Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "birth control".
193 matches:
- __she__ - ~she~
- _casalinga - maya
- _dirty_secrets_ - DIRTY SECRETS
- a_b_d - a_b_d
- abortabortion - Preventing abortion
- aborticons - Abortion Icons Community
- abortion_info - News articles relating to abortion
- abortion_uk - British Abortion Community
- abortiondebate - Join the Care Bears @ Abortion Debate!
- abortioninfo - Abortioninfo
- accutaneusers - accutaneusers
- add_a_feminist - add_a_feminist
- advice_source - Becky & Candace's Advice Forum
- akashichildren - Pro-life Pagans
- allknowing - Advice For Losers
- amipreg_mods - amipreg_mods
- amipregnant - Am I Pregnant?
- answers_on_sex2 - answers_on_sex2
- anti_sextips - Anti-Sextips : We're Not Here To Judge
- asics_community - ASICS Community
- baby_debate - baby_debate
- babymaking - babymaking
- bad_sex - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- bairnsaor - bairnsaor
- bdsm_houston - BDSM Houston
- bent_edge - bentedge
- big_mother - Overweight & Pregnant
- bigpicture - The Big Picture
- birthcontrol - Birth Control Questions
- bloodyecstatic - bloodloven
- breast_is_best - breast_is_best
- bustalicious - BUSTalicious
- camdencollege - The Rules of Attraction Community
- catholic4choice - Catholics for a Free Choice!
- catsnotkids - Cats, Not Kids
- cbc - Childless By Choice
- cf_discussion - ChildFree Discussion
- cf_hardcore - cf_hardcore
- chergasm - we love cher. yeswedo.
- child_free_life - Child Free
- childfree - Childfree Community
- childfree_zone - Childfree (And Rantfree!) Community
- christianitysex - Sexual issues in Christianity
- clinic_escorts - abortion clinic escorts
- clinicdefense - clinic defense
- cranky_girls - Cranky Girls
- cunt_discussion - Declarations of Independence
- cuntlovinladies - Cunt Lovin' Ladies
- cyber__sex - Um, your mom.
- democrats4life - Democrats for Life (PRO-LIFE)
- dennis_kucinich - Dennis Kucinich 2004
- devonxxx - devonxxx
- donotwantkids - donotwantkids
- ecp - Emergency Contraception
- everywordulied - Kill yourself
- fam - fertility awareness method
- fatsex - fat sex
- fem_zine - South Dakota Fem Zine
- feminas - feminas
- feminists4life - Feminists for Life Community
- femnistcatholic - feminist catholics and other rebels
- for_real_sex_ed - for_real_sex_ed
- fufeminism - The *Fuck-You* Feminism LJ Community
- funky_stories - the funky faery
- genitales - genitales
- getlaidclub - Everyone that wants a piece
- girlsaware - for girls who like porn
- got_sex - got_sex
- greatsex - Mind Blowing Sex
- greendice - greendice
- grrl_talk - grrl_talk
- grrrlbits - grrrlbits
- heteroflexible - (~-^)
- hollipellam - Holli, a boy yet a man.
- i_am_hotinbed - HOT IN BED
- idiotfree - idiotfree
- immix - Immix
- imnotsorry - Our abortion stories.
- iud_divas - IUD Divas
- just_us_girls - Just Us Girls
- kidssuck - kidssuck
- kinknews - Kink in the News
- laughingvaginas - Laughing Vaginas
- letstalkboutsex - Sex Advice
- liberal_fascism - Hiding Behind the First Amendment
- live_gina - live_gina
- love_sex_advice - ~*Love And Sex Advice*~
- marital_arts - Ever Upward
- martha_monthly - The Visitor
- meet_other_moms - a meeting place for moms
- menarewimps - menarewimps
- menstrualhut - The Menstrual Hut
- midwest_lovers - Chicago Midwest Open Relationships Community
- mom2mom - mom2mom
- myboysretro - graveyard boys
- name_that_bump - indentify this
- nicks_vagina - Nick Valensi's Vagina
- nuva_ring - Lovers Of Nuva Ring
- omnisexual - Omnisexual
- ortho_evra - Ortho Evra
- paabc - Protestants Against Abortive Birth Control
- pansexual_news - Pansexual News
- pcos - Polycystic Ladies
- periodlog - The Period Weblog
- petulant_syrup - Eccentric Pretentious Intellectuals
- pmf - (Political MinorityFeminist)
- pretty_woman_ - I am a pretty woman!!!
- pro_choice - Pro-Choice forum
- pro_prevention - Abortion is preventable
- prodeath - Choose Death
- prolife - LJers for the Right to Life
- prolife_vegans - Pro-life Veg*ns
- proud_females - Proud Females
- pub_serv_ltd - Public Service, Ltd.
- pure_femininity - Everything feminine
- real_women - Real Women
- ripoffyourlogic - ripoffyourlogic
- rpf - 22 Twain House
- sadintellectual - Misery Loves Company
- saganliveson - The Carl Sagan Community
- seasonale - seasonale
- sex101 - Sex For Dummies
- sex_anime - SEX & ANIME
- sex_comm - Sexuality & Gender Communities
- sex_games - Sex Games
- sex_like_pros - sex_like_pros
- sexadvice - Sex Advice
- sexandlove - Sex and Love
- sexexpert - Sex Expert
- sexplorers - SEXPLORING 4 LYFE
- sexsupport - Tired of Tech Support? Now theres Sex Support!
- sexual_health - Sexual Health Questions
- sexualadvice - Sexual Advice
- sexuallyactive - Sexually Active
- shopping_lists - Not as Vapid as You'd Think...
- sick_kids - PILL POPPERS CLUB
- stick_it_here - stick_it_here
- stupidparents - Stupid People With Children
- suffragettes - Soldiers In Petticoats
- texas_moms - texas_moms
- thinkers - The Thinkers Community
- thinkkink - Think Kink
- tmi_chix - I enjoy being a girl! *yark*
- tubal_ligation - Tubal Ligation
- ugh_parents - Ugh, Parents!
- used_rubbers - rubber whores
- userguide4girls - The Big Sisters' Guide to Life
- vagina_stories - ~*Vagina Diaries*~
- vaginapagina - 4,000+ Vulva-Loving Superstars
- vaginas_only - vaginas_only
- vaginas_unite - Vaginas Unite
- veganwomen - Vegan Women
- vhemt - The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
- vox_community - vox_community
- warmapplepie - warmapplepie
- what_a_woman - What A Woman
- woman_warrior - Woman Warrior
- womanhatersclub - The Female Woman Haters Club
- womenhealth - Women's Health: Questions, Education, and Support!
- xcommunicate_me - xcommunicate_me
- xwhorecorex - playin' you like a deck of cards
- xxwenchcorexx - The Wenches
- yasmin_28 - Yasmin
Interested users
The following users are interested in birth control. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 1xbabyx1 - Turn me on
- 2ndplace - caroline.exe
- __brown_skirtx - Disco Lemonade
- __nessa__ - Vanessa
- _bess - _bess
- _deceptacon - C SQUARED
- _imnotcrazy_ - marilyn
- _joshiesmommie_ - Savannah
- _lindz - [baby jean]
- _nocticula_ - Nicki
- _picard_ - Jean-Luc Picard
- _pretty_vacant - **Ginger**
- abbey1210 - Abbey
- abject - faithless
- abstraktish - Under The Table and Still Dreaming
- acailin - Jenda
- acheroniansoul - The dark depths
- acs1862004 - Amanda
- add_alex - The ADD one
- agentgstring - Em
- akimova - Holly
- akumakiyomeru - Cj
- albinoqueen76 - Marissa
- aligntheplanets - Lauren
- amber02 - Amber
- amberganja - Night Mare
- americanbeauty - Ashlee
- anavrinevol - Coma Violet Whore
- angelvasectomy - Blue Starthief
- anjyl - ♥Jilyan.Dawn♥
- anonymous_all - anonymous_all
- antibob - antibob
- arrestthisgirl - death tastes like lemons
- asics - asics
- asperityq - Asperity
- atarisafari - Joslin
- awakeandreaming - the diary of a girl
- awesomechick43 - The Goldfish
- babiephat - you are my star
- badong - Completely Mad
- baileh - Gettin' advice from a caterpillar
- beatgirl - Kathryn
- bigbigtruck - EK
- blarneygirl - lydia
- blowtorch16 - Jeff
- bluesdragon - One day, fed up with hell, she simply up and left.
- bobby_vinton - david lee rock
- boxofstars - we didn't start the fire
- bpun - Kristen
- br0k3nsoul - Care Bear
- brettanderson - Eric
- bustybritt - bustybritt
- butterflybaby84 - Arika©
- c0remeister13 - core daWg
- calistrisa - Cali
- callgirl - Heather
- callome - Emilishibabah
- camelliaflower - Camille DeVries
- canishineforyou - JellY!!
- caraiselite - Cara
- carrietherage - Carrie, "All the Rage"
- catfishgirl - Megan
- chaoticneutral - HarpeR
- cherryb0mb - the mandy
- chibichibiheero - Niki Baby
- chocobeans - Fabiola
- christcav - christcav
- chudmisfit - Carly
- clarita - claire
- clevergirl - Ser-Ala-Arg-Ala-His
- coincident - Amy
- colourblinddays - marie
- commieclit - audretard.
- contralucid - inordinately precarious
- corruptkitten - ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,¢Ø®®Ùp†K‡††êñ,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø
- cosmostar - Guess whos back?!
- cradlecountess - Emotionless Grey Skys bleed somber Tears of Sorrow
- creampopp - Miss J.B.Itchy Poppellhell®
- cshelbs22 - cshelbs22
- curlymo - Sarah
- cynicaltink - xvegantinkx
- daartofgrowinup - if i kissed yer neck, would you slit my throat?
- dark_corvus - Sorry, I'm terribly mysterious
- datalover - Lisa
- daterapedrug - the freak
- deliciousbubble - distractable
- deprivetennis - DepriveTennis
- desse - Care-uh
- destination713 - Jenny8675309
- destroykrist - Big lips and hips, A big ass in thick glasses
- dinosaurbite - Lindsay
- dirty_denim - A female legend without a song
- dirtyfacade - dirtyfacade
- dirtytalk - dirtytalk
- disaster77 - Sarah
- discopoetry - Strangelove
- divineneutrino - Sarah
- dochawk - The Good Doctor
- downtownfairy - Becca Ironbox
- duckydoo - Ducky DooLittle
- dump_cake - Light another bowl, and fall asleep with me.
- dwag - Adam Smith
- earl_peterson - earl peterson
- elliedb06 - Ellie
- emerald87418 - just another brick
- emosparklez - Jenny Lynn
- enjoybeing - EnjoyBeing
- epicentre - Saken
- erelkey - erelkey
- erifica - Erifica- The Social Brillo Pad
- eroticburlesque - caterpillar
- erycka - Erica
- eskimopamf - mus
- evil_bastard - Hairball Hyphen Adder
- explicitbaby - Dirtbird Memories
- extrafox - Kate
- fahreeq - Fahreeq of the WEEK!
- first_of_may - emily betty
- fleece_kitten - The Amazing Mr. Waffles
- flipflops867 - Courtney
- flt - FL
- fluffernutter13 - Becky
- fly_to_eden - fly_to_eden
- fnord23 - Amanda the Hobear
- fondling_dirt - you want it.
- friskythreesome - Agent Herpes
- frumpgirl - Nicky
- fuck_trophy - Fuck Trophy
- galestorm - Gale, that red-haired Viking chick
- garglfluz - Lucefurre
- genovia - qualcosa lei non puo mai avere
- ghost_explosion - Theresa
- gillandmike - duh
- girldork - GirlDork
- gl3nnguy - That Kid Over There
- glasspinata - The Girl Formerly Known As Zelda
- glittergrrl69 - Indiana
- gloombunny - Gloombunny
- goescrunch - GoesCrunch
- goobxbrit - //...Life Is Sometimes Like Dancing...\\
- goodbitch_1 - Aryka
- gradualwisd0m - Anna
- greeniezona - Jen
- growingwords - light heart
- gun_anda_girl - gun_anda_girl
- h04x - Jay
- hardtomakeaname - mike
- hawaiian_sand - Fly Away
- heartgasim - <3
- hellybean - Helen
- hentaijess - HentaiJess
- her_cunt - her body makes her seem so vacuous.
- herstarcatcher - herstarkeeper
- hexasphy - I love Chris ^_^
- hidemysuicide - Lizzy
- homicides_whore - Princess Tina
- hopebound_heart - caity #2
- hypoxickisses - Tessa
- ilahni - Education not Empire
- imageekyklutz - Robyn
- indera - caroline
- indiskies - indiskies
- intr0spection - Tarynn
- irisira03 - Jennifer Michele
- ithinkilovedyou - chronicles of a serial dater
- j3z3b3l_in_h3ll - a +kiss+ and a -slap-
- jakarta - jakarta
- janesusername - morgan
- jaylinden - Jason Linden
- jen_master_j - Jenna
- jennae - I'm Like Your Favorite Damn Disease
- jennem - Jenny
- jennjen - ~Jennie~
- jesquarius - Jessica Helvenston
- jessicka - Jessica
- joscelin - Queen of The Conflict Weenies
- jumpgurl - Jamie
- just_girls_here - just_girls_here
- kaa_bc - Chemical Kimberly
- kage_scupotea - Julia
- kakaka - kakaka
- kalijean - Erin Jean
- karinalynn - Lips like sugar...
- katieclio - Katie
- keesha - ophelia_192000
- kiapa - Kiapa
- kinderxwhore - Slut Kiss Grrrl
- kithling - Mandi
- kittenpants - Kittenpants
- kittygloves - loves last kiss
- klikitak - fucking catholicoholic
- krey_z_4_you - Kait
- kyrahjade - Messenger Jade
- l_auerlien - L'auerlien
- labiamania - Rated X by an all white jury
- ladyartemisa - Hera, Give me Strength!
- ladyluck22 - Dommers
- ladymarmalade14 - BeeZer
- ladymeow - Mistress Meow
- lalani - Brittany Allen
- leighag420 - Leigha
- light_bearer - Clare
- lillath - Lillath
- lillyrose13 - lillyrose13
- linzl7 - LinZ
- lisidy - felicity
- little_oblivion - TueSdaY's cHiLd
- littlesisdeath - littlesisdeath
- lo_li_ta - You're My Playground Love
- loveypie - JacqueMeri
- lucifer_samson - Lucifer Samson
- lucyfur_star - lucyfur star
- lvnmymarine - Nikki
- lyricalviolet - Inamorata's Sanctuary
- madd_spammer - Madd Spammer
- magdalenaangel - freakus jocasta
- mahoganyrush - Mahogany Rush
- make_me_scream - horny chick
- makemoretrouble - Sarah
- malchior2k - Malchior
- man5onschild - ---*>L.i.z.<*---
- mark356 - Marie Antoinette's pastry slave
- matoaka23 - kiddo
- maynardsong - Consistency is all I ask
- megagrrldeth - Queen Ellipse
- mejane_83 - Abby
- mel21clc - Melissa, nearly BA
- merciless_missy - Melissa Emilia Vieira Mulciber
- michellecz42085 - Michelle Czelusniak
- midnightrain - Jenn
- mikieman - mikieman
- mill_whore - Mill_Whore
- mindlesscracka - mindlesscracka
- mistic373 - What I am to you is not real
- mixie0320 - May
- mominaug03 - Angela
- moniquill - Monique the Geek
- mookina - Christina
- moonmagik666 - Real Nightmare
- moribundstar - Rena
- mrmigraine - the Evil Mr. Migraine
- musemor - Musemor
- mustanggrl16 - Lexi
- mybs - Carrie
- nesufuratu - deborah
- neverguessed - Make
- nic_fit - *nic-fit*
- nightlord - anne
- nkdallas - No Kidding! Dallas
- noble_youth - Cindie Gentry
- nova95610 - Mr. Dedinside
- nshesays - Lauren
- obtuselife - Amy
- ohlickmyass - I'm Kayla. There are balls on my chin.
- only4u_51503 - Kaylyn
- opendor - FearEmptinessDespair
- orientalspooge - Jody
- ourika - Ourika
- oursin - Wandering Hedgehog
- overopinionated - Phoena
- paintedpretty - jeLLybeAn
- paintokill - i have no shame
- paranoidpenguin - Rachel Hissey
- partykid - brandon
- peridoxical - Jess
- phlogiston_5 - Phlogiston
- phoena - Phoena
- picture_apple - cris
- pined2gether - Katie Kincaid
- pinkfrost - DIRRRTY ROBOT
- pitofsky - Nat
- plaidgirl75 - "Caterpillar... an upholstered worm."
- poorheather - Jenny Engard
- poppyhead - Free Willy
- poshglam - PoshGlam
- powerpuffpimp - PowerpuffPimp
- princessjezabel - Princess Jezabelle
- pseudoslut - P.s.e.u.d.o..S.l.u.t
- psychobillybri - Capt. Boo
- psychobitchcunt - cunt is a pipebomb...
- punkrockgrrrl - Ophelia
- purplexmooose - The sponser child
- r0xyquickslvr - -Amanda Marie-
- raineybabe - [torturing myself]
- rakugo_report - 森山亜仁
- randomhiccups - Cara
- ranyart - Ranyart
- rascaltech - Rascal
- raveled_ - raveled_
- redderthanthis - redderthanthis
- redpages - hear me roar!
- rini - [Insert Witty Name Here]
- rising_above - Jassimyn
- roadto_nowhere - roadto_nowhere
- rocknashy - *.:ashley:.*
- romeosgirl - Juliene
- rubiejayne - Jaynie Jones
- saffronhare - SaffronHare
- scaredprincess - scaredprincess
- scargrrl - Kellietron
- scenses - Kaytience
- schitzo - Libby
- schwarzeskatze - Elisabeth/Sarah
- scotiabunnie - Sweet Deceiving Innocence
- scrumpablegirl - My Naughty Little Sex Journal
- serra_bellum - Serra
- sex_pretzel - The Sex Pretzel
- sexjournal - sexjournal
- sexycheerio - Carlee
- sexymami696 - ♥AndreA♥
- shemademedoit - Lo
- shes_advanced - [+Brandy+]
- shetwinkles - Laura
- shortypuertoro - Renée
- shwin - AnhThu Christina Than Nguyen
- simmeringsiren - lizzyliz
- sinceyouleftme - vikki
- sivas_haan - sivas_haan
- skatergirlz - []D[(_)][]\[][]K []B[]-[]-C[]-[]
- smileymel - The Saga of a Girl
- snlgirl0557 - Mallory Elizabeth
- sophiee - sophie
- sorry_paris - Sorry Paris
- sparklesistah - Lisa
- spider88 - Wise Spider
- sqrfruit - Kate
- stainthesunset - Breathless Incubus
- starvingkitty - Nirvana Crane
- stephie_carlile - The First Days of My Last Days
- strand3d - A Vindication of The Rights of Woman
- stumbles - Kathleen
- sublicon - Geoffrey
- suchabetty - Lipstick Betty
- summerdreams - Dreamer
- swallowtheknife - Elyse
- takemehome - Lauren
- tastee - Jillian
- teardropfire - Tiffany (of a shyness that is criminally vulgar)
- tearduct - Pantocrater
- techieguru - Dauntless Expatriated Zulu (and shoots back)
- tenthandcherry - morgan
- thaogloser_x - Loser X
- thedevilbat - smelly kelly
- thegirl360 - the girl
- thepantywar - The Fashion is Theft
- thesoapbox - Erin and Candace
- thesprawl - the sprawl
- thinkofutopia - Charlie & the flaming madagascar materials
- tomato_rosebud - Sara
- tomserak - ...
- trickygotmein - Making your amends to the dead
- truepixie - the Angry Faerie
- trunkbutt - Trunkbutt
- twink138 - Meet Me In Montauk
- twisted_tatum - PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ubiquitousnewt - Randall
- uncensoredlips - * ..just a paperbag *
- unspokenmisery - .k.e.l.l.y.
- vagina_dialogue - The Vagina Dialogues
- vaquera - Harlan's Dissent
- violetanger - +erin+erin+erin+
- viva_420 - Ash*ley
- vizampy - Courtney
- waldo_jephers - Joey Jo Jo Jr. Shabadoo
- whiskeynabottle - justine
- whitelime - Kissy
- wrongcoastkidd - paula
- xashleex - Ashlee
- xdark_goddessx - xdark_goddessx
- xdistrust - queen & tyrant
- xemcats - Emily
- xlydiax - Lydia
- xpinkstarzx - T*R*A*C*I
- xqjennaqx - engelbert slapdeyback
- xromantic - Kate // Only a Memory
- xx_savedali_xx - Megan
- xxbeachangel02x - Vera
- xxmarcellaxx - Marie <3
- xxxtragedy - ____TRENDYFUCK____
- y0ssarian - Donkey Hotay
- yellowquilt - Kathleen
- yog - Insane and Suicidal
- zendanse - zendanse
- zenmadre - Jeff, The God of Biscuits
- zombiekiller - Lincoln
- zsazilla - ZsaZsa Galore