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SUNDAY OPEN THREAD. Michael Phelps versus Ian Thorpe ... Bush versus Kerry (and others) ... any face-off you'd like.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.15.04 |

SATURDAY OPEN THREAD. Polls, Olympics, Golan Cipel ... anything at all. Also: Check out the cool iFILM Political Showcase site.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.14.04 |

GOVERNOR McGREEVEY: OUT, AND OUT OF OFFICE. The once rising star of New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey (D) crashed and burned in a totally unexpected announcement Thursday afternoon. McGreevey -- with his wife at his side -- announced that he was gay, that he had engaged in an extramarital affair with another man, and that he would resign as Governor. McGreevey -- 47 and the father of two young daughters -- said he had struggled with issues relating to his sexuality since he was a child. "At a point in every person's life, one has to look deeply into the mirror of one's soul and decide one's unique truth in the world, not as we may want to see it or hope to see it, but as it is. And so my truth is that I am a gay American ... I am also here today because, shamefully, I engaged in adult consensual affair with another man, which violates my bonds of matrimony. It was wrong. It was foolish. It was inexcusable. And for this, I ask the forgiveness and the grace of my wife ... I realize the fact of this affair and my own sexuality if kept secret leaves me, and most importantly the Governor's office, vulnerable to rumors, false allegations and threats of disclosure. So I am removing these threats by telling you directly about my sexuality. Let me be clear, I accept total and full responsibility for my actions. However, I'm required to do now, to do what is right to correct the consequences of my actions and to be truthful to my loved ones, to my friends and my family and also to myself. It makes little difference that as governor I am gay. In fact, having the ability to truthfully set forth my identity might have enabled me to be more forthright in fulfilling and discharging my constitutional obligations. Given the circumstances surrounding the affair and its likely impact upon my family and my ability to govern, I have decided the right course of action is to resign," explained McGreevey. His eloquent words -- and the tone of voice and expression on his face (of almost relief) as he delivered his obviously cathartic remarks live on television -- made for an extraordinary moment of political theater. McGreevey's resignation will take effect November 15, and will avoid the need under state law for a special election had he resigned earlier. State Senate President Richard Codey (D) will become Governor when McGreevey leaves office. Congressman Rob Andrews (D), US Senator Jon Corzine (D), former State Assembly Minority Leader Paul DiGaetano (R), '02 US Senate nominee Doug Forrester (R), Morris County Freeholder John Murphy (R), Washington Township Councilman Robert Schroeder (R), and former Jersey City Mayor Bret Schundler (R) are all likely to run for Governor next year.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.13.04 |

TRACKING THE BATTLEGROUND STATES. In Florida, the new Quinnipiac College poll shows Senator Kerry leading President Bush in the state by a 47% to 41% vote, with Nader at 4%. In Ohio, the latest ARG tracking poll also has Kerry in front. The numbers: Kerry-48%, Bush-45%, Nader-2%. In other P2004 news, it's official: Ralph Nader will not be on the ballot in California. The executive committee of the California Greens voted 11-7 to not call a special meeting to considering giving their ballot line to Nader instead of party nominee David Cobb. Also, Mike Peroutka (Constitution) was certified for ballot spots this week in Pennsylvania and Washington -- bringing his total thus far to 25 states. Peroutka expects to be on the ballot in 40+ states.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.13.04 |

CONGRESSMAN LIPINSKI TO ANNOUNCE RETIREMENT FRIDAY. Congressman Bill Lipinski (D-IL) -- who was cruising to an easy re-election for a 12th term this year -- will announce Friday that he is withdrawing his candidacy. Why? Bill LipinskiBecause he now has apparently secured the necessary pledges from his fellow Democratic machine leaders to ensure he will be replaced on the ballot by his son. The Illinois primary was March 16, so the 66-year-old Lipinski is already the Democratic nominee. Lipinski -- a low-key legislator and "Daley Machine" leader from Chicago's southside -- also holds the important party post of 23rd Ward Democratic Committeeman, meaning that he will also be able to greatly influence the process next week that selects a replacement nominee. That seems to give the green light to Dan Lipinski, who is currently a political science professor at the University of Tennessee. While other local pols were interested in being the replacement candidate, they have all now agreed to not challenge Dan Lipinski this year for the nod. The seat is safely Democratic, so whoever the nominee is will score a landslide victory in November.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.13.04 |

FRIDAY OPEN THREAD. Athens Olympics open ... and anything else you can think of.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.13.04 |

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TRACKING THE BATTLEGROUND STATES. In Michigan, the new Detroit Free Press/EPIC-MRA poll shows that Senator Kerry is leading President Bush in the state by a 49% to 42% vote. In related P2004 news, there will soon be competing attack books on store shelves. On the right will be the book Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry -- in which some Vietnam vets attack Kerry as a self-promoting fake who never really earned his medals. The left was clearly prepared for this, as Deserter: George W. Bush's War on Military Families, Veterans and His Past -- which claims Bush went AWOL for a lengthy period while in the Air National Guard -- is also hitting store shelves (along with the DVD of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 arriving in stores in early October). Buckle your seatbelts, folks, as this race is going to get really rough.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.12.04 |

REFORM PARTY ON BRINK OF TERMNINATION. In the mid-1990s, billionaire Ross Perot created the Reform Party as a vehicle for his Presidential ambitions and protectionist political views. In 1996, Perot ran as the Reform Party's presidential nominee and captured 8 million votes. After the Jesse Ventura faction grabbed control in 1999, and then the Pat Buchanan faction wrested control in 2000, Perot walked away from the party. The party splintered and rapidly shrank in size since the 2000 election. Earlier this year, the party handed its endorsement and ballot lines in six states to Ralph Nader. Now it appears the party is on the verge of extinction. Reform Party National Treasurer William Chapman last week sent the Federal Elections Commission a formal "request for termination based on guidelines the FEC had established for the Reform Party." Chapman says that the national party has less than $19 remaining in its bank account. Reform Party National Chair Shawn O'Hara -- a gadfly perennial candidate in Mississippi under various party labels -- said that he has suspended Chapman for what he called a "minor coup" attempt. "I love [Chapman] and he's my friend, but he did wrong," O'Hara said. O'Hara acknowledged the party has money troubles, but said the party is "in the process of rebuilding and raising money." None of this will disqualify Nader from any ballots in 2004, but this is probably the death knell of the Reform Party of the US.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.12.04 |

... AND MINNESOTA LIBERTARIANS HAVE SIMILAR WOES. The Reform Party is not the only political entity with financial problems. The Minnesota Libertarian Party disclosed this week that the state party's treasurer apparently embezzled the entire $10,000 balance from the party's bank account. According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, state LP Chair Ron Helwig said that "the woman embezzled the money and gave it to her 17-year-old daughter under extortion threats from her and members of a gang." Helwig said the party's $25/year dues should "barely" keep the party alive in the state for the remainder of the year. The Minnesota LP only qualified one candidate for office in the state this year -- a major setback from past years -- and is still attempting to get enough signatures to place Michael Badnarik on the Presidential ballot there.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.12.04 |

NC CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE PUBLISHED FAKE POLITICS1 STORY TO BASH OPPONENT. Controversial congressional candidate Vernon Robinson (R-NC) -- who describes himself as "the black Jesse Helms" (even though Helms endorsed an opponent) -- mailed out a "Voter's Guide" during the recent primary filled with fictional news articles attributed to various news sources. The phony articles bashed all of Robinson's primary opponents for a variety of sins from personal foibles (alcohol, arrests, etc.) to bankruptcy to "liberalism" and so forth. The only problem was that the sources cited in the booklet appeared to all be fictional. On one page, Robinson's guide carried an article by "Tyler Brooks" of Politics1.com. Who? Anyways, the article by Brooks was headlined "Lesbian Wedding Dogs Helvey" (note: Jay Helvey was a wealthy primary rival). Now, if any candidate took part in a lesbian wedding (or even a wedding involving lesbian dogs), we'd be the first to cover it. However, we didn't -- and Robinson's Politics1 article is a total fraud. According to the Rothenberg Political Report, all of the other articles in the booklet also appear to be fakes or major distortions. The Robinson campaign, meanwhile, refused to admit the falsity of anything published in their booklet. Robinson faces a run-off on August 17 against State Senator Virginia Foxx in the CD-5 race. While we're flattered that Robinson thought the Politics1 brand name had enough political street cred to use as a weapon against an opponent, the willful deceitfulness clearly shows that Robinson lacks the integrity to serve in Congress.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.12.04 |

THURSDAY OPEN THREAD. Yada, yada, yada.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.12.04 |

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GEORGIA, COLORADO, CONNECTICUT PRIMARY RESULTS. In Georgia, Congresswoman Denise Majette won the open US Senate Dem run-off against multimillionaire businessman Cliff Oxford by a surprisingly wide 18-point margin. This race now moves into the "Republican Favored" column as Majette is a longshot in November against Congressman Johnny Isakson (R). Majette cannot expect much help from the DSCC for this uphill race, making her odds longer. GOP Congressional run-offs in CD-6 and CD-8 will decide who will next represent these two heavily Republican open seats. State Senate Majority Leader Tom Price (R) overcame a major financial disadvantage to win the open CD-6 race in an upset, and State House Minority Leader Lynn Westmoreland (R) won the open CD-8 contest -- ensuring that both of these men will be among the freshman class of the next Congress. In Colorado's open US Senate race, centrist Attorney General Ken Salazar won a 3-to-1 landslide victory over his liberal challenger in the Dem primary. On the GOP side, brewery magnate Pete Coors defeated former Congressman Bob Schaffer by a surprisingly comfortable margin. Salazar led Coors in the most recent polls, but Coors' deep pockets are likely to make the contest highly competitive. In CD-3, State Natural Resources Director Greg Walcher led the field of five Republicans competing for the seat being vacated by retiring Congressman Scott McInnis -- and appears to have won by a margin off less than 300 votes over McInnis brother-in-law and State Rep. Matt Smith. Walcher will face State Rep. John Salazar (D) in November in this "Leans GOP" seat. In Connecticut, former Norwich Councilor Jim Sullivan easily won the Dem primary in CD-2. Sullivan is likely to offer an aggressive challenge to Congressman Rob Simmons (R) -- but the moderate incumbent is still favored to win.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.11.04 |

FLORIDA CONGRESSMAN NOMINATED FOR CIA DIRECTOR POST. Eight-term Congressman Porter Goss (R-FL) -- who was already retiring from Congress at the end of this year -- was nominated Tuesday by President Bush to be the next CIA Director. Years before entering politics, Goss was himself a CIA field officer engaged in clandestine spying activities overseas from 1960-71. Reaction to the Goss nomination was fairly predictable. Republicans praised the selection as someone who understands the troubled agency from both the inside and the outside. Democratic reaction was mixed. Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chair Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) said he was "disappointed" by the choice. Rockefeller wanted someone "objective and independent" and "not a politician" to reform the CIA. By contrast, former Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Bob Graham (D-FL) praised Goss as someone who will be a "vigorous and visionary leader" for the CIA. Goss appears likely to win a quick Senate confirmation. Goss originally announced plans to retire from Congress in 2002. However, he soon reversed course and ran for re-election one more time in a successful effort to stop state Republican legislators from carving up his existing -- and safe GOP -- district.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.11.04 |

OBAMA VERSUS KEYES. So much for any thoughts that this match-up would be competitive. A new WBBM-TV/SurveyUSA poll was released Tuesday on the open Illinois US Senate race. The results: Barack Obama (D) - 67%, Alan Keyes (R) - 28%. Entertaining, yes. Competitive, no.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.11.04 |

WHEN DID BILL CLINTON BECOME SO BORING? There are a lot of adjectives one could use to describe Bill Clinton, but boring is not usually one of them. Unless, of course, you saw Clinton on Comedy Central's The Daily Show on Monday night. He was stiff, uncharismatic, overly-serious, and humorless. Maybe it was an off-night for him -- but he was terrible. Where was the energetic Clinton who spoke at the Dem convention two weeks ago?
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.11.04 |

Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.11.04 |

TUESDAY IS PRIMARY DAY IN CT, CO; RUN-OFF DAY IN GA. Voters go the the polls in three states on Tuesday to decide several hot nomination contests. There are several races to watch in Colorado. In the open US Senate race, Attorney General Ken Salazar looks likely to win a comfortable win on the Dem side. The GOP contest between brewery magnate Pete Coors and former Congressman Bob Schaffer, by contrast, is a close contest. Salazar currently leads either man in November polling match-ups, but both are within striking range of him. In CD-3, five Republicans are competing for the seat being vacated by retiring Congressman Scott McInnis -- and the race is close enough that any of the five could win. The primary victor will face State Rep. John Salazar (D) -- Ken's brother -- in November. In Connecticut, the only race worth noting is the CD-2 Dem primary between former State Rep. Shawn McNally and former Norwich Alderman Jim Sullivan. Both men are progressives, although McNally is the more populist and liberal of the two. Sullivan has raised $351,000 to McNally's $138,000 -- but both totals a paltry in comparison to incumbent Congressman Rob Simmons' (R) $1.4 million in campaign funds. In Georgia, Congresswoman Denise Majette is probably a slight favorite in the open US Senate Dem run-off against wealthy businessman Cliff Oxford. The winner will be an underdog in November against Congressman Johnny Isakson (R). GOP Congressional run-offs in CD-6 and CD-8 will decide who will next represent these two heavily Republican open seats. While State Senator Robert Lamutt is favored to win in the CD-6 race, either former gubernatorial aide Dylan Glenn or State House Minority Leader Lynn Westmoreland could win the CD-8 contest.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.10.04 |

MOST DISGUSTING ITEM FOR SALE ON eBAY. I'm not sure what is more ridiculous ... the item for sale, or that people have been bidding on it. The item, of course, is the "Napkin with sweat from Ambassador Alan Keyes' forehead." This description is from the listing on eBay: "Own a part of American history; own the napkin containing sweat from Ambassador Alan Keyes' forehead, immediately following Alan Keyes' historic announcement that he agreed to replace Jack Ryan as the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Illinois to take on Democrat Barak Obama. GOP Senatorial Candidate Keyes was sweating profusely after his stem-winder speech and the sweat was collected from a napkin at approximately 3:02 pm Central Time just outside the Wellington Restaurant in Arlington Heights, Illinois, under the watchful eye of multiple news reporters including multiple television cameras." Even crazier: as of Monday evening, there had been 70 bids to date and the current high bid was at $265.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.10.04 |

THE 1/23D MARINES: FINAL PRE-DEPLOYMENT MESSAGE. We just got a final pre-deployment email from our special correspondent and friend, Lt. James Crabtree, of the 1/23d Marines. He and his fellow Marine Infantry Reservists ship off to Iraq this week. Here's what James wrote:

"Dear Politics1.com Readers,

Well, like I said in a brief email yesterday, I'm back and ready to finally leave for Iraq. There are about 50 of us that are going over there early on the "advance party" later this week to make liaison with the battalion we are replacing and to get everything ready for when the rest of the battalion gets over there. Right now our offices here in 29 Palms are quiet because the Marines and sailors going to Iraq with the main body are back home on block leave. This is their last chance to see family and loved ones for up to seven months. Probably the hardest thing we ever have to do is say good-bye to our families. It has been painful and heart-wrenching since people started going off to war centuries ago, but at least today with email and phone centers we should be better connected then ever before.

The families never get the credit they deserve for all the sacrifices they make when Marines get deployed. In fact, I personally think it is harder on them then it is the individual Marine because at least we'll be busy. The families however are left to wonder and guess from day to day as to how their loved one may be doing. The families also are many times not the ones that volunteered for this.

One nice surprise when I got back here to the desert last night was getting our first care package (from Craig Shay of Tucson, AZ). It made our day and we've already spread the goodies around. Thank you! We also got more free magazines in during my week away. Forbes and The New Republic sent a lot of issues. With The New Republic added to our list I think it'll help balance out The Weekly Standard. National Geographic also emailed to say they would be sending issues.

Another great surprise over the weekend was a Texas flag that was flown over the State Capitol building was sent to us from my friends in Rep Terry Keel's (TX State Rep from the Austin area) office, along with a nice certificate and a great camouflaged handkerchief with a Psalm printed on it as well as notes and signatures from everyone in their office and some from the Texas General Land Office, to include former Marine and now State Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson.

One idea my brother had is for me to do Q and A pieces on individual Marines and sailors within the battalion. I think the idea is great and plan to start doing that soon. We've got so many great people here and this would be a good way to help everyone out there learn more about them.

Well, I'll close for now. Thank you again for everything.

Semper Fidelis,
Lt James Crabtree

P.S. Feel free to send me any questions you have and I'll answer them the best I can.

P.P.S. I've enclosed a photo of a scorpion we killed while training in the field. He was a big one. The scorpion is next to a pair of sunglasses to give one a better idea how big it was.

Here is James' address: Lt Crabtree, 1/23 H&S; Co, Unit 41900, FPO, AP 96426-1900. So, for those of you interested in sending Care Packages, notes, whatever ... we'd appreciate anything you can do to support the folks in our adopted battalion.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.10.04 |

TUESDAY OPEN THREAD. Bush, Kerry, Nader, Badnarik, Cobb, Peroutka ... whomever.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.10.04 |

TRACKING THE BATTLEGROUND STATES ... AND THE SENATE RACES. In New Jersey, a new Newark Star-Ledger/Rutgers University poll shows Senator Kerry at 52%, President Bush at 32%, and "Nader/Others" at 3%. In Ohio, a new Columbus Dispatch poll shows Bush leading there with 47%, and Kerry with 44%. We also have some new polls from a few US Senate races. In California, the latest Field Poll shows Senator Barbara Boxer (D) continuing to hold a wide lead. The numbers: Boxer-50%, Bill Jones (R)-33%, Others-8%. That's an improvement for Jones from the huge 23-point deficit he trailed by back in May, but he still has a long way to go just to be competitive. In Colorado, the Denver Post is out with two new polls on Tuesday's Senate primaries. The GOP contest remains very tight: brewery magnate Pete Coors led with 45%, and former Congressman Bob Schaffer had 41%. The Dem primary, by contrast, isn't even close: Attorney General Ken Salazar-67%, former diplomat Mike Miles-21%.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.09.04 |

NADER CAUSING DEEP SPLIT IN GREEN PARTY. In 1996 and 2000, Ralph Nader's Presidential candidacy under the banner of the Green Party helped attract both voters and new members to the party. Now -- after failing to win the party's 2004 nomination/endorsement -- Nader is making another run at winning the party's ballot spots in various states. His campaign is openly encouraging individual state Green Party affiliates to ignore the national party's nomination of Green Party member David Cobb for President and instead submit the Nader/Camejo ticket to their respective state elections office as their names for the ballot line. Nader's runningmate Peter Camejo -- who is a leader of the California Greens -- is urging the state group to convene an emergency state Green Party assembly to nominate Nader. Otherwise, Nader will not appear on California's ballot (he fell far short of the signature requirement by last week's deadline). Medea Benjamin, another California Green leader, called the Nader/Camejo effort "misguided" and "potentially damaging to progressive efforts" to build the Green Party. Nader supporters are also attempting similar moves in Vermont, New Mexico and elsewhere.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.09.04 |

CONSERVATIVE THINK TANK RAISES ECONOMY FEARS. Shifting economic conditions in the US are causing some respected conservatives to start voicing economic concerns. Here's what MarketWatch.com reported Sunday: "'A whiff of stagflation is in the air,' and the negative impact on corporate earnings and stock prices 'could be ugly,' said John Makin, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington think tank. Some economists are outraged at Makin, saying he's exaggerating current conditions by using 'stagflation,' a term coined during the malaise of the 1970s to describe the combination of slower growth and higher inflation. Nevertheless, many experts have acknowledged the U.S. economy is downshifting and inflation pressures are rising." Now -- before you start bashing AEI as some left-wing apologists -- AEI is the conservative think tank home to Robert Bork, Newt Gingrich and others.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.09.04 |

THE 1/23D MARINES LEAVE FOR IRAQ THIS WEEK. We just got a brief email from our special correspondent and friend, Lt. James Crabtree, of the 1/23d Marines. He and his fellow Marine Infantry Reservists are done with their training exercises and back from their pre-deployment leave. Later this week, they head off to Iraq. "I just want to let you know I'm back from my block leave. It's not easy saying goodbye to loved ones. I arrive in Iraq later this week. My mailing address will be:

Lt Crabtree
1/23 H&S; Co
Unit 41900
FPO, AP 96426-1900
I don't know my email address over there yet. Thanks to all of you for your emails, phone calls, and support. It means a great deal! I'll try to send y'all pictures and such when I can. Take care. Semper Fi, James." So, for those of you interested in sending Care Packages to the folks in our adopted battalion, now you have the shipping address. Whatever you can do for them is certainly appreciated. Please keep them in your thoughts, and pray for their safe return.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.09.04 |

Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.09.04 |

SUNDAY OPEN THREAD. You know what to do.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.08.04 |

LOUISIANA CONGRESSMAN MAKES LAST MINUTE PARTY SWITCH. On Wednesday, conservative freshman Congressman Rodney Alexander of Louisiana filed for re-election as a Democrat. "I'm not ashamed to be a Democrat, but I vote what I think the people of the 5th District want me to represent," said Alexander at the time. What a difference two days can make. On Friday, with just minutes remaining before the close of filing, Alexander returned to re-file for re-election as a Republican. "I just decided it would be best for me to switch parties, that I would be more effective in the Fifth District in the state of Louisiana as a Republican," he now says. Alexander flirted with changing parties back in March, but announced then that he would not do so. "I'd be letting some people down who worked very hard for me and I would hate to let anybody down ... Although I am flattered by the offers of the Republicans to join their ranks, I am deciding to stay where I am," said Alexander in March. US Senator John Breaux (D) -- who was key in helping Alexander win his first election to Congress two years ago -- quickly denounced Alexander as "a confused politician who has placed loyalty at the very bottom of his priorities." Reaction on the GOP side was much warmer. "I welcome him to the GOP, and I look forward to working with Rodney," said NRCC Chair Tom Reynolds. "Rodney Alexander has betrayed voters in Louisiana ... We have no use for turncoats like Rodney Alexander in the new Democratic majority," said a DCCC spokesperson. Because of the last minute timing of the switch -- a move Breaux called a deceptive move that "effectively prevented the people of his district from a having a choice" -- Democrats, who had been raising money for Alexander, had no viable candidate to place into the race. Alexander is now a safe bet to win re-election this year -- but watch for national Dems to target him for defeat in two years.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.07.04 |

TRACKING THE BATTLEGROUND STATES. In Florida, the new American Research Group tracking poll shows Kerry-50%, Bush-43%. There is also a new ARG tracking poll out of New Hampshire. The results: Kerry-49%, Bush-42%.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.07.04 |

RON'S WEEKLY MOVIE REVIEW: COLLATERAL. Time for what is becoming a regular detour from political writing: my weekly mini-movie review. This week was Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx's new film Collateral. Cruise is really great as an unsmiling bad guy (a professional killer). Likewise, Foxx is equally good as his cab driver and unwilling partner in a single night in which Cruise sets off to commit five contract hits in Los Angeles. The action unfolds at a good pace, the dialogue is solid, and the visuals are great. Highly recommended.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.07.04 |

Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.07.04 |

TRACKING THE BATTLEGROUND STATES. In New Jersey, the new Quinnipiac College poll shows Senator Kerry leading President Bush in the state by a vote of 49% to 36%, with Nader at 6%. In Michigan, the new WDIV-TV/SurveyUSA poll also shows Kerry at 52% and Bush at 41%.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.06.04 |

GOP "SWIFT VETS" LAUNCH ANTI-KERRY TV SPOT. Also in the news today is the harsh anti-Kerry TV spot being aired in three states by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. The ad features several other Vietnam vets who say they all served with Kerry and that he cannot be trusted. Others have quickly stepped forward to raise serious doubts about the truthfulness and motives of these Kerry foes. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) -- a Bush supporter and former Vietnam War POW -- quickly attacked the TV spot Thursday as "dishonorable and dishonest" and called on Bush to repudiate it. The Bush campaign quickly responded to the McCain's comments. "The Bush campaign never has and will never question John Kerry's service in Vietnam," said Bush campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt to the AP. The Bush campaign, however, stopped short of calling on the group to yank the spots.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.06.04 |

PERHAPS IF SHE HAD TRIED CAMPAIGNING? Wealthy philanthropist Karen Saull (R-FL) dropped out of the open US Senate race this week after spending more than $2 million out of her own pocket on TV spots -- but was still being excluded from GOP debates limited to only the top tier candidates. State Party Chair Carole Jean Jordan, Governor Jeb Bush and former US HUD Secretary Mel Martinez (a rival candidate) all recently made comments to reporters that they "didn't know" who Saull was. Saull's husband told the AP that the three were "liars" and the GOP power structure discriminates against women (note to Saull: Jordan, Bush's Lieutenant Governor, three Members of Congress from Florida are all GOP women). "Karen said she's not dealing with people who are disingenuous, who aren't truthful, who aren't honest. Karen just doesn’t want to be in this race right now. She's very upset and she really doesn't have to take this from anyone," said Jeffrey Saull. In the nearly three months since Saull entered the race, she was a mystery candidate who was on TV spots but had not appeared at a single event, given a single speech, or attended a single newspaper screening.
Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.06.04 |

Posted by Ron Gunzburger - 08.06.04 |


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