Friday the 13th ---August 13, 2004
Well, I guess there are worse places to wait out a hurricane than Walt Disney
World. I'll be broadcasting again today from the beautiful radio studios
located inside the Disney-MGM Studio attraction at Disney World ... then it will
be back to our Disney Villa to await the arrival of Clyde (Charley) this
evening. Right now they're predicting sustained winds of 74 miles per hour
for Orange County. Turn Clyde one way or the other just a bit and that
number could rise or fall. We're also looking forward to as much as
12" of rain.
I have a garage in Naples that sits about eight feet above high tide.
It's full of furniture. Uh oh. Anyone got any furniture they want to
Cancelled. Drat!
It looks like the staff of News Talk 580 WDBO, Hannity, Humphries,
Howard and The Talkmaster have settled on Friday, August 27th, as the
new date. So ... two weeks from today it's right back here for
another try. Hopefully all of you with tickets will be able to
rearrange your schedule. |
The Islamic terrorists have kidnapped a British journalist near Basra.
Predictably, these Islamic goons are threatening to execute this man unless the
U.S. Troops pull out of Najaf. How about a counter-threat?
Execute the Brit and al-Sadr takes the desert sand nap.
We've had a flurry of news coverage and political activity this past week on
the Fair Tax plan.
In response to a question at a town hall meeting, President Bush said that the
idea of a national retail sales tax is worth some attention. John Kerry
jumped right in with the absurd statement that "Families already squeezed
by rising health care costs, gas costs and college costs would have to carry a
whole new tax burden."
Now ... those of you who are familiar with the plan for a national retail
sales tax know that Kerry's statement is an absolute lie. Families caught
in a financial squeeze would actually end up with more money in their
pockets under the Fair Tax plan then they have under our current tax
So ... the question is this. Is Kerry simply uninformed about the
details of the Fair Tax, or does he know the truth and decided that this would
be a good time to demagogue the Fair Tax in order to play the class warfare
I'm writing an extra column for on this issue ... look for it in
the next day or two. I need something to do here while sitting out this
shocking announcement, to be sure. New Jersey's Democrat Governor James
McGreevey announced yesterday that he is going to resign. Reason: He
had an extramarital affair ... with a man. This brings to mind one of the
best political quotes of all time -- Louisiana's Edwin Edwards telling the media
that the only way he could lose an election was to be found in bed with a dead
girl or a live boy.
McGreevey is married with two children. One can only imagine the pain
this is causing his family. I was so impressed by his wife standing beside
him during this announcement. I've heard pundits over the past day
wondering how she could do that. Have you considered the possibility that
she may love him, and that she wants to show that love and support during a
tough time?
This is sure going to bring some of the "I hate homosexuals" crowd
out of the closet. I'll just take this opportunity to remind you that
scientific studies have shown that men who have no animosity toward or fear of
homosexuals are more secure in their masculinity than are men who try to
showcase their manhood with expressions of hatred toward gays.
McGreevey says he is resigning because his secret leaves the governor's
office vulnerable. It may turn out that he was, in effect, being
blackmailed by someone with whom he had had a sexual relationship. If that
is the case, may that person suffer ten times the pain and anguish being
suffered by James McGreevey. We may also learn that McGreevey handed
over an important and sensitive government position to someone with whom he had
or hoped to have a sexual relationship. If that's the case, then his
resignation was the right thing to do.
Don't you just love politics mixed with sex?
Almost one million people have been evacuated from Gulf coastal areas of
Florida. The evacuations were "mandatory" in many
instances. I have a second home in down there ... and I don't know if I
would go along with an evacuation order. Here's why.
As soon as this hurricane passes by people are going to want to return to
their homes and property to survey whatever damage there might be and to start
repairs. Their return will be blocked by police. It will be up to
the government, not the property owners, to decide when they will get to go back
to their homes. The skies will be clear, the winds calm, and police will
be blocking the roads back. We'll hear excuses about power, water and
other services. Bottom line --- some government bureaucrat will decide
when you can return to your home, not you, and that decision will be delayed
beyond all reason. Your option? Don't leave your home in the first
Last week, speaking to a group of minority journalists, The Poodle said he would
fight a "more sensitive" war on terror. Oh really? Like I
said just yesterday, just how does Senator Kerry propose being more sensitive to
the bloodthirsty Islamic terrorists that killed 3,000 innocent Americans three
years ago? Is he worried that we're not being sensitive enough to the
thugs trying to kill our troops in Najaf right now? I don't particularly
want a commander in chief focused on sensitivity.
Anyway, speaking yesterday in Dayton, Ohio, Vice President Dick Cheney
promptly lit up The Poodle, saying "Those that threaten us and kill
innocents around the world do not need to be treated more sensitively, they need
to be destroyed." Amen. But this is good, because what you're
seeing is a fundamental difference between the two candidates on the most
important issue facing this country: national security (no, not jobs or health
On one side, you have a candidate who for four years has demonstrated his
willingness to go after Islamic terrorists and kill them outright. No
negotiations, no pandering, no waiting for U.N. approval. Just a
commitment to do whatever is necessary to preserve and protect the United States
of America. That's the Bush record.
On the other side, you have an appeaser. This is not in dispute. The
Poodle is more concerned with what France thinks than what the United States
needs. He is also minute he is for the war, the next against
it, and so on. Is this lack of resolve what we need when facing down the
most vicious enemy we have ever faced in our history? I think not. Ask
anyone with experience dealing with Islamic radicals. They view
sensitivity as weakness. When they heard The Poodle making his comments
about "a more sensitive war on terror" they must have cheered.
How do you say "bring it on, Mr. Sensitivity" in Arabic anyway?
Face it, November's choice is becoming more and more clear.
A more sensitive war on terror? Not sensitive, but weak. Very, very weak.
Today Neal spoke with General Tommy Franks about the war on terror and his
new book American
The sKerry campaign has opened up leads in polls in the crucial battleground
states of Florida, Michigan, New Hampshire, and now appears to have enough
electoral votes to win the presidency. This isn't news to me. That's
the outcome I've been predicting for months. The appeasement and "America
second" crowd must be thrilled, and I can only imagine the celebrations
down at Kerry/Edwards campaign headquarters. The headlines today seem to
be reporting that The Poodle has this one in the's all over but the
Not so fast. Maybe things aren't actually this dismal. How is
that, you say? Well, first of all, the election is 81 days away, which is
an eternity. Second, we haven't even had the debates yet. There has been
no Republican National Convention. On top of all that, the incumbent is
always favored in close elections. This is all bad news for The Poodle,
and they know it.
Just look what happened. The selection of John Edwards last month...this was
supposed to lift Kerry in the polls. Didn't happen. No bounce. Even
more pathetically was the effect of the Democratic National Convention.
This was supposed to be The Poodle's time in the sun. Again, no
bounce. He has gotten nothing out of the past couple months, despite all
of the media coverage. It's all been a bust.
The fat lady hasn't sung yet. Not even close. Don't go lighting the
cigars yet, boys.
Oh ... and don't forget Osama's boys. There out there somewhere.
Are they waiting to teach America another lesson in the consequences of
Here's an update on a story we told you about in
yesterday's Nuze. For years, John Kerry has been telling the story
that he spent Christmas in Cambodia, fighting a secret war there while serving
his tour of duty in Vietnam. In their book 'Unfit for Command,' many other
soldiers, including ones that were up and down The Poodle's chain of command,
say it didn't happen. He wasn't there. In other words, they're
saying Kerry made it all up. So now what?
Drudge is reporting that a Kerry historian is readying a piece for the New
Yorker which will supposedly set the record straight on The Poodle's whereabouts
during that time. The latest is that no, he wasn't in Cambodia at
Christmas time in 1968 fighting Nixon's secret war (of course, Nixon wasn't in
office yet, but why argue the fine points.) Now they're going to say Kerry
was in Cambodia in January.
This won't fly, however. Kerry said on the floor of the Senate that he
specifically remembers sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia on Christmas. He
even said that they were worried about being hit by fire from South Vietnamese
soldiers celebrating Christmas Eve! How in the hell can Kerry be ducking
Christmas Eve celebratory fire in January? Is the Kerry campaign fixin' to
come out with a statement telling us Kerry celebrates Christmas in January?
The truth? You want the truth? Kerry lied on the floor of the
Senate. Simple as that. He lied about what he and our troops were
doing in Vietnam. Now The Poodle and his groomers are trying to find a way
to wiggle out with an alternate story.
The mainstream media in this country has been exposed, and there's no doubting
their liberal bias now. You need look no further than the recent case of
the Swift boat vets, as
your Talkmaster explains in the latest Townhall column.
Islamic terrorist and Muslim psycho Muqtada
al-Sadr was wounded in fighting in Najaf....but sadly, it looks as though he
is going to live. Darn.
have been caught fighting for al-Sadr in Iraq. If that's not a
declaration of war on the United States, I don't know what is. Why do we
put up with it?
The Poodle says he thought it was important to vote to give the president the
authority to invade Iraq. So we're supposed to believe he voted to entrust
someone he says he doesn't trust with that authority? Yeah
right says David Limbaugh, who has a different take.
John Kerry is now saying he is opposed to the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste
Jonah Goldberg wonders why, because the nuclear waste stored there could
withstand any conceivable attack and is guaranteed to be safe for the next
10,000 years.
The Poodle is trying to present himself as a hawk - a pro-war, anti-terrorist
candidate, but
Mona Charen says his record is one of weakness and appeasement.
Think McCain-Feingold was a good idea?
Charles Krauthammer explains that people should be careful what they ask
for, because now we're deluged with these ads from 527 organizations.
He was for the war in Iraq, then against it, and now he's back to being for it,
except he would have fought the war "effectively." Joel
Mowbray breaks down just what that means.
The Democrats think they're going to win, but the Republicans aren't so
sure. Robert
Novak says the latest job numbers have the Bush people down in the dumps.
According to the media, the Bush campaign "attacks," but the Kerry
camp "fights back." More
liberal media bias documented by the Media Research Center.
Al Gore is criticizing President Bush's choice for director of the CIA.
Go away, Al. Remember: to the Democrats, any Republican would be a
partisan and divisive choice.
For some reason, the Bush administration caved to 13 Democrats and is allowing
International observers for the presidential election. Michael
Reagan says America has been sold out.
A mother waited 41 days for her son to come out of a coma - then he woke
up and swore at her. |