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Top Stories for Friday, August 13, 2004   More Top Stories »
The Truth About the Drug Companies
The $200 Billion Colossus
Marcia Angell, AlterNet
EnviroHealth: "When I say this is a profitable industry, I mean really profitable. It is difficult to conceive of how awash in money big pharma is."
The Drug Profiteers
Kelly Hearn, AlterNet
EnviroHealth: It’s time to rein in the biggest drug peddlers of them all — the pharmaceutical industry. Author Marcia Angell talks about how to fight the other drug war.
Harnessing the Youth Vote
Deirdre Fulton, Boston Phoenix
WireTap: After years of neglect, the Democratic Party is finally reaching out to young voters.
Beyond the Super Freak Mask
Adam Williams, PopMatters
The late Rick James was a brilliant innovator and artist – one who will unfortunately forever be associated with the cliched trappings of sex, drugs and rock 'n roll.
Readers Write: Canadians Do It Better
Canadians weigh in on Molly Ivins' assessment of them.
Rights and Liberties A New Kind of English
Franz Schurmann, Pacific News Service
Movie Mix Bad Brains
Stuart Klawans, The Nation
Election 2004 God and the Blue States
Eyal Press, The Nation
DrugReporter Bush's Born Again Drug War
Paul Armentano, AlterNet
War on Iraq Iraq, A Battleground State
Michael Schwartz,
MediaCulture Victoria's Secrets
Noy Thrupkaew, The American Prospect
EnviroHealth Uncommon Buffalo and the Buffalo Commons
Diane Dufva Quantic, Prairie Writers Circle
WireTap Kerry Stumps in my Hometown
Brian Fanelli, WireTap
Top Stories for Thursday, August 12, 2004   More Top Stories »
NEW: September Surprise
Bob Harris, AlterNet
Election 2004: Tom Ridge has announced that September is National Preparedness Month – and it's not political?
The War On Democracy
Greg Palast, AlterNet
Will the gang that fixed Florida fix the vote in Venezuela where Hugo Chavez is expected to win this Sunday?
Locking Up New Voters
Dan Frosch, In These Times
Election 2004: Prison reform groups along with voting rights organizations are working in unprecedented numbers across the country to register ex-felons for 2004.
Flat-Growth Battlegrounds
Thomas Schaller, Gadflyer
Election 2004: Battleground states are among the U.S. economy's worst performers.
Pass the Mic
Mark Anthony Neal,
MediaCulture: Twenty years after the release of Roxanne Shante's "Roxanne's Revenge" and Salt & Pepa's "Showstopper," for the most part women rappers and scholars are still struggling to be included in the cipher of hip hop culture.
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Election 2004: New Jersey governor resigns
So New Jersey's Gov. James McGreevey has announced his resignation because of an extra-marital affair. He's admitted that he's a gay man. What's hard to understand is the shame of it all -- aside from... More »

War on Iraq: Pandora's mosque
While U.S. forces may have received "permission" to strike the Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf from Iraqi authorities, any such action is likely to provoke widespread outrage throughout the Shi'ite community. According to the Los... More »

Rights & Liberties: Untying the knots in San Francisco
At a time when conservative pundits are decrying the decline of marriage, it seems odd that they're celebrating today's California Supreme Court decision to annull more than 4,000 gay marriages that took place in San... More »

MediaCulture: Post admits timid coverage
Just days before the start of the war, editors of the Washington Post buried a story that questioned Bush's assertion that Saddam was hiding WMD. The Post on WMDs: An Inside Story details how a... More »


Hutchinson Earl Ofari Hutchinson:
Keyes No Laughing Matter
Keyes' Illinois run is the earnest comeback of a hard-line conservative – Dems should take that seriously.
Hightower Jim Hightower:
The Pentagon's Revolving Door
The scam is to work a while at the Pentagon, gain insider knowledge and contacts, then peddle insider connections to corporations wanting more fat contracts from us taxpayers.
Newitz Annalee Newitz:
Fear Is Good
It's always creepy but gratifying when a piece of mass media so perfectly reflects the culture industry that conceived, manufactured and distributed it.
Scheer Robert Scheer:
One More Chalabi Black Eye
The Bush administration's top Iraq advisor is indicted for counterfeiting; his nephew, for murder.
Gonsalves Sean Gonsalves:
Shooting Mosquitoes on the Titanic
9/11 commission report disappoints victims' families by failing to lay blame for intelligence failures or address root causes of terrorism.
Ivins Molly Ivins:
Oh Dear!
Our 'most important neighbors to the north' – the patient Canadians – weather our little psychodramas and suffer our abuse. Polite, calm, chock full of common sense and living next to us. What a fate.

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