in their brains???
Halloween was good times this year, except for hanging around outside of the bars and the massive bitching that was going was swell. Malia and Val came up to hang out and that was excellent. though I wish I could've spent more time with them. B was the chiquita banana girl and it was well done. Hippie gets mad props for the bondage pants, They Rawk!! This kid David i know was dressed up as a home-made sheep though he looked like a be-draggled poodle, It was still cute. I hope all had a wonderful Halloween, or Samhain. Now I must contemplate homework.
Have an adequate day, and make friends with your local neighborhood Unicorn!
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