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Conservative Radio

with Chuck Colson

Colson offers a Christian perspective on news and trends.

Townhall.com columnist Doug Giles takes on media and culture from a Christian conservative perspective.

The Dennis Prager Show
If it’s interesting, if it affects your life, then Dennis will be talking about it – with passion, humor, insight and wisdom.

The Cal Thomas Commentary
This Townhall columnist has an uncanny ability to cut through the spin.

Common Sense
Daily commentary by term limits advocate Paul Jacob.

Concerned Women Today
Beverly LaHaye confronts issues such as abortion and pornography.

Family Research Council Radio Commentary
Tackling today's top issues in politics and culture.

Sean Hannity Show
Hannity has been named one of the "Top 100 Talk Hosts in America."


Radio America
Shows reflecting a commitment to traditional American values, limited government and the free market.

Dr. Laura
Dr. Laura Schlessinger dispenses morals, values, principles and ethics to her call-in listeners.

Focus on the Family
Dr. James Dobson gives practical advice on marriage, parenting, spiritual growth, social issues and public policy.

Rush Limbaugh Show
With more than 20 million listeners every week, Rush Limbaugh is the most listened-to and highest-rated talk show host in America.

Don Kroah Show
Kroah relates one-on-one with callers who share their perpectives on family, faith, politics, entertainment and news.

Janet Parshall's America
Three hours of thought-provoking, interactive radio that allows listeners to exchange information and learn.

Neal Boortz Show
Boortz's libertarian philosophy rankles conservatives, who think he's too liberal, and liberals, who think he's too conservative.

Michael Reagan Show
Reagan provides a healthy dose of biting humor, wit and warmth to his discussion of national issues.

Michael Medved Show
Medved's daily program emphasizes the intersection of politics and pop culture.

Steve Gill

Laura Ingraham Show
Ingraham takes listeners on a wild ride through the colliding worlds of politics, the news media, and Hollywood.

Steve Gill

Steve Gill Show
Steve received the 2000 AIR award for Best Talk Show Host in the Nashville market.

Victor Boc Program
Boc has been named one of "The Top 100 Most Important Radio Talk-Show Hosts in America.”

Milton Rosenberg Program
Milton deals with topics ranging from politics to financial investment to entertainment to religion to foreign policy to literature.


Radio FreeRepublic
Chuck Muth, Kaye Daly, Tom Adkins and AnnaZ anchor weekly shows! Heard Tues., Wed., & Thurs. at 5pm and 8pm



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