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“Anti-Americanism isn’t quite what it’s cracked up to be.”

You just gotta read this one, gang. As Tiemann says, “Let’s not go nuking any Meccas, hmm?” And I’ll add that for all the time I’ve spent outside of the States (some, but not near enough; I haven’t had the opportunity to travel nearly as much as I’d like, but my hopes remain high), I have yet to run into any of the America-hate we constantly hear about these days and that Kerry is making a cornerstone of his campaign. Though it may seem otherwise at times around here, I’ve never lost sight of that simple fact; nobody else should, either. The truth on the ground is always broader than what piece of it (if any) you can get from a newspaper—and is something you won’t hear much of in a worry-promoting Kerry speech.

Mike | 10:12 am | Category: Our Allies | Backtalk (9)
Oops – sorry

An honest, reliable poll yields simply astonishing results:

55% Of Iraqis Who Would Have been Murdered or Maimed if Saddam Stayed in Power Want U.S. Out

The sanctioned poll taken from the 75,000 names gathered from Odai and Qusai’s “to do” list and other miscellaneous soon-to-be-missing persons offers irrefutable evidence that the Iraqi people, given a choice, want us out of their country.

While there were two or three thousand who were actually taken from the brothers’ little black book of the Iraqi government’s authorized rapes, most were those who Saddam Hussein and his Fadijin would have rested away from their families in the middle of the night and subjected them to brutal unjustified torture, mutilation and death if Saddam had not been driven from power.

Given the choice between continued dictatorial persecution and freedom, those polled overwhelmingly chose dictatorial persecution. When asked in their own language the results were a bit more muddy.

Damn, guess we blew it all the way around this time. That damned lying Bushitler! (Note: if you’re one of those people who don’t usually click on the links provided, well, you better make an exception this time. Always did love…well, the people behind this site. And be sure to check out the poll questions themselves, too. Great stuff here, folks.)

Update! Watch this. Trust me. Swallow whatever you may be drinking or eating first.

Mike | 9:46 am | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (0)
Another recovering liberal

Found this one via Kesher Talk, and it’s excellent:

“I put an American flag in my window right after 9/11, and I was challenged: ‘Have you gone soft in the head and become a patriot?’ ” she says. “I see no problem between the kind of ideals I hold and the fact that I hold them in America. America has given me the kind of freedom that I would not have in Saudi Arabia, that I would not have in Afghanistan.”

She knows about Afghanistan. Her first husband was an Afghan Muslim, and she lived with his family in Kabul in the early 1960s. For six months, she says, she “was pretty much held hostage.” It was an experience that profoundly influenced her.

“I first learned how different the Judeo-Christian West and the Islamic East really are long ago … when I was a bride living in Afghanistan in an era of pre-Taliban gender apartheid,” she writes. “Afghanistan had never been colonized, so there were no Westerners to blame. It was there that I learned how not to romanticize wily, colorful, Third World tyrants.”

That experience helped forge her feminist views, and she sees a bitter irony in progressives’ opposition to the war on terror, which began by destroying the repressive Taliban regime.

“I didn’t understand Americans who are progressives, feminists, liberals and leftists, why the day after we invaded Afghanistan, everybody began treating this as if we had just invaded Vietnam,” Ms. Chesler says. “We were in a time warp, we were back in the ‘60s.

“You would think … there would be some euphoria. Suddenly, women can go about and put their faces into the sun. It’s a good thing. And girls and women can go to school and become literate. It’s a good thing. And yet, the habit of criticizing one’s own government was so deeply ingrained that they could not see this invasion as a good thing, even momentarily.”

Yeah, you would think, wouldn’t you? But then you’d be failing to take into account the Left’s seemingly boundless capacity for rationalization, hypocrisy and self-delusion, and you’d be underestimating their self-righteous arrogance too.

Mike | 9:23 am | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (3)


John and Harvey’s Excellent Cambodian Adventure*

John: So, here we are in Cambodia. On Christmas eve. On my trusty Swift boat.


John: Hey man, I really like your hat. It’s groovy. Where can I get one ?


John: So, CIA, huh ? That must be pretty cool. Does it get you a lot of chicks ?


(conversation interrupted by a severe pokata pokata pokata noise from boat’s engine. John fixes engine with rubber band and ball point pen)

John: That was a close one. Hey ! I burned my wrist – better put myself in for another purple hea … uh, band-aid. I’d better get a band-aid.


John: You know, for a giant rabbit, you sure don’t talk much.


*conversational device © protein wisdom. used without permission.

update: Later that night ...

Joe | 2:59 pm | Category: Near-Naked Propaganda | Backtalk (8)


When Frenchmen attack

My God:

While on a tour of the museum at the Auschwitz death camp in Poland on Sunday, a group of around 50 Jewish university students from Israel, the U.S. and Poland were verbally attacked by a three-member gang of French male tourists.

Evidently incited by the presence of an Israeli flag wrapped around the shoulders of Tamar Schuri, an Israeli student from Ben Gurion University, the first assailant ran at the group while its members were being guided through a model gas chamber and crematoria and began swearing and hurling anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli insults.

“He told us to go back to Israel and said that we were stupid and should be ashamed to walk around with an Israeli flag,” testifies Maya Ober, a 21-year-old Polish student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan and member of the Polish Union of Jewish Students (PUSZ), which organized the 16-day summer learning program along with the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS).

After the initial altercation, a second assailant grabbed Ober by the arm. “One of the guys held me by the arm and wouldn’t let go,” says Ober, who lost several members of her family at Auschwitz. “I was afraid. I couldn’t move and I didn’t know what he was going to do.

“I was shocked. Although I have met anti-Semitism many times, I never expected to meet it at Auschwitz, where so many of my relatives were killed,” she says she spoke to the assailants in French and that in addition to being “brutish and vulgar,” their sentiments “made absolutely no sense.”

Simply incredible. Repellent, disgusting, crude, heartless, unsophisticated, presumptious, pig-ignorant, barbaric, arrogant. And French.
“Violence was narrowly averted,” adds Laurence Weinbaum, Director of Research at the World Jewish Congress and resident scholar for the group, who says the Polish police were not notified of the incident because the assailants did not commit an actual crime.

“But, if the two sides hadn’t been separated, it would have come to blows.”

And who knows, maybe it should’ve. Sometimes the only way to penetrate particularly thick skulls is to bounce them off the pavement like a fucking basketball.

(Via Allah)

Update! And it now occurs to me that one might be inclined to assume that since the French scum were outnumbered fifty to three, this could be interpreted as an atypical display of physical courage from Lucky Pierre. Mais non; the Frenchies were simply counting on the forbearance and basic decency of those they were attacking to shield them from the just consequences of their despicable attack—just like the Palestinians do. What a sorry lot of useless parasites they all are.

Mike | 9:22 am | Category: Our Enemies | Backtalk (29)

And speaking of questions, Ace has a good one too:

One of the most common charges leveled by liberals against Bush is that he has “divided” the country after 9-11. According to this argument, the country was “united” immediately after 9-11 (in fact, they say the whole world was united as well, but let’s put that aside for now), but that Bush’s Krazy Kowboy Konservatism has undone that unity.

For this theory to make sense, it needs to be the case that an “original understanding” was forged in the aftermath of 9-11, from which Bush and the conservatives, rather than the liberals, walked away. For the argument to be valid, it needs to be true that after 9-11 we reached some Grand Compromise that liberals have remained true to, but which conservatives have betrayed.

Is that true?

The answer follows, and It Is Good.

Mike | 9:00 am | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (3)
Q ‘n’ A

Bill Quick asks a good question: “Can anybody tell me what Kerry’s position is on any major issue of the day?” And in the comments, Dave D. has the answer. Nailed, dead to rights—and I don’t mean Bill there.

Mike | 8:49 am | Category: Domestic Disputes | Backtalk (1)
Confidence man

Cole says:

Kerry’s message is clear- he wants to ‘internationalize’ the war in Iraq, a statement so vapid and vacuous that were the roles been reversed and it was George Bush running to unseat John Kerry uttering these inanities, the chattering classes would have another round of ‘Bush is stupid’ jokes circulating the DNC by mid-morning.

The roles, however, are not reversed, and the press has continuously failed to ask the hard questions, such as:

“As President, Mr. Kerry, why do you think you will be able to place more international troops on he ground?”

“Have any countries promised to provide more support if you are elected?”

“What countries have troops that are available for deployment?”

“Are those troops modernized and professional enough to work effectively besides British, Australian, and American forces?”

If he were to be asked those questions, the ruse would immediately be over, and Mr. Kerry would immediately be exposed as the fraud that he is. IN fact, honest responses to those questions would be so devestating that the Kerry/Edwards campaign and the DNC would immediately have to threaten to sue news stations to keep them from airing his response.

There simply is no international will to become involved in Iraq beyond what has already been contributed.

That’s the naked truth, and try as the Dems might it can’t correctly be blamed on “inept diplomacy” or some phantasmagorical “rush to war.” Much like Kerry himself, it’s all a sham. With Kerry, when it isn’t a flip-flop, it’s an outright flimflam.

Mike | 8:36 am | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (1)
Fair enough

That last post Iinked to from No Oil For Pacifists (gotta love that blog name, by the way) pointed me to this Steyn column, which completes a funny little blogospheric circle, since Carl says he found it via Reynolds, which is how I found him:

The one thing the Democratic Party owed America this campaign season was a candidate credible on the current war. The Democrats needed their own Tony Blair, a bloke who’s a big socialist pantywaist when it comes to health and education and the other nanny-state hooey but believes in robust projection of military force in the national interest.

John Kerry fails that test. If you wanted to pick a candidate on the wrong side of every major defense and foreign policy question of the last two decades, you would be hard put to find anyone with judgment as comprehensively poor as Mr. Kerry: total up his votes and statements on everything from Grenada to the Gulf war, Saddam to the Sandinistas, the Cold War to missile defense to every major weapons system of the 1980s and ‘90s. He called them all wrong.

But that’s not how the Democratic Party muscle saw John Kerry. Since the notion of a credible war president wasn’t important to them, they looked at the war on terror merely as a Bush wedge issue to be neutralized. And they figured their best shot at neutralizing it was Lt. Kerry on a Swift boat.

In certain circumstances, it might even have worked. But the Democrats let their contempt for Mr. Bush run away with them. It wasn’t enough to argue Mr. Kerry’s four months in the Mekong Delta gave him authority on national security issues. Instead, they saw an opening to diminish Mr. Bush, to reduce him from the 21st century commander in chief who had toppled two enemy regimes to the 1970s pampered frat boy with the spotty National Guard record. And so they made the strategic error of hammering on about what their man was doing vs. what the Republicans’ guy was doing during the Vietnam War. And they were having such fun at Mr. Bush’s expense and getting so high on those four months from the 1960s that they gave not a thought to the great wasteland of John Kerry’s 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s.

That’s one of the defects of living in the media-political echo chamber, where you’re so hip to the spin and counterspin and counter-counterspin you forget that back on Planet Earth folks don’t look at things that way. On the big speech night in Boston, with Mr. Kerry’s crewmates and triple-amputee Max Cleland and “I’m John Kerry and I’m reporting for duty,” the Dems and the media saw it as an ingenious way of downgrading Mr. Bush. But every normal person that night saw only a strange man with nothing to say about anything that has happened since the early 1970s.

Yes indeedy. Ironically enough, the Dems’ fecklessness, via the Great Kerry Error, has now forced them into the unenviable position of having to confront every other mistake they’ve made since the 60’s, and the only way they can think to do that is to keep trying to shine us all on. They’re now the Pro-American-Defeat Party, thanks to their Vietnam Pyrrhic victory and their inability (or unwillingness) to scrape the Mekong mud off their shoes—and now Vietnam is all they have to run on. Unfortunately for them, the rest of the country doesn’t much like having all that mud tracked across their living rooms and then being piously blamed for the resulting mess. Chickens. Home. To. Roost. And rightly so. Bush 55-60, Kerry 40-45, barring some unforeseeable disaster. Just you wait.

Mike | 8:06 am | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (1)

So now we’ve had another demonstration of John Kerry’s “integrity” and “forthrightness.” We know what he is; those of us not desperately trying to delude ourselves and the rest of the country into thinking that this self-aggrandizing third-rate hack is fit for the Presidency have known it all along. The only real question now is: why aren’t the Lefties/liberals/Jurassic media Axis of Feeble busting an artery demanding that Jean-Boy release his military records the way they did over the Bush AWOL nonsense?

And y’know, it’s not even much of a question, because the answer is yet another thing we’ve known all along.

(Via Insty)

Mike | 7:40 am | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (0)
A primer

Stephen lays to rest the “no plan to win the peace” canard bullshit (ahh, the mot juste) once and for all, thusly:

If you think war has become complex, peace is messier still – and always has been.

Nobody ever knows what the peace will look like. Let’s use our examples from earlier. Even as late as Appomattox, who could have predicted the KKK, Jim Crow, or Radical Reconstruction? No statesmen in 1914 knew that the war they were about to unleash would result in 20 million deaths, Russian Communism, or Nazi Germany. World War II? If you can find me the words of some prophet detailing, in 1940, the UN, the Cold War, or even the complete assimilation of western Germany into Western Europe. . . then I’ll print this essay on some very heavy paper, and eat it. With aluminum foil as a garnish.

NOTE: That’s what gets me about all the complaints that President Bush “didn’t have a plan” to “win the peace” in Iraq. Oh, blow me. Nobody ever has a plan for the peace. Or if they do, it will prove useless. “No peace plan survives the last battle” is the VodkaPundit corollary to Clausewitz’s dictum that no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.

What will the peace look like? I don’t have a damn clue. And neither do you. And if you meet anyone who claims to know, feel free to laugh at them really hard. So hard, you get a little spit on their face. Sometimes, justice can be small and spiteful – ask a meter maid. Anyway.

When peace comes, it could look like whatever Mecca, Tehran, Damascus, Riyadh, Pyongyang, Khartoum, Kabul, Cairo, etc., look like after being hit by big city-busting nuclear warheads. Or it could end with the entire Arab and Muslim world looking like the really well-manicured bits of Connecticut. My best guess is, somewhere in-between. But that’s only a guess.

There are at least a half-dozen other good bits I could have pulled from this for the excerpt – don’t miss any of them.

Mike | 7:22 am | Category: The War | Backtalk (2)


Red State

I don’t know how in the world I’ve managed not to link to Redstate yet, but if you haven’t seen it before this piece is as good an introduction to an excellent blog run by some damned fine writers as I can think of:

Herein we see more of the mythmaking that drives modern Democrats. Elections they lose are stolen. Those who voted for this war don’t include them. Nato is not involved in Iraq. The international presence in Iraq is zero. Viz., British and Italians fighting and dying as you read this; linked above. The strategy of “helping the Iraqis provide for their own security” does not presently exist. Viz., our Iraqi allies fighting and dying as you read this; linked above.

And the greatest myth of all: that the sine qua non of any improvement is a President John F. Kerry.

Read all of it.

Mike | 11:57 am | Category: Blogs & Bloggers | Backtalk (1)

The article itself is mostly the usual blame-Bush swill, but I still just can’t get over the headline:

Diplomacy Fails to Slow Advance of Nuclear Arms
KENNEBUNKPORT, Me., Aug. 7 – American intelligence officials and outside nuclear experts have concluded that the Bush administration’s diplomatic efforts with European and Asian allies have barely slowed the nuclear weapons programs in Iran and North Korea over the past year, and that both have made significant progress.
Whodathunk they’d ever admit it?

(Via Powerline)

Mike | 11:36 am | Category: Near-Naked Propaganda | Backtalk (0)
Never was, also ran

Doug Giles nails it:

My ClashPoint is this: John Kerry’s political track record is what you should be eyeballing. You see, it’s not just his grinning would-be Veep; not his Hollywood hepatitis C crowd; not his Jurassic rock stars. It’s not even his ‘Nam war films [which we now know Kerry himself shot during staged re-enactments of the action]. It’s what he has stood for, the last two decades, the ultra-left record of his time in the U.S. Senate.
You know, the facts that he has so ardently tried to hide, and not his current “look the other way” fabrications. Facts like: over the last 20 years Senator Kerry has voted again and again to cut spending on the military and on the intelligence services, in stark contrast to his “I will be strong militarily” bluster. 

No you won’t, Senator. You never have been and never will be.


Mike | 11:24 am | Category: The Loyal Opposition | Backtalk (0)
Run with it

Now, here’s an idea:

These hate creatures are beyond redemption. We can perhaps talk about dealing with the root causes of terrorism etc. etc., but this will apply to preventing future growth of the cancer, but the present cancerous cells are incurable. The only fitting solution for these is amputation.

Perhaps the most fitting solution is to prepare a great big pond of  “Ordure”, to put it genteelly, and drown them all in it – Bullshit to Bullshit and Excrement to Excrement, and Good Riddance for ever, brothers – beards, turbans and all; and we don’t think we are going to miss you much. And please Lord don’t let them send video tapes to Al Jazeera from Hell.

And then, we shall all live happily ever after.

I think we ought to include Mikey Moore on the list of those due for a little backstroking in the mucky mire ‘til death we do part, but I don’t know where we’d get enough shit to fill a pond that big with. But hey, that good old American can-do spirit will no doubt find a way.

Mike | 10:57 am | Category: Our Allies | Backtalk (5)



On the seven minutes “controversy,” Blaster sez:

Let’s put that in perspective.

In the 40 minutes between the second plane striking the WTC and the plane striking the Pentagon, John Kerry sat, unable to think.

In those same 40 minutes, President Bush spoke to the Vice President, the director of the FBI, the National Security Advisor, and the governor of New York; addressed the nation; and rushed to Air Force One.

And he read a book.


Mike | 8:37 am | Category: Domestic Disputes | Backtalk (4)


Specious (spe·cious, spē′shəs) – ADJECTIVE

Re: the ridiculous assertion that Bush, on the morning of 9/11, should have immediately tossed that crumbsnatcher off his knee, screamed several times, ran around in circles waving his arms over his head, and finally collapsed on the floor in a spastically-quivering heap (or at least that’s what I’m guessing they’re advocating from their ridicule of what actually transpired), John Cole says it plenty good enough for me:

What should he have done? What could he have done? Do you honestly believe he could have stopped one ounce of blood from being spilled? Saved one life? Do you think if he had freaked out and run out of the classroom, we would now have Osama bin Laden in custody? Do you know for sue what information Bush was given, and why he chose to finish the story rather than run out?

If John Kerry had been President, and he left the room when you say he should have, would there be fewer casualties at the World Trade Center? At the Pentagon? at The crash in PA? Would we now have Osama in custody?

I am so sick and tired of this slur from Michael Moore and I hate how the Democrats think this is a reasonable criticism of the President.

Ditto, my friend, right down the line. A while back I read someplace, can’t remember where (might even have been a previous post of John’s, I dunno) that that seven minutes or so of seeming inaction was actually at the specific request of the Secret Service, while they tried to establish whether there was a direct and immediate threat to the President, formulate a plan of action, and get emergency transportation together, which seems reasonable enough to me and is, after all, their job. But it’s pretty clear what’s happening here: the Dems are desperate, they’re grasping at any possible straw they can for a weapon to attack Bush with, and this is just the best they can do. But in the end, my response is: who the hell cares?

We’re talking about seven minutes here, people, seven minutes which made not one shred of difference and couldn’t possibly have anyway. The Left is desperate, they’re pathetic, they’re foolish and unserious, and this is simply the best they can do. It ain’t gonna be anywhere near good enough. If it turns out that it is, well, I guess we deserve what we’re gonna get.

Oh, and by the way, it now appears that the Swift boat vet’s “retraction” might in fact have been another lying liberal lie—John has the goods on that one, too.

Mike | 4:37 pm | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (10)
What a revoltin’ development

ABU GHRAIB —In a shocking and dismaying development in the so-called “War” on so-called “Terror,” I’d just like to make sure that none of you have forgotten about Abu Ghraib.

Update! Tiemann says:

How has this happened? How can there not be anyone on the Left who sees something like this and takes a step back and says, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s not get carried away here—promoting liberal ideas is all well and good, but let’s not turn the very premise of the First Amendment on its ass! Let’s at least practice what we preach, and observe a little self-restraint before we end up rewriting the whole Constitution out of pure spite!”

If these Congressmen don’t find themselves impeached by their own party for flagrant disregard of the Constitution that they’d sworn to uphold, then the Democrats have forfeited any claim even to understand this country’s founding principles, let alone to be trusted to defend them.

So it would indeed seem. I plan to have more on this as soon as I’ve had time to properly mull it over. I may have seemed flippant in my presentation of it today but believe me, I know that this story is far from trivial. Downright frightening is what it is. These Democrats have stepped over a very important line here and need very much to be slapped down, and I mean as hard as it can possibly be done too. Brian’s call for impeachment is in no way overstating the case.

Mike | 1:13 pm | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (3)
Yesterday’s war

The idea of Democrats promoting Kerry as a war hero when most of them think the Vietnam war was a reprehensible mistake was ludicrous from the start, and we’d never have gotten this far with all this if they didn’t need to remind us all that after years of cutting military and intelligence budgets and screaming about US military “adventurism” and “imperialism” they can actually be trusted with the national defense—and I personally think that’d be a lot more worthwhile as a topic of discussion than who did what way back when.

For the record: I never thought Kerry was much of a “hero,” and I think his actions after the war were disgusting. But this story is pretty damned disgusting too.

It’s more than obvious to me that most in the military don’t support Kerry and strongly resent the Democrats in general, and for good reason. On the other hand, it was Bush I who started pushing the so-called “peace dividend,” and I strongly disagreed with that too. There’s an old saw that the military has never achieved a victory that it wasn’t immediately punished for afterwards; the trend toward disarming after a major victory is one that’s cost us plenty, going all the way back to WWI. The Democrats have done more than their share to see that that mistake has been repeated again and again, all while insisting that the US’s interests ought to be subordinate to the UN’s and questioning the motives behind every move we make to defend them. Hence, numbers like these.

The Boomers’ self-obsession is mostly to blame for this never-ending Vietnam quagmire we’re stuck in, I think. For most of them, Vietnam was their shining moment of victory over “the Man,” and they just can’t seem to stop patting themselves on the back for it. I’m a late-era Boomer myself, but damn, enough already. No, the music of the 60s wasn’t the most wonderful ever, it was most certainly not a golden era of brotherly love and peace unlike any that had gone before it, and the clothes and hairstyles were just plain funny-looking. You just weren’t as important as you think you were, and you were wrong just as often as you were right, just like everybody else. Get over yourselves, for Christ’s sake.

I held off on mentioning the Swift boat vets’ ad until now because quarreling over Vietnam just doesn’t hold my interest anymore. While I’m not arguing that past behavior is entirely irrelevant, it’s not nearly as relevant as what Kerry is likely to do now in the WoT, and I think what he’s likely to do is pretty clear: a surrender in all but name. We can argue about that if you like, but we need to get past the Vietnam stuff. ‘Nuff said on that, I think.

It’s looking more and more like this election is going to be the last battle of the Vietnam war, and we’ve got war enough on our hands right freaking now.

(Blobe link via Alphecca; Rasmussen link via VP)

Mike | 9:39 am | Category: Domestic Disputes | Backtalk (19)
Publick Notice

MP3’s and photos from last week’s show are now up at the Painkillers site.

Mike | 8:46 am | Category: Hey y'all, watch this! | Backtalk (0)
Moderate mainstream Americans call for execution

BERKELEY, CA—Mainstream moderate middle-of-the-road Americans called for the execution of an obscure Nazirightwingextremistchickenhawk warblogger today, saying that he had smeared all Democrats as Satanists.

Spokesmen for Democrats United for Communism, a non-partisan thinktank based in a hash mark in Fidel Castro’s underwear, released a statement this morning claiming that “in his most recent post, Nazirightwingextremistwarmongeringchickenhawk warblogger Mike Hendrix flatly and clearly stated that all Democrats worship Satan, particularly those in the entertainment industry.” The “post” the mainstream moderates were referring to is viewable immediately below this one. The scurrilous attack is at the end of the second paragraph.

The press release went on to say that the rightwingextremistNazichickenhawk smear was “unconscionable, in light of the fact that all celebrities are hard-working Americans who support our soldiers, even though they’re all babykillers responsible for murdering billions of innocent ‘terrorists’ all over the world, something they clearly had no business doing because save the whales, no nukes, and free Mumia. This stifling of dissent could only happen in Ashcroft’s Amerikkka, which we love and respect no matter how many little brown people our evil corporations subjugate and torture the way Exxon and Halliburton did at Abu Ghraib. Hendrix must be executed, and we’re willing to forego our usual anti-death-penalty protests just this once as a measure of our bipartisan desire to see justice done.”

Hendrix was unavailable for comment, responding to repeated phone calls with a lot of cursing and saying he had to go lie down and hold his head for a while.

Mike | 7:23 am | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (5)
Breaking, developing, impacting, suppurating

LOS ANGELES —Gidget, the Taco Bell chihuahua* made famous in those commercials most of you have no doubt forgotten about by now, has endorsed John Kerry for President.

“Kerry has called for a ‘more sensitive’ war on terror, and that seems right to me,” Gidget said in a press conference from her palatial gold-plated doghouse in the Hollywood hills. “Kerry seems to be a fine, intelligent, morally upright fellow, unlike that war-mongering moron, that ‘evil genius chimp retard who controls the world and everything in it’ who’s in the White House now. I don’t really care all that much about politics, but when I saw what smart guys like Eddie Vedder and Bruuuuce!™ were saying about Shrubco, I knew I had to speak out. It’s my responsibility as a celebrity to voice my opinion loud and often, and then complain about stifling of dissent. In case you didn’t know, it’s in that contract with Satan we all have to sign.”

Gidget then went back to trembling and eating her own feces.

*Note: this is not a picture of the actual Taco Bell dog, just in case the people at Taco Bell are Democrats and as litigious as others seem to be.

Mike | 7:05 am | Category: The Loony Left | Backtalk (3)
None so blind etc.

Well. Well well well well well well well well well well:

ALBANY, N.Y.  — Information found in Iraq led federal investigators to become suspicious of an Albany, N.Y., mosque leader, FOX News has learned.

Last summer, U.S. troops discovered Yassin Muhhiddin Aref’s name, telephone number and address in a book left behind in a vacated terrorist training camp, a U.S. official told FOX News. The book also revealed that Ansar al-Islam, the group running the camp, had given Aref a title: “the commander.”

Aref, 34, is the Imam of the Masjid As-Salam mosque in Albany, N.Y. He and one other mosque leader were arrested Thursday and charged with helping an undercover informant posing as a weapons dealer who was plotting to buy a shoulder-launched missile that would be used to kill the Pakistani ambassador in New York City.

Large screaming bold type obviously mine, as a visual aid for the wilfully unseeing. But….but…but..but… connection between Saddam’s secular government and Islamist terrorists!! None!! Never!! No dots to connect!! Bush lied people died! Two legs good, four legs better!! Free Mumia!

Keep spluttering, ostriches. Meanwhile the grownups will keep doing the heavy lifting in the evidently thankless job of protecting your blind asses.

And need I even add that if Kerry was President—and if we’d listened to the antiwarriors all along—these guys would likely have gotten those missiles eventually?

Mike | 6:25 am | Category: The War | Backtalk (2)


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