Blacks and the 2004 Democratic National Convention

This booklet discusses the range of participation by African Americans in the Democratic Party, the geographic and partisan dimensions of the black vote in recent years, and black voters' attitudes toward many issues that may be significant in the fall campaign. Detailed statistical tables, and the companion roster of the 2004 national convention’s black delegates, alternates, and committee memberships make this guide a must-have resource for reporters, convention participants, and scholars alike. [learn more]

Visible Differences: Improving the Oral Health of African American Males

African American men today suffer the highest rates of oral cancer, and the lowest survival rates, of any group in the United States. Their rates of serious dental and gum disease are also among the highest. This policy report, designed to complement the Surgeon General's "National Call to Action to Promote Oral health," reviews the disparities in both oral health and access to dental care experienced by black men...



Building Skills for Black Workers: Preparing for the Future Labor Market

The unemployment rate among African Americans remains stubbornly high -- twice the rate among white Americans. While discrimination continues to play a role, it is compounded by clear differences in education and professional skills. In this volume, the second in our series on The Black in the 21st Century, six experts take a close look at race and job readiness...


Estimating the Cost of Effective Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs

Nearly half a million births stemming from teen pregnancies took place in the United States in 2001 alone. The financial and social costs of this phenomenon have been the subject of much research and commentary, but less is known about the costs of effective teen pregnancy prevention programs. This publication helps to bridge that gap. It provides (with instructions for use) a comprehensive Costing Worksheet that prevention programs can use to calculate their total and per-teen costs. An illustrative example of the use of the worksheet is provided, based on the Girls Incorporated Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy program, as implemented in Omaha, NE. Approximately 130 pages, including references and detailed worksheet tables.

Black Elected Officials: A Statistical Summary, 2001

Black Elected Officials shows an historic high of 9,101 BEOs, representing a 0.7 percent increase between January 2000 and January 2001 - the
lowest annual percentage increase since 1970. The number of male BEOs declined by 40, while that of black female officeholders increased by 101,
making them 35.4 percent of all BEOs.


  Joint Center Highlights

Redefining Readiness: Terrorism Planning Through the Eyes of the Public

Joint Center Briefing: Ex-Offenders in the Workplace

Joint Center Health Policy Institute Briefing: Improving Oral Health of African American Males


HIV/AIDS, Economics and Governance in South Africa: Key Issues in Understanding Response (PDF)

Young Black Men and Boys in the District of Columbia

  Newly Released

Teenage Pregnancy

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