August 16, 2004
The Last Place on Urth - Doh! That arresting image of Wadi-Us-Salaam Cemetery has been nagging at me for days, and I only just placed it now.
To those who have preceded me in the study of the posthistoric world, and particularly to those collectors - too numerous to name here - who have permitted me to examine artifacts surviving so many centuries of futurity, and most especially to those who have allowed me to visit and photograph the era's few extant buildings, I am truly grateful.Gene Wolfe, The Shadow of the Torturer, Appendix I
Rejoice! We conquer Nessus!
Jim Henley, 09:53 PM
August 12, 2004
Don't You Like to Watch Two Lesbians Playing Pool? is a question more candidates should be required to answer. And in deliberately satirical news, Andy Borowitz reports: GREEK SECURITY TEAM FAILS TO NOTICE GIANT HORSE (Both links via Mrs. Offering.)
Jim Henley, 12:20 AM