August 17, 2004
Don't be Afraid to Promote and Defend Your Conservatism
The latest edition of the Carnival of the Bush Bloggers ( #26 ) is up and running, at Blogs for Bush, with 13 interesting pieces including this one:
A guest blogger on The Galvin Report who says more Republicans need to be couragious, and aggressive, by opening up a can of verbal whup Ass on Dems, and going all Anne Coulter on the Liberal Bush and Conservative bashers.
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
As he writes:
Every Republican politician or pundit should proudly and vociferously advocate for fellow Republicans and conservatism in general. Is Ann Coulter the only one who understands this? Where Democrats come at us like snakes, we must be mongooses. Wake up Republicans, and have some courage for a change! You won’t melt. Cheney had it right when he finally told that flimflam artist Patrick Leahy, “Go f--- yourself.”
He's Right you know ( pun intended ). :-)
Last year I wrote a long series on Illegal Immigration here, but it was 1 satirical poem attached to a humorous picture that got 1 Liberal ( actually a Socialist ) acquaintance so angry he brutally attacked me in an e-mail AND publically on his blog, denounced our friendship ( he was responsible for my re-birth as a creative writer and growth into a poet ), made it clear he wanted nothing more to do with me, and demanded I apologize on my blog ( if I did so then we could maybe be friends again ).
It was the only piece he read, and I put him in his place with polite, but strong, private e-mail responses, and a couple of polite, but strong, posts on his blog, and then showed up several times at the weekly Poetry readings ( and workshops), at which I read several poems to the assembled audience that made a subtle political statement to this bully.
I kept quiet, watched, and waited.
Each time I showed up at the workshops, and readings, he didn't open his mouth about our disagreement.
Not once did he demand I leave.
And not once did HE get up and walk out when I walked in ( doing so would have neccesitated an explanation, thus risking his losing favor among a regular cadre of attendees who admired his writing talents and advice ( both worthy reasons to attend these sessions ).
In maybe 30 hours of acquaintanceship over several months, and despite rarely reading my blog, he thought he knew me, and knew my politics, and considered me a traitor and a racist for becoming a Republican, and by exploring my beliefs and moving myself away from his beloved Democratic Party, and Liberalism.
I didn't shrivel up and die by confronting him, and I have no regrets about not attending anymore of those workshops, and readings, either.
I have since begun a couple of series of Creative Writing exercises on my own that can be read in my Creative Writing Category, and have several books to use to help me on this creative journey ( to which I will be returning ).
I AM moving to the Right, I am a Rush Limbaugh fan since 1990, I believe in fighting the War against Terror, and in what we are doing in Iraq.
I believe that the 2 Democratic Johns, if elected in November, will prostitute our Country out to the whims of the UN, and the European Union, and the America we know and love will be the lesser for it until Conservatives regain the Presidency and put us back on track.
The Far Left needs to be refuted. Loudly.
If Moderate Liberals won't argue with their fellows over what Liberalism is, and should be, then all bets are off, in the continuing Political, and cultural, battle for what America stands for in the world, and has stood for through out its glorious history.
We need to circle the wagons, and aggressively promote, and defend our views and policies, as the Dems try to agressively tear them down and discredit them.
From Center Right to those further Right we are all under attack, and so in defense of our beliefs we are all in this together.
Many bloggers, Conservative columnists, and websites do a fine job of fighting back already, and they need to keep it up if Bush is to win in November.
As my part in promoting these fine folks you can take a good long look through my collection of links.
There is a lot of debate among Conservatives about how to fight back.
Fine. At least there is a recognition of the need to do so.
The important thing is that we all find our own ways to do so and actually DO fight back.
I am coming out of a 2 month period where blogging was scarce around here, and at my other blog, at least the type of blogging regulars are used to seeing has been scarce, as I was learning a new job and working plenty of overtime.
But I'm FINALLY coming back.
The Gloves are coming off.
Care to join me? :-)
The carnival is HERE.
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
11:25 AM
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Buttons, Blogs, and Bonfires
Feste, of Fool's Blog presides over a REALLY Groovy establishment that always has plenty of must read material. :-)
This week Feste plays host to the latest Bonfire of the Vanities, and while the entries are as entertaining as they are Bonfire worthy, another reason to check out the this weeks edition is the collection of Political Buttons the host uses as eye candy surrounding the contributions.
The 2 LBJ Buttons are my favorites. :-)
BOTV 1968
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
01:18 AM
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Best of Me at Behind the Times
The latest Best of Me Symphony is up and running at the Blog known as Behind the Times.
Kevin had the task of reading 17 interesting offerings, and I am flattered that he ranked my story of THE COKE MACHINE at #3 in the format he chose to present the offerings to his readers.:-)
Best of Me Symphony #36
For my part I'd like to recommend 2 of the contributions that dealt with the passing, & legacy, of Ronald Reagan:
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
From THE KEY MONK comes a piece called "Lies and half-truths about Reagan" that explains its purpose as follows:
The anti-Reagan spin has begun. Here are the most notable half-truths and misleading statements about Reagan: (1) he abandoned his principles, became "pragmatic" about what could be done, then tried to achieve his goals; (2) he did nothing viz. AIDS; (3) he trebled the national debt; (4) Iran-Contra is a stain on his legacy; (5) he was a racist.
Here are some facts and rejoinders.
The Answerman, of the blog INCITE, was born 4 years before Reagan became President, and grew up to become a self proclaimed "Doom & Gloom Conservative". :-)
His moving tribute includes the following:
He combined a philosophical vision with political pragmatism in a way that seemed neither utopian nor unprincipled. He embodied not only the image of a strong yet benevolent leader, but of the quintessential American man. He was a conservative without being a scolding ideologue. He believed in the power of American political ideals without succumbing to the temptation to spread them by force without reference to historical context. He contributed to the longest period of sustained economic growth this country has ever known. He won the Cold War. Trite as it may be to say so, he made America feel like America again.
That last one is the most interesting aspect of his many accomplishments to me, for the simple reason that President Reagan's vision of an older, prouder, self-confident America always believing in tomorrow was all I knew as a child.
The full essay is called Reagan Remembrance.
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
12:09 AM
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August 16, 2004
Has World War 4 Begun?
Was 9/11 one of the opening salvos of World War 4?
Is that the great struggle that we are engaged in now, and must see through to its ultimate, victorious conclusion?
In the upcoming, Sept. 2004, issue of COMMENTARY Magazine Norman Podhoretz writes a provocative article that tells us the answer is a resounding yes, and explains what it means, and why America MUST win.
As the blurb on the website says:
Not to be missed, this essay puts together for the first time the full story of the war and the case for the Bush Doctrine, answers the arguments of the critics, and lays out what is at stake in the struggle ahead. Must reading for the election season.
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
The author introduces his piece by explaining himself:
This past spring, when it seemed that everything that could go wrong in Iraq was going wrong, a plague of amnesia began sweeping through the country. Caught up in the particulars with which we were being assaulted 24 hours a day, we seemed to have lost sight of the context in which such details could be measured and understood and related to one another. Small things became large, large things became invisible, and hysteria filled the air....
I have tried to step back from the daily barrage and to piece together the story of what this nation has been fighting to accomplish since September 11, 2001....
I have had to broaden the perspective so as to make it possible to see why the great struggle into which the United States was plunged by 9/11 can only be understood if we think of it as World War IV.
My hope is that telling the story from this perspective and in these ways will demonstrate that the road we have taken since 9/11 is the only safe course for us to follow....
As I will attempt to show, we are only in the very early stages of what promises to be a very long war, and Iraq is only the second front to have been opened in that war: the second scene, so to speak, of the first act of a five-act play. In World War II and then in World War III, we persisted in spite of impatience, discouragement, and opposition for as long as it took to win, and this is exactly what we have been called upon to do today in World War IV.
For today, no less than in those titanic conflicts, we are up against a truly malignant force in radical Islamism and in the states breeding, sheltering, or financing its terrorist armory. This new enemy has already attacked us on our own soil—a feat neither Nazi Germany nor Soviet Russia ever managed to pull off—and openly announces his intention to hit us again, only this time with weapons of infinitely greater and deadlier power than those used on 9/11. His objective is not merely to murder as many of us as possible and to conquer our land. Like the Nazis and Communists before him, he is dedicated to the destruction of everything good for which America stands. It is this, then, that (to paraphrase George W. Bush and a long string of his predecessors, Republican and Democratic alike) we in our turn, no less than the "greatest generation" of the 1940’s and its spiritual progeny of the 1950’s and after, have a responsibility to uphold and are privileged to defend.
This is just an excerpt of his introduction.
To say more, here, would detract from the power of his arguement that will become clear to you by reading the piece in its entirety.
The piece is long, the link is to a printable version of the piece, there is also a PDF Version, and the Sept. Issue will hit stores soon.
How ever you do so please, just....
Go, read, and think.
Spread the story around so more will be aware of it.
Then vote in November.
World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
11:37 AM
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August 15, 2004
When Irish Fingers are Blogging
Fellow Bear Flagger Julie, The Irish Lass, has come across a must read story that just confirms why John Kerry should not be the President:
John Kerry thought that the assassination of a few thousand of our South Vietnamese allies would be a small price to pay to get our troops home.
Her piece is called Sunday Surfing.
In another interesting piece she writes about her encounters with Roger Ebert, and Deep Throat ( maybe ): Venti Non-Fat Latte
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
08:27 PM
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A Photo Tour of Californias Underbelly
Fellow Bear Flagger Doug, of Right on The Left Beach has put together a fascinating look at what he saw on trips to the streets of San Francisco, & Westlake Village, to visit the missions of the Innerchange Division of Church Resource Ministries (CRM).
One of his passions is Photography, and his selection of Photos shows sides of 2 of Californias big cities that many people don't often see in person.
Growing up in Los Angeles County all my life, and having to rely on traveling from one end of the county to another on Mass Transit I have seen sights such as these, and much more.
Say what you will about Religion, Left, Right, Christian, or not, organizations such as CRM do much good in the world, and there are far more respected groups involved in this activity than there are those who rip off their contributors, and do little to help the poor.
Take a look at these interesting photos here: Photo Albums
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
07:59 PM
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Dinner is Served
Under the title of this site, the introduction begins as follows:
Eventually, EVERYONE comes to Sneakeasy's. Enter an establishment of infinite delights.....
For a long time I couldn't think of a way to extend the Dining/ Drinking establishment theme into names for my collection of Links.
This weekend, as I begin to come slowly out of a 2 month period of slow blogging, I thought of a way, and re-arranged things accordingly:
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
I like "Buffets", and my different Categories, and the variety found within, lend themselves to this designation.
My Official Blogroll is a scrumptious collection of "Delightful Appetizers" fit for folks like me, on a journey into the Conservative side of the Political Spectrum, and just as tasty for those already on the diet. :-)
Which leads into the "Main Menu".
It is an Epicurean Cornucopea of nourishment for the Health Conscious person concerned with getting, or staying, Mentally Fit in a news and information environment filled with ideas they may disagree with, and unsure that there were many establisments around selling what they wanted. :-)
After a filling meal I always like to dig into a "Dessert".
The Joint offers plenty to tempt you, including some more "Sinful" ( Liberal ) dishes guaranteed to play havok with your Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure, levels. :-)
In addition to the Main Menu we offer a fine sellection of Local ( California ), and International Cuisine, to delight the adventurous pallet. :-)
There is also a "Fruit Basket" full of delectable nourishment for those disinclined to partake, too much ( or at all ), from our other fine offerings. :-)
Like all Great Dining Establishments Sneakeasy's Joint also has a 1st Class "Wine Cellar", with some stellar offerings aged as old as 228 years, or more.
The Ambrosia, Nectar, & life blood of our Great Nation's story ( and even that country from which we gained our Independence ), and what has made it what it is today, can be sampled, and learned about, by opening one of these bottles. :-)
And the prices, you ask?
Why FREE, of course, so sit right down, order from the menu, and dig right in!
And don't forget to tip the Bouncer on the way out....... :-)
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
05:48 PM
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New York Times Unnoticed by Search Engines?
What if the NY Times, the self proclaimed Newspaper of Record published a major story, and the Cyberspace Search Engines didn't notice?
Would that mean the piece was never written? :-)
From a recent article by Adam L. Penenberg, of Wired News:
Two years ago, Martin Nisenholtz, chief executive of
New York Times Digital, bet $1,000 that
would outrank all blogs on Google by 2007, based on a
search of five keywords on a topical news issue.
Unless Google and the Times work on their relationship
-- Nisenholtz says they're talking, although they
haven't come up with any answers yet -- there may be a
day when The New York Times doesn't show up at all on
the Net's most popular search engine. Ultimately, this
could be a direct threat to the Times' legacy.
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
The author did a Google Search on a story, and found that not only didn't the Gray Lady show up until #295, but even Bloggers showed up ahead of her.
He got similar results on the AltaVista, Lycos, Yahoo Search Engines. :-)
As the author writes there are many reasons for this, and 1 of the most important is the following:
The New York Times requires that its users register, which makes it difficult for search engines to spider its content. Perhaps an even more impenetrable barrier is the Times' paid archive. Because it stows material more than a week old behind an archive wall, you have to cough up $3 per article. Since few are willing to pay for content they can get free elsewhere, search engines, which often base results on relevancy (read: popularity), will continue to dis the Times -- as well as other media sites that make you register or pay for old news (The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal).
It seems that the Times is so concerned with not giving free access to its vast archive that it's missing the much bigger picture.
"The Web isn't just a sales outlet, it's much more akin to a vast public library," said Aaron Swartz, who coded the Times' link generator, which enables bloggers to get around the Times' paid archive by transforming temporary article links into permanent ones, so that its articles don't expire in a week. "A far more sensible position for the Times would be to charge for new news, not old news. Can you imagine the possibilities if it opened up its archive?"
The author ends with a comment related to the observation from a person interviewed for this piece:
"fewer and fewer people read print publications and (more) make the switch to online, the Times" -- and its competitors -- are "going to have to figure out a way to make more money on the Web."
Haven't people been saying that since the boom and bust days of the Internet?
I consulted Google for some answers, but when I plugged in "future viability Internet news," no New York Times article was anywhere to be found.
The full, fascinating, piece is here:
Searching for The New York Times
Thanks to fellow Bear flagger Justene, of Calblog for the heads up about this interesting story. :-)
Oh, and I've added a link to that NY Times Link Genereator over in DESSERTS. :-)
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
04:12 PM
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August 14, 2004
Looking Charley in the Eye
Here in Sunny Southern California we deal with the occasional nasty EarthQuake, the yearly Fire Season that sometimes gets out of hand ( remember last year? ), REALLY heavy rains that cause repeated flooding every year or so, and the rare weirdness that comes from Mother Nature forgetting that she's not supposed to plop down Tornadoes in Orange County ( yes, it HAS happened, though they were tame ones ), and snow storms in West & South Central Los Angeles ( was that bizarre, or what? ).
Then there's that freak summer rain, & hail, Thunderstorm that hung out for a few hours today from Eastern LA County into Western San Bernardino County, and out to the desert communities around Victorville to Barstow.
It dropped water at the rate of an inch an hour, & hail as big as marbles. :-)
But what often happens, almost every year, along the Coast, from Texas to Maine, if/when Hurricanes pay a visit, or further inland during massive rain & snow storms, makes what we go through here look like an easy to deal with walk in the park.
Take Charley's stroll thru Florida, & South Carolina, for instance:
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
Jeff Quinton, the Back Country Conservative, has a guest post, from reporter/novelist Phillip Caston, who reports for the Charleston Post-Courier, and tells of his experiece hanging out with a hurricane in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
He begins this way:
I woke up at 5 a.m. at the Comfort Inn on Business Highway 17 in Surfside Beach. I had driven down Friday night on a short-minute's notice with Post and Courier photographer Yolanda James. It was first-time hurricane coverage for both of us, and our inexperience as well as our youth probably prepared us to get a little crazy.
and ends this way:
Would I do it all over again? You better believe it.
It is what is in between that makes this piece well worth reading.
Backcountry Conservative: Weathering Charley on Ocean Boulevard
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
07:53 PM
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August 12, 2004
Where Were You?
Where were YOU when you first heard about the new FedEx/Kinko's Stores???
I was on the CAN. :-)
God, I love Radio Commercials. :-)
Didn't the team that brainstormed this idea, & those who approved it, even CONSIDER that it would be the prefect fuel for Comedians, and folks like me with a twisted sense of humor?
There I am at 8am this morning, at home, happily enjoying myself, when this commercial comes on, & I just start laughing. :-)
Top 10 places people said they were when they 1st heard of the new FedEx/Kinko's:
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
10. Listening to the radio while Jogging ( I was so caught up in the news I didn't see the Bicyclist until he ran right over me ).
9. Listening to my radio at Starbucks ( I was so startled that I spilled my ( VERY ) Hot Chocolate in my lap ).
8. Listening to the radio while working out at the Gym ( I was so caught up in the news that I dropped the 20 lb. weight on my left foot ).
7. Listening to the radio while cooking dinner ( I was so caught up in the news that I let a perfectly good roast burn in the oven ).
6. Listening to the radio while watching John Kerry's acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention ( The commercial was far more interesting & inspiring ).
5. Listening to the radio while changing the babys diaper, after feeding ( I was so startled that I put the baby in the diaper hamper ( briefly ) & tried to burp the dirty diaper ).
4. Listening to the radio while riding the bus ( I was so caught up in the news that I missed my stop by 10 blocks, on the last run of the night, & had to walk home thru the worst neighborhood in town ).
3. Listening to the radio on the way to school ( I was so caught up in the news that I was late to class... by 2 hours. ( My teacher didn't buy it either ).
2. I was listening to the radio while sitting on the can in a public restroom, at McDonalds, during the mid-day rush ( I was so excited by the news that I dashed out of the bathroom, forgetting to pull up my shorts & pants ( talk about embarrassing! ) ).
I was listening to the radio while having wild, crazy, & passionate, SEX with my girlfriend in my apartment ( I had never heard her be so vocal during an orgasm and proudly asked her "Was it THAT good for you, too?" Startled, she looked at me, and replied, "Oh, honey, I'm sorry, what did you say? I was so caught up in the exciting news about FedEx/Kinko's that I didn't hear you?" )
Wouldn't you just hate it if THAT happened? :-)
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
09:01 AM
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August 11, 2004
Pathetic Earthling Fathers Child!
Of course The Missus PE did all the hard work, but the new addition to the Diaper/Toddler Wing of the Bear Flag League has safely made his early entrance into the world, & the Proud Papa is currently floating on Cloud 9, thereby giving the folks gazing thru the Hubble Telescope something truly odd to look at, wonder about, & write a future Dissertation on. :-)
I wonder if anyone has taken an Official Head Count of how many there currently are in our Diaper/Toddler, & Young Skulls Full of Mush Wings anyway? :-)
Congratulations to one & all, over at Pathetic Earthlings!
Welcome to the world, Owen,The Little Earthling! :-)
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
11:58 PM
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August 08, 2004
Work Stablization Means More Blogging
Well, things are looking up as the weeks have gone by in my new job. :-)
My average time per call has been steadily lowering, and thanks to some tips the number of time periods per day when I've gone below 30 sec. has increased.
In fact yesterday, for the 1st time, I spent the whole day below 30.
My ave. for the day, according to my computer, was 28.9!
My ave. for the week was 30.8!
As I understand it the OFFICIAL Tracking that the Bosses go by will both be lower than the above. :-)
Can you say "Yeeeeee Haaawwww!!!"?
I knew you could. :-)
My work schedule is shifting into the shift that I requested as my preferred one:
7, or 8, hour shifts in the afternoon, ending around 10pm.
This will finally give me a chance to do things including bike riding, blogging, & maybe more creative writing as well, and that suits me fine.
My increase in pay, and all the OT, has allowed me to finally get a surplus in my checking account, and with next Fridays check that amount will almost double, and looking at my balance, even today, I shake my head in disbelief.
The last month, or so, have been busy, and hard, but fun, and interesting, and maybe, just maybe, I can begin to breath a little easier, and believe than things are truly looking up. :-)
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
09:50 AM
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August 03, 2004
A 1 Blogger Terrorism News Round-up
Jeff Quinton, the Backcountry Conservative, has done anyone looking for a round-up of interesting reports on the days War Against Terror news a great service by cobbling together an extensive list of such stories in 1 post on his blog.
Check them out:
Today's Terrorism Wrap-Up
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
10:18 PM
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A look inside Iraq
Fellow Bear-Flagger Ryan, of Ryan's Head, has received an e-mail from a friend who shared a fascinating letter from a friend in Iraq.
I'll let Ryan introduce it:
It’s amazing what’s going on over there: planning for sewers and water treatment plants, hospitals, jails, roads – the media doesn’t share this with us, but this is the kind of infrastructure that enhances and motivates independence and self-reliance (we're sharing our inefficiencies in building infrastructure too).
But, perhaps the best part of this letter is the description of how women’s lives have changed in Iraq.
There is so much we take for granted, so here’s a slice of life from a country that many in our country would rather we left alone. (Funny how some of those anti-Iraq people are billionaires with jets and houses all over the world who can get anything and do anything they want in life).
The letter is here:
Life in Iraq
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
10:06 PM
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Michigan College Kid Cranky With Blogger
Some interesting discussion, and debate, on the issue of Affirmative Action has been occuring over the last few days on a blog, and on a college newspaper website;
"Affirmative action" was non-preferential in the beginning. The term was first used in a 1961 Executive Order by Kennedy. Johnson followed up with a similar order in 1965. Federal contractors were to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are treated equally "without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin" and encouraged to cast a wider recruitment net to include more qualified minorities in the hiring pool who had been historically excluded.
That, and only that, is affirmative action. The use of the term "non-discrimination" in Johnson's order would lead a reasonable person to believe that it was intended to be race-neutral.
Keep the above ( from a speech by one of the people I'll be writing about ) in mind as you digest the articles discussed here.
LaShawn Barber has discovered that a Michigan College Student has written about her views on skin color preferences.:-)
The student ain't a happy camper. :-)
In June of last year, in the Jewish World Review, LaShawn wrote a piece that said among other things:
By a vote of 5-4, the Court ruled that black applicants may be given an advantage over other students because of the color of their skin, to the shame of all who died fighting for equal justice under the law during the Civil Rights Movement.
As a black person, I'm embarrassed by the decision. My heart cries out to students who'll one day disentangle themselves from the liberal lie that they are inherently inferior to others and require lower standards, just as I did. I escaped the Democrats' plantation and never looked back.
Affirmative action didn't begin as racial quotas, but quickly became such....
Affirmative action's original intent was to "cast a wide net" to draw in blacks who otherwise wouldn't have had opportunity, a notion that made sense and carried with it the potential of equality of result. For the past 30 years, however, it has operated as an entitlement and set-aside program. Underqualifed blacks are admitted to universities under race preferences because they're black....
My black peers imply that I lack the authority to speak out against race preferences because I've benefited from them. Using the same reasoning, how many of us would let a child touch a hot stove so he could gain the same benefit we've gained in knowing that a hot stove shouldn't be touched?
Her full piece is here:
So what if I gained from affirmative action — it's still wrong
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
It wasn't this piece, however, that set the Young College Skull Full of Mush off. :-)
It was a more recent talk LeShawn gave at Accuracy in Academia's summer conference held at Georgetown University last month.
The complete text of what she said can be read here:
The Evolution of Affirmative Action.
Among the things James Dickson wrote were:
[ The Anti- Affirmative Action crowd ] "uses blacks like Barber as pawns (which is not to say that Barber is a pawn, just that the anti-affirmative action movement is using her as one), then does everything it can to prevent the continuation of a program that produces them....
Barber and Connerly are both playing the same game: benefit from affirmative action, try to close the door to everyone behind them who can benefit from it, and then benefit from affirmative action again by being one of a handful of blacks who will go on record as opposing it. Theirs is a shameful and hypocritical position to take in light of the fact that the only reason Townhall or anyone else will even listen to them or publish their writings is because they're black and take a rare position for blacks to take."
The full piece is here: Do conservatives believe in affirmative action?
I think LaShawn was right in not giving this guys half-assed screed the time of day.
If he couldn't be bothered to do more than attack, & ridicule her, instead of attempting to mount a full blown, halfway decent defense of Affirmative Action, then why bother doing more than acknowledging that he got his shorts all twisted.
Besides, others are busy debating him in the comments to his piece anyway. :-)
He claims in his Bio to be a Conservative, yet supports Affirmative Action, and is being called to account for the contradiction & to explain his views in more detail. :-)
As one person wrote: "True conservatives are against affirmative action"
I wish that James had the balls to expound on his views in the body of his piece instead of in the comments because he really does a good job of explaining himself, even if I disagree with him.
The thing is I believe he wouldn't have given any explanation if he hadn't been asked by his readers to do so.
I don't know if LaShawn read the comments, but by explaining himself there instead of in his piece where those views would be up front and center, he practically ensured he wouldn't be debated right away by someone who could give his views a good dissection.
And I have no doubt that she would, too. :-)
As one commentor to LaShawns reaction piece writes:
Could it not be said that a person who has benefited from affirmative action but now opposes it is precisely the best qualified person to argue the anti- side? Because of their experience? I guess La Shawn can’t come to her own conclusions about an issue, but must be “brainwashed” into it. Perhaps likes her writing as a conservative (regardless of her race) since she writes well? Why is it that liberals can argue for diversity in virtually every arena except black ideological diversity?
LaShawns piece ( & the ensuing collection of discussion, & debate, in the comments ) is here: University of Michigan Student Hates My Views
I agree with LaShawn when she writes:
We need to do away with race preferences now and find alternative ways of ensuring equal opportunity, not outcome, for all....
Race is a divisive issue in this country. The sooner we get past categorizing citizens by skin color, the sooner we can improve race relations.
This is all just another reason why LaShawns Corner has a spot on my blogroll. :-)
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
09:30 PM
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Even Bees Do It
Ok, this is getting out of hand people.
Someone over there in Oregon called me last night asking for some agency called NorthWest Bee Control.
I didn't ask. :-)
I think that Code Orange in NY should maybe be extended to cover Washington and Oregon. :-)
Why Me????
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
Just like all Muslims ain't Terrorists, all Democrats ain't Socialist Looney Tunes, and all Republicans ain't Christian Evangelicals, or filthy rich, there is no truth to the rumor that All Gods Creatures, Great & Small, in the Animal & Insect World, are secretly out to get us. :-)
All the stories we hear, and read, only deal with a small number of critters who are obvious malcontents with agendas, or problems, of their own that do not represent the attitudes, and practices, of the overwhelmingly vast majority of their fellow creatures.
That's not to say that we shouldn't stay alert to any signs within the community of fellow travellers, & sympathizers.
Terrorists of all types need to be defeated, where ever they are encountered in the world, and America is right to lead in this endeavor.
Just a thought.
Then again, these last 3 posts may just be proof that, after going 12 days with no day off, and heading into a few weeks where I only get 1 day off a week ( all in the heat of a California Summer ), yours truly is finally going Nucking Futs in the head. :-)
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
12:22 AM
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August 02, 2004
Oh Deer, This is Getting Serious
Ya know, maybe my theory about Suicidal Chickens ain't so far fetched after all.
Maybe the Conspiracy is more widely spread than I originally thought. :-)
Tonite I get a call from a concerned citizen in Depoe Bay, Oregon wanting to report to the local constabulary that a deer had dented the shit out of his SUV [ MY colorful description. HE just said it got banged up real good :-) ].
When I asked him how the deer was he said he didn't know. :-)
I forgot to clarify that by asking him if the miscreant was lying prostrate in the middle of the road, or if the critter had run off in triumph. :-)
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
Saturday it was a Chicken Posse, scoping things out in Washington.
Yesterday it was yet another member of the Animal Kingdom actually committing a Terrorist Act.
A Dasterdly Deer!
Who next?
I mean this activity IS making its way south, ya know, and I'm beginning to wonder what's going on here, and why the brain trust in DC ain't come forward with the story.
IF they even are aware of what's afoot, that is.
Come to think of it, the Cells may have already made it into California a year ago, and I just happened to stumble upon the aftermath of an early "trial run" attack, and didn't realize it.
It has been a year, and 5 days, since I filed THIS story:
Something to think about. :-)
Even Bees Do It
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
02:49 AM
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August 01, 2004
Why Would 30 Chickens Cross the Road?
2 minutes in the day of a Verizon Wireless Directory Assistance Operator:
There I am, late yesterday, minding my own business answering phone calls at work when the call of the day comes in:
ME: City & State Please?
FRANTIC FEMALE somewhere in the State of Washington ( Exact location witheld to protect the caller ): Hello, yes, who do I call to report 30 chickens on the side of the Highway?
ME: Chickens???
FRANTIC: I guess I need the police.
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
ME ( Suddenly alive to the possibility of a good laugh ): Are they trying to cross the road?
LESS FRANTIC, JUST BEMUSED: No they are just standing there.
ME: So you want to report some chickens waiting to cross the road?
BEMUSED: I guess so.
ME: Okay, here's the number so that YOU can try to make the Cops believe that you want to report an army of chickens trying to cross the road. :-)
By this time we are BOTH laughing at the absurdity of the situation, and I wished her luck in her mission, and made the connection. :-)
Ever since the call I've been doing some thinking.
I have a lot of questions about this posse of fine feathered fowl as you can well imagine. :-)
From where did they escape?
To where are they headed? [ I mean, it's a little late to be heading off to Boston, afterall. Then again maybe they are taking a month long journey to New York. :-) ]
Maybe they were not trying to cross the Highway, but were looking to hitch a ride, instead?
Were they American Citizens, or really just a pack of Illegals, from across the Canadian Border, heading for the good life in the States?
They couldn't have been Illegals, though, because they would have needed to pay a Coyote to guide them across, right? [ and we all know how well Chickens get along with Coyotes :-) ]
There being safety in numbers maybe they did away with the Coyote once they made it a safe distance from the border? [ Unless of course there were twice the number of birds when the journey began, and the survivors were making a run for it, in as inconspicious a manner as they could manage. ]
Maybe they are members of a Terrorist Cell, canvasing the neighborhood in preperation for some nefarious deed?
I mean who's to say that all these alerts the Government's been telling us about meant they were concerned about Osama's bunch?
It seems obvious to me that a squad of suicidal Chickens trying to cross a major freeway during morning, or evening, rush hour could cause an awful lot of mayhem, death, and destruction.
I'm just sayin' we need to be thinking about all the posibilites in fighting The War Against Terror ( TWAT, for y'all in Rio Linda ), is all. :-)
Carry on!
8/1/04: Oh Deer, This is Getting Serious
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
01:17 AM
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July 30, 2004
Y B 4 Bush?
Even Liberals are making the Case for 4 more years of George Bush. :-)
LaShawn Barber brings to our attention an essay by one such Liberal ( Tom Junrod, in Esquire ), and then writes on the subject herself as well.
She expresses her thoughts while also sharing exerpts of Junrod:
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
She begins her thoughts this way:
I believe that if liberals examined the moral issues involved in fighting the war and directed their discontent with Bush to the scourge of terrorism and bloodthirty Islamofacism, their anger would be better served. Bush is but one man albeit a man with a lot of power. But leftist hatred for the man is unlike anything I’ve seen. Republicans didn’t hate Clinton, a master manipulator, with this viciousness and contempt.
Focusing on the morality of war may be difficult for most liberals to do. One has to believe in Truth, that there are moral absolutes in this world in order to judge one thing as “bad” and the other as “good.” Without this ability to discern, one can make a case that we had no right to unseat and capture Saddam Hussein. While he’s writing poetry in prison, his victims are in their graves or walking around with missing limbs and are otherwise traumatized by his evil machinations. Junod has a grasp of this liberal mentality.
She also includes commentary on articles by Dean Esmay & Virginia Postrel about why many on the Left hate Bush & Consrvatives so passionatly.
She writes:
I don’t think liberals hate Bush because of fear of another attack. They hate Bush because he’s a Christian.....
I am convinced that Bush’s faith in Christ scares the daylights out of the unbelieving, whether they admit it or not. Let’s assume there is no God and all Christians are deluding themselves. After we die, that’s it. No resurrection, no eternal life. But what if Christians are right? What if Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, returns to judge the world, just as He said He would?
Wouldn’t you rather err on the side of believing and struggling with your faith than living as if there were no consequences to the innumerable evil acts you commit in a lifetime? What if this God is gracious and merciful to forgive every single one of your sins? I know where I stand.
3 very long articles are linked to, and provide considerable food for thought.
LaShawns piece is here:
The Case For George Bush
I walked away from going to Church 20 years ago, and having been raised around folks of numerous branches of Christianity feel I'm a moral, and right living, person without Organized Religion being a daily, weekly, or monthly part of my life.
I think many Liberals fears of the Christian Right are unfounded, and the real enemy to fear, religionwise, is the Islamic Extremist.
Even Mainstream Muslims believe so.
The mainstream of all of the worlds religions have much to offer us in thought, and culture, as we all strive to lead upstanding, and moral lives, but being fearful of those few, other than the Muslim Extremists, in those religions, who try to Prosletize is to take ones eyes off the real problem.
Besides, none of us will know for sure, until we kick the bucket, whose religion is right, or if its ALL Mythology, so we all continue with our own personal journeys as we see fit. :-)
For my part, I find frequently reading, and thinking about, those beliefs of the Christian Faith that form my basic thought system is never a tiring thing to do ( l enjoy good blogs, articles, books, and movies that make me think ), and though I lean toward the "Mythology" camp ( read the outstanding book THE FAITH: A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY By Brian Moynahan for 700 pages of history to chew on, and think about ) I do not dismiss the sincerity, and basic goodness, of those who practice various faiths.
It's been 20 years since I picked up the King James ( That stilted English was a distraction ), but I hear there are easier to read versions out there now, and may pick one out simply because the lessons taught about living ones life are always worth the read.
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
10:30 AM
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July 29, 2004
Huntington Beach Sports Complex 4
Well, now, ain't this a fine kettle of fish?
It seems that not only is the contractor that was supposed to do the 2nd phase of work on the Huntington Beach Sports Complex NOT a Non-Profit, as required by law, but it is no longer operating.
For Huntington Beach this is yet another case of "Situation Normal, All Fucked Up".
David Brooks, of the Huntington Beach Independant, writes the story in the new edition of the local Weekly:
The Mad Macedonian Says More...
The company hired to build the second phase of the city's youth sports complex is not registered as a nonprofit agency, according to IRS records, as required by law.
In June 2003, the city paid an attorney from Salem, Ore., Joe O'Connor, and his company Community Parks Foundation nearly $1 million to build and operate batting cages, roller skating rinks and an indoor soccer arena as part of Phase II of the construction of the Sports Complex.
It's been more than three months since the facilities were scheduled to be ready for use.
Instead, the project sits half-built and abandoned with the city locked in a lawsuit with a Salem, Ore. contractor that has little prior experience. The contractor is claiming a nonprofit status that doesn't exist for companies that are defunct......
National Community Sports Foundation was dissolved two-and-a-half years ago by the state of Oregon for failing to renew its articles of incorporation. Community Parks Foundation, the company hired by the city, was dissolved in February. Documents from the Oregon Business Registry show that Intersport had its licensed revoked on Friday.
A lot of people in city offices didn't do their homework and, because of this, a facility that was supposed to be entirely completed more than 3 months ago, sits and waits for its finishing touches.
A lawsuit has ensued, and the contractor claims it could have finished the job, but I look at it this way:
Just because an organization "seems" to fit the bill, doesn't automatically make it so, and the City should have been ABSOLUTELY SURE of the Non-Profit Status BEFORE hiring.
The full story can be read here:
Contractor not a nonprofit (Free registration req'rd
...That's All, Pilgrim!
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
10:35 AM
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July 28, 2004
About Institutionlized Hatred
Food for Thought, to go with your breakfast this morning, comes from David St Lawrence, of the blog RIPPLES:
Hatred is a last-ditch effort to drive away and destroy that which is about to overcome one.
It is an effort to appear so formidible that the enemy will go away, but it is a sure sign of a group or individual who knows that they cannot prevail.....
The United States, which for all of its faults offers the most opportunity and personal freedom of any nation on earth, has become a major target for institutionalized hatred.
As David says..... So be it.
The full piece is here:
Institutionalized hatred - a losing proposition
Posted by Kiril Kundurazieff at
09:01 AM
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