HRC and the End of ENDA
The decision by
gay activists to oppose the Employee Non-Discrimination Act if
it covers sexual orientation, but not transgendered identity and
expression, sounds the death knell for this legislation.
By Dale Carpenter - 08-23-04
Republicans Are Forfeiting the Future
Log Cabin Republicans'
bid for a “unity plank” in the Republican platform
appears destined to fail. The party seems not to understand
that its dismissive attitude toward gays cuts it off from the
next generation of voters.
By James Kirchick - 08-23-04
Oh, What A Day It Was
On just one August
day, three developments of great significance to “gay
Americans” occurred, demonstrating the historic and volatile
times we're living in.
By Paul Varnell - 08-23-04
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McGreevey's Marriage Problem — and Ours
Governor McGreevey's downfall serves
a reminder that marriage isn't just about rights and benefits
for gays who are coupled. It's about improving life for everyone
who grows up gay.
By Jonathan Rauch - 08-16-04
Four Better Ways
to Defend Marriage
Banning gay marriage,
as Missouri's voters recently did, will do nothing to shore up
the institution of matrimony. So let's get serious and ban...remarriage.
Oh, and divorce. And marriage without children. And....
By Deroy Murdock - 08-11-04
In Boston, the Democrats Ducked
The gay community has
asked the Democrats for almost nothing in exchange for our support.
As the convention showed, almost nothing is exactly what we can
expect to get.
By Dale Carpenter - 08-06-04
Goodbye, Federal Marriage Amendment
The “debate” over
the amendment was disappointing since the issues were never joined.
Amendment supporters failed to explained how marriage by gays
would harm marriage, children or the country. And amendment opponents
focused on the lack of a need to amend, rather than arguing the
social good of allowing gays to wed.
By Paul Varnell - 07-30-04
No Excuse for Kerry
John Kerry, in
ducking the Senate vote over the Federal Marriage Amendment, showed
he's willing to bag huge gay campaign contributions but unwilling
to spend any political capital on our behalf. So let's have no
illusions about the pro-gay dividends of a Kerry administration.
By Dale Carpenter - 07-26-04
Is Homosexuality Harmful —
and So What?
Gay-rights opponents wrongly
insist that homosexuality is harmful. Worse, they go on to argue
for measures that they would never apply to football players,
drivers, and other heterosexuals who court risk.
By John Corvino - 07-05-04
On Gay Marriage, Conservatives Betray Conservatism
In their strident opposition to
gay marriage, many on the Right abandon the key principles of
modern conservatism: that every individual counts, that outcomes
matter as much as intentions, and that risk should be handled
By Jonathan Rauch - 07-05-04
Reagan and AIDS:
A Reassessment
Ronald Reagan's record regarding
AIDS has been greatly distorted by those who would demonize the
late president as a "murderer." In contrast to anti-Reagan hyperbole,
here are the facts.
By Dale Carpenter - 06-28-04
In Vermont,
Gay Ties Are Binding
The early statistics on
Vermont's same-sex civil unions are in. The finding? Gay couples
are treating civil union more seriously than straight couples
are treating marriage.
By Steve Swayne - 06-28-04
How to Make Pride Matter
The desire to please
everyone has reduced gay pride parades to bland themelessness
at a time when marriage and other battles remain to be won.
Locally relevant messages and a dose of political savvy would
put the point back into Pride.
By Paul Varnell - 06-28-04
Gays Abroad Need Our Help
Publicizing and combating anti-gay
persecution abroad should be a higher priority for American gays,
who could take a cue from the Jewish community.
By James Kirchick - 06-21-04
Virginia's New Jim Crow
Virginia's new law infringing
on same-sex couples' ability to draw up care-giving arrangements
is a legal denial not just of gay coupledom, but gay personhood.
By Jonathan Rauch - 06-21-04
Reagan and Gays: A Reassessment
Aside from his tolerant personal
attitude, Reagan's actual record on civil liberties for gays was
surprisingly good.
By Dale Carpenter - 06-14-04
Love Matters
Some conservatives are
compelled to demean love between people of the same sex, reducing
it to lust or treating it as “narcissistic.” They're
wrong. Love does not differ in nature according to the sex of
its object or the person who experiences it.
By Paul Varnell - 06-14-04
The Truth about Reagan and AIDS
Hollywood and common wisdom often
characterize President Reagan as a homophobe who callously ignored
AIDS. The facts say otherwise.
By Deroy Murdock
The End of Gay Rights
With Massachusetts'
adoption of same-sex marriage, the American struggle for
gay rights enters its final stage. In perhaps 30 years, the
need for an organized gay movement in this country will be
By Dale Carpenter - 06-07-04
Michelangelo's Hunks
More than four centuries before
Tom of Finland, Michelangelo pioneered the artistic adoration
of the muscular male figure. Even today, few fully appreciate
his daring.
By Paul Varnell - 06-03-04
Marriage Is Radical Enough
Marriage, simply
by becoming a realistic goal and part of the social landscape
in which future generations of gay children grow up, will profoundly
change their lives for the better. So why are some gay radicals
lamenting this as a loss of “freedom”?
By Richard J. Rosendall - 05-31-04
Integration Day
The birth of gay
marriage in Massachusetts connects gay partners not just to each
other but, in a deeper way, to their families and communities.
By Andrew Sullivan - 05-24-04
Gay Marriages Change Straight Minds
Opponents tried everything to
stop gay marriage, and many advocates fear backlash. But the larger
fallout of Massachusetts will be not disgust in the straight world
but empathy.
By Paul Varnell - 05-24-04
Gay Marriage Is Risky.
But Banning It Is Riskier
After Massachusetts, excluding
gay couples is no safe harbor for the institution of marriage.
Particularly among young Americans, continuing the ban will
put marriage on the road to cultural irrelevance.
By Jonathan Rauch - 05-19-04
The Gay & Lesbian Atlas
A new book analyzing
census data shows gay male couples are not only clustered in major
cities, but in select districts within those cities, while lesbian
couples are more widely dispersed in smaller cities and (often
college) towns.
By Paul Varnell - 05-14-04
Guns, Gays, and Propaganda
What message was
the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) sending
when it issued a statement criticizing the administration on gay
marriage, but chock full of denunciations of the NRA and gun ownership?
Not one consistent with upholding constitutional principles, that's
for sure.
By Paul Varnell - 05-10-04
A Certificate — Not A Ceremony
A former college chaplain argues
that what the state does for birth and death it should also do
for marriage: merely certify status, and leave the tasks of celebrating
and solemnizing to communities and religions.
By Steve Swayne - 05-10-04
Gay Marriage and Polygamy
Gay marriage makes
sense because it meets an essential need for the individuals involved
and it also benefits society. Polygamy, by contrast, does neither.
By Dale Carpenter - 05-03-04
Higher Learning?
Contradictions of the Academically Alienated
Academic deconstructionists and
queer critical theorists teach that the mainstreaming of gays
is a bad thing, diminishing our isolation at the cost of activism,
and trading away radical “equality” for assimilation.
Someone should tell them that being perpetually marginalized isn't
what most gays want.
By Paul Varnell - 04-26-04
Gay Marriage and Homosexuality
While same-sex marriage is
unlikely to increase the numbers of homosexuals, it is likely
to increase the levels of happiness — and openness — among
existing homosexuals. How could that be a bad thing?
By Dale Carpenter - 04-19-04
Gay Marriage and Children
Same-sex marriage
won't take any children away from mothers and fathers who
want to raise them. What it will do is provide security for
children being raised by same-sex couples.
By Dale Carpenter - 04-05-04
Gay Marriage and Procreation
Many say gay
couples shouldn't marry because they can't procreate. But the
link between marriage and procreation was severed long ago — and
even if it hadn't been, gay couples would deserve the same exception
that millions of infertile straight couples receive.
By Dale Carpenter - 03-22-04
Bush's Case for Same-Sex Marriage
In his speech opposing
same-sex marriage, President Bush actually made the best arguments
for it: healthier families, a more stable society, and the protection
of marriage itself.
By Jonathan Rauch - 03-15-04
On Same-Sex Marriage, Bush Failed the Public and Himself
President Bush's support of
a constitutional amendment to forbid same-sex marriages amounts
to a lack of moral and political vision, of empathy and imagination,
that is symptomatic of a larger decline of his presidency.
By Jonathan Rauch - 03-08-04
Against Bush
I've repeatedly defended President
Bush in this space. On foreign policy, he has rightly taken the
fight to the enemy. On economics, though a profligate spender
and inconsistent defender of free trade, he's better than a Democrat
would be on both counts. But if an amendment banning gay marriage
actually passes, Bush will have done more harm to gay people than
any president in our history.
By Dale Carpenter - 03-08-04
Prospects for Gay Marriage
In the long run,
anti-gay zealots are fighting a losing war. Whether or not the
Federal Marriage Amendment passes, same-sex marriage will eventually
be legal. That assessment is based on consideration of the slow
but relentless economic and social pressures that underlie politics
and public opinion.
By Paul Varnell - 03-08-04
Gay Marriage, Then Polygamy?
Nothing in the principles supporting
gay marriage provides any support for the legalization of any
other type of relationship, much less polygamy.
By Paul Varnell - 03-05-04
The Case for Federal Civil Unions
Congress could help bank
the fires of the culture war over gay marriage by putting a federal
civil-unions bill on the table, then handing the issue back to
state legislatures. Call it the Vermont Compromise.
By Steve Swayne - 03-03-04
Homosexuality in Leviticus
The Levitical condemnation of
male homosexuality has been hugely influential. But its meaning
is ambiguous, and it may have applied to a supposed practice — Canaanite
religious prostitution — that never occurred at all.
By Paul Varnell - 03-01-04
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National Gay Leaders: Worth the Price?
National gay groups now
pay their directors hefty salaries. Their generous paychecks may
or many not be warranted. But let's not forget that many state
and local groups are needier — and it's on the state level
where most gay political issues will ultimately be decided.
By Paul Varnell - 02-23-04
Why the 'M' Word Matters To Me
Civil unions and other
separate forms of recognition may provide important benefits,
but only marriage can bring the full connection to home and
family that gay people — and all people — need.
By Andrew Sullivan - 02-23-04
Time to Draw the Line
Blocking an anti-marriage
amendment will be the defining political fight of our lifetimes.
Both gay Democrats and gay Republicans must make this unequivocally
clear to their respective parties — any candidate who
votes for a marriage ban will receive no more support, ever,
no matter how accommodating they've been on other issues.
By Dale Carpenter - 02-23-04
The False Debate over 'Activist' Judges
Despite critiques of judicial
decisions on gay marriage and other hot-button issues,
it isn't always easy to distinguish if judges are simply interpreting the
law, or are over-reaching by making law. We can only
insist on judges whose work is clear, exacting, and intellectually
By Steve Sanders - 02-11-04
Are Gays Wrecking Marriage in Scandinavia?
Marriage may be eroding in
Scandinavia, but, contrary to recent conservative claims, gay
marriage isn't the problem. In fact, it's part of the solution.
By Dale Carpenter - 02-11-04
Suffer the Children
A federal court has
upheld Florida's ban on all adoptions by gay couples. In order
to further the rightwing backlash against gay families, Florida
and its governor are happy to leave unadoptable children and their
gay foster parents in legal limbo — or to pull asunder long-standing
guardianships altogether.
By Jennifer Vanasco - 02-09-04
A Pause in Gay Progress
For college freshmen,
favoring gay marriage is now the “middle of the road” position,
although the annual growth in pro-gay sentiments has slowed a
bit in a year of backlash to gay advances. But overall, today's
young adults remain far more supportive of gay legal equality
than their elders — a positive social trend that bodes well
for the future.
By Paul Varnell - 02-09-04
The Straight Threat to Marriage
Marriage needs protecting,
all right — from heterosexuals who don't take it
seriously. Why don't gay marriage's critics spend some energy
denouncing straights whose behavior undermines traditional
By Deroy Murdock - 02-02-04
The Good Word about 'The L Word'
Showtime's breakthrough new
television series The L Word is changing the way America
perceives lesbians — namely, as individuals.
By Jennifer Vanasco - 02-02-04
Anti-Love Isn't Pro-Marriage
It's hard to see how
even the religious right can believe that denying marriage to
loving gay couples will make uncommitted straight couples — or
single straight parents — more likely to marry.
By Paul Varnell - 01-12-04
The Prospects for 2004
Peering at the year
ahead, here's a look at some of the likely challenges we'll
face. Among these: a presidential election spotlighting where
the candidates stand on same-sex marriage.
By Paul Varnell - 01-05-04
Bad Arguments for Gay Marriage
There are many bad
arguments used by antigay activists against gay
marriage. But we ourselves have also been guilty of making
some bad arguments for gay marriage. Here are three.
By Dale Carpenter - 12-24-03
Paul's Letter to the Romans
Paul's claim that
homosexual desire and behavior are the result of belief in pagan
gods hardly seems applicable to those who haven't rejected an
earlier belief in God. Specifically, it hardly applies to homosexuals
who are Christians, or Christians who come to realize their homosexuality.
By Paul Varnell - 12-24-03
Ayn Rand and Homosexuality
The highly influential
novelist and proponent of radical individualism had a major
blind spot — her hostility toward homosexuality. Over
time, those inspired by her works, including Rand's gay readers,
have had to confront her prejudice.
By Paul Varnell - 12-15-03
Our Struggle for Love
Despite dizzying gay
political progress, what we're fighting for is not, at bottom,
about politics. It's about love, for ourselves and each other.
By Richard J. Rosendall - 12-08-03