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Friday | August 20, 2004
GA: Bush leads 54-38, Isakson leads 51-37
PaulMcCord: The latest Strategic Vision poll concludes that George W. Bush and Johnny Isakson are likely to win the races for President and Senator, respectively, within Georgia's borders this November. (Strategic Vision breaks down results of polls in other states by battleground states and by individual states. Currently only 11 of 50 states are featured.) Full post 10:25 | Link | Comments (7)
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CO: Zoning and Poverty
ohwillek2004: When government is a problem rather than a solution, as often as not it is the government "closest to the people" which is at fault. This was certainly true in several heavily minority neighborhoods of North Denver. Zoning ordinances designed to run the residents out of town in the 1950s... Full post 07:52 | Link | Comments (0)
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Thursday | August 19, 2004
CO: Denver Newspaper Flip Flops on Charter School Story.
Blogicus Maximus: A recent series of stories in the Denver Rocky Mountain News reveals the continuing debate over Charter Schools and the continuing reform of the Public School System here in Colorado. However, there are problems with the stories, and with the study the paper cited. Also, Charters are a hot issue in Colorado since the first regular school in the state, Cole Middle, failed to meet its obligations and will be turned into a charter over the next few years. Full post 22:24 | Link | Comments (3)
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WA: Dangerous Dino
Matt Rosenberg: The likely Republican nominee for Governor of Washington, Dino Rossi, is actually a slick huckster whose carefully-manicured image as a likeable suburban moderate - and experienced state legislator - masks an extremist conservative soul. At least, so writes Sandeep Kaushik in Seattle's funky alternative weekly, The Stranger. A lot of... Full post 19:12 | Link | Comments (13)
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AZ: Babbitt gets a boost in Kerry's southwestern strategy
Nonpartisan: Terence Samuel over at The American Prospect writes an article declaring the Southwest Kerry's battleground region, and AZ CD-1 Democratic candidate Paul Babbitt is among the Congressional candidates featured. Full post 15:02 | Link | Comments (9)
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LA: Scalise Drops Out
R Godwin: State Rep.Steve Scalise (R) drops out of the race for the 1st Congressional District's House seat. Full post 14:23 | Link | Comments (1)
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CO: Opponents United
ohwillek2004: The candidates in Colorado's Democratic state house primary in District 52 have shown more grace than Greg Walcher and Matt Smith in the close 3rd Congressional District GOP primary. Unlike their elephantine counterparts, who are trading jabs in the newspapers, the sensible donkeys have put the outcome of the race... Full post 12:46 | Link | Comments (2)
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NC: MoveOn Pac GOTV Should Be Countered by GOP
ggoulder: MoveOn PAC to Hire 500 Organizers in Battleground States for $5 Million Get Out The Vote Campaign....MoveOn PAC has developed the capacity and infrastructure to wage a door-to-door campaign in support of John Kerry in 10,000 neighborhoods in most key battleground states....MoveOn PAC will hire 500 organizers to assist 30,000-plus MoveOn volunteers. Full post 11:13 | Link | Comments (11)
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MO: Nader Fails To Get On Ballot
Kirk: The Missouri Secretary of State announced yesterday that Independent Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader did not get enough signatures verified to get on the Missouri ballot. Nader supporters turned in 12,893 signatures, but only 9,006 could be verified. That left the Nader campaign 994 signatures short. Full post 05:33 | Link | Comments (3)
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Wednesday | August 18, 2004
OR: Nader Ballot Fraud, Part 3
Kari Chisholm: Twice this week, we've reported on the allegations of fraud and forgery on the Nader ballot petitions in Oregon. Now, actual scanned copies of the petition sheets in question are posted over at BlueOregon.com. We report, you decide.... Full post 22:48 | Link | Comments (0)
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MO: Blunt leads McCaskill 49-44
freesoiler2004: According to a poll of 643 likely voters conducted for a Missouri television station (KOMU in Columbia), Matt Blunt is leading Claire McCaskill 49-44. McCaskill has been on television for over two months, while Blunt just started running commercials two weeks ago. What happened to all that momentum McCaskill was... Full post 16:34 | Link | Comments (11)
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LA: GOP In-Fighting in the 3rd District
R Godwin: A look at Republican in-fighting in the open seat race for the Louisiana 3rd Congressional District. Full post 15:28 | Link | Comments (2)
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CO: Colorado in Dead Heat
ohwillek2004: A SurveyUSA poll conducted for 9News in Denver reports that the U.S. Senate race is currently leaning 48% Coors and 47% Salazar. The Presidential race in Colorado is tied with Kerry and Bush both pulling 47% support. The poll surveyed 622 likely voters from August 14-16, 2004 with a margin... Full post 06:18 | Link | Comments (18)
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Tuesday | August 17, 2004
CO: Charters really not smarter??
Blogicus Maximus: One of the Colorado dailies has published a study that says that charter schools score no better than regular schools. But a look at the study reveal some problems; and raises some questions about the story. Also, a look at the Salazar Vs. Coors Senate race. Full post 20:52 | Link | Comments (3)
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WI: Panzer Panic
Owen: Mary Panzer is full blown panic mode. State Senate Majority Leader Mary Panzer is accusing her opponent in the Republican primary, Rep. Glenn Grothman, of refusing invitations to publicly debate her and of lying about her record in the state Legislature. The two West Bend Republicans have agreed to three... Full post 20:04 | Link | Comments (2)
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WI: Spinning The Numbers
Owen: There was some good news out of Wisconsin's Department of Revenue a couple of days ago. The value of Wisconsin's total taxable property increased by 8.45%. This includes increases in property value as well as new construction. This is a great number because it reflects a healthy growth in Wisconsin.... Full post 20:03 | Link | Comments (0)
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MI: Bush Visits West Michigan
John LaPlante: It used to be a truism that Republican candidates could count on Western Michigan to balance out Democratic strongholds in Detroit. In an apparent attempt to pump up the base, President George W. Bush made a trip to Traverse City, Michigan. Traverse City, in the northwestern corner of the Lower... Full post 12:39 | Link | Comments (4)
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AL: Yet Another Judge Asked to Step Down in Siegelman Probe
Kristopher: Is there anyone who can judge this case? We are already on the fourth judge in this matter. This is starting to get really ridiculous. They need to consider bringing in a judge from another jurisdiction who would be much less likely to be as "inbred" as Alabama lawyers and... Full post 04:12 | Link | Comments (0)
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Monday | August 16, 2004
TX: Cost Of Education Debated In School Finance Trial
Vince_L: AUSTIN--Exactly how much it costs to educate a public school student in Texas was the subject of debate during Monday's testimony in the lawsuit challenging the state's share-the-wealth system of school finance as attorneys for districts opposing the system worked to discredit a legislative study used to determine the cost of an adequate education in Texas. Full post 23:51 | Link | Comments (0)
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TX: Democrats Name Weiner As Nomine For Fifth COA District
Vince_L: GREENVILLE--Appellate lawyer David R. Weiner (D-Dallas) was named as the Democratic Party's nominee for Place 12 on the Court of Appeals For The Fifth District of Texas during a special called meeting of Democratic county chairs from the seven counties within the court's jurisdiction Sunday. Full post 23:36 | Link | Comments (2)
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WI: Webcast of 4th District Debate
Owen: Here's a webcast of the debate between the 4th Congressional District candidates.... Full post 20:11 | Link | Comments (0)
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WI Senate Race Heats Up
Owen: Senator Feingold, State Senator Welch, and Tim Michels all released new ads today. Let's take a peek. Senator Feingold Senator Feingold released two new television ads today. The first ad is called "Focus." The text is: I’m U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, and I approved this message because businesses and families... Full post 19:33 | Link | Comments (4)
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GA: Capturing the Senate
Erick: Andy Peters, a reporter for the Macon Telegraph in Macon, Georgia, has a good summation of why the Democrats, most likely, will not be taking back the Georgia Senate. The article is here. For the Democrats to reclaim the majority they lost in 2002, when four Republicans switched parties, they'll... Full post 18:59 | Link | Comments (9)
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AK: Murkowski Revives the Roads Concept
jarfingle: Frank Murkowski brought back the road concept back from the dead yesterday: Gov. Frank Murkowski's new Southeast Alaska transportation plan calls for a road from Juneau to Skagway by 2010. The road issue in Southeast Alaska has been a contentious one for quite a while, and is a pretty significant issue in Southeast Alaska, where the question "Ferries versus roads" pops up all the time. Full post 18:26 | Link | Comments (2)
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WI: State Senator Zien Slams Representative Grothman
Owen: Representative Glenn Grothman is challenging Senator Mary Panzer for her seat. Senator Panzer is the Senate Majority Leader. Senator Zien is the Assistant Senate Majority Leader. Today, Senator Zien endorsed Senator Panzer and ripped Representative Grothman in the process. I like Senator Zien a lot, but I think that he's... Full post 18:15 | Link | Comments (0)
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OR: Nader Ballot Fraud, Part 2 (updated)
Kari Chisholm: Last night, right here at Political State Report, we broke the news of the SEIU fraud and forgery investigation into Nader's petition for the Oregon ballot. At a press conference this morning, SEIU released more evidence. The key item: SEIU Local 49 contacted 269 people whose names were on petition... Full post 15:10 | Link | Comments (1)
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SC: Nader fails to make ballot
Wyeth Wire: Despite turning in 11,000 signatures to the South Carolina Election Commission, Ralph Nader has failed to make the presidential ballot in South Carolina. Full post 14:25 | Link | Comments (0)
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CO: Thomas Leads In 7th CD.
ohwillek2004: According to their own poll, Dave Thomas leads Colorado's 7th Congressional District race, which freshman Republican Bob Beaprez won by just 121 votes in 2000 by a within the margin of error 45-42 margin (Lauer Research poll conducted 7/22-26 for Dave Thomas for Congress; surveyed 443 likely voters; margin of... Full post 13:38 | Link | Comments (3)
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CO: State House Vacancy Filled
ohwillek2004: The House District 50 GOP primary winnner Pamela Groeger has been appointed to fill the vacancy created when term limited State Representative Tambor Williams of Greeley was appointed to a spot on Governor Owens' cabinet as director of regulatory agencies. The now incumbent Groeger will face Democrat James Riesberg, of... Full post 13:11 | Link | Comments (2)
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CO: Initiative Petitions Validated
ohwillek2004: Three of the four ballot issues submitted to the Secretary of State have been qualified to appear on the November ballot. A renewable energy mandate proposal's backers have submitted their signatures but those signatures are still in the review stage. Lawmakers have just three more weeks to call a special... Full post 09:44 | Link | Comments (3)
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Sunday | August 15, 2004
OR: Nader Ballot Fraud (BREAKING NEWS)
Kari Chisholm: This just in: "Widespread fraud and forgery" has been found in the petitions seeking to qualify Ralph Nader for the Oregon ballot, according to an investigation by an Oregon labor union. A press conference is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. PST on Monday. No external links available yet, but we'll be... Full post 23:06 | Link | Comments (2)
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WI: The Race In The 58th
Owen: When Assemblyman Glenn Grothman decided to challenge Mary Panzer for her State Senate seat, he also vacated his seat as the Assemblyman for the 58th district. (On a side note, I would put a link to Panzer's campaign site, but I haven't found one for her yet.) Given the very... Full post 18:52 | Link | Comments (1)
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GA: Marriage to be defined Constitutionally?
PaulMcCord: James Salzer writes for the AJC that Republicans could very well complete their takeover of politics in Georgia. In November, Georgia voters may elect a Republican majority to the state legislature for the first time since Reconstruction, Georgia may have two Republican Senators for the first time in its history, and a conservative Christian definition of marriage may be written into the state's constitution. [Writer's note: editorializing ahead!] Full post 15:48 | Link | Comments (22)
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NC: Sen. Kerry Testing The Waters?
Steve: A new Raleigh News & Observer poll conducted by Research 2000 handicaps the presidential race as Bush/Cheney 48% and Kerry/Edwards 45%. The poll was conducted August 8 through 11 and has a MOE of +/- 4%. A July Research 2000 poll for the News & Observerhad Bush/Cheney 49% and Kerry/Edwards... Full post 06:46 | Link | Comments (1)
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Saturday | August 14, 2004
NE: Congressional Race Update
Steve Woofter: Summer is the time when political candidates in Nebraska spend a lot of time traveling the state appearing at county fairs, festivals and anywhere else they can get their message out. Matt Connealy (D) and Jeff Fortenberry (R), who are vying for the first district's open seat, are doing a lot of that but the race is starting to gather some national interest, as well as stirring some controversy. Full post 16:12 | Link | Comments (0)
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LA: Judge Blocks Vote on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment
R Godwin: Yesterday, a New Orleans judge removed a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage from the Sept.18 ballot. Full post 15:37 | Link | Comments (5)
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NH: Governor's race close
Brendan Hadash: The race in New Hampshire between Democrat John Lynch and Republican governor Benson will be close. The latest UNH poll has Benson leading Lynch 46%-39%. An earlier Becker poll had Lynch just 2 points behind (within the error of margin.) I expect Lynch to win his primary race Sept. 14... Full post 07:52 | Link | Comments (12)
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Friday | August 13, 2004
CO: Denver #1 in Drunken Mayhem
ohwillek2004: It's Friday, and the City of Denver has been rated the most drunk city in the United States based on statistics like DUI arrests, DUI deaths, and liver disease rates over such tough competition as New Orleans. Of course, our Mayor is a brewer, as its one of our U.S.... Full post 09:05 | Link | Comments (1)
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TX: Rodriguez concedes defeat
Charles Kuffner: The Democratic primary election is at long last officially over, as Rep. Ciro Rodriguez has conceded defeat to Henry Cuellar after his latest loss in court. Full post 07:55 | Link | Comments (1)
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Thursday | August 12, 2004
NJ: Governor Admits he's "Gay American"; Resigns Ahead of Lawsuit
Kari Chisholm: News is breaking everywhere that Governor James McGreevey is resigning "because he had a gay affair." But MSNBC is reporting that a sexual harassment lawsuit is being filed today by his former homeland security adviser, Golan Cipel. Of course, the story's not that simple. Cipel resigned after allegations that he... Full post 15:14 | Link | Comments (23)
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CA: CA Supreme Court Invalidates 4,000 Same-Sex Marriages
Scott Lay: The California Supreme Court just handed down an opinion finding that San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom ignored the Family Code's deifinition of marriage as between a man a woman when he authorized the granting of marriage licenses to same-sex couples last fall. Here is the ruling. (pdf) The court ruled... Full post 10:33 | Link | Comments (0)
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Wednesday | August 11, 2004
LA: Alexander to Return Contributions
R Godwin: Congressman Rodney Alexander, a conservative Democrat who switched to the Republicans last week, says he will give refunds of campaign contributions to anyone who requests them. Full post 16:27 | Link | Comments (19)
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VA: Polling in the 8th District
Walt Latham: New polling in Virginia's 8th District shows Jim Moran leading the challenger, Lisa Marie Cheney 44-29, according to the Washington Times's Inside the Beltway. Twenty-seven percent of the voters are undecided, which is surprising given the district's huge preference for Democratic candidates. Cheney is still the underdog, but it's got... Full post 16:16 | Link | Comments (18)
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OR: Nader Nearly Done
Kari Chisholm: With less than a week to go, Ralph Nader's forces have submitted less than one-fourth of the signatures required to get on Oregon's ballot. Of course, even if he makes it, he won't be joined by his running mate - as Peter Camejo is barred from the Oregon ballot. Last... Full post 13:00 | Link | Comments (4)
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PA: Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been?
Ben Waxman: Just when you thought Philadelphia politics couldn’t get any crazier, the Republican Speaker of the House accused his Democratic opponent of being a communist dupe. Seriously.... Full post 06:52 | Link | Comments (1)
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Tuesday | August 10, 2004
GA: Runoff results
jbarber: There were a handful of runoffs this week. You can find the results here. A summary of some of the races: The contentious GA-8 runoff between Lynn Westmoreland and Dylan Glenn ended in a double-digit victory for Westmoreland. In spite of being called an "opportunist" and protesting "racially divisive" push-polling... Full post 21:44 | Link | Comments (20)
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CO: Democratic Primary Results
ohwillek2004: Colorado's primary results are in. First off, the circus will stay in town in Denver. More than 71% of Denver voters opposed a measure to ban circuses with exotic animals. On the Democratic side: Attorney General Ken Salazar prevailed over top line candidate Mike Miles by a 3-1 margin. In... Full post 21:38 | Link | Comments (6)
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CO: Coors Senate Victory Easy. Updated.
Blogicus Maximus: Peter Coors has been declared the winner the the GOP Primary for Colorado's open Senate seat. This sets up a Coors vs. Salazar battle royal heading up to November 2nd. It also is another demonstration of how poorly the polling here in Colorado does in predicting state-wide elections. In Colorado's open Congressional district, Greg Walcher appears to have won a five way primary by 275 votes. He will face John Salazar, Democratic Senate Ken Salazar's brother. Full post 20:40 | Link | Comments (16)
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NM: ABQ Campaign Training on Saturday
Matthew: Latinos for America and Democracy for America are co-sponsoring a campaign organizer training this Saturday, August 14 in Albuquerque. Register Online When? 8 AM - 5 PM, Saturday, August 14 Where? AirDance ArtSpace, 3030 Isleta SW, Albuquerque How Much? $45, includes full day of training and instruction book. Scholarships are... Full post 10:33 | Link | Comments (2)
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CO: Election Day
ohwillek2004: It is primary election day in Colorado from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. MT. Last election, Mayor Hickenlooper restored an early Denver tradition by using his bars as polling places. This election is the first time in Colorado history that a mosque has been used a voting place. Vote early,... Full post 09:31 | Link | Comments (3)
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AL: Investigation of Former AL Governor to Conclude this Week
Kristopher: There will be a decision in a week or two from the federal grand jury investigating former Governor Don Siegelman's activities while in office. Yesterday, Siegelman's longtime assistant Marilyn Rowe and former executive secretary and Director of ADECA, Nick Bailey.Given the identities of the witnesses and comments by some of... Full post 05:08 | Link | Comments (0)
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AZ: Protect Arizona Now's Trojan Horse
Michael Bryan: Protect Arizona Now (PAN), an initiative which will go before Arizona voters in the November election, is a Trojan Horse. The many arguments regarding border policy and protecting the democratic process are cover for deeper political motives among the Initiative’s backers.... Full post 04:52 | Link | Comments (2)
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Monday | August 09, 2004
AL: Bush vs. Kerry Runs Below the Radar in Bama
Kristopher: The AP had an interesting piece that ran in the Miami Herald among other places. It attempts to show that even in a non-swing state, there are still campaign activities ongoing. It appears that the reporter, Jay Reeves really mailed this one in.Republicans don't think they need to do much... Full post 18:27 | Link | Comments (0)
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KS: It's official, Kobach wins 3rd district GOP primary
Mike Silverman: You may recall that a week ago, the GOP primary for the Kansas 3rd District ended in a virtual tie, with Kris Kobach leading Adam Taff by 87 votes out of around 100,000 cast. Today it is official, with Kobach winning the race by 207 votes. He picked up the... Full post 15:21 | Link | Comments (11)
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WA: Republicans wish they had made a better choice for auditor.
Chad Johnson: Will Baker, the candidate that the state GOP filed for their candidate for state auditor, has an exensive record of harrassing politicians.... Full post 13:41 | Link | Comments (3)
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CO: Primary Edition
ohwillek2004: Tomorrow is Colorado's primary election day. The marquee races, of course, are the Democratic and Republican primaries for U.S. Senate. This is followed closely by the wide open five way Republican primary in the 3rd Congressional District where candidates are facing of for the privilege of taking on John Salazar,... Full post 12:53 | Link | Comments (0)
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CO: Few Issues On November Ballot
ohwillek2004: Despite an early rush to get issues on the ballot, now that the dust has settled, it appears that there will be only six statewide ballot issues this year in Colorado, two from the state legislature and four citizen initiatives (three of which are still in the signature counting stage). Full post
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