Back from Bowen, off to Ottawa
Yesterday I took Noel and Vivianne over to Bowen Island for a relaxing day, west-coast style. We had a laid back day checking out the shops and having lunch on a patio overlooking snug cove. It was also lovely to be able to talk with people about Auntie Vera, Vivianne's mom was Vera's oldest friend, and sharing stories always makes memories sweeter.
Tomorrow we're off to Ottawa for vacation, stopping in Regina on the way back, so things may be dead quiet around here for a week or so. It's enticing to have a break from the city - somehow we haven't managed to relax here yet!
« before | trish | 17 August, 2004 | bitter lemons :: 3all content copyright Trish and Cory Amundrud, 2000-2004. this site uses
:: little posts
currently (tuesday)
:: getting ready for Ottawa
:: finishing the wedding gift
:: watching olympics
:: in love with the hubby
:: entertaining family
currently (friday)
:: completely and utterly emotionally exhausted. I don't know when I've ever felt this drained.
currently (thursday)
:: A&M; arrive
:: 10km run this morning
:: quilting like crazy
:: missing my grandparents