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On Yesterday:
Off The Record

Political Passion
News from Reuters:
·US Forces Kill Scores in Iraq But Najaf Truce Holds
·Olympics-Chinese Shooter Wins First Gold of Games
·Polish Nobel Laureate Milosz Dies -- Media
·Pakistan's Musharraf Vows to End Islamic Militancy
·U.S. Army Says Kills 50 Iraqi Insurgents in Samarra
·US Army Says Kills 50 Iraqi Insurgents in Samarra

Shiite demonstrators hold banners in support of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr (AP)
Moqtada's Motives
Al Sadr's last stand. As American forces battle al Sadr's army in Najaf, the radical cleric has positioned himself for martyr status. Why some worry he'd be even more dangerous dead than alive. more

Filmmakers Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky and cinematographer Bob Richman look on as Metallica meets at their headquarters
Heavy Metal Goes Oprah
Metallica on the couch. The band once nicknamed "Alcoholica" has recently gone through a performance enhancing, energy channeling, confidence building group therapy. Heavy metal's midlife crisis. more

Woodlawn MausoleumWoodlawn Mausoleum
View architectural renderings of the Conservatory Mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, New York.
Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Measures: A True Story from Hell on EarthEmergency Sex
View photographs from Ken, Heidi, and Andrew's travels to the world's most dangerous places.
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