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Trial Begins For Washington Guardsman Ryan Anderson accused of aiding
the enemy
Arnold Calling Oregonians Gov. unveils campaign to bring residents to
* The Semantic Maze
DNC = Socialists for a Fascist World Order |
Intolerant Left: Protesters Hope To Block Delegates From Nominating President In
Time Secret Service concerned about liberal plot
Kerry Stonewalling On Medals Mystery Bush produced records after Kerry demanded
them ... Why won't the Senator do the same?
Al-Sadr Admits Defeat: Call For End Of Fighting Radical terrorist planning
political career in order to avoid death
Terror In The Skies: Links Between Two Chechen Women Grows Both women purchased tickest
at the last minute
NewsCourt Is Back 08.29.04 John Pender
I haven't been drunk or in jail. I've been busy in the business of life.
I've been
living -- temporarily -- in Beaverton, Oregon, working 12-14 hours a day and preparing to buy
a home in Vancouver, Washington.
I've once again returned to the cyber world and
have updated the site with news and opinion that the media puppets don't want you to know about.
Thanks for your patience.
The Democrats New World Agenda 07.28.04 John Pender
It doesn't surprise me that the Democrats are continuing to pound the sixties rhetoric
(opression, race, wimmin's rights) at their National Convention -- or should I say their
International Convention.
Many nations around the globe are still decades behind
the United States in regard to civil rights and the Democrats are taking their case to the citizens of these
Where do the Dems plan to take America should John Kerry be elected in November? Barbara "Sherman Tank" Mukulski used the term
"agenda" during her podium rant Tuesday night. What agenda is that, Barbara?
Watch them closely ...
and see for yourself. Today's liberals are seeking cooperation of international powers in an attempt to dethrone
America as the world's superpower.
Submit ... or Else 07.19.04 John Pender
According to this UK Guardian article,
whites in England are not interested in friendship with minorities and have few friends outside of their own
race. Yet, the same article states that minorities have scores of white friends?
Are whites
unaware of who their friends are? And since when is it the responsibility of whites to reach
out? Could it be native Britons are sick of seeing their nation turned into a cesspool
of potential terrorists?
UK's CRE (Commission on Racial Equality) Chair, Trevor Phillips has an answer: Summer
re-education camps for white teens. The spirit of Uncle Joe Stalin is alive and well. And.
could be coming your hometown in the near future.
Media Bias? 06.15.04 John Pender
According to the Drudge
Report, the LA Times has taken a sample poll resulting in a favorable lead for
liberal John Kerry in the upcoming presidential election. The problem? The poll included
38% Democrats, 25% Republicans.
Is liberal media bias real? You betcha!
July 11, 2004 05.29.04 John Pender
What would be your educated guess on the date of the next terror attack on American
soil? I'm picking 7-11-04. Just a guess, of course.
Our Elite AntiAmericanProIslamoFascist Media 05.12.04 John Pender
Dozens of graphic pictures of Iraqi prisoners are shoved in our faces each day, but the
media has decided -- for our own good, of course -- that the full video clip of an American
being decapitated by terrorist psychopaths is too much for our sensitive eyes and minds to
endure. Bull!
TV news puppets incite outrage against our
president for the actions of a few soldiers, but God forbid, these same clowns would
see us angry over the dispicable killing of an American civilian.
Makes you
wonder who's side the major media is supporting, doesn't it?
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