Mustapha's LiveJournal
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in Mustapha's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, April 11th, 2002
    6:07 pm
    Psychiatric mokcery
    I had to go to a psychiatrist yesterday evening 'cos of my depression... the first ten minutes I claimed I was only there 'cos I constantly and uncontrollably bent things at 90 degree angles. In one case, I bent a pen at a 90 degree angle and claimed that "Justin Davidson is as straight as this pen." My brother had to go there as well 'cos he hit himself in the head with a fist constantly for some reason... o_O

    After that, we walked to some place to eat dinner. On the way there, looking a drugstore, I stated that "There is only one place in town that sells drugs, and unfortunately, that's the pharmachy." At dinner, I helped my brother with a word game (seeing how many words you can get from the characters in "Charlie Brown's") by giving him several formattings of the word 'whore'.

    And there you have it.


    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Prophet's Song - Queen

    (Make spiffy reply)

    5:35 pm
    Just testing something before I make any real posts.

    Current Mood: mischievous
    Current Music: Mustapha - Queen

    (Make spiffy reply)
