Dash Bennett's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Dash Bennett's LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, July 6th, 2002
    12:34 pm
    Quick update
    Sorry, but I gotta make this quick. My phones been turned off since Tuesday and I'm updating from the library right now.

    I've had alot of fun at the 4 shows I had in the past 2 weeks. Particularly Thursday's MDW show in Sugar Grove, WV. I had a pretty decent match with Latin Tornado on what was an all around great show.

    Last night I heard about Todd Thompson being involved in a car accident after the show. I haven't heard anything about his condition. I know alot of people (including myself) don't like him much and he gets on everyones nerves, etc, but to see something tragic happen to someone in this business, let alone in your own promotion is a sad thing. I admit I don't really care much for him, but I pray he's alright.

    I'll be back online after next Saturday, gotta go...
    Saturday, June 29th, 2002
    2:13 pm
    WAAAAAAAAY too much fucking free time on my hands...
    DashBennett308: hey
    Shiftee eyed dog: hi fag
    DashBennett308: sup dyke?
    Shiftee eyed dog: not much homo
    DashBennett308: thats cool lesbo
    Shiftee eyed dog: this isn't fair...they're are waaay more things to call a lesbian than a fag!
    Shiftee eyed dog: all i got is fag and homo
    Shiftee eyed dog: you get lesbo, dyke, etc
    DashBennett308: lets see.. you've got queer
    DashBennett308: fudgepacker
    Shiftee eyed dog: wait! weiner snatcher!!!
    DashBennett308: thats a good one
    DashBennett308: I have rug muncher
    Shiftee eyed dog: rug muncher is my fav though
    DashBennett308: its a good one
    DashBennett308: how bout pussy pirate?
    Shiftee eyed dog: it's actually carpet muncher
    DashBennett308: as opposed to butt pirate
    DashBennett308: salad tosser
    DashBennett308: gay anal
    Shiftee eyed dog: hehe, i'm to old to remember those ones
    DashBennett308: Im just trying to make some up
    DashBennett308: penis pumper
    DashBennett308: snatch snatcher... no, thats no good
    Shiftee eyed dog: turd surfer
    DashBennett308: eh...
    DashBennett308: cockmaster
    Shiftee eyed dog: turn on the sci fi channel! it's tom cruise AND malachi as an elf!!!
    DashBennett308: i dont have cable
    Shiftee eyed dog: fag
    DashBennett308: you already said that one, miss unorignal
    DashBennett308: fucking faggot...

    Current Mood: Gay
    Current Music: Offspring "Have You Ever"
    11:32 am
    DashBennett308: hey, quick question
    DashBennett308: are there any pictures of you online or anything?
    ThaBomb413: hey, quick answer
    ThaBomb413: one
    DashBennett308: can i see it?
    ThaBomb413: from work
    ThaBomb413: and I dunno how to get to it
    DashBennett308: bah
    DashBennett308: so much for making a funny picture by superimposing your head
    ThaBomb413: lol
    ThaBomb413: I'm looking for it
    DashBennett308: good man
    ThaBomb413: I can't find it
    ThaBomb413: there is supposed to be a staff page at nttc.edu
    ThaBomb413: but I can't find it
    ThaBomb413: sorry
    DashBennett308: well sorry just doesnt cut it
    ThaBomb413: lol, i tried
    DashBennett308: i dont care
    ThaBomb413: we can't all be famous enough to have our pictures on the internet
    DashBennett308: tomorrow morning you're going to wake up with a severed deer head in you bed
    ThaBomb413: that's doubtful
    DashBennett308: yea, i dont have the stomach to handle cutting a deers head off and touching it and carrying it around
    ThaBomb413: that's good to hear
    DashBennett308: so expect a pile of deer shit on your pillow when you wake up
    ThaBomb413: I wouldn't want my sheets getting all nasty
    ThaBomb413: oh
    ThaBomb413: yuck
    DashBennett308: yes
    DashBennett308: deer shit
    DashBennett308: muah hah hah hah hah
    ThaBomb413: that's just gross
    DashBennett308: i know

    Current Music: 2 Pac "California Love"
    Thursday, June 20th, 2002
    6:08 pm
    Long needed update...
    It's been a few weeks, so I think I'll share what'd going on in my life.

    The move went well. I'm all settled in now, and I'm finally starting to adjust to this being my new home. I started a new job at PA Municipal Services in Oakmont. I fucking love this job. I don't do shit... At all...

    Wrestling wise, things are good. I've got a full fucking plate of booking over the next 6 weeks with 7 shows for NWA East, 2 for MDW in WV, and 2 up in Ohio...

    Well, I thought I had alot to say. I actually have the past few nights, but whenever Im mentally modivated to get online I'm very physically unmodivated. Deal with it...

    At this point, life is good. Despite petty bullshit here and there I'm feeling pretty good and keeping a positive attitude about everything. I'm so exhausted from work... i mean, not working today, and I'm going to go drain myself even more at practice. I wonder how I'll make it through the night?

    Oh well... time for me to make like the WWE and Get the F Out...

    *waits for Ben to mark out*

    Later fuckers...

    Current Mood: tired
    Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
    7:19 pm
    DashBennett308: you talk to mike yet about the tape gimmick?
    LadySoulKeepeR: no he was busy today...i can write down the clips you want and tehn he can tape them
    DashBennett308: to do that i would need the tapes, lol
    LadySoulKeepeR: ok or you can come over here and fucking do it
    DashBennett308: alright
    DashBennett308: just please dont try to rape me
    DashBennett308: :-(
    LadySoulKeepeR: don't flatter yourself
    LadySoulKeepeR: tonight?
    DashBennett308: I mean it, I'll call the cops

    Current Mood: scared
    Current Music: Aerosmith "Cryin"
    Friday, June 7th, 2002
    9:03 am


    I act like I'm 14.
    This test was brought to you by James - Part of the David and James phenomenon. Take it here.

    Thursday, June 6th, 2002
    1:42 pm
    Oh, and one other thing...
    If I was a booker/promoter, I'd have Axel Law and Bison a tag team. Their team name would be Brains and Brawn, and their theme music would be "Lets Make Lots Of Money" by the Petshop Boys...

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: The Petshop Boys "Lets Make Lots Of Money"
    1:27 pm
    3 more days. I don't know whether I should be excited or not. Theres all the pros and cons of being on my own, and I'm feeling a mix of all emotions. I had plans to do things with about 5 different ppl this week, all of which have fallen through due to other plans, sickness, or what not. Looks like I'm doing nothing but packing...

    The coolest thing happened to me last night. It was my last night at my job, and as a going away present my assistant manager gave me about 9 bottles of gin, rum, scotch, peach shaps (sp?), vodka, and other liquor. A few of which havent even been opened yet. A fucking box full of liquor. For free. For no fucking reason. The sad thing is I havent drank in about a year and this stuff is just gonna sit at my house and collect dust. I was teasing my friend Scott about it last night and he proclaimed it was like waving a steak in front of a starving man...

    I start my new job in Oakmont on Wednesday. A week off of work should be real nice...

    PWX is this Friday in McKeesport. Come check it out, fuckers

    Back to packing...

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: Linkin Park "Point of Authority"
    Sunday, June 2nd, 2002
    8:29 pm
    Last night was the NWA East show in West Newton. It was a pretty good show, despite a turnout of 30 people... but hey, it's more than we drew in Herminie, right? At least these 30 were into it. Although half of them left after intermission. The opener was me vs Spiffy Sean Stylez. We had a nice basic little match that resulted in Daron running in to help me get the cheap win. I tried to return the favor later in his match with Mr Bigg (who in my opinion should be the Head of Security for the New Era Horsemen, lol) but it backfired with Bigg getting the win. In addition to doing run-ins in each others matches, we also did 2 run ins for Paul Atlas and Dirk Ciglar, which I think was a bit too much. In any event, I had a pretty good time at the show, and I look forward to our return to West Newton...

    Today my family had a little going away party for me. It sorta touched me a bit, and I started to realise how much I'd miss them, despite the fact that I never call or visit them... EVER...

    7 Days away from the move... Oh yea, I ended up getting that job. I start Wednesday the 11th. I'm pumped...

    Current Mood: satisfied
    Current Music: Saliva "Superstar"
    Thursday, May 30th, 2002
    3:23 pm
    Well I had my job interview this morning. I think it went pretty good, despite being 15 minutes late due to shitty ass directions. The one thing that's gonna suck if I do get this job is that their pay periods are on a 2 week delay. Meaning I won't get my first check for about a month. I have about 1 1/2 full paychecks coming out of my current job, so more than likely I'm going to end up behind on my bills...

    Bad credit does not = ratings

    Not to mention how its gonna cost me an arm and a leg to rent a moving van...


    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: Aerosmith "Janie's Got A Gun"
    Monday, May 27th, 2002
    9:26 am
    Long Weekend...
    Friday was the NWA East show at the Sportotorium. It was one of the biggest and hottest crowds we've had in a looooong time. The match was me and Daron teaming with Paul Atlas against Sterling, Mad Mike, and Brandon K. It was an elimination match, which sorta sucked with time restraints. Sterling and Mike put their tag team titles on the line, as well as Paul's 3 Rivers Title. In the end we got the win via screwjob, regaining the NWA East Tag Team titles...

    Saturday was Mega Championship Wrestling in Elyria, OH. It was un-fucking-believable. Take the awesome crowd we had Friday night and mul;tipy it by like 10. Every seat was filled and it was honestly one of the best and hottest crowds I've ever worked in front of before. The match was me and Daron against Klub Xtreme in the first round of a tag team title tournament. We went down in the first round to the eventual winners of the tourney. The rest of the show was awesome, and the Chris Kole/Gabriel Knight TLC match was well worth not getting home till 3 AM for staying to watch. Hear that Kole, I put your ass over!!

    I spent most of yesterday visiting my family. That's about the extent of it. Today I'll be running around and eventually doing a picnic/putt putt gimmick sometime later. Well I gotta run, got alot of shit to do...

    Current Mood: busy
    Current Music: Linkin Park "In The End"
    1:08 am
    Berlington Coat Factory was having a going out of business sale, so I gots me 4 dress shirts, a pair of dress pants, a belt, 3 ties and 3 pairs of black socks for under $100. I have a job interview up in Oakmont Thursday morning. Now all I need to do is learn how to tie a tie...

    Oh wait...



    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Drowning Pool "Sinner"
    Tuesday, May 21st, 2002
    8:47 am
    Continued fro about 20 minutes ago
    chuckroast30: hi
    DashBennett308: hey
    chuckroast30: this is cupid i'm just adding you to chucks list can't firgure out how
    DashBennett308: please dont
    chuckroast30: seriously
    DashBennett308: one Churby is enough
    chuckroast30: ok i did it
    chuckroast30: chuck wouldn't bother you much
    DashBennett308: not as much as you?
    chuckroast30: i do
    chuckroast30: thats cause your my friend
    DashBennett308: I'm sorry to hear that
    chuckroast30: i'm not i don't have too many friends and don't post this shit in your journal
    DashBennett308: too late
    chuckroast30: damn you
    DashBennett308: damn me? I thought I was your friend
    DashBennett308: see if i take you to any baseball games now
    chuckroast30: baseball games
    DashBennett308: thats right, fucker
    DashBennett308: baseball games
    chuckroast30: watch out for the flying hotdogs especialy is spiffy is shooting them
    DashBennett308: you're a flying hotdog
    chuckroast30: no i'm a flying nut
    DashBennett308: well the first step to getting better is admitting you have a problem
    chuckroast30: i don't
    DashBennett308: well then no soup for you
    chuckroast30: if any of this goes on your journal i'm putting you on chucks buddy list
    DashBennett308: you said you already did
    chuckroast30: no i took you off
    DashBennett308: and despite your threats, its very easy to just block someone
    chuckroast30: please don't block me
    DashBennett308: why not?
    chuckroast30: i don't know
    DashBennett308: no good
    DashBennett308: buh bye
    8:21 am
    I worry about this kid sometimes...
    DashBennett308: shut up
    CupidWres: soory my caps lock was on
    DashBennett308: go eat poo on a stick
    CupidWres: i was screaming at someone
    CupidWres: corn dog
    CupidWres: yummy
    CupidWres: arn anderson can still work
    CupidWres: he tooks three bumps last night
    CupidWres: now i go to sleep
    DashBennett308: go to sleep
    CupidWres: i am
    CupidWres signed off at 8:21:25 AM.

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: Asia "Heat Of The Moment"
    Monday, May 20th, 2002
    8:36 am
    Random Blahness...
    This past weekend had been anticipated for weeks, having 4 shows in 3 days...

    Friday was the NWA Tri-State show in Wellston, Ohio. 2 days before the show I hop on mapquest to get directions and HOLY SHIT, the show is 4 hours away. The reason that's bad is because I couldn't get out of work until 4 on Friday, so factor in time to change, pick up Daron, possible traffic or construction, any stops needed for gas, the time it would take to get in gimmick at the show, and time to plan out a match with somebody... it would be damn near impossible to be there. My luck I'd get there right as the show was ending. So we ended up having to cancel for that show. Despite any "rumors" that I didn't go because I didn't feel like driving 4 hours, it was in fact because I couldn't get off work in time to make the show...

    So my Friday night consisted of going to see Star Wars with Daron, Jess, and our friend Meredith. I enjoyed it alot for it being my first Star Wars movie. The girls couldn't believe I never saw any of the SW movies before, and offered to let me borrow the orignal 3, and episode 1...

    Saturday we were supposed to have 2 shows. A IYFW afternoon show, and a TSCW/CWF show in the evening. IYFW, being an outdoor show, got cancelled because of the rain, and TSCW/CWF got cancelled because of lack of a crowd. 3 shows in a row getting cancelled my friends... I was starting to have a bad feeling about Sundays show...

    Sunday was WASP in Lakewood, OH (around the Cleveland area) It was cool to see our good friends from MCW there. Me and Daron worked the semi-main against The Crow, and old MDW favorite The Nomad. It was a pretty decent match, but at times it just felt kinda clusterfucked. I busted my lip on Crow's forehead when I went over to punch him on the apron one time. Nice...

    The move is getting closer and closer. Since I have still not heard anything about a job yet, I've put it off from the 1st, to the 8th. Reason being is my mom is moving on the 10th, and that is the absolute LAST day I can be here, after that, the house is empty. And I have shows the 7th (PWX) and 9th (WASP) so it has to be done on the Saturday in between...

    Well kiddies, thats all for now... *Yawns*

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Linkin Park "Pushing Me Away"
    Wednesday, May 15th, 2002
    12:45 pm
    NWADaronSmythe: http://www.pwxcitment.com/
    DashBennett308: lol what the hell is that?
    NWADaronSmythe: a new fed in Philly
    DashBennett308: oh
    DashBennett308: fuckers
    DashBennett308: lol
    NWADaronSmythe: I know! lol
    DashBennett308: Jim Miller should sue
    DashBennett308: lol
    NWADaronSmythe: lol yup
    NWADaronSmythe: that would be funny
    DashBennett308: look at their gay PWX logo
    DashBennett308: I wonder what their PWX stands for
    NWADaronSmythe: yeah
    NWADaronSmythe: I laughed when I saw it
    DashBennett308: whered you find that?
    NWADaronSmythe: Pro Wrestling Xcitement
    DashBennett308: thats so gay
    DashBennett308: Pro Wrestling Xpress is so more Xciting and Xtreme and Xcellent than that gay shit
    NWADaronSmythe: LOL
    DashBennett308: they're not even Xceptional
    DashBennett308: I mean, what do you Xpect?
    NWADaronSmythe: lol
    DashBennett308: I wonder how well they can Xcecute
    NWADaronSmythe: did you ever play Street Fighter III when you borrowed my dreamcast?
    DashBennett308: Yes, but I was far from an Xpert at it
    NWADaronSmythe: I beat both versions
    NWADaronSmythe: lol
    NWADaronSmythe: 20 minutes a piece
    DashBennett308: Xcellent
    DashBennett308: I find that very Xzillerating
    NWADaronSmythe: lol
    NWADaronSmythe: ok, that's enough
    NWADaronSmythe: lol
    DashBennett308: I wonder if Eric Xtasy will work for them
    DashBennett308: or the Xtremist
    NWADaronSmythe: it's Xpected
    DashBennett308: Xactly

    Current Mood: Xhausted
    Current Music: Xibit "X"
    Saturday, May 11th, 2002
    11:20 am
    NWADaronSmythe: hey...you know how I was bitching about biting my lip
    NWADaronSmythe: I mean, tounge
    DashBennett308: yea
    NWADaronSmythe: there's a big ass hole in my tounge
    NWADaronSmythe: on the right side
    NWADaronSmythe: lol
    DashBennett308: can you poop out of it?
    NWADaronSmythe: small turds
    NWADaronSmythe: very small turds
    DashBennett308: those are some small turds for a big asshole
    Monday, May 6th, 2002
    1:17 pm
    Alf is the new spokesperson for 10-10-220, how cool is that? Sure as fuck beats Carrot Top...

    *Note to self* Must kill Carrot Top...

    Current Music: Pink "Don't Let Me Get Me"
    8:39 am
    Something I noticed...
    I like to say fuck alot... Fuckety fuck fuck fuck...

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Staind "Outside"
    Saturday, May 4th, 2002
    8:48 am
    Hey Daron...
    My stepdad's been washing his hands for a good 10 minutes now... and he's STILL going... Damn, I can't wait to be out of this fucking place...

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Blink 182 "Dammit"
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