Advice For Those Who Want to Attend an Econ Ph.D Program
This section contains questions and answers that 100's of current economics PhD's have answered.
If you are curious what they think got them into a top school, or how much math a prospective economics
PhD student should take during their undergrad career, or simply which college to choose to attain you
econ PhD then this is the link for you.
Click Here
Economics Grad School Rankings
The University of Washington has a nifty little site with 20 questions to ask yourself before entering a graduate program. Check it out here. Definitely some information for your brain to chew on.
Economics Links
Masa Kudamatsu is a PhD student at the London School of Economics in his second year of studies. His site is full of thoughts about London, economics, the cultural issues a japanese student faces while studying in the west, among many other things. Check out his site here.
Some economists really do want to save the world. If you have a strong stomach click on this link and listen to a first year econ PhD student attempt to sing the eighties feel good hit "We Are The World". We can only hope that Govind is a better economist then singer! While you are at it, check out the rest of his site here.
Benjamin Keys is a first year PhD student at Michigan and has begun to write about his first year experience here. Below is a snip, read the whole thing.
"With no respite from it with fluff classes, no friends outside of the program, and no extracurriculars to speak of, I tried to cut the stress by organizing lots of happy hours and going to the gym six days a week. It didn’t always work, but I never flipped out and made it through with a generally positive mental outlook, which is more than I can say for most of my classmates. The bottom line is that you have to be the sort of person who thrives on stress but doesn’t let it consume you."
Thanks to Jacqueline Passey for her recent link to Becoming an Economist. Jacqueline is an undergraduate econ student at Seattle U. and plans to attend econ grad school, if she can get over the math hurdles. Good Luck and Thanks.
More websites by students currently in grad school with something interesting to say. This is a good place to get a taste of the environment you will face as an Econ PhD student. Click Here
Recent Additions & Updates to the Site
July 04, 2004: Added link for Masa Kudamatsu's web-site, econoclasm. Masa is studying economics at LSE.
July 01, 2004: New blog entry on the open set misnomer.
June 30, 2004: Added link to Budding Economist and links to the French Laundry in a useless attempt to get reservations.
June 28, 2004: Added link to a spirited rendition of a song to save the world on this page under the header of Economics Links on in the center bottom of this page. Also added a few pictures.
June 28, 2004: Added a link to Benjamin Keys article reviewing his first year economics PhD experience here.
June 18, 2004: Updated links page. I am seeking econ PhD students who write blogs or regularly update their webpage. I would like at least one person from every top 50 college in the US and top colleges outside the US. If you know of any such links, please e-mail me about them so I can get a complete list of sites. Thank You!
My Schedule
No Summer School - Waiting for Cornell Schedule
Uris Hall - Cornell University - Department of Economics
Wine Tasting In Livermore