Conference on Research in Income and Wealth
Conference on Research in Income and Wealth
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The Conference on Research in Income and Wealth (CRIW) was founded in 1936
to advance the cause of measurement in economics. CRIW brings together
economists from government, academe, business, and non-profit
organizations to discuss problems of mutual interest. The CRIW is
administered by the National Bureau of Economic Research, but membership
in the CRIW is independent of NBER affiliation. Membership in the CRIW is
by election and is based on a significant contribution to research in
income and wealth, a sustained interest in research in this area, and
continuing participation in CRIW activities. The principal activity of the
CRIW is to hold conferences and workshops which deals with measurement
issues in various areas of economics. Attendance at CRIW conferences is
open to all interested participants.
The CRIW is supported by contributions from institutional members,
including the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Bureau
of the Census, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics,
and Statistics Canada. The National Science Foundation also has provided
support for many individual conferences.
- Members
- Executive Committee
- Upcoming Conferences:
- CRIW Price Research Conference, Vancouver, B.C., June 28-29, 2004
- Preliminary SSHRC Program, Vancouver, June 30-July 3, 2004, following the CRIW conference
- Conference on Producer Dynamics and Micro Data, Washington, D.C., April 8 and 9, 2005
- Summer Institute 2004 Workshops:
- Pre-Conference for the Producer Dynamics and Micro Data Conference July 23, 2004
- Joint workshop with the NBER Productivity Program, July 26-27, 2004
- Recently Held Events:
- "A New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts", April 16 and 17, 2004
- Conferences in memory of Zvi Griliches:
Paris, France, August 25-27, 2003 (Hotels) and (Dinner)
Washington, D.C., September, 19-20, 2003
A Note from Diane Asseo Griliches to Participants in the Conference in Memory of Zvi Griliches, Bethesda, Maryland, September 19-20, 2003
Thinking About Zvi, by Robert Gordon, delivered to CRIW audience, 4-5:30pm in Bethesda, MD, Sept 20, 2003
- Measuring Capital in the New Economy, April 26-27, 2002
- Economic Statistics: New Needs for the 21st Century, Joint Conference with the New York Federal Reserve Bank, July 11, 2002
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Research Conference, July 22-23, 2002
- Conference on Research on Income and Wealth, July 11, 2002
- Summer Institute 2003 Workshops:
- Pre-Conference for the National Accounts Conference July 25, 2003
- Joint workshop with the NBER Productivity Program, July 28-29, 2003
- Joint workshop with the NBER International Trade and Investment Program, August 8, 2003
For more information about CRIW events, please contact the Conference Department: confer at
Forthcoming CRIW books
Architecture for the National Accounts
Jorgenson, Dale, Steve Landefeld and Williams Nordhaus, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth
University of Chicago Press
Measuring Capital in the New Economy
Corrado, Carol, John Haltiwanger and Dan Sichel, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth
University of Chicago Press
Recent CRIW Books
Scanner Data and Price Indexes
Feenstra, Robert C. and Matthew D. Shapiro, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 64
University of Chicago Press 2003
ISBN: 0-226-23965-9
New Developments in Productivity Analysis
Hulten, Charles R., Edwin R. Dean and Michael J. Harper, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 63
University of Chicago Press 2001
ISBN: 0-226-36062-8
Medical Care Output and Productivity
Cutler, David M. and Ernst R. Berndt, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 62
University of Chicago Press 2001
ISBN: 0-226-13226-9
International and Interarea Comparisons of Income, Output, and Prices
Heston, Alan and Robert E. Lipsey, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 61
University of Chicago Press 1999
ISBN: 0-226-33110-5
Labor Statistics Measurement Issues
Haltiwanger, John, Marilyn E. Manser and Robert Topel, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 60
University of Chicago Press 1998
ISBN: 0-226-31458-8
Geography and Ownership as Bases for Economic Accounting
Baldwin, Robert E., Robert E. Lipsey and J. David Richardson, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 59
University of Chicago Press 1998
ISBN: 0-226-03572-7
The Economics of New Goods
Bresnahan, Timothy F. and Robert J. Gordon, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 58
University of Chicago Press 1996
ISBN: 0-226-07415-3
Price Measurements and Their Uses
Foss, Murray F., Marilyn E. Manser, and Allan H. Young, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 57
University of Chicago Press 1993
ISBN: 0226257304
Output Measurement in the Service Sectors
Griliches, Zvi, ed.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 56
University of Chicago Press 1992
ISBN: 0226308855
International Economic Transactions: Issues in Measurement and Empirical Research
Hooper, Peter and J. David Richardson, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 55
University of Chicago Press 1991
ISBN: 0226351351
Fifty Years of Economic Measurement: The Jubilee
Berndt, Ernst R. and Jack E. Triplett, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 54
University of Chicago Press 1991
ISBN: 0226043851
Productivity Growth in Japan and the United States
Hulten, Charles R., ed.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 53
University of Chicago Press 1991
ISBN: 0226360598
The Measurement of Saving, Investment, and Wealth
Lipsey, Robert E. and Helen Stone Tice, eds.
Studies in Income and Wealth No. 52
University of Chicago Press 1989
ISBN: 0226484688
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