Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "indie".
415 matches:
- 413core - western mass is f'n go!
- 4ad - -------------------------------4AD----------------
- 706noise - Athens Music
- 801 - Utah Music Scene
- 909bitchez - 909
- _____dinosaurus - rawr, bitch, rawr
- _brighteyes - _brighteyes
- _catpower - Cat Power
- _emometer -
- _infiction - m. lee
- _jukebox - _ j u k e b o x |<babies>|
- _lyrics - sharing is caring
- _misunderstood_ - i'm just me
- _my_only_hope_ - Amber
- _oh_snap_ - We really like gobs. Alot.
- _qandnotu_ - the Q And Not U community.
- _sigurros - _sigurrós
- _w_ - =w=
- abbaisemo - AbbaIsEmo
- accentsx2 - We all fall down.
- action_party - ACTION! mondays
- addntox - add n to (x)
- aesthetic_twats - Circle of daft cunts
- afterschool - |||*afterschool special*|||
- all_nite_diner - Modest Mouse
- allthatsleft - All Thats Left Fans
- alt_montco - Montgomery Co PA Subculture
- alt_portal - Alternative Music Portal
- alt_teesside - alt_teesside
- alt_trade - alternative trade - sell
- alterna_media - Underground Media
- altnortheast - Alternative Music North East
- alunderground - Alabama Underground
- anti_you_league - ...fucking hate y-o-u
- antigonerising - Antigone Rising fans
- apothecary - real movies
- are_you_chinky - chinky eyes!
- asianxgirls - the official asianxgirls community.
- assuckattheprom - nova/dc rock kids
- at_the_movies - At The Movies
- athensga - Athens, Georgia
- atlantamusician - Atlanta Musicians
- audioboxer - something corporate fans
- aunionofsorts - Everyone of Anything
- auspunktrade - aus punk trades
- avijune - Everything will be o.k.
- azlocalmusic - azlocalmusic
- badscenery - bad scenery
- band_promo - Band Promotion
- bandoftheweek2 - Band of the Week
- bayareamusic - bay area music
- beat_geeks - Idiots savant garde
- beautiful_v2 - beautiful freaks v2
- beautifulnoise - Beautiful Noise
- belle_sebastian - if You're Feeling Sinister
- bellflower_ca - Hellflower
- bitch_inc - .bit.ter .c.ynical and .h.eart-broken
- bitchcore - bitchcore
- black_bandaids - Soaked.
- bleedingemo - Breaking down the boundaries.
- bootlegs - bootlegs
- bootsandbraces - Another Community About Everything!
- boysweddo - boys we'd do
- boywunder_fans - You're like a 12-guage shotgun
- brendanshow - Brendan Leonard Show Fans
- bright_eyes_ - The sound of loneliness makes me happier...
- burning_a - Burning Angel
- button_fiends - +button.core+
- caitlinplush - The Music Of Caitlin Plush
- cameltoecrew - Camel Toe Crew
- cameraobscura__ - Camera Obscura
- capn_joan - Cap'n Joan
- cd_swappers - !
- cflrockshows - Central & North Central Florida Show Connections
- chaney2 - I <3 Chaney
- cinematicverses - the dope fiend splashes gash like a nailbomb
- cleveland_indie - cleveland indie rock
- club_octaine - Octaine : Music for open ears
- coffeemilk - Coffee Milk
- cognitive_itch - Cognitive Itch: Song of the Day
- coldplay_icons - Coldplay Icons
- comfortinsound - Indie music
- composing - Composers and Composing
- cookiesandboys - çøØkie§ + ßo¥s
- cult_of_jimmy - Jimmy Chamberlin Appreciation Society!
- cult_of_wenis - wenis
- cursivelove - Cursive Love
- custom - Kelly is dumb
- cuteboys - <3
- daburu_uisuki - Daburu Uisuki
- dallas_crunks - dallas crunks
- damngirl - The Damn Girl
- dc_rock_city - DC Will Do That to You
- deadlittegirls - us
- dealerkids - Dealerkids
- deathinaz - die in the desert
- desirock - d e s i
- detroit_artists - Detroit Musicians, Artists, & Singer/Songwriters
- disectingghosts - the misspelled community
- ditchgunn - Ditchgunn Recordings
- diverse_music - Diverse Music
- diymusic - Multi-instrumentalists
- dorksarewe - dorks without shame
- dorksofmichigan - we are dorks!!
- dressybessy - hangout wonderful
- dystopiagirls - Dystopia Girls
- eclectic_mp3 - off the beaten track
- electicmusic - enlightened firepants
- emilianatorrini - wednesday's children
- emo_eastpa_kids -
- emo_loves_indie - Where's my scarf?
- emo_screamo - emo screamo.
- emo_sob_stories - emo_sob_stories
- emoindustrial - your beats make me cry
- emosexaddiction - emo sex is an addiction
- emosymphony - antihuman
- ennui_shakedown - rock star
- evermusic - everMusic
- everythingloudr - LouderThanEverythingElse
- evrydayovrdose - Everyday Overdose
- fakefrench - fake french
- fashionwhores - do you have room to talk?
- feckin_pants - We love our pants.
- femalemusicians - Female Musicians
- festivaltreffen - die Community zum auf Festivals treffen
- fewpies - The Few
- find_that_song - music geek's idea of fun
- firesiderats - Rats of the Fireside Bowl
- fopo - faux-po amalgamation
- fotofetish - Foto-FetisH
- free_all_angels - free_all_angels
- fresnocdtrade - CD Trades In And Around Fresno
- friday_group - Friday Kiddos
- fuck_your_scene - fuck scenes
- fuckpunks - Punks Suck
- futurerockstars - Rock Stars in our own minds
- g_w_g - Girls With Glasses
- gamma_girls - gamma girls
- gaybutnotcampy - Gay but not campy
- gayindiekids - we are gay and indie
- gaypunkbois - Gay punk bois Community
- gbv - Guided By Voices (GBV)
- geekmilitia - the underground geek militia
- gidcon - Community for Gideon and Conor obsessors
- gideonyago - Gideon Yago
- gig_pics - Gig Pics
- girl_guitarists - death by guitar
- girl_tune_trade - Women who Rock
- girls_are_evil - Girls = Evil
- glasgow_clubs - Clubbing In Glasgow
- glassishalffool - glassishalffool
- goingforthegold - a community dedicated to bright eyes
- gothic_lansing - gothic_lansing
- gothicmaine - Alt Maine
- greencarrots - Don't poke the polar bears.
- guiltypleasure_ - guilty pleasure claims
- gxc - the geekcore community
- gyllenhaal - maggie + jake
- hairygenitalia - Your hairy parts!
- hartsfield - .Hartsfield.
- headstockfusion - Headstock and Fusion Promotions
- highfidelity5 - the high fidelity community
- hips_of_passion - We *heart* Gyrating Hips of Passion
- hipsters - you wanna be hip & stylin, babe it's too damn late
- hooded_tops - Hoodies
- hopeisimportant - idlle willde
- hot_fashion - Do you like my hand bag?
- houstonkidsrock - H-town Kids Rock
- how_emo - Penis Wrinkle
- hrctothecore - Sorry About Tomorrow
- human_punk - Miss Black America fans
- hushrecords - Hush Records Community
- i_rock_out - [i have rock in my bones]
- iam___somebody - homekeys, GO! asdfjk;l
- im_brainwashed - Self-Imposed Brainwashing
- im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
- imsoc - The IMSoc Diaspora
- imweird - weirdness
- in_da_club - 50 Cent
- independence - Independence
- indie_booty - indie booty
- indie_djs - indie djs
- indie_ohio - Spreading the indie music vibe in Ohio
- indie_sleaze - indie sleaze
- indieboylove - We love indie boys, they love each other.
- indieboys - indie boys do the darndest things
- indiekids - Gimme Indie Rock
- indielanta - Indie Atlanta
- indiepoetry - here is my heart
- indierockmix - [[mixes]]
- indiescotland - Scottish Indie Music
- indiexiankids - we heart God
- indieyoface - indieyoface
- indymusic - Indy Music Scene
- inthemix - The Mix Tape Co-op
- intimatecaptial - intimate london gigs
- invertedworld - The Shins
- jackosbourne_ - Jack Osbourne
- jackrubysrevolv - Jack Ruby's Revolver
- jello_jesus - Anal Anarchy
- jetstobrazilrox - I like Jets To Brazil
- jimmyeatworld - jimmy eat world
- juniorhigh - i thought you knew
- justmusic - No Politics
- kill_rock_stars - KRS Records
- killbot_go - Minus the Plus
- kissatlanta - *KISS* - Atlanta's biggest rock dance party
- kitchentv - fans of astrid
- kylethemansheep - Kyle The Man-Sheep
- lamclub - LamChop
- littleblackstar - _little[black]#star
- livereviews - livereviews
- livingspace - Roof Over Your Head
- liz_phair - Liz Phair
- llbnf - [a new misery]
- londnundrground - NeverWhere
- londonindie - London Ontario Indie Music
- loserfreakgeeks - A place to enjoy the weirdness
- lostindiekids - little indie kids in a big big world
- lummer - lummer
- lyndsaydiaries - fans of the lyndsay diaries
- lyrical_madness - lyrical madness
- m_o_dest_mouse - mm.. yum. modest mouse.
- makemeamix - the responsible mixtape traders
- maryloulord - mary lou lord
- massemo - Massachusetts Emo/Punk/Hardcore kids
- mdpunk - Tri-state Punks
- mediahysteria - MassMediaHysteria EZINE AND PRINTED!!!
- memphis_alt - Memphis_Alt
- michigan_music - michigan \m/ music
- minnesota_music - Record it, Live it, Love it
- mixed_tapes - mix it sucka
- mixmusic - mix tapes and cd's
- mixtapery - //yet another mixtape community
- mixtapes - mixtapes
- mixxxesbitchez - Best Mixed Tape Friends Forever!
- moc - makeoutclub users
- moments_in_love - Another community designated for music lovers
- monroes - hot bitches
- montrealindie - montreal indie rock
- moorxcore - MoorXcore
- more_than_moc -
- movements - Movements
- music_is_mine - the day the music died
- music_r_us - Musicophiles unite!
- musicads - Musicians Network
- musicbiz - MusicBiz
- musicfansuk - Music fans in the UK
- musicfestpost - The Music Fest Post
- musicmusings - Music Musings
- musicxchange - Van Goghs Music Trade
- myliferocks - mix-tapeatron
- ncindierawk - north carolina indie rawk
- nerdcore_nxc - nerds unite
- nerdfeed - deefdren
- newburycomics - Newbury Comics
- nodivashere - no divas here
- noise_pollution - Noise Pollution: A Community For Music Addicts
- notkelly - Not Kelly Osbourne
- nowitsoverhead - ++ skeleton on display ++
- nsr_fans - No Soap Radio Fans
- numusic - NuMusic
- nwindiehardcore - music for dull people
- onlyundiesclub - OnlyUndiesClub.Com
- oshxcrew - OSHxCREW
- overatedmag - overatedmag
- p_noize - Pinoy Bands Fans
- pa_showlistings - PA Show Listings
- pahardcore - Users
- pdxexchange - Trade Clothes, Music, etc..ANYTHING
- peachyindiekids - Indie kids of Georgia!
- pennsylvania_oi - Punk rock folks of PA
- phases - Music That Is Not Necessarily Popular
- picturesofus - do you think you're beautiful?
- pinheadnation - NJ Musician Classifieds
- pink_ink - Write Before You Think
- plattsburgh - plattsburgh rocks
- playlist - favorite five songs
- poserkids - Poser.
- providenceri - the № 1 providence community!
- punk_boy_slash - Punk Boy Slash
- punk_emo_ska - punk scenesters
- punkinbuffalo - Punk in Buffalo
- punks - Punks
- punks_of_co - Punx Of CO
- punkyjewelz - Totally Jivin' Cafe
- punx4christ - more than you think
- queerneworleans - Queer New Orleans
- questionmark - No Name
- rabbitonthemoon - The Experiment
- radicalartgirls - RAG
- random_crap - insanity is practically a prerequisite . . .
- record_store - The Record Store
- reggieloveseggs - Reggie Loves Eggs
- reviewfetus - Review Fetus
- riot_beauties - Not the Girls Next Door
- riverside_ratz - where the ratz take over rickity victorian homes.
- rochester_rock - Rochester Rockers
- rockin_beats - Art and rock 'n roll
- rocknroll_mke - Rock 'n Roll Milwaukee
- rockstar_crew - Rockstar Crew
- roguenews - Rogue News
- roulettedares - Roulette Dares
- sanantoniomusic - San Antonio Music
- scene_elitism - The kids who love to hate you.
- scene_or_unseen - nc music is the best music!
- scene_shxtalkin - scene gossip and shxt talking
- scenexcore - sceneXcore
- seattledj - Seattle DJ
- seattleindie - seattle indie
- secretfatties - fatties of the world unite!
- seen_and_scene - The Elitist Team
- semeticxgirls - Semitic Girls of Livejournal
- sex_drugs_music - sex, drugs, rock n roll
- sexxploitation - the sexx.
- sfindie - san francisco indie children
- shaggy_goodness - shaggy hair rocks
- shut_up_bitch - _what it is to burn
- slashy_punkness - Slashy Good Fun
- sluts1 - s.l.u.t.s.
- snowsuitsound - Sloaners
- socal_indie - socal_indie
- socal_snobbery - SoCal Elitists
- sofla_musicians - south florida musicians
- something_vauge - that feeling you get
- somethingright - Nothing Left Records
- songs_you_chose - soundtracks of our lives
- sorona - Fucktarded Indie Crap
- sosceneithurts - Scener and Than Thou
- soundtrax - Soundtrax of our Lives
- soviet_nyc - soviet (the band)
- spiralingfans - Spiraling Fans
- splitcheck - :your:mom:wants:to:know:
- spokanewa - Spokane, WA Colleges
- spunksters - spunky enough
- steevssongofday - Stephen's Song of the Day
- stellastarrfans - Stellastarr* Fans
- sub_terra_prose - [virtual rhyme book]
- suck_this - Anti Poseur
- suicideboys - SuicideBoys
- suki_desu - suki desu
- swankers - Brit Poppers Utd.
- t_shirt_surgery - the deconstruction & reconstruction of t-shirts.
- talk_music - For the music obsessed
- tandscom - Tegan & Sara
- texas_indie - texas indie rock
- the_ataris - Fragments Of My Skull Begin To Fall
- the_autumns - The Autumns
- the_black_drop - The Black Drop
- the_blakes_fans - The Blakes Fans!
- the_breakdown - the breakdown
- the_clarks - The Clarks
- the_front_row - the front row
- the_hot_rock - SHOW ME YR RIFFS
- the_padded_bra - ~Cotton is Comfort~
- the_rhvs - The Red Hot Valentines
- thedawnparade - the dawn parade f*cking rock
- thedelgados - Delgados Fans
- thefom - Fans Of Music (Mp3 dowloads)
- theguestlist - Music Thumpin
- theinfiltrators - The Infiltrators
- themed_mix_cds - Themed mix cds
- thepod - Slaves to Dean and Gene WEEN
- theprovoshow - *the Provo Show*
- thesfvscene - the san fernando valley xscenex
- thewedge - Fans of MuchMusic's The Wedge
- thewhitestripes - The White Stripes
- thewobblywombat - (the) WOBBLY wombat
- thewrens - The Wrens
- thindarkline - Thin Dark Line Fans
- thisscenesucks - xThisxScenexSucksx
- thriftscore - thirft score!
- tightpants - boys in tight pants
- tomorrowshine - Feeder community
- tonefetish - tone fetish
- top_notch - top_notch
- toronto_punks - Toronto Punk related community.
- torontoindie - Toronto Indie
- tossloader - Toploader= Devilspawn
- tour_dates - On Tour
- true_anarchy - True Anarchism
- trufflesnuffler - here I am locking horns with the stallion
- trustyliarsclub - Why We Do What We Do
- turn_it_up -
- tw_adoration - The Official Trespassers William Fan-Community
- underthecouch - UTC
- underthetray - Reggie and the mutha fuckin full effect
- unique_style - Unique Style
- unsung_zeros - Pictures of You and I
- uqlycasanova - Ugly Casanova
- used_addicts - the used fiends
- vegas_core - la vega bay bee
- warpedtour - warped tour
- wearenerds - i like video games
- wednesdaycomics - New Comic Wednesday
- weenface - bon jovi fanclub
- welovecarrie - Carrie Brownstein fans
- welovejanet - we love janet!
- whatyouwore - flash us some fashion
- whole_enchilada - [[ the whole enchilada ]]
- whyarewesohottt - WHY ARE WE SO HOTT.
- windsor_indie - All Things Indie From The City Of Roses
- wny_indie - Let's make a scene!
- wnyindie - western new york indie
- wnymusic - WNYMusic
- xporcelainxface - I want to see your vanity.
- xroughitupcrewx - heartbreakerrrs & booty shake-ahs
- xrrrgcx - xReally Really Ridiculously Goodlooking Crewx
- xslgx - strange little girls
- xt3rc - «~°xT©°~»
- youmakemehot - Pin me up
- your_point_is - And Your Point Is...?
- zine_scene - Zine Resource Community
- zines_canada - Canadian Zines
Interested users
The following users are interested in indie. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
441 matches: