August 16, 2004
Entry: For the love of irony
The Samp has The Samp: For the love of irony:
It starts out with an RV driving around the country. First stop? The Kansas State Fair. The female “roving reporter” asked fair-goers, “What would you do if you didn’t have any joint pain?” The unclean would respond with dumb answers, that probably actually work. Oy.The next stop? I couldn’t watch any longer.
The irony is, people (especially the “ad agency types”) have been making fun of and discounting infomercials for years...
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Entry: A Little Trip In Mr. Peabody's "Wayback" Machine
Varifrank has Varifrank: A Little Trip In Mr. Peabody's "Wayback" Machine:
Take a step with me into the "wayback machine". Forget what you know about history and observe history in the past and how it effects you in the present.We set the dial on the "wayback" machine to 1939...
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Entry: A Soldier's Thank You
Keystone Military News has A Soldier's Thank You:
[NOTE: please go to the site to see the video referred to]
The video speaks for itself. It is the thanks of a soldier who spent quite a lot of time in Iraq and he wanted the people who supported him and his unit and the American public to know how much that support meant to him. This is quite an impressive thank you letter and those who get emotional better have the tissues handy.
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August 13, 2004
Entry: Barefoot in the Rain
Chaotic Clarity has Barefoot in the Rain:
The weather here is strange - we are in the midlde of a full blown rain and thunder storm and August is supposed to be our hot, dry, summer month!I ran out of ciggies a few hours ago [I know dirty habit ] and finally the craving got bad enough that I decided to brave the storm to go to the shop.
I donned my groovy red wellies and set off - the shop was closed [very odd - it's run by some indian guys and is never, ever closed] and the nearest shop is about half a mile away! I needed a pack so badly that, even though the rain was pelting down and the thunder was crescendoing, I decided to walk to the other shop.
A Word of Warning: Do not, I repeat, do not wear wellies with no socks.
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» Bad Example links with: IT'S MY PUDDLE AND I'LL STOMP IF I WANT TO
August 12, 2004
Entry: Why gulf war now?
Hobo Dog Blog asks why gulf war now?:
a perfect excuse? a mindset? see a pattern here?
other links
when the truth is found to be lies
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August 11, 2004
Entry: Pioneer?
Live Sensibly has Pioneer?:
We talk a lot about drinking, we talk about drinking a lot, we talk about other people's drinking problems but not about our own. Until we quit, that is. Then we talk a lot about our old drinking problems. And, if we drink again after quitting, we either talk about quitting again, or we quit talking about drinking again.I'm here to break a couple of those traditions. I have caused myself real problems with my drinking in the past, but I turned it around by taking responsibility for my behavior. I didn't do it alone, but the control was mine to seize. Today, I am unabashed about relishing a couple of cold beers on a hot summer evening, and I am content with - even empowered by - the fact that more than half of my days are comfortably alcohol-free.
I need your help: Prove how wrong it would be for me to think I'm the first person to put up a personal website where I talk about solving a drinking problem without quitting. Post links to folks who are have already done it here in the comments, or drop them in an email message to me.
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August 10, 2004
Entry: Blog this blog that
Writer's Edge talks about Blog this, blog that:
Confusion and controversy continue to rage over what's a blog, at least among the people my other day job encounters (web designers and developers). There were diaries, journals, and logs. Now there are logs online, or web logs, used as diaries or journals. The nouns diary and journal have overlapping dictionary definitions, however, a diary is only personal and a journal can be a publication. A log is a record of performance, such as a ship's speed. Add to this the fact that some journalists (in the news writing sense) are publishing blogs, blurring traditional delineations and definitions. Also, as I wrote on July 30 in Professional, Amateur, or Other?, any online writing, however rotten it's written, is considered published...
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