The Wayback Machine -

Ariel's Journal

Thursday, July 3, 2003


all you fuckers who didn't already add my new journal [info]scantily_clad better. please.


that means you.

Current mood: Mad World (last song in donnie darko)
Current music: Mad World
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Friday, June 27, 2003


its such a drag when lj is down.

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Thursday, June 26, 2003

4:37PM - ...sasha... i know its wrong...

is it SOO wrong that I want a ninth grader? I don't want him now (...?), just in a few years. when he ripens. he's gonna be greasyhot. and he's fucking smart. well read. stellar taste. likes me. and he knows russian? plus, he's just generally agreeable and i'd be proud to show him off to just about anyone. except that he's... 14?

Maybe when he's 17 and I'm 19...? I dunno....

In other news... Henry is on a mission to get laid before July 8th and if he can't find anyone by wednesday I think I might oblige.

I feel so dirty talking about all this. see... this is why i need a new journal...

but maybe that will be self-defeating...

i hope not.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2003

9:57PM - hahaha... 12 years to go?

form action="" method="post">

Happy Deathday!
Your name:thefreakqueen
You will die on:Tuesday, October 6, 2015
You will die of:Blood Clot
Created by Quill

Current mood: amused
Current music: New Eve 6 courtesy of Lamb
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Tuesday, June 24, 2003


Crazy dream last night about Jon. Went to visit him in Philly and went to his school where I saw both Brian Mills and Leslie Samueli. Someone else too, but I forget.

This afternoon with Lauren. Great. We hung out and drove around and swung on swings and got scared by a UCI security guard and devised money-making schemes and talked to her dad about just how straight I can stick stickers on my car (no joke) and cleaned out her closet and talked about all the people we know and are envious of/know and hate/know (or don't know) and want to fuck.

Adrian Brody, take me now.

Anyone witty want to come up with a cool new lj name for me?

Anyone willing want to come up with a cool new lj code for me?

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Monday, June 23, 2003

10:12PM - adrian brody is making me hott. is there something wrong with this scenario?

is it SOO wrong that I think Adrian Brody is fucking hot in Oxygen? and everywhere else for that matter. is it SOOOOO wrong?

I had this incredibly hot sex dream last night (can't imagine why?) and I think it was about him.

However, it was interuppted by Dustin calling. We hung out. Good times were had. Hung out with Lamb. Better times were had. 12 Monkets was seen.

Back to my newest obsession:

gotta be the eyes. Mmm... that one was particularly arousing. something about men in buttondown shirts....

tell me that doesn't turn you on.


see also: the rest of this girl's webpage. its just basically b&w; artsy pics of herself. she's has a kinda of situational beauty that fools you at first. check this out, Lauren. I think you'll like the idea. ya'll may remember her as missanthrope from my friend's page about a year ago. or not.
Adrian Brody, I want you.

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Sunday, June 22, 2003

4:23PM - Carrie Fever

my post on the sex and the city message board on the topic of who Carrie should end up with:

Carrie said it herself: You only get two great loves in your life. Carrie always has and always will belong with Mr. Big.

They both share two great loves... each other and New York.

Current mood: god i'm good
Current music: Oasis - Wonderwall (live)
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so much to fucking say.

i need to write about grad night, las vegas, the movies/improv with darryl last night.

I've been up for two hours and its taken me that long to read my friend's page and check my email.

i'm spent.

i need some breakfast.

Lauren: let's hang out. tuesday?

Current mood: spent/hungry
Current music: No Woman No Cry (in my head)
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Magic Number16
PersonalityThe Glass Is Half-Full!
TemperamentAngry - At Everthing
SexualJust Say No
Likely To WinSome Lubricant
Me - In A WordSubtle
Brought to you by MemeJack

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Wednesday, June 18, 2003

6:58PM - here goes nothing.

( Pick ANY 20 LJ users on your friends list. Without revealing their names, say something about (or to) each one of them. Never reveal who is what. )

1I've had my period for like... 20 days now and its ridiculous, but I haven't wanted to say anything in my journal about it because the same thing happened to you just recently and I think people would be like, "what the fuck?"
2You're a way cool kid, but you need to learn to chill out. You're such an angry person.
3I got this from your journal, in which you made a funny comment about me. I love your posts, the links you put in them, your icons, etc. Great journal.
4I don't know why we are on each other's friend's list (because we're not really friends anymore). I guess its just mutual curiousity about each other's lives.
5 Another of the friends on my list has a crush on you that you don't know about.
6You're a bitch. And you read this and have no idea its about you.
7You know more about me than anyone else, but we haven't seen each other in a really long time. I met you through someone who I wish would stop existing.
8Got your lj name from a person on my friend's list who I really desperately want to like me.
9I should write something poignant and insightful about you, but you wouldn't realize who I was talking about so its not worth it.
10Well, we're married.
11We're more compatible than I like. And you look great in a suit, though I don't think I've ever told you that.
12You used to think I secretly hated you, or something, but I really think you're hilarious. My brother met you once and confessed to me that he thought you were pretty. Up until this point in the comment you thought this one was about you, but now you don't, but it is even though I doubt you think so.
13You and I are both kinda creepy in similar way and (I think) we really get along well and appreciate each other's style.
14We met once and you didn't remember me. And your posts are fun to read but you don't update enough.
15You're hot and you were glasses and you live far away from me.
16I liked you because I thought you liked me. And for other reasons too I guess.
17I used to hook up with you but then I realized you make me feel like shit, so I completely stopped talking to you. You won't end up reading this.
18I have a crush on this person's boyfriend.
19You deserve everything good that's happened to you lately.
20You're conceited to the point that its a little annoying but you have every right to be.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2003

6:19PM - step back from that ledge

today sucked. i'm sick of driving.

eve 6 tonight with Sarah!

missing grad night. going to las vegas with family. don't want to.

tomorrow: victoria Secret semi-annual sale with Lauren and Marissa.

i could really go for a bagel right now.

i need to fill out my claremont paperwork.

i applied to tilly's today.

tomorrow I'm going to try to book my flight to philly.

there's always something to do...

got a new purse. I think its supposed to be a Gucci, but its alright. i like it, but its a little small. nice cut.

check me and lamb out:
they're a little too dark, but some of them turned out nicely.

Current mood: hot
Current music: Eve 6 - How's It Going to Be (in my head)
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I was just starting to feel nostalgic about my class.

Yeah the fuck right.

It hit me when I started reading the things they wrote in my yearbook after the party last night. Just insincere or stupid things. Makes me want to smack them.

The only person I gained a little more respect for was Henry (who isn't in my class), who I've decided I really like. He's a really good guy and I think he was one of the few people who wrote something that didn't suck, not including non-seniors.

Whatever. I wish I could go back and take away all the nice things I said in everyone's yearbooks. I wish I wrote the same thing in everyone's yearbook who I didn't give a shit about, like John Rhinehart in 8th grade: its time for the army of conformity to put down its weapons and let the freak flag fly. eh, oh well.

The other person who wrote something good was Kate. I always knew I liked her. She's a good kid even if she is a stolid bitch.

Its just that... I mean... especially people like Nir, who I'm never going to see again (moving to Israel)... and people like Alex Toplansky, who I've had some great conversations with and really like as a person... nope... nothing...

And I was really looking forward to his...

I mean, do I have to preface "sign my yearbook" with "don't be a snatch and write pointless insincere shit"?

"have a great summer" is like saying "fuck you, but have a good life since you put up with me for the last three years."

People wrote about "the four years we've spent together." I've only known these fuckers for three.

I dunno. So yeah, Fuck You Tarbut '03 (minus a few).

But yes, the party was ok. Or whatever.

So long, suckers.

Current mood: disappointed
Current music: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Soundtrack (which kicks ass)
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Monday, June 16, 2003

3:02PM - I put it all in one post, so you can ignore it all at once.

found out Jayson's getting married to Julie yesterday. yay, that's two weddings for next year (mrs. hall's too).

yesterday i took all my old corsages and put them up in my room.

for the record I did these because I'm gradutating today and I want to remember it just like it was. right...

-- Name: ariel farrar
-- Birthdate: july 6
-- Birthplace: tarzana
-- Eye Color: blueish
-- Hair Color: brown/blonde
-- Height: 5'3
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty.
-- Zodiac Sign: cancer
-- Your heritage: cuban, italian, polish, etc.
-- The shoes you wore today: black flip flops
-- Your weakness: shoes
-- Your fears: the woman on tv who smokes through the hole in her neck
-- Your perfect pizza: thick crust with thin sauce and just lots of cheese and pineapple
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: buying my parents a nice house somewhere
-- Your most overused phrase: "I can't believe we're graduating in (____) hours!"
-- Your thoughts first waking up: deciding if I have enough motivation to get up yet.
-- Your best physical feature: legs
-- Your bedtime: 11-2 sometime in there...
-- Your most missed memory: none. nothing's ever been better than it is now.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: neither
-- Single or Relationship: dunno right now
-- Adidas or Nike: adidas
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla BEAN
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
-- Smoke: no
-- Cuss: yeah
-- Sing: only to other drivers
-- Take a shower everyday: i try
-- Have a crush(es): always
-- Want to go to college: can't hardly wait (boy, I'm clever)
-- Like high school: let's be frank...
-- Want to get married: not really inspired, but I could see it happening
-- Believe in yourself: often
-- Get motion sickness: sometimes when i'm in the back seat
-- Think you're attractive: at times
-- Think you're a health freak: hhahahaha hahahahaha
-- Get along with your parents: kinda
-- Like thunderstorms: mmmhmmm... (speculates about watching donnie darko during a thunderstorm)
LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Done a drug: no
-- Had Sex: yes
-- Made Out: hell yes
-- Gone on a date: no
-- Gone to the mall?: no
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
-- Eaten sushi: no
-- Been on stage: yes (and tonight!)
-- Gone skating: i want to....
-- Made homemade cookies: yep, but i burnt them
-- Gone skinny dipping: no
-- Dyed your hair: yes
-- Stolen anything: no
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes. and the addition of clothing as well
-- If so, was it mixed company: yes
-- Been caught "doing something": yes
-- Been called a tease: yes
-- Gotten beaten up: sure
-- Shoplifted: yes
-- Changed who you were to fit in: not so much
-- Age you hope to be married: not before I'm 27
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 0 or 2 Lila and Jon
-- Describe your dream wedding: silver and burgundy in the fall
-- How do you want to die: painlessly in my sleep
-- Where you want to go to college: exactly where I'm going
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: a good person
-- What country(ies) would you most like to visit: I don't care about the rest of the country, just Prague
LAYER NINE: In a boy or lady...
-- Best eye color?: green or brown
-- Best hair color? dark brown
-- Short or long hair: kinda short but curly
-- Height: not more than... a foot and a quarter taller than me, i guess
-- Best weight: don't really care too much
-- Best articles of clothing: shoes? if not shoes, boxers
-- Best first date location: some place with alcohol and mutual friends
-- Best first kiss location: in a bed
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: one, maybe two
-- Number of CDs that I own: dunno... 80... 100... 120 I share a lot with my dad
-- Number of piercings: 3 (formerly 6)
-- Number of tattoos: 0, but maybe someday something really simple
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 7-8

::10 Bands You Have Seen Live::
1. greenday
2. barenaked ladies
3. aquabats
4. five iron frenzy
5. alanis morisette
6. garbage
7. matchbox 20
8. Death on Wednesday
9. Styx
10. The Pretend Beatles (or whatever they're called)

::09 Things You're Looking Forward To::
1. visiting jon
2. going away to college
3. graduating tonight
4. dyeing my hair in teh fall
5. seeing cary
6. reading all the things people write in my yearbook
7. Jezebel
8. email from Ryan
9. nore graduation money!

::08 Things You Wear Daily::
1. ring from aunt adrienne
2. bracelets I made and tiny bead bracelets and paul frank blueleather wristband
3. toenail polish
4. mascara
5. body splash
6. deoderant
7. some form of footwear
8. there's really nothing else

::07 Things That Annoy You::
1. repetive noices
2. waiting in longs lines for expensive things
3. really really cool people
4. my uterus
5. people with eating disorders
6. our poorly made yearbook
7. cassie wolder

::06 Things You Touch Every Day::
1. myself
2. my sterring wheel
3. the dogs
4. my pill case
5. my purse
6. my cell phone

::05 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::
1. now & then
2. princess bride
3. great expectations
4. cool runnings
5. howard the duck

::04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time With::
1. you
2. natalie
3. lamb
4. chels

::03 Girls/Boys You have Kissed::
1. john
2. cary
3. cameron

::02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment::
1. "why do you build me up, buttercup?"
2. "sexy sadie"

::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::
1. huh?

Canada -
Although originally a simple British colony, it has
flourished into a Mid-Level power. Admired
worldwide for its culture, acceptance and
quality of living standards.


Loved By All.

Mid-Level Power.

Renouned Despite Proximity to Superpower.

Damn Good Maple Syrup, Inuit.


Often Ignored.


Monarch-Democractic Struggles.


Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Well, I'm off to go graduate high school. Wish me luck.

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Everyone complimented my cool green pants today.

Grad practice was nice. Got our year books. They lick goat balls on the whole but I look cute in a bunch of pictures. I still can't believe I got fucked out of a yearbook last year. Oooo... I really like my senior quote. It's by Winston Churchill: "history will be kind to me, for I intend to write it." Cute, huh?

Well, it appears I'll be missing grad night to go on a Las Vegas trip with our family. Oh well. Its ok. Whatever.

Picked up pictures this morning. Wooo...

Reading the book Lamb gave me. Funny as Hell. its by David Sedaris and its called "Me Talk Pretty One Day." Raucous good times. Also have to read Brave New World. Man.

Went to Glenda's get-together last night. Was nice.

My grandparents came over yesterday and we had the most amazing dessert of my life. It was this cherry/blackberry liqueur heated up and mixed with blackberries and rasberries and it was all poured over neopalaton ice cream. (dies...) Mm.....

Grandparents and father and me and a banjo sat and sang old songs on the patio. Oh Susanna, The Yellow Rose of Texas, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, The Red River Valley, The Girl fom Ipenima, There's a whole in the bucket.... Oldies, but goodies... Oldies, but goodies...

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Saturday, June 14, 2003


"The Justice Department has banned a group of gay employees from holding their annual gay pride event at the Department's headquarters. It's all part of Ashcroft's new 'Don't ask, don't be gay,' policy."
-Conan O'Brien

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Thursday, June 12, 2003


[take the test] - [by]

wow, i don't know what to say about this...

something to tell the grandchildren?

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Wednesday, June 11, 2003

3:00PM - hey, i get leid for free

Tovah: hey, do you wanna buy a lei for graduation
Me: ?
Me: is this a normal practice?
Tovah: hahaha yes, mostly at colleges
Me: "hey, i get leid for free"
Me: sorry, it had to be said
Tovah: hahahaha
Tovah: all the UC's do it, stanford does it
Me: that's so cute
Me: sure
Tovah: i can send you a picture of graduates wearing them if you like
Me: ok cool
Tovah: k, it's 25 dollas
Me: ok, when?
Me: i'll have to ask my parents
Me: but yeah
Tovah: k, we need the money this week
Tovah: you can put it in the mail if you like
Tovah: i know you live far from school
Me: friend: what are you getting for graduation, ariel?
Me: me: "i'm getting leid"
Tovah: hahahah
Me: sorry....
Me: ok, yeah money in by this week

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Tuesday, June 10, 2003


goddamn cary's going away so I can't see him Wednesday night....

John tonight at 7.

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Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

this quiz kicks ass. I really like everyone's results so far.

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Monday, June 9, 2003

5:35PM - I keep making these to-do lists but nothing gets crossed out...

but really really they do. i swear.

fuck i just typed up an entry and aol fucking crashed. i hate that. so what i had was a list of

I don't have to go back to school to do anything but graduate. Crazy, huh?

there's so much to do:
*start my internship (really... its getting bad now)
*plan my graduation party
*get $20 from Kieran that he owes me
*get $33 from Mom that she owes me
*organize/throw away/store old highschool stuff
*get Fall Out Boy cd from Chelsea
*get my computer up to date
*go to lamb's house to get the cd that will allow me to do that
*give sarah the 38 dollars I owe her
*hang out with Lauren and Marissa
*take a roll of B&W; film of chelsea and Kieran
*clean my room out
*get a job
*bikini wax
*check to see if I got the Cyrano's job
*lose weight
*call CMC to ask transfer credit questions and housing stuff, etc.
*call Judy to maintain rapport*finish Good Omens (seriously, I have not had time)

Up Syndrome show tonight. House of Blues. I should start getting ready for that soon enough.

Current mood: content
Current music: Bright Eyes - Nothing Gets Crossed Out
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