The Wayback Machine -
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "angelina jolie".
407 matches:
00discodown - Disco Down Icons
1000words_icons - 1000words_Icons
28days - 28days
___hot - only the hottest need apply.
___sexappeal - x Sex Appeal x
___sugarbomb - i hate you, this is krissy
__alexander__ - {The greatest legend of all, was real}
__conceit__ - The Better of the Best
__lala__land__ - For those wonderful people who live in L.A. LAND
__quotesx - piink version 5.0
__redrain__ - __Red Rain Icons__
__roboticvanity - Robot lovin, ugly-people hating, vanity community.
__serpensortia -
__thebeautifuls - are you beautiful enough?
_billybob - Billy Bob Thornton Fan Community
_bloody_sorrow_ - _bloody_sorrow_
_bodylanguage_ - Body Language Graphics
_calilezbos_ - horny, masturbating lesbians
_chickens_ - The Chickens Are Behind You
_classicbeauty_ - _classicbeauty_
_dangerous_type - disturbed perfection
_devine_graphix - _Devine_Graphix
_elite_beauty_ - -Only The Elite-
_exoticbeauty - Exotic
_eye__candy_ - Its not always just about how pretty you are..
_film__ - Film Obsession
_hmm - Gender Blur
_imitatinglife - Art imitating Life, Jackie Style
_interrupted_ - Ren & stephi
_last_dance_ - ...only seventeen *
_legit - only the best
_looks_can_kill - Are you hot enough?
_looksofine - _looksofine
_makemedance - Make me want to dance with you, motherfucker.
_meanwhile_ - meanwhile...
_prettygems - Apply To Join The Pretty Ones!
_prettyugly - stank y pank - est 1999
_radxwhores_ - just be rad
_red_lipstick_ - beautiful red lips...
_shesakiller_ - --SHE'S A KILLER--
_whoredollies_ - ♥ ~* WhoreDollies *~ ♥
_your_so_vain - x you're so vain x
a_hott_one - Hott or not? Apply today!
acid_r_us - ::: ACID 'R' US :::
actionfemales - Action Females!
actress_claims - Claim Your Favorite Actress!
actress_daily - Actress Daily
ah_yourecute_ - .•°The Cute & Adorable°•.
alexander_rpfic - alexander_rpfic
alexanderfics - Alexander the Great fic and more
alexandericons - Alexander Icons
alter_rp - Alter RP
andrealives - Andrea Is The Bestest
angelic_charliz - Angel Face Charlize Theron
angelina_daily - Angelina Jolie Daily
angelina_lovers - Angelina Jolie Obsessers
angelinaclub_bc - Angelina Jolie Club - Vancouver (BC)
angelinajolie - Angelina Jolie Fan Forum
angie_icons - Angelina Jolie Icons
angie_obsession - Angelina Jolie
angiejoliefans - Angelina Jolie Fans
angielookalikes - If looks could kill;
are_u_hot_shit - Hot Shit or Cold Diareah
are_you_fierce - BITCH, you look Fierce
attackthelabels - because "all you nonconformists are all the same"
aww_so_cute - aww_so_cute
babiesgotrabies - Babies Got Rabies
badgers_r_furry - (the) h0le
barelyconcious - All that's left of yesterday
bayareabigirls - Bi Ladies of the Bay Area
beautyawards - charmer
beautybust - ~SEX ON A STICK~
beautyforever - Be Beautiful!
betrayeddesires - Vintage Whores
beverlyhigh - Beverly High
big_gay_dorks - .::the fucker::.and.::the punk::.
biglips - Big Lipped Babes
bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
bliss_thoughts - steady as it comes...
bloodphoenix - BloodPhoenix Icons
boisfemmesinbed - bois and femmes
box_office - Box_Office
break_ya_neck - break_ya_neck
brunettesown - Brunettes Own
butterly_pixies - butterly_pixies
candy_flesh_ - candy flesh
candyxcunts - A Graphics Community
celebicons - Celebrity Icons
celebritease - Celebritease!
celebrity_war - Celebrity War
celebrityquotes - Quotes by Celebrities
christian_kane - Christian Kane Fans
chronic_boredom - Boredom
cinematic_sex - For a cinematic summer 2004
club_celebrity - RPG-We're The Celebrities
conceit_members - Conceit Members
conceit_stuff - Everything that is Conceit
contrary_beauty - contrary_beauty
coolshit - The Panel to Decide on Shit that is Cool
cult_of_earl - The Cult of Earl
cunts - lady_vixens
cyanideprincess - -little-lost-princess-
darklilkorner - Dark-Lil-Korner
dead_creeps_soc - ~*~Dead~*~Creeps~*~society~*~
death_is_living - We Shall See Only In The Dark
deathdo_uspart - Rose
deltaofqueernes - Queered Love
dementedxxmums - Hello. I'm a mother and I'm different... So what?!
desiirable_lj - camera whxre's
deviantbeauty - .Deviant Beauty.
dhfans - DH Fans
diamond_dolls - the diamond dolls
dirtyhippies - dirtyhippies
diru - Dir en grey
divinecreations - Divine Creations
doachickendance - Claim your wildest fantasy!
doll_house_x - doll_house_x
dollyheart - Dolly Heart
dramafreedykes - Drama Free Dykes
dreaded_heads - Dirty Dreadheads
drowning_in_me - drowning_in_me
drowning_starla - Icons for the Elite
eccentricbeauty - ||e c c e n t r i c b e a u t y||
eils_wallpapers - Eil's Wallpapers
eminent_ - eminent_
emitchell_fans - Elizabeth Mitchell Fans
emo_or_not - Kids you wish you never had
epicslash - Epic Slash Community
everbeenblue - Girl Interrupted
evry1ishott - the anti-rating community
fairlysimple - fairlysimple
fan_icons - Request Or Show Off Your Icon Creations, Contests!
fanvids - Vidders For Fandom
fashionista_x - ::celeb::couture::
feminist_fury - Le Femme
femme_icons - Femme Icons
fenixfallen - Fenix Fallen
film_lolitas - hollywood
fire_us_up - fire_us_up
fluidsandmarc - fluidity
follebelle - follebelle
forumzers - @Forumzers
fratboydyke - Frat Boy Dyke
friendly_blade_ - strawberry gashes
ft_awesome - ft_awesome
fuckb_e_a_u_t_y - h e a v e n s e n t
fuk_bad_girls - Bad Girls are Better
fun_icons - Movie and Television related icons
gay_in_cali - Gay Cali Pride!
gay_me_up - Gay Kids and Their Buffy-Lovin'
gay_promo - gay_promo
gayandstraight - Gay And Straight Community For All
gaybutnotcliche - gay but not cliche
gerryfangirls - Gerry Fans
giacarangifans - Gia Carangi Fans
gibsonhistoryap - Coach Gibson's AP World History
girl_icons - girl_icons
girlsaresex -
glam_sex_dollie - glam_sex_dollies
glitter_vein - ULTRAfashion
glitterwhores - .::.glitterwhores.::.
goddess_icons - ____
goddess_worship - ~*The Great Goddesses*~
goodcelebicons - Good Celeb Icons
gorgeous_reject - Gorgeous Rejects
grobmotoriker - grobmotoriker
grrl_interupted - Girl, Interrupted
grrrl_traders - Grrrl_Traders
hannahhannahhey - HANNAH FANS
harperisland - Harper Island Community
haunted_designs - ...Of Melancholy Burning
hawt_h0m0s - Hawt H0m0s
herbaldness - Bald Ladies
hi_neil - Hi Neil
hillside_inn - they're not gonna get us.
horrid_beauty - Pretty in Punk
hot4lyfe - Julie & Damla
hot_ass_bitches - |.|Hot|.|and|.|Sexy|.|Bitches|.|
hot_celebs - hot_celebs
hot_n_stylish - Fashion Elitists
hot_not_hot - hot or not?
hotgirls - Female Celebrities
hotsexicons - . hotsex icons .
hott_likewhoa - ★ HOTT like whoa ★
hott_nerds - So un-cool...we're hot <3
houseofsins - [HOUSE] of S i N S
hp_fantasy - Harry Potter Fantasy
i_is_jack_squat - i_is_jack_squat! (not really though)
icon_addict13 - Icon Addiction
iconmafia - icons, headers & friends only signs
iconometry - Icons by Shae
iconxbrothel - The Icon Mistress
ideal_icon - Eye Candy *!
ifyoureuglydie - ifyoureuglydie
ihearthottness - The fellowship of the Hottness
ikisslegalgirls - I Kiss Legal Girls
impetus_icons - Impetus
indecisivegirls - Girls With Attitude
infinitelove - Mistress Squee & Love Slavey Corvus;;D
inlove_angelina - inlove_angelina
inspirational_ - inspirational Beautie
inthegrave_icon - inthegrave_icon
jackosbournefan - jack osbourne's fans
jolie_daily - Angelina Jolie Daily
jolie_wannabe - Wanna-be Ms. Jolie
jolieicons - Angelina Jolie Icons
jolielookalikes - jolielookalikes
just_dyke_it - A Place For You
kandy_icons - Kandy's icons
killyrbikini - Kill Yr Bikini
kufans - KU Fans
l_i_t - Lesbians In Training
legalhotness - legalhotness
lesbian - The Official LJ Lesbian Community
lesbian_chaos - A Community For Everyone...
lesbianation - lesbianation
lesbots - lesbots
letsgettogether - LetsGetTogether
lipstick_rock - lipstick_rock
lithiumpoptarts - ¡·•×:·.·-×('··LiThIuM«›!¡!‹»PoPtArTs··')×-·.·:ו·¡
llamasheep - Katu And Megamabee
lone_stars - *lone_stars*
lonley_sad_soul - lonely sad soul
lotr_summoning - Last Stand of Reality
loveharmony - For the love of Harmony
lovelyana - Love thy bones and personality
loveofthegirl - Scarpetta12
mad_mag - Mad Magazine Fans
madphat_reviews - Phat Mad Wind Ninja REVUES!!!1!
makexthexcut - Do You Make The Cut?
marlasingers - marla singer and other crazy wimmin
marytwins - Mary Twins
mass_lesbos - Lesbians of Massachusetts
matgags - The Middle-Aged Teenage Girl-Acting Guys Society
midwestdykes - Midwestern Lesbians (and friends!)
misfits_inc - misfits
mmmmmmm - mmmmmmm.....
moonycons - M o o n y cons
movie__whores - movie__whores
moviebadasses - The Modern Movie Goer
moviedebate - The movie debate journal
muchbeauty - Beautiful Girl Eye Candy
muggles_hobbits - at LiveJournal
muscarine - muscarine
mybloodyriotgrl - mybloodyriotgrl
n3t_beauty - <3
naked_famous - Naked Celebrities With No Clothes On
nfatuatedjunkie - infatuated junkie
noandroid - coke babies
nomeanlesbians - NoMeanLesbians
nonuglyartists - The 7th funniest community EVER!
nonuglyhomos - we've got what they don't...and more
noxwhore - NOxWHORE-fe-life
nudescenes - nudescenes
nutellalove - Nutellalove - where no lickable guy is safe
obsessivetypes - The Adored
oddobsessions - oddobsessions
odessanovel - Odessa
oh_so_sexy - sexy devil
omahyra - Tito.
pa_pride - pa_pride
pala_canta - pala canta
pale_green - Jodie & Emma
pedestal - My own heaven...
pen_pals_inc - pen_pals_inc
peppermcgowan - Pepper McGowan Fans Community
perfectxcore - we love you if your perfect
perfetto_dieci - Perfection at it's best...
perilousrealm - The Perilous Realm Community
pervyfancier - the pervy fanciers
photoxrapists - photoxrapists
pimpin_bitches - pimpin_bitches
pin_up_dolls - pin_up_dolls
poetictritones - Free Verse Outlaw
poisonfemme - poison femme
political_angie - Angelina Jolie's politics and work with the UNHCR
pop_moods - Mood Themes (Pop Culture & More!)
poppet_talk - Poppet_talk
pretty_lesbians - Lesbians... who are pretty... on the inside!
princezzjen - Let boredom rain free
purdy_lesbians - Lesbians
purplelovers - Purple Lovers
purposeicons - Purpose Icons by Laurad311
pyrpleskin - Pyrple Skin Icons, etc.
queers_unite - queers_unite
r_u_hot_fo_real - Are you hot, fo real?
randompicdaily - Random Pictures Daily
randomqoute - Random Qoutes
rate_me_hot - rate_me_hot
ratethestars - Critique Celebrity Fashion
reallycoolfucks - Really Fucking Cool
reccomend_it - ♥..Recomend it..♥.. Reccomend it..♥
red_headed_slut - Beautiful Red Headed Vixens
rightclickchick - Right Click!Chick
riot_grrls - Riot Here! Riot Now!
riotgrrlhangout - Riot Grrl Community
riotgrrluk - Riot Grrl UK
rocknroll_beau - Club Rock & Roll (enter if you dare)
rpersanonymous - RPers Anonymous Family LJ Community
rpfs - Real Person Femmeslash
rustywrists - *~heroine~*
saddeathdollies - saddeathdollies
sandalsequalsex - Sandals = Sex (Geeks in Sandals)
sane_fgs_daily - Sane Fangirls Daily
secret_cerri - The Real Fat Anas
sequelnation - Sequel Nation
seraphtron - Seraphtron
sex_creeps - Unconventional beauty
sexaphobes - touch me. kill you.
sexibiatch - SexiBiatch
sexxxaliscious - sexxxaliscious
sexy_on_legs - The fit actor and great film society
sexylook_felton - More than Just a Sexy Face
sexysexypeople - sexysexypeople
signthisplease - Autograph Collectors
simplyvogue - simplyVOGUE
skycaptain - Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
slashersunite - Jira
slinkstercool - Ducks and Lankas
smoke_and_lies - (insert name here) is in the hizzouse!
smolder_sexi - So Sexi It Hurts!
so___sexxi - For The Sexy
societysucks - society sucks
somebodytoldme4 - ..::*::..Somebody Told Me Icons..::*::..
sorroritygirls - dedicated to the olsens, simpsons, hiltons, &etc
soulies - Best friends forever
spencer_thegod - Spencer = Better than you
stardust_icons - <3.·:*¨¨*Stardust Icons*¨¨*:·.<3
still_crazy - Guess That Movie!
stormys_icons - ^_^
stricken_world - love,movies,musics,and stuff
stuck_in_myhead - stuck_in_myhead
stuck_inside - Stuck Inside
sugarwh0re - xXx Sugar Whores xXx
superdivateam - Super Diva Rating Community!!!
surreal_icons - surreal_icons
swallow_me - Theres nothing like a shooting star shot inside yo
swank_fuckers - swank_fuckers
sweetpoison1980 - Petite Anas/Mias
tabloid__trash - Celebrity Gossip!
team_cream - Sexy Black TNT Shoes
teamfidge - Team Fidge
teens - *~* *~*
teh_shit - the badasses of the icon community
templeoflust - Temple of Lust
th_in - th_in
thatmoviequiz - thatmoviequiz
the___beautiful - the___beautiful
the_cafeteria - the cafeteria
the_cathouse - Pussy-catgirls
the_collective - The Collective
the_icon_zone - The Icon Zone
the_longing - Dazed & Confused
the_prestige - The Prestigious
the_rainbowroom - the_rainbowroom
the_u_haul - Girls Will Be Girls
theblender - blend challenge
thegreensheeps - The Black (and Green) Sheep of Society
thegrotesque - Freaks, Nerds and Nobodies
theidiotgang - Plaid Motherfuckers
theleague_rpg - theleague_rpg
thereminvox - thereminvox
thesimple_life2 - THE SIMPLE LIFE 2: ROAD TRIPstaringPARIS & NICOLE
thevamps - Drama Queens of Stage and Screen
tig_me - tig_me
tombraiders - Tomb Raiders
tragicchaos - Where the world falls apart, and doesn't get back
tribe_mke - TRIBE_MKE
tsc_rules - tsc_rules
twiight_z0ne - Movie Talk
u_are_hot - Hott SexXx
ugoa - United Gays of America
unashamedgirls - even if we really love chocolate
uniquelyxnormal - UniquelyXnormal
vain_bastards - vain_bastards
viceporn - VicePorn
videogamemovies - Video Game Movies
violent_urges - violent_urges
violentintrigue - Violent Intrigues
we_like_you - the end has no end
we_love_ari - We Love Ari
we_want_icons - random icons
wehatetheworld - Total Desperation
whats__hot - get the latest scoop in pop culture
whore_dolls - + Whore Dolls +
whs_society - WATSON WILDCATZ ROCK!!!
wickedkiss - Shae and Kimmeh
winonafans - Winona Ryder Fans
wondergirls - wondergirls
wordofmouth - Word of Mouth.
x_angelina_x - Angelina Jolie Fans
xbr0ken_d0llsx - x. Stitches & Scars .x
xcosmeticx - xcosmeticx
xfullcollapse - .T.H.U.R.S.D.A.Y.
xinner_beautyx - xinner_beautyx
xkissofdeathx13 - Are you hot?
xlostgirlsx - The Missing Ones
xrevenant - Pretty*Cunt
xtinkerbellsx - Tales of scared, jealous, paranoid girlfriends
xxriot_grrrlxx - Riot Grrrls & Women Who Rock
you_ignore_me - for people who are ignored by their own friends
youaresothesex - Quit Your Hollerin
Interested users
The following users are interested in angelina jolie. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
457 matches:
0iamsobored0 - Jasmine
__br0ken__ - manda♥
__petals - miss. world
_deathsex - jennifer jinxed
_perfectdrug - Cinna★Star™
_rustybedpost - Sandy
_witchbaby_ - Christina
absinthe_angel - Absinthe Angel
acid_burn - get [bizzy] with the fizzy, baby!
acidburnmc - Molly
acme - ariana
afraidofxposure - Shanna
ailaois - ailaois
alara - Alara
alaskangirl - Alaskan Girl
alialdeet - Alex Stampher
alice362 - alice362
alida - Alida Carson
allyoops - Ally Ranger
almalthea - Almalthea
amanda143 - sexxx
amberkitty - *Morgan*
ameigirl - ☆@MEiGirL™
amethystmoon - amethystmoon
andariel - Andariel a.k.a. Princess Turkey
angelina - fond but not in love
angelmortis - sharisse
angelvomit - Kelly
angelz - Stealing Beauty
angllbabie - Angelina
ankharah - cerulean implosion
annamarific - so last summer
anthacat - anthacat
antireligion - Filth
aquariussoul - Billy Four Fingers
ariesgirlie - that damn ariesgirlie
asrai - Penny
atarikat - Kat
avathebrat - Ava
awccmfan - Could I Be More Confused?
bad_magick - Tahnee Skye
badkitty420 - Celeste Sofia
baphometsynthe - br?w? ???D??M?
beautifuldead - ethereal erudition
becoming_jenn - Who, me?
belindashort - Belinda
beloved - Lamia
berrydeluxe - Choc full of Strawberry Goodness
beta99 - Betz
bettie - *Unweighted down by passion or intensity*
bianca_divine - Jena
billemon - Ogre Boy
blackcat5 - novaaa...
blackcherrybomb - ~:*Supa*:lil:*dead:*:darling*:~
blackrose - ...Pretty girl is suffering...
bliss_inc - bliss_inc
blonnie - Blonnie
bluebean - bluebean
boadiccea - boadiccea
booberella - Kimmy
boofuls - Elzbeita
bootybreakah - nikkia
brianne - B to the R to the I
briansbabe88 - BriansBabe88
brodie_ - My Name Is Wepeel
brokensmil3 - brokensmil3
bronzegoddess - imaje
butterfly1 - Welcome to the world of hardcore hippies...
cal_ifornia - CaL*aYrE
cantspell - a smart girl in comfortable shoes
carlycam - NOT, the cold heartless one...
caterpillar - caterpillar
ceryn - Ceryn
charcoalgreen - a bit of understanding
charlies_angel - DaRk KiTTiE
cholly - Cholly Smith
christexan - ChrisTexan
chynagurl666 - Mi Bella Amarilla
cloudsdescendin - Krissy Widdlesons
cookies - Carissa [Cari]
cornrelish - Kristy
countessolivia - Countess Olivia
crazyemily525 - E.Z. E
crazysexycool - Christine
crowho - nina
crunkybrewster - linda the space cadet
crushedtulips - Punky Brewster
crushkis - Kristin
crystlraindrops - Jenna
ctheseicecreamz - Candi Coated Rainbowz
cyberfrog - Jenny
danajoy - Diab Soulé
darerca_jane - Jennifer a.k.a. that Bitch Girl
darkangel - Der Kailmeister
darkestangel - I am Ugly
darkewolf - Padraig MacIain
darkshadow - nik...
dead_chick - Mia
deepestsin - Ally Kat
defwords - Pøster Child for Birth Cøntrøl
delerious - Julie-anne
dementedforever - =hepcat=
des0lateangel - Jamie
desolationangel - proximity without intimacy
destini - JuST a GiRL
dingdang - Bagel
distilledgrbg - Yo
disturbedangel - the one and only ali-ithhhh
dizturbedfaerie - DisturbedFaerie
doblaich - Jo
dockdiva - Krystena
dofka - Dofka
doll_parts - Your Favorite Girl
dolmadez - translates into: worthy of love
doogloose - Amy
dragonlady123 - Tammy
dramatica - drowning in white noise
dreamangel - Imagine
drummerinblue - Michelle
dustie - deAth StrikeS at noon
dustywyngs - Magdalene
duvessa - spazz
easytiger - EasyTiger
eclipses - I'm terribly hard core.
egostatistical - Bandit Beechlawn
elizalavelle - Elizabeth
elvampile - E vladhu elvampile
emelyn - Peek-a-Boo
emily - Emily, Esq.
emptinessofday - she's a MEAN MACHINE DRINKING GASOLINE
empty_delilah - The voice inside my head
enterprisegal - Bad Of Nuts
envenom - enVenom
etoile - Ellie
eurydice1 - Kate
evilyn13 - trishaliscious
excitableboy - suckerface
eye_v - anne
faeriefatum - Faeriefatum
faeriemagick - a new begining
fallendarkangel - Flux
femmie16 - the femmie.
fillerbunny - azn to the max
filly062178 - Caren
fionnula - Ricca
fireriven - Deborah
flaymybody - Even though i'm dying
fletch - Fletch
fluttergirl - born again from the rhythm
forallyourlove - Nicole
foxfire21 - Melissa
foxforce5 - Sylla
freakyme - Crotch Monkey
funboytim - Funboytim
galaxyfox - Danika's Trash-o-Rama
geekroyanne - .royanne.
gemini - Gemini
giawitch - GIA)/\(ITCH
gina - Gina
girlunder - girlunder
girlwithagun - ars renatae
giselc - Gisel
glamourette_ - christina
glasslove - Laaazey
glitterwhore - The melodramatic bullshit QUEEN
glitterypixie - Fuzzy Fia Fae Pixie SpaztaKittie aka TitaniaMuffin
glycerine - Glycerine
goddess - i am your worst nightmare
gotham_girl - gotham_girl
gottatellyou - Caitlin
greeenboi - Jeff Molyneux
gutter_girl - janey
halfwingedfairy - halfwingedfairy
hathy_col - Hathor
heathers - Heathers
heybebe - Diane
hollywood69 - *A*TwIsTeD*mInD*
hopeless - ♡ Renèe ♡
hork - robert
ilippe3515 - Le Petit Prince
ilovekorn - ...:... i want to make you feel beautiful ...:...
imbri - Ju
imjstagrrl - Wasted Words
impy - Imp
inflictedangel - *Rachel
innerme - xoxo
irriesistible - katrina marie
iworshipsatin - Dell
j2540c - lisa
jackiez - Das Coolest Madchen EVER
jadedmuse - Cerise
jaimebryce - Your touch has never felt so good
jaimie - lipsstttttick librrrrarian
jalqme - Jalq
jalyn - Jalyn
jamius - jamius
jasonsuterus - TheDreamerIsStillAsleep
jdeunique - Demanding POWER with an Intense
jess2424 - this. is. jessica.
jessbob - Jess
jewel_6166 - Jewel_6166
jimmyeatworld79 - Girl With Fraying Ends
jolie - jolie
josiepop - josie©
joyfulgrl - Bobbi Jo
jrth - Jolyon
jsmilner1 - Poon Cloosey
judas - The Dark Lord of the Duck Pond
jules842 - Jules842
julietelise - Juliet
julylorelei - Cana Lorelei
justagirl20 - rAiN
karasweet - Kara
karmagirl - karmagirl
keki - -X- evil bunnyhead eater -X-
kerkyra - kerkyra
kevo295 - Kevin
killrockstarz - M????W?rld
kornflake - Tiffany
koyoteblu - Maybe a man, something, might ruin her forever.
kutiekittie69 - Krissy
larissadawn - Stacy the entertainment addict
lauralatham - laura.
lavvsun - lavvsun
legato - Emily Moon
lemonheadqueen - Misty
leopardesse - Endangerous
light - Chris
lil_earthquake - *dorknuggetita*
lilbluesmurf - Imitation Happy
lilgwen - Catherine
linkinpark0o0 - LOSER FACE
linzee - Lindsay
liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
liquidskin - LiquidSkin
littlefoot - Crazy Little Chick
littletease - jessica
lituska - Elisabeth-Lucy
livinginclip - ju*ju
livvyelf - Enfys
locus - Lady Deirdre
londnrose - LondnRose
lonejaguar - Nic
lordkamel - AutomaticDisfunction
losergirl - дΨĦξ≈۸ ħδ∟Ŀσψ
lostsouls - Toni
lovedstrangely - God Save the Queen of Mean
lovelife4 - Ariana
lsw123 - Switchblade Susie
lusciousgirl - my name is I dare
luvmypuppies - Jennifer
maccafan61842 - Michelle
majordumbass - brittany
marle - Marle
mbluemelas - mbluemelas
medicatedpeace - Vere Mantratriad
melancholytune - MelancholyTune
mercywearslace - mercywearslace
mesmerizd - queen of runaround.
mickasso - Brick Mickasso
mickr - Mick
microchaotic - Catalyst Echo
miguy - Michael Guy
mikka - Mikka
mischa - si se puede!
miss_world - suz
missaimee03 - ...bargain basement barbie doll...
misshell - Miss Hell
mlvc69 - *Robyn*
monicanagent - what was
moosical - lil-miss-moo
morbidpoetgirl - evil child
morbidpryncess - Jean
morganalefaye - Morgan
mrsuperstar - Mr Superstar
munchkin - bkm
munkyspace - Tawny
my_ophelia - Ophelia
mystikal - Mystikal
mytwistedpsyche - a.gloomy.girlie
naienchan - Shiira
naivebunny - jo
naivete - marianne
nico_blue - Nico Blue
nicole - n urs e
nineof26 - the ice cream assassin
nkyalicia - Alicia
no1suckslikeme - =*= ReD hoT RiDinG H00d=*=
notaprettygirl - notaprettygirl
notaprettygrrrl - Amanda
nothingbrite - tiffani
nottiehottie - ♥JaMiE MaE VaUn♥
novaskies - the color-me-happy girl
nyyanks16 - Kayo
obfuscate - Becca
oceannympho - Kara
octomotormouse - Kazan
olaf168 - Olaf168
ooalexisoo - Alexis
opium - Opium Poppy Fields
originalsinner - S a R a H b O o
pangeasplit - nosferatu
panzerschreckk - panzerschreckk
pathofbeauty - lady anathema
perpetual_pang - MeLiSSa aKa HaCKeD iN 60 SeCoNDs
perse - perse
pezchic - alice
pillar - Pillar
pinkpolish - erin
pinksoda - pink soda
pixie - Meatie
pixiemanson - Elfie
plainjane - plainjane
playboychickaro - miss maggie mae
poisonousivy - Ivy
ponderosa - ponderosa
poopie - //sum.mer
postorgasmic - Postorgasmic chill
presley - presley my toe
prettyposer - prettyposer
princesscarla - princess carla*
princesskilstar - Tinkerbell
psycho_monkey - decorate my soul, set it all on fire
psychosdeath - psycho
punk_gye - sLeeVe
punkerriotgrrl - Brittany
purplesparklies - manda
queenmander - Mander
raeofhope27 - ,.:-`*`-:.,_,.:-`*`-:.,_ôVë® ±Hë ®åiñBôW_,.:-`*`-:
ragazzae8 - elena
rainbow_brite - So Much The Same .....It Makes Me HELPLESS
raisngrrl - RaisnGrrl
raven_angyl - Guinevere Ara
rawkstar04 - sooper dork
reality - .'. Reality Bliss Angel .'.
rebelgrrlsunite - Rebelgrrlsunite
rebequa - Re'bequa
reckless - i'd rather be bold & lonely
redgilda - Redgilda
reed - Reed
relfen - C2
rephlektiv - # mackenzie #
retro_trixie - le Retro Trixie
revjim - Reverend Jim
ridofme - ridofme
risababy - Marisa
rose_revolution - 薔薇の革命家
rubberbadgirl - im the wishful thinker with the worst intentions
rubeus - Rubeus
rubyredladybug - the kind of girl you just forget about...
safeteepinz - Safeteepinz
sailorpluto - sweet surrender
samilia - Roxy Foxy
sandrine - Claudia
sapphireoracle - Sara
sarahjm - Sarah
saywa - ~*§å®äh*~
sekzmorbidangel - ~<*SekzieMorbidAngel*>~
setharian - Setharian Keltos
sexymonkey - Vengence
shadowdream - ShadowDream
shadwstalkr - Alex
shanaynnay - J. Walter Weatherman
shattereddreams - Anxi
shellie - Elegantly Wasted
shoebucket - ShoeBucket
shyvirgin - Shyness
sillymonkey - Marissa
silverraze - This Little Masochist
simonelo - Sterling
sinfullyintense - ..†.Stephanie.†..
sleepypawn - Jenny
smudgedeyeliner - Fiorella
snowflake745 - ~* Nina *~
sockhead - Sockhead
songsmysorry - Lauren
sourgirli - askew
sparkliemagic - Sparklie
sparklymegz - Megz
spiders - chelle
spite - :[diatribe]:.
spunkolebat - spunkolebat
squirt13 - Dan-o
staceypie - stacey pie
stardustangel - Stardustangel
starfirestarter - ~*angie*~
starjunkie - filmstar
starlitelove - StarLiteLove
starstars - Ashley!!
stealthismag - Steal This Mag
stmachiavelli - Saint Machiavelli
storyseeker - Kyle
strawberrygrrl - Strawberrygrrl
stuntgiri - cassie
sublimeone - the *sublimest* one
sugarpuss - Her Dreams Went Out The Door When She Turned 24
sunseteyes - I am Shannon
suppafly - Zach
sweetaholic - sexy zombie
synaesthetic - cacophonious
tapestrygirl - sara
tari - Tari
taste_of_cancer - ...embedded in her beautiful skin--
tequie - Deeter
terriblelie - terriblelie
the311goddess - 311 Goddess
theducks - A Rubber Ducky
thefife - lance
thelildevil - Kimmy
threedhodjie - Mr. Carnival
thrillckr - That Jackass that's never here
thugpimpn2001 - Lace
tiffythepunk - tiffy tuffington
tiggy - dorkus malorkus
tijae - Ti-Jae
tinytassa - Joey's Sausage
toilet_bowl - toilet_bowl
toni - Toni
tranzcend - The Silent One
trickster_ - Natalie
triggerhappy - dalaz
trinity - annie
trixsjr - stacy
twgyschk - *//* Missa *//*
twitchx - still cold, like the stars
uberloser - sarahma
vampryss - meg
vampy - +Vampy+
vanezzac - Vanessa
vanity - Nicole
vanni - vanni
vanzarity - Vanzarity
velvetsun - Holly
venusbella - Samantha
venusnin - |[.a soul aflame.]|
veshadana - eMily
violentdreams - * * Anthony * *
violetfirepunk - Cleo
vixy - Vixy
wanderlustlover - Baby Dragon
weallfall - WeAllFall
weezeyndbt - Megan
whiteshadow2004 - Tilla
whitetrashfairy - the_virtual_mookshaboom
wickeddeeds - The Mysterious J
willowstars - marie
wretch - ill-divining
wretcheddoll - Kill this waitress
wuka - _______________Nyago♥
wuloo - wuloo
xanda_k - Alex
xaroundthefurx - goddamn half-japanese girl
xempathyx - x empathatic transparency x
xio - Seeking Nastalgia
xletgo_lightlyx - xletgo_lightlyx
xoxflamesxox - Ali!
yuki - yuki