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Below is user information for Mike Sherman. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:sherm (8669) Paid User sherm
Name:Mike Sherman
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Location:Seattle, Washington, United States
AOL IM:AIM status UWSherm (Add Buddy, Send Message)
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Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status mpsherman (Add User, Send Message)
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I don't work for LiveJournal at the moment, but that doesn't give you an excuse to irritate me ;). THIS IS A PERSONAL JOURNAL, DO *NOT* ASK ME FOR TECH SUPPORT HERE. I will simply ignore you, and my friends may decide to textually smack you upside the head. Visit support if you need help.
Memories:10 entries
Interests:70: $, aim, airplanes, amd, american beauty, apple, barenaked ladies, bay area, ben folds five, boats, boston, business, california, calvin and hobbes, cars, college, computers, cute, dilbert, dorks, driving, dvds, flying, football, ford, geeks, get fuzzy, gig harbor, girls, golden retrievers, guster, h2s, haggett, huskies, irc, it, jeeps, las vegas, livejournal, macintosh, mariners, maroon 5, memeing out lj interests, money, monkey sex, movies, music, mustangs, nfl, osx, politics, programming, puget sound, seahawks, seattle, sex, sleep, sleepyah, sonics, sports, technology, the matrix, the usual suspects, top gun, travel, uw, w00t, washington, weyerhaeuser, women. [Modify yours]
People74:aerindipity, aimk13, albertprime, alsatia, asiamanasia, benhandy, bi_ballerina, brad, bradfitz, budindahizouse, chuck, crschmidt, darksoul, daveman692, dean332, dormando, electomaniator, ggobs, heuteistmeintag, indigoabby, jessical, jessz, jproulx, jwz, katebate, kayeyem, kellio, kitanaor, lindzita, lisa, lortext, magndoodle, moxybyproxy, musicnerd22, musikal, naibunoshikou, nater, ouiserprl, phatswalla, pinkish, q, rahaeli, sachiness, sefidel, shadymofo, shanana, sherm, smileloki, sparklephish, spectrematrix, spratt, starbucksjen, stroum, supersat, supersat_tech, superwomanmeg, taimada, tara_incognita, tatasmasgrandes, temptress, thebubba, tiltomilto, tripfontaine, tydel, uwsherm, uwtyler, wayitgoes, whoopahhh, wickey29, willardthegreat, wolvesonata, wuegh, xb95, zachstroum
Communities29:barenaked, calvinandhobbes, comm_news, fotobilder, fotobilder_user, guster, ibook, interstate_5, lj_art, lj_backend, lj_biz, lj_clients, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, lj_test, macintosh, macosx, meet_seattle, news, outlook, paidmembers, powerbooks, seattle, seattlebuysell, seattlemunchies, uw, we_love_jessica, we_love_rahaeli, we_love_sherm
Feeds6:calnhobbes, dilbert_feed, komonews, kuro5hin, pennyarcaderss, theonionfeed
Friend of:112: adammikael, aerindipity, aimk13, aiobheil, albertprime, alsatia, amo2004, armo70, asiamanasia, beafrienddamnit, benhandy, bi_ballerina, brad, budindahizouse, ch, chuck, crschmidt, dario, darksoul, daveman692, dean332, demonrider309, dildobucket_1a, dormando, electomaniator, eviljakal, exor674, fanless, findingtheway, frogger90, ggobs, goddessmarci, harrycaul, headwound, heuteistmeintag, hp_laserjet, indigoabby, jakiepoo, jessical, jessz, jimmyjazz21, jproulx, juswant2beloved, katayamma, katebate, kayeyem, kellio, kitanaor, kw34hd1, lakergirl2, lauren1026, lindzita, lisa, lortext, loveispain39, lustylist, lyricss, magndoodle, mark3, melonious, moxybyproxy, mspers38, musicnerd22, musikal, naibunoshikou, nater, o0_ryan_0o, otlichno, ouiserprl, pacri, phatswalla, pinkish, princess_xm, q, rahaeli, rainbowkidd, ratkrycek, sachiness, sefidel, serdnachir, shadowsdogs, shadymofo, shanana, sherm, silfur, smartieno1, smileloki, solace4, somebodies, sparklephish, spectrematrix, spratt, squaresnow, starbucksjen, supersat, superwomanmeg, taimada, tatasmasgrandes, technodummy, temptress, thebubba, tiltomilto, tripfontaine, tydel, uwtyler, wayitgoes, whoopahhh, wickey29, willardthegreat, wolvesonata, xb95, xemo_is_evilx
Member of:28: barenaked, calvinandhobbes, changelog, community_promo, fotobilder, fotobilder_user, guster, ibook, interstate_5, lj_art, lj_biz, lj_clients, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, macintosh, macosx, meet_seattle, outlook, paidmembers, powerbooks, seattle, seattlebuysell, seattlemunchies, supersat_tech, uw, we_love_jessica, we_love_rahaeli, we_love_sherm
Account type:Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter

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