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Concerned Women
for America
national convention

Sept 17-18, 2004


Pacific Research Institute 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner with George Will
Sept 23, 2004

Last updated Friday, August 13, 2004 5:13 PM

Terrorism investments of the 50 states
New report finds that top public pension systems hold $200 billion worth of stock in companies doing business in rogue states.

Kerry plans Clinton-style tax hikes
After campaigning for over a year on a promise to raise taxes on only the "rich,” John Kerry has finally made his plans crystal clear.

President Kerry and his Court
Just what cards might a President Kerry deal to the federal bench?

America's second Civil War (pdf)
The divisions that threaten to tear America apart at its roots.

Bush should re-affirm remark touting tax reform
Bush said that replacing the current tax code with a na
tional sales tax is "an interesting idea that we ought to explore seriously."

McGreevey, Kerry and the Church
Contrasting how two prominent Catholic politicians respond to their Church's teachings

Renewing the great tax debate (pdf)
A new book by Speaker of the House Denny Hastert has revived the debate regarding the flat tax, the sales tax, and the VAT.

Subscribe to Political Diary, OpinionJournal's e-mail newsletter
Follow presidential, state and local elections from the unique perspective of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page and

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Swift Boat Veterans and the obligation of the media
Whether the Swift Boat Veterans are right or wrong, the American people have a powerful and urgent need to know the truth.

What's New Email Update
Sign up for a daily email summary of the latest from 113 conservative groups.
- Bestselling book: Unfit for Command

A problem with payrolls?
Fundamentally, the employment situation in America is solid, but payroll job growth is out of line with a host of positive indicators.

Apply for the 2004 Samaritan Award
The Acton Institute is accepting applications for the $10,000 award.

The Supreme Court and the assault on marriage
In divorcing great ideas from their complementary and vivifying counterparts, the Supreme Court has created a dynamic rift that ever increasingly separates wife from husband, parents from children, family from society, and individuals from the common good.

- CA Supreme Court same-sex 'marriage' ruling applauded

Legislators unanimously oppose mandated benefits
Task force says employer-paid health care mandates are bad for consumers and bad for business.

The new interest in what marriage has now become (pdf)
Traditional marriage was destroyed long before homosexual couples created a public disturbance for civil marriage.

Seniors warned about scare tactics of partisan groups
Seniors should be suspicious of partisan groups trying to scare them away from the new Medicare-approved drug discount card.

Judicial interpretation and "the consent of the governed"
Lawyers and judges are interpreting constitutions and other laws as though they can mean anything they want them to mean.

'Constitution State' tramples pro-lifers' rights
Pastor says officers' actions were reminiscent of Hitler's Gestapo.

NLPC criticizes Springsteen and Vote for Change
Why doesn't "The Boss" stick to his music and stay out of politics?

Ronald Reagan and the spirit of free enterprise
Few of the recent Reagan tributes have recognized his greatest achievement: tapping the creativity of America's entrepreneurs to bring about a global, not just a national, economic revolution.


Spotlight On
Today's Opinion


Paul Jacob
The Governor's whole truth
George Will
Trade politics
Doug Giles
A Tour of Duty or a Ton of Dooky?

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Breaking News
N.J. Newspapers Opine: Resign Now, McGreevey,

Israeli Prisons Brace For Terrorist Hunger Strike,

Jailed Terrorists Threaten Israeli Security, Prison Officials Say,

Michael Reagan to Speak About Stem Cell Research at RNC,

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Events Calendar

Sept 23 - Frontiers of Freedom's Ronald Reagan Award Gala honoring Senator Zell Miller. Held in Washington, D.C.

Sept 26 - Tunnel to Towers Run. A fallen NYC firefighter's heroic steps on 9/11 are retraced in this inspiring 3-mile run.

Oct 1-2 - "Black History and Conservative Principles." Philadelphia Society meeting in Philadelphia, PA.

[Full Calendar]

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